#!/usr/bin/python # -*- coding: utf-8 -*- # Copyright 2021 Red Hat, Inc. # All Rights Reserved. # # Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may # not use this file except in compliance with the License. You may obtain # a copy of the License at # # http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 # # Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software # distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT # WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the # License for the specific language governing permissions and limitations # under the License. # from concurrent import futures import yaml try: from ansible.module_utils import network_data_v2 as n_utils except ImportError: from tripleo_ansible.ansible_plugins.module_utils import network_data_v2 as n_utils # noqa from ansible.module_utils.basic import AnsibleModule from ansible.module_utils.openstack import openstack_full_argument_spec from ansible.module_utils.openstack import openstack_module_kwargs from ansible.module_utils.openstack import openstack_cloud_from_module ANSIBLE_METADATA = { 'metadata_version': '1.1', 'status': ['preview'], 'supported_by': 'community' } DOCUMENTATION = ''' --- module: tripleo_overcloud_network_vip_provision short_description: Extract information on provisioned overcloud Virtual IPs version_added: "2.8" description: - Extract information about provisioned network Virtual IP resources in overcloud heat stack. options: stack_name: description: - Name of the overcloud heat stack type: str vip_data: description: - Dictionary of network Virtual IP definitions type: list elements: dict suboptions: name: description: - Virtual IP name (optional) type: str network: description: - Neutron Network name type: str required: True ip_address: description: - IP address (Optional) type: str subnet: description: - Neutron Subnet name (Optional) type: str dns_name: description: - Dns Name type: str required: True default: overcloud concurrency: description: - Maximum number of ports to provision at once. Set to 0 to have no concurrency limit type: int default: 0 author: - Harald Jensås ''' EXAMPLES = ''' - name: Provision Overcloud Virtual IPs tripleo_overcloud_vip_provision: stack_name: overcloud vip_data: - dns_name: overcloud ip_address: name: storage_mgmt_virtual_ip network: storage_mgmt subnet: storage_mgmt_subnet - dns_name: overcloud ip_address: name: internal_api_virtual_ip network: internal_api subnet: internal_api_subnet - dns_name: overcloud ip_address: name: storage_virtual_ip network: storage subnet: storage_subnet - dns_name: overcloud ip_address: name: external_virtual_ip network: external subnet: external_subnet - dns_name: overcloud ip_address: name: control_virtual_ip network: ctlplane subnet: ctlplane-subnet ''' def create_port_def(vip_spec, net_maps): vip_spec.setdefault('dns_name', 'overcloud') net_info = net_maps['by_name'][vip_spec['network']] port_def = dict(network_id=net_info['id'], dns_name=vip_spec['dns_name']) if vip_spec['network'] == 'ctlplane' and not vip_spec.get('name'): port_def['name'] = 'control' + n_utils.NET_VIP_SUFFIX else: port_def['name'] = (vip_spec['name'] if vip_spec.get('name') else vip_spec['network'] + n_utils.NET_VIP_SUFFIX) if vip_spec.get('ip_address'): port_def['fixed_ips'] = [{'ip_address': vip_spec['ip_address']}] elif vip_spec.get('subnet'): port_def['fixed_ips'] = [ {'subnet_id': net_info['subnets'][vip_spec['subnet']]}] elif len(net_info['subnets']) == 1: port_def['fixed_ips'] = [ {'subnet_id': list(net_info['subnets'].values())[0]}] else: raise Exception( 'Network {} has multiple subnets, please add a subnet or an ' 'ip_address for the vip on whit network.'.format( vip_spec['network'])) return port_def def provision_vip_port(conn, stack, net_maps, vip_spec): port_def = create_port_def(vip_spec, net_maps) tags = ['tripleo_stack_name={}'.format(stack), 'tripleo_vip_net={}'.format(vip_spec['network'])] ports = conn.network.ports( network_id=net_maps['by_name'][vip_spec['network']]['id'], tags=tags) try: port = next(ports) del port_def['network_id'] for k, v in port_def.items(): if port.get(k) != v: conn.network.update_port(port.id, **port_def) break except StopIteration: port = conn.network.create_port(**port_def) conn.network.set_tags(port, tags) def validate_vip_nets_in_net_map(vip_data, net_maps): for vip in vip_data: if not vip['network'] in net_maps['by_name']: raise Exception('Network {} for Virtual IP not found.'.format( vip['network'])) if (vip.get('subnet') and not vip.get('subnet') in net_maps['by_name'][ vip['network']]['subnets']): raise Exception( 'Subnet {} for Virtual IP not found on network {}.'.format( vip['subnet'], vip['network'])) def run_module(): result = dict( success=False, changed=False, error="", ) argument_spec = openstack_full_argument_spec( **yaml.safe_load(DOCUMENTATION)['options'] ) module = AnsibleModule( argument_spec, supports_check_mode=False, **openstack_module_kwargs() ) concurrency = module.params['concurrency'] stack = module.params['stack_name'] vip_data = module.params['vip_data'] try: _, conn = openstack_cloud_from_module(module) net_maps = n_utils.create_name_id_maps(conn) validate_vip_nets_in_net_map(vip_data, net_maps) # no limit on concurrency, create a worker for every vip if concurrency < 1: concurrency = len(vip_data) exceptions = list() provision_jobs = list() with futures.ThreadPoolExecutor(max_workers=concurrency) as p: for vip_spec in vip_data: provision_jobs.append(p.submit( provision_vip_port, conn, stack, net_maps, vip_spec)) for job in futures.as_completed(provision_jobs): e = job.exception() if e: exceptions.append(e) if exceptions: raise exceptions[0] result['success'] = True module.exit_json(**result) except Exception as err: result['error'] = str(err) result['msg'] = ("Error provisioning Virtual IPs for overcloud stack " "{stack_name}: {error}".format(stack_name=stack, error=err)) module.fail_json(**result) def main(): run_module() if __name__ == '__main__': main()