--- - name: Converge hosts: all tasks: - name: Test podman_container become: true block: - name: Delete all container leftovers from tests podman_container: name: "{{ item }}" state: absent loop: - "ubi-minimal" - "container" - "container2" - name: Test no image with default action podman_container: name: container ignore_errors: true register: no_image - name: Test no image with state 'started' podman_container: name: container state: started ignore_errors: true register: no_image1 - name: Test no image with state 'present' podman_container: name: container state: present ignore_errors: true register: no_image2 - name: Check no image assert: that: - no_image is failed - no_image1 is failed - no_image2 is failed - no_image.msg == "State 'started' required image to be configured!" - no_image1.msg == "State 'started' required image to be configured!" - no_image2.msg == "State 'present' required image to be configured!" fail_msg: No image test failed! success_msg: No image test passed! - name: Ensure image doesn't exist podman_image: name: registry.access.redhat.com/ubi8/ubi-minimal state: absent - name: Check pulling image podman_container: name: container image: registry.access.redhat.com/ubi8/ubi-minimal state: present command: sleep 1d register: image - name: Check using already pulled image podman_container: name: container2 image: registry.access.redhat.com/ubi8/ubi-minimal state: present command: sleep 1d register: image2 - name: Check output is correct assert: that: - image is changed - image.container is defined - image.container['State']['Running'] - "'pulled image registry.access.redhat.com/ubi8/ubi-minimal' in image.actions" - "'started container' in image.actions" - image2 is changed - image2.container is defined - image2.container['State']['Running'] - "'pulled image registry.access.redhat.com/ubi8/ubi-minimal' not in image2.actions" - "'started container2' in image2.actions" fail_msg: Pulling image test failed! success_msg: Pulling image test passed! - name: Check failed image pull podman_container: name: container image: ineverneverneverexist state: present command: sleep 1d register: imagefail ignore_errors: true - name: Check output is correct assert: that: - imagefail is failed - imagefail.msg == "Can't pull image ineverneverneverexist" - name: Force container recreate podman_container: name: container image: registry.access.redhat.com/ubi8/ubi-minimal state: present command: sleep 1d recreate: true register: recreated - name: Check output is correct assert: that: - recreated is changed - recreated.container is defined - recreated.container['State']['Running'] - "'recreated container' in recreated.actions" fail_msg: Force recreate test failed! success_msg: Force recreate test passed! - name: Stop container podman_container: name: container state: stopped register: stopped - name: Stop the same container again (idempotency) podman_container: name: container state: stopped register: stopped_again - name: Check output is correct assert: that: - stopped is changed - stopped.container is defined - not stopped.container['State']['Running'] - "'stopped container' in stopped.actions" - stopped_again is not changed - stopped_again.container is defined - not stopped_again.container['State']['Running'] - stopped_again.actions == [] fail_msg: Stopping container test failed! success_msg: Stopping container test passed! - name: Delete stopped container podman_container: name: container state: absent register: deleted - name: Delete again container (idempotency) podman_container: name: container state: absent register: deleted_again - name: Check output is correct assert: that: - deleted is changed - deleted.container is defined - deleted.container == {} - "'deleted container' in deleted.actions" - deleted_again is not changed - deleted_again.container is defined - deleted_again.container == {} - deleted_again.actions == [] fail_msg: Deleting stopped container test failed! success_msg: Deleting stopped container test passed! - name: Create container, but don't run podman_container: name: container image: registry.access.redhat.com/ubi8/ubi-minimal state: stopped command: sleep 1d register: created - name: Check output is correct assert: that: - created is changed - created.container is defined - created.container != {} - not created.container['State']['Running'] - "'created container' in created.actions" fail_msg: "Creating stopped container test failed!" success_msg: "Creating stopped container test passed!" - name: Delete created container podman_container: name: container state: absent - name: Start container that was deleted podman_container: name: container image: registry.access.redhat.com/ubi8/ubi-minimal state: started command: sleep 1d register: started - name: Check output is correct assert: that: - started is changed - started.container is defined - started.container['State']['Running'] - "'pulled image registry.access.redhat.com/ubi8/ubi-minimal' not in started.actions" - name: Delete started container podman_container: name: container state: absent register: deleted - name: Delete again container (idempotency) podman_container: name: container state: absent register: deleted_again - name: Check output is correct assert: that: - deleted is changed - deleted.container is defined - deleted.container == {} - "'deleted container' in deleted.actions" - deleted_again is not changed - deleted_again.container is defined - deleted_again.container == {} - deleted_again.actions == [] fail_msg: Deleting started container test failed! success_msg: Deleting started container test passed! - name: Recreate container with parameters podman_container: name: container image: registry.access.redhat.com/ubi8/ubi-minimal state: started command: sleep 1d recreate: true etc_hosts: host1: host2: annotation: this: "annotation_value" dns: - - dns_search: example.com cap_add: - SYS_TIME - NET_ADMIN publish: - "9000:80" - "9001:8000" workdir: "/bin" env: FOO: bar BAR: foo TEST: 1 BOOL: false label: somelabel: labelvalue otheralbe: othervalue volumes: - /tmp:/data register: test - name: Check output is correct assert: that: - test is changed - test.container is defined - test.container != {} - test.container['State']['Running'] # test capabilities - "'CAP_SYS_TIME' in test.container['BoundingCaps']" - "'CAP_NET_ADMIN' in test.container['BoundingCaps']" # test annotations - test.container['Config']['Annotations']['this'] is defined - test.container['Config']['Annotations']['this'] == "annotation_value" # test DNS - >- (test.container['HostConfig']['Dns'] is defined and test.container['HostConfig']['Dns'] == ['', '']) or (test.container['HostConfig']['DNS'] is defined and test.container['HostConfig']['DNS'] == ['', '']) # test ports - test.container['NetworkSettings']['Ports']|length == 2 # test working dir - test.container['Config']['WorkingDir'] == "/bin" # test dns search - >- (test.container['HostConfig']['DnsSearch'] is defined and test.container['HostConfig']['DnsSearch'] == ['example.com']) or (test.container['HostConfig']['DNSSearch'] is defined and test.container['HostConfig']['DNSSearch'] == ['example.com']) # test environment variables - "'FOO=bar' in test.container['Config']['Env']" - "'BAR=foo' in test.container['Config']['Env']" - "'TEST=1' in test.container['Config']['Env']" - "'BOOL=False' in test.container['Config']['Env']" # test labels - test.container['Config']['Labels'] | length >= 2 - test.container['Config']['Labels']['somelabel'] == "labelvalue" - test.container['Config']['Labels']['otheralbe'] == "othervalue" # test mounts - >- (test.container['Mounts'][0]['Destination'] is defined and '/data' in test.container['Mounts'] | map(attribute='Destination') | list) or (test.container['Mounts'][0]['destination'] is defined and '/data' in test.container['Mounts'] | map(attribute='destination') | list) - >- (test.container['Mounts'][0]['Source'] is defined and '/tmp' in test.container['Mounts'] | map(attribute='Source') | list) or (test.container['Mounts'][0]['source'] is defined and '/tmp' in test.container['Mounts'] | map(attribute='source') | list) fail_msg: Parameters container test failed! success_msg: Parameters container test passed! - name: Check basic idempotency of running container podman_container: name: testidem image: registry.access.redhat.com/ubi8/ubi-minimal state: present command: sleep 20m - name: Check basic idempotency of running container - run it again podman_container: name: testidem image: ubi-minimal:latest state: present command: sleep 20m register: idem - name: Check that nothing was changed assert: that: - not idem.changed - name: Run changed container (with tty enabled) podman_container: name: testidem image: ubi-minimal state: present command: sleep 20m tty: true register: idem1 - name: Check that container is recreated when changed assert: that: - idem1 is changed - name: Run changed container without specifying an option, use defaults podman_container: name: testidem image: ubi-minimal state: present command: sleep 20m register: idem2 - name: Check that container is recreated when changed to default value assert: that: - idem2 is changed - name: Remove container podman_container: name: testidem state: absent register: remove - name: Check podman_actions assert: that: - "'podman rm -f testidem' in remove.podman_actions" - name: Check basic idempotency of pod container podman_container: name: testidem-pod image: registry.access.redhat.com/ubi8/ubi-minimal state: present command: sleep 20m pod: "new:testidempod" - name: Check basic idempotency of pod container - run it again podman_container: name: testidem-pod image: ubi-minimal:latest state: present command: sleep 20m pod: testidempod register: idem - name: Check that nothing was changed in pod containers assert: that: - not idem.changed - name: Run changed pod container (with tty enabled) podman_container: name: testidem-pod image: ubi-minimal state: present command: sleep 20m tty: true pod: testidempod register: idem1 - name: Check that container is recreated when changed assert: that: - idem1 is changed - name: Remove container podman_container: name: testidem-pod state: absent always: - name: Delete all container leftovers from tests podman_container: name: "{{ item }}" state: absent loop: - "container" - "container2" - "ubi-minimal" - "web" - "test" - "testidem" - name: Remove pod shell: podman pod rm -f testidempod