# Copyright 2020 Red Hat, Inc. # All Rights Reserved. # # Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may # not use this file except in compliance with the License. You may obtain # a copy of the License at # # http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 # # Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software # distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT # WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the # License for the specific language governing permissions and limitations # under the License. DOCUMENTATION = """ --- module: tripleo_all_nodes_data author: - James Slagle (@slagle) version_added: '2.8' short_description: Renders the all_nodes data for TripleO as group_vars notes: [] description: - This module renders the all_nodes data for TripleO as group_vars which are then available on overcloud nodes. options: forks: description: - The number of forks to spawn in parallel to compute the data for each service. Defaults to the forks set for ansible. required: False """ EXAMPLES = """ - name: Render all_nodes data tripleo_all_nodes_data: """ import json from multiprocessing import Manager, Process import os import traceback from ansible.errors import AnsibleError from ansible.plugins.action import ActionBase try: from ansible_collections.ansible.netcommon.plugins.filter import ipaddr except ImportError: from ansible.plugins.filter import ipaddr from ansible.utils.display import Display DISPLAY = Display() class ActionModule(ActionBase): """Renders the all_nodes data for TripleO as group_vars""" def compute_service(self, service, all_nodes): DISPLAY.vv("Processing {}".format(service)) # _enabled: true all_nodes[service + '_enabled'] = True # _node_ips: DISPLAY.vv(" Computing data for {}_node_ips".format(service)) service_network = self.service_net_map.get( service + '_network', 'ctlplane') service_hosts = self.groups.get(service, []) service_node_ips = list( map(lambda host: self.h_vars[host][service_network + '_ip'], service_hosts)) for extra_node_ip in self.all_nodes_extra_map_data.get( service + '_node_ips', []): if extra_node_ip not in service_node_ips: service_node_ips.append(extra_node_ip) all_nodes[service + '_node_ips'] = service_node_ips if self.nova_additional_cell: # _cell_node_names: v = service_network + '_hostname' service_cell_node_names = \ list(map(lambda host: self.h_vars[host][v], service_hosts)) all_nodes[service + '_cell_node_names'] = \ service_cell_node_names else: # _node_names: DISPLAY.vv(" Computing data for {}_node_names".format(service)) v = service_network + '_hostname' service_node_names = \ list(map(lambda host: self.h_vars[host][v], service_hosts)) for extra_node_name in self.all_nodes_extra_map_data.get( service + '_node_names', []): if extra_node_name not in service_node_names: service_node_names.append(extra_node_name) all_nodes[service + '_node_names'] = service_node_names # _short_node_names: DISPLAY.vv(" Computing data for {}_short_node_names".format(service)) service_short_node_names = \ list(map(lambda host: self.h_vars[host]['inventory_hostname'], service_hosts)) for extra_short_node_name in self.all_nodes_extra_map_data.get( service + '_short_node_names', []): if extra_short_node_name not in service_node_names: service_short_node_names.append(extra_short_node_name) all_nodes[service + '_short_node_names'] = \ service_short_node_names # _short_bootstrap_node_name: hostname DISPLAY.vv(" Computing data for {}_short_bootstrap_node_name".format(service)) if self.all_nodes_extra_map_data.get( service + '_short_bootstrap_node_name', None): v = service + '_short_bootstrap_node_name' service_hosts += self.all_nodes_extra_map_data[v] service_hosts.sort() if service_hosts: all_nodes[service + '_short_bootstrap_node_name'] = \ service_hosts[0] # _bootstrap_node_ip: hostname DISPLAY.vv(" Computing data for {}_short_bootstrap_node_ip".format(service)) if self.all_nodes_extra_map_data.get( service + '_bootstrap_node_ip', None): v = service + '_bootstrap_node_ip' service_bootstrap_node_ips = \ service_node_ips.append(self.all_nodes_extra_map_data[v]) else: service_bootstrap_node_ips = service_node_ips if service_bootstrap_node_ips: all_nodes[service + '_bootstrap_node_ip'] = \ service_bootstrap_node_ips[0] def process_services(self, enabled_services, all_nodes, forks): # This breaks up the enabled_services list into smaller lists with # length equal to the number of forks. enabled_services_length = len(enabled_services) for i in range(0, enabled_services_length, forks): # It would be nice to be able to use multiprocessing.Pool here, # however, that resulted in many pickle errors. # For each smaller list, spawn a process to compute each service in # that chunk. end = i + forks if end > enabled_services_length: end = enabled_services_length processes = [Process(target=self.compute_service, args=(enabled_services[x], all_nodes)) for x in range(i, end)] [p.start() for p in processes] [p.join() for p in processes] [p.terminate() for p in processes] def compute_all_nodes(self, all_nodes, task_vars): DISPLAY.vv("Starting compute and render for all_nodes data") # Internal Ansible objects for inventory and variables inventory = self._task.get_variable_manager()._inventory self.groups = inventory.get_groups_dict() # host_vars self.h_vars = self._task.get_variable_manager().get_vars()['hostvars'] # Needed tripleo variables for convenience self.service_net_map = task_vars['service_net_map'] self.nova_additional_cell = task_vars['nova_additional_cell'] self.all_nodes_extra_map_data = task_vars['all_nodes_extra_map_data'] net_vip_map = task_vars['net_vip_map'] enabled_services = task_vars['enabled_services'] primary_role_name = task_vars['primary_role_name'] enabled_services += self.all_nodes_extra_map_data.get( 'enabled_services', []) # make enabled_services unique and sorted enabled_services = list(set(enabled_services)) enabled_services.sort() all_nodes['enabled_services'] = enabled_services forks = self._task.args.get('forks', task_vars['ansible_forks']) DISPLAY.vv("forks set to {}".format(forks)) self.process_services(enabled_services, all_nodes, forks) # : service_network DISPLAY.vv("Computing data for service_net_map") for key, value in self.service_net_map.items(): all_nodes[key] = value # all values from all_nodes_extra_map_data when nova_additional_cell if self.nova_additional_cell: for key, value in self.all_nodes_extra_map_data.items(): all_nodes[key] = value # redis_vip: ip DISPLAY.vv("Computing data for redis_vip") if 'redis' in enabled_services or self.nova_additional_cell: if 'redis_vip' in self.all_nodes_extra_map_data: all_nodes['redis_vip'] = self.all_nodes_extra_map_data['redis_vip'] elif 'redis' in net_vip_map: all_nodes['redis_vip'] = net_vip_map['redis'] # ovn_dbs_vip: ip DISPLAY.vv("Computing data for ovn_dbs_vip") if 'ovn_dbs' in enabled_services or self.nova_additional_cell: if 'ovn_dbs_vip' in self.all_nodes_extra_map_data: all_nodes['ovn_dbs_vip'] = \ self.all_nodes_extra_map_data['ovn_dbs_vip'] elif 'ovn_dbs' in net_vip_map: all_nodes['ovn_dbs_vip'] = net_vip_map['ovn_dbs'] DISPLAY.vv("Computing data for top level vars") all_nodes['deploy_identifier'] = task_vars['deploy_identifier'] all_nodes['stack_action'] = task_vars['stack_action'] all_nodes['stack_update_type'] = task_vars['stack_update_type'] all_nodes['container_cli'] = task_vars['container_cli'] # controller_node_ # note that these are supposed to be strings, not lists DISPLAY.vv("Computing data for controller node ips/names") primary_hosts = self.groups.get(primary_role_name, []) all_nodes['controller_node_ips'] = \ ','.join(list(map(lambda host: self.h_vars[host]['ctlplane_ip'], primary_hosts))) all_nodes['controller_node_names'] = \ ','.join(list(map(lambda host: self.h_vars[host]['inventory_hostname'], primary_hosts))) DISPLAY.vv("Done") def run(self, tmp=None, task_vars=None): """Renders the all_nodes data for TripleO as group_vars""" manager = Manager() all_nodes = manager.dict() try: self.compute_all_nodes(all_nodes, task_vars) all_nodes = dict(all_nodes) all_nodes_path = os.path.join(task_vars['playbook_dir'], 'group_vars', 'overcloud.json') with open(all_nodes_path, 'w') as f: DISPLAY.vv("Rendering all_nodes to {}".format(all_nodes_path)) json.dump(all_nodes, f, sort_keys=True, indent=4) except Exception as e: DISPLAY.error(traceback.format_exc()) raise AnsibleError(str(e)) finally: manager.shutdown() # multiprocessing can hang the plugin exit if there are still # references to the Manager() object. Even though we have called # .shutdown(), clean up all_nodes just to be safe. all_nodes = None DISPLAY.vv("returning") return dict(all_nodes=all_nodes)