#!/usr/bin/python # Copyright (c) 2019 OpenStack Foundation # All Rights Reserved. # # Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may # not use this file except in compliance with the License. You may obtain # a copy of the License at # # http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 # # Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software # distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT # WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the # License for the specific language governing permissions and limitations # under the License. # flake8: noqa: E501 __metaclass__ = type ANSIBLE_METADATA = {'metadata_version': '1.1', 'status': ['preview'], 'supported_by': 'community'} DOCUMENTATION = ''' --- module: os_baremetal_node_info short_description: Show info about baremetal nodes of Ironic extends_documentation_fragment: openstack author: - "Sagi Shnaidman (@sshnaidm)" version_added: "2.10" description: - Requests Ironic for nodes info. options: mac: description: - unique mac address that is used to attempt to identify the host. type: str required: False uuid: description: - globally unique identifier (UUID) to identify the host. type: str required: False name: description: - unique name identifier to identify the host in Ironic. type: str required: False ironic_url: description: - If noauth mode is utilized, this is required to be set to the endpoint URL for the Ironic API. Use with "auth" and "auth_type" settings set to None. type: str required: False filters: description: - Filters to pass for Ironic client type: dict default: {} suboptions: associated: description: - Only return those which are, or are not, associated with an instance_id. type: str required: False conductor_group: description: - Only return those in the specified conductor_group. type: str required: False driver: description: - Only return those with the specified driver. type: str required: False fault: description: - Only return those with the specified fault type. type: str required: False instance_id: description: - Only return the node with this specific instance UUID or an empty set if not found. type: str required: False is_maintenance: description: - Only return those with maintenance set to True or False. type: bool required: False limit: description: - Requests at most the specified number of nodes be returned from the query. type: int required: False marker: description: - Specifies the ID of the last-seen node. Use the limit parameter to make an initial limited request and use the ID of the last-seen node from the response as the marker value in a subsequent limited request. type: str required: False provision_state: description: - Only return those nodes with the specified provision_state. type: str required: False resource_class: description: - Only return those with the specified resource_class. type: str required: False sort_dir: description: - Sorts the response by the requested sort direction. A valid value is asc (ascending) or desc (descending). Default is asc. You can specify multiple pairs of sort key and sort direction query parameters. If you omit the sort direction in a pair, the API uses the natural sorting direction of the server attribute that is provided as the sort_key. type: str required: False choices: - asc - desc sort_key: description: - Sorts the response by the this attribute value. Default is id. You can specify multiple pairs of sort key and sort direction query parameters. If you omit the sort direction in a pair, the API uses the natural sorting direction of the server attribute that is provided as the sort_key. type: str required: False requirements: ["openstacksdk"] ''' RETURN = ''' baremetal_nodes: description: Dictionary of new facts representing discovered properties of the node. returned: changed type: list sample: [ { "allocation_id": null, "bios_interface": "no-bios", "boot_interface": "ipxe", "chassis_id": null, "clean_step": {}, "conductor": "undercloud.localdomain", "conductor_group": "", "console_interface": "ipmitool-socat", "created_at": "2019-11-13T09:01:36+00:00", "deploy_interface": "iscsi", "deploy_step": {}, "driver": "ipmi", "driver_info": { "deploy_kernel": "file:///var/lib/ironic/httpboot/agent.kernel", "deploy_ramdisk": "file:///var/lib/ironic/httpboot/agent.ramdisk", "ipmi_address": "", "ipmi_password": "******", "ipmi_username": "admin", "rescue_kernel": "file:///var/lib/ironic/httpboot/agent.kernel", "rescue_ramdisk": "file:///var/lib/ironic/httpboot/agent.ramdisk" }, "driver_internal_info": { "agent_cached_clean_steps": { "deploy": [ { "abortable": true, "interface": "deploy", "priority": 99, "reboot_requested": false, "step": "erase_devices_metadata" }, { "abortable": true, "interface": "deploy", "priority": 10, "reboot_requested": false, "step": "erase_devices" } ], "raid": [ { "abortable": true, "interface": "raid", "priority": 0, "reboot_requested": false, "step": "create_configuration" }, { "abortable": true, "interface": "raid", "priority": 0, "reboot_requested": false, "step": "delete_configuration" } ] }, "agent_cached_clean_steps_refreshed": "2019-11-13 09:06:10.069764", "agent_continue_if_ata_erase_failed": false, "agent_enable_ata_secure_erase": true, "agent_erase_devices_iterations": 1, "agent_erase_devices_zeroize": true, "agent_last_heartbeat": "2019-11-13T09:27:45.360292", "agent_url": "", "agent_version": "5.1.0.dev23", "clean_steps": null, "deploy_boot_mode": "bios", "deploy_steps": null, "disk_erasure_concurrency": 1, "hardware_manager_version": { "generic_hardware_manager": "1.1" }, "is_whole_disk_image": false, "last_power_state_change": "2019-11-13T09:30:28.924594", "root_uuid_or_disk_id": "ccd53b26-429c-494a-ae99-bd244e6c488b" }, "extra": {}, "fault": null, "id": "400b3cd0-d134-417b-8f0e-63e273e01e5a", "inspect_interface": "inspector", "instance_id": "6911e6d6-c2e0-41df-ad88-3e4ab014e24c", "instance_info": { "configdrive": "******", "display_name": "overcloud-controller-2", "image_source": "e1712507-7d7c-4ee1-8cc7-155cc2c698f5", "local_gb": "79", "memory_mb": "4096", "nova_host_id": "undercloud.localdomain", "root_gb": "40", "swap_mb": "0", "vcpus": "1" }, "is_automated_clean_enabled": null, "is_console_enabled": false, "is_maintenance": false, "is_protected": false, "last_error": null, "links": [ { "href": "", "rel": "self" }, { "href": "", "rel": "bookmark" } ], "location": { "cloud": "undercloud", "project": { "domain_id": null, "domain_name": "Default", "id": "5cd4120087264bb2b28f4413501e639a", "name": "admin" }, "region_name": "regionOne", "zone": null }, "maintenance_reason": null, "management_interface": "ipmitool", "name": "baremetal-1010-0", "network_interface": "flat", "port_groups": [ { "href": "", "rel": "self" }, { "href": "", "rel": "bookmark" } ], "ports": [ { "href": "", "rel": "self" }, { "href": "", "rel": "bookmark" } ], "power_interface": "ipmitool", "power_state": "power on", "properties": { "capabilities": "cpu_vt:true,cpu_aes:true,cpu_hugepages_1g:true,cpu_hugepages:true,boot_option:local", "cpu_arch": "x86_64", "cpus": "4", "local_gb": "79", "memory_mb": "8192" }, "protected_reason": null, "provision_state": "active", "raid_config": {}, "raid_interface": "no-raid", "rescue_interface": "agent", "reservation": null, "resource_class": "baremetal", "states": [ { "href": "", "rel": "self" }, { "href": "", "rel": "bookmark" } ], "storage_interface": "noop", "target_power_state": null, "target_provision_state": null, "target_raid_config": {}, "traits": [], "updated_at": "2019-11-13T09:30:47+00:00", "vendor_interface": "ipmitool" } ] ''' # noqa EXAMPLES = ''' # Invoke node inspection - os_baremetal_node_info: name: "testnode1" - os_baremetal_node_info: cloud: undercloud filters: is_maintenance: true ''' import yaml from ansible.module_utils.basic import AnsibleModule from ansible.module_utils.openstack import openstack_full_argument_spec from ansible.module_utils.openstack import openstack_module_kwargs from ansible.module_utils.openstack import openstack_cloud_from_module def _choose_id_value(module): if module.params['uuid']: return module.params['uuid'] if module.params['name']: return module.params['name'] return None def main(): argument_spec = openstack_full_argument_spec( **yaml.safe_load(DOCUMENTATION)['options'] ) module_kwargs = openstack_module_kwargs() module = AnsibleModule( argument_spec, supports_check_mode=False, **module_kwargs ) sdk, cloud = openstack_cloud_from_module(module) try: if module.params['name'] or module.params['uuid']: result = cloud.get_machine(_choose_id_value(module)) elif module.params['mac']: result = cloud.get_machine_by_mac(module.params['mac']) else: result = list(cloud.baremetal.nodes(details=True, **module.params['filters'])) module.exit_json(changed=False, baremetal_nodes=result) except sdk.exceptions.OpenStackCloudException as e: module.fail_json(msg=str(e)) if __name__ == "__main__": main()