# Copyright 2021 Red Hat, Inc. # All Rights Reserved. # # Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may # not use this file except in compliance with the License. You may obtain # a copy of the License at # # http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 # # Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software # distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT # WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the # License for the specific language governing permissions and limitations # under the License. """Test the methods of the ceph_spec_bootstrap module""" import yaml from tripleo_ansible.ansible_plugins.modules import ceph_spec_bootstrap from tripleo_ansible.tests import base as tests_base class TestCephSpecBootstrap(tests_base.TestCase): """Test the methods of the ceph_spec_bootstrap module""" def test_metal_roles_based_spec(self): """verify we can build a ceph spec and supporting data structures from a mealsmith and tripleo roles file """ ceph_service_types = ['mon', 'mgr', 'osd'] metal = "roles/tripleo_cephadm/molecule/default/mock/mock_deployed_metal.yaml" tripleo_roles = "roles/tripleo_cephadm/molecule/default/mock/mock_overcloud_roles.yaml" roles_to_svcs = ceph_spec_bootstrap.get_roles_to_svcs_from_roles(tripleo_roles) expected = { 'Compute': [], 'CephStorage': ['CephOSD'], 'Controller': ['CephMgr', 'CephMon']} self.assertEqual(roles_to_svcs, expected) roles = roles_to_svcs.keys() roles_to_hosts = ceph_spec_bootstrap.get_deployed_roles_to_hosts(metal, roles) expected = { 'Controller': ['oc0-controller-0', 'oc0-controller-1', 'oc0-controller-2'], 'Compute': ['oc0-compute-0'], 'CephStorage': ['oc0-ceph-0', 'oc0-ceph-1', 'oc0-ceph-2'] } self.assertEqual(roles_to_hosts, expected) hosts_to_ips = ceph_spec_bootstrap.get_deployed_hosts_to_ips(metal) expected = {'oc0-ceph-0': '', 'oc0-ceph-1': '', 'oc0-ceph-2': '', 'oc0-compute-0': '', 'oc0-controller-0': '', 'oc0-controller-1': '', 'oc0-controller-2': ''} self.assertEqual(hosts_to_ips, expected) label_map = ceph_spec_bootstrap.get_label_map(hosts_to_ips, roles_to_svcs, roles_to_hosts, ceph_service_types) expected = {'oc0-ceph-0': ['osd'], 'oc0-ceph-1': ['osd'], 'oc0-ceph-2': ['osd'], 'oc0-compute-0': [], 'oc0-controller-0': ['mgr', 'mon'], 'oc0-controller-1': ['mgr', 'mon'], 'oc0-controller-2': ['mgr', 'mon']} self.assertEqual(label_map, expected) specs = ceph_spec_bootstrap.get_specs(hosts_to_ips, label_map, ceph_service_types) expected = [ {'service_type': 'host', 'addr': '', 'hostname': 'oc0-ceph-0', 'labels': ['osd']}, {'service_type': 'host', 'addr': '', 'hostname': 'oc0-ceph-1', 'labels': ['osd']}, {'service_type': 'host', 'addr': '', 'hostname': 'oc0-ceph-2', 'labels': ['osd']}, {'service_type': 'host', 'addr': '', 'hostname': 'oc0-controller-0', 'labels': ['mgr', 'mon']}, {'service_type': 'host', 'addr': '', 'hostname': 'oc0-controller-1', 'labels': ['mgr', 'mon']}, {'service_type': 'host', 'addr': '', 'hostname': 'oc0-controller-2', 'labels': ['mgr', 'mon']}, { 'service_type': 'mon', 'service_name': 'mon', 'service_id': 'mon', 'placement': { 'hosts': ['oc0-controller-0', 'oc0-controller-1', 'oc0-controller-2'] } }, { 'service_type': 'mgr', 'service_name': 'mgr', 'service_id': 'mgr', 'placement': { 'hosts': ['oc0-controller-0', 'oc0-controller-1', 'oc0-controller-2'] } }, { 'service_type': 'osd', 'service_name': 'osd.default_drive_group', 'service_id': 'default_drive_group', 'placement': { 'hosts': ['oc0-ceph-0', 'oc0-ceph-1', 'oc0-ceph-2'] }, 'data_devices': {'all': True} } ] self.assertEqual(specs, expected) def test_inventory_based_spec(self): """verify we can build a ceph spec and supporting data structures from from a tripleo-ansible inventory """ ceph_service_types = ['mon', 'mgr', 'osd'] inventory_file = "roles/tripleo_cephadm/molecule/default/mock/mock_inventory.yml" with open(inventory_file, 'r') as stream: inventory = yaml.safe_load(stream) roles_to_svcs = ceph_spec_bootstrap.get_roles_to_svcs_from_inventory(inventory) expected = {'Standalone': ['CephOSD', 'CephMgr', 'CephMon']} self.assertEqual(roles_to_svcs, expected) roles = roles_to_svcs.keys() hosts_to_ips = ceph_spec_bootstrap.get_inventory_hosts_to_ips(inventory, roles) expected = {'standalone': ''} self.assertEqual(hosts_to_ips, expected) roles_to_hosts = ceph_spec_bootstrap.get_inventory_roles_to_hosts(inventory, roles) expected = {'Standalone': ['standalone']} self.assertEqual(roles_to_hosts, expected) label_map = ceph_spec_bootstrap.get_label_map(hosts_to_ips, roles_to_svcs, roles_to_hosts, ceph_service_types) expected = {'standalone': ['osd', 'mgr', 'mon']} self.assertEqual(label_map, expected) specs = ceph_spec_bootstrap.get_specs(hosts_to_ips, label_map, ceph_service_types) expected = [{'addr': '', 'hostname': 'standalone', 'labels': ['osd', 'mgr', 'mon'], 'service_type': 'host'}, {'placement': {'hosts': ['standalone']}, 'service_id': 'mon', 'service_name': 'mon', 'service_type': 'mon'}, {'placement': {'hosts': ['standalone']}, 'service_id': 'mgr', 'service_name': 'mgr', 'service_type': 'mgr'}, {'data_devices': {'all': True}, 'placement': {'hosts': ['standalone']}, 'service_id': 'default_drive_group', 'service_name': 'osd.default_drive_group', 'service_type': 'osd'}] self.assertEqual(specs, expected)