Ansible Role to manage a ceph-ansible fetch directory ===================================================== When scaling Ceph monitors, ceph-ansible uses context from the fetch_directory to prevent new monitors from trying to bootstrap a new Ceph cluster This role saves the fetch_directory to either Swift or a local directory after each ceph-ansible playbook run; and if there is a backup of fetch directory in Swift or the specificied local directory, restores it before each ceph-ansible playbook run. The main.yml does not include the backup_and_clean.yml because that should be run separately as a post task as needed by a separate import using tasks_from. Requirements ------------ None Role Variables -------------- - ceph_ansible_tarball_name: The name of the file which will contain a tar.gz backup of the ceph-ansible fetch directory. Used for both the local and swift backup methods. (default: 'temporary_dir.tar.gz') - old_ceph_ansible_tarball_name: The name of the file which will be saved in /tmp when the ceph-ansible fetch directory is downloaded from Swift. Not used for local backups and only used for Swift backups. (default: 'temporary_dir_old.tar.gz') - new_ceph_ansible_tarball_name: The name of the file which will be saved in /tmp after ceph-ansible runs and then uploaded to Swift. Not used for local backups only only used for Swift backups. (default: 'temporary_dir_new.tar.gz') Dependencies ------------ - tripleo-ceph-common - tripleo-ceph-work-dir