--- - import_playbook: ../common/verify.yml - name: "Verify collectd exec plugin" hosts: all tasks: - name: "Check that the exec plugin config file exists" stat: path: '/etc/collectd.d/exec.conf' register: output failed_when: - not output.stat.exists - name: "Get contents of exec file" slurp: path: /etc/collectd.d/exec.conf register: exec_conf failed_when: - '"Exec \"collectd:collectd\" \"collectd-sensubility\"" not in exec_conf.content | b64decode' - name: Check that the sensubility file exists stat: path: '/etc/collectd-sensubility.conf' register: output failed_when: - not output.stat.exists - name: "Get contents of the generated collectd-sensubility file" slurp: src: /etc/collectd-sensubility.conf register: sensubility_conf - name: "Show the contents of generated collectd-sensubility file" debug: msg: "{{ sensubility_conf.content | b64decode }}" - name: "Check the contents of generated collectd-sensubility.conf file" assert: that: - '"connection=amqp://sensu:sensu@localhost:5672//sensu" in sensubility_conf.content | b64decode' - '"client_name=standalone.ctlplane.localdomain" in sensubility_conf.content | b64decode' - '"client_address=" in sensubility_conf.content | b64decode' - '"keepalive_interval=20" in sensubility_conf.content | b64decode' - '"tmp_base_dir=/var/tmp/collectd-sensubility-checks" in sensubility_conf.content | b64decode' - '"shell_path=/usr/bin/sh" in sensubility_conf.content | b64decode' - '"worker_count=2" in sensubility_conf.content | b64decode' success_msg: "Expected content found in collectd-sensubility.conf" - name: "Check that the sensubility sudoers file has been created" stat: path: /etc/sudoers.d/sensubility_collectd register: sudoer_file failed_when: - not sudoer_file.stat.exists - name: "Check that the sensubility sudoers file has been populated" slurp: src: /etc/sudoers.d/sensubility_collectd register: sensubility_sudoers failed_when: - 'not "collectd ALL = NOPASSWD: ALL" in sensubility_sudoers.content | b64decode'