Grzegorz Grasza 3bfbb34d71 Add security related podman options
These options can be used instead of the --privileged option with
some containerised services in TripleO.

Change-Id: If1d97e5f1697fdc1d6a7b845cf116d54b1897245
(cherry picked from commit fbacb3752f)
2020-05-25 14:18:56 -04:00

142 lines
7.0 KiB

# Copyright 2019 Red Hat, Inc.
# All Rights Reserved.
# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may
# not use this file except in compliance with the License. You may obtain
# a copy of the License at
# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT
# WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the
# License for the specific language governing permissions and limitations
# under the License.
- name: "Tear-down containers that need to be re-created (new-config detected)"
- tripleo_container_manage_systemd_teardown | bool
name: tripleo-container-rm
tripleo_container_cli: "{{ tripleo_container_manage_cli }}"
tripleo_containers_to_rm: >-
{{ podman_containers.containers | needs_delete(config=batched_container_data|
haskey(attribute='action', reverse=True)|singledict,
config_id=tripleo_container_manage_config_id, clean_orphans=False) }}
- name: "Async container create/run"
no_log: "{{ not tripleo_container_manage_debug }}"
async: "{{ (not ansible_check_mode | bool) | ternary('600', omit) }}"
poll: "{{ (not ansible_check_mode | bool) | ternary('0', omit) }}"
register: create_async_results
loop: "{{ batched_container_data | haskey(attribute='action', reverse=True) }}"
loop_var: container_data
annotation: "{{ lookup('dict', container_data).value.annotation | default(omit) }}"
cap_add: "{{ lookup('dict', container_data).value.cap_add | default(omit) }}"
cap_drop: "{{ lookup('dict', container_data).value.cap_drop | default(omit) }}"
command: "{{ lookup('dict', container_data).value.command | default(omit) }}"
conmon_pidfile: "/var/run/{{ lookup('dict', container_data).key }}.pid"
cpu_shares: "{{ lookup('dict', container_data).value.cpu_shares | default(omit) | int }}"
# cpuset_cpus: "{{ lookup('dict', container_data).value.cpuset_cpus | default(omit) }}"
debug: true
detach: "{{ lookup('dict', container_data).value.detach | default(true) }}"
device: "{{ lookup('dict', container_data).value.device | default(omit) }}"
entrypoint: "{{ lookup('dict', container_data).value.entrypoint | default(omit) }}"
env: "{{ lookup('dict', container_data).value.environment | default(omit) }}"
env_file: "{{ lookup('dict', container_data).value.env_file | default(omit) }}"
etc_hosts: "{{ lookup('dict', container_data).value.extra_hosts | default({}) }}"
group_add: "{{ lookup('dict', container_data).value.group_add | default(omit) }}"
hostname: "{{ lookup('dict', container_data).value.hostname | default(omit) }}"
image: "{{ lookup('dict', container_data).value.image }}"
interactive: "{{ lookup('dict', container_data).value.interactive | default(false) }}"
ipc: "{{ lookup('dict', container_data).value.ipc | default(omit) }}"
config_id: "{{ tripleo_container_manage_config_id }}"
container_name: "{{ lookup('dict', container_data).key }}"
managed_by: tripleo_ansible
config_data: "{{ lookup('dict', container_data).value }}"
log_driver: 'k8s-file'
log_level: "{{ tripleo_container_manage_debug | ternary('debug', 'error') }}"
log_opt: "path={{ tripleo_container_manage_log_path }}/{{ lookup('dict', container_data).key }}.log"
memory: "{{ lookup('dict', container_data).value.mem_limit | default(omit) }}"
memory_swap: "{{ lookup('dict', container_data).value.mem_swappiness | default(omit) }}"
name: "{{ lookup('dict', container_data).key }}"
net: "{{ lookup('dict', container_data) | default('none') }}"
pid: "{{ lookup('dict', container_data) | default(omit) }}"
privileged: "{{ lookup('dict', container_data).value.privileged | default(false) }}"
rm: "{{ lookup('dict', container_data).value.remove | default(false) }}"
security_opt: "{{ lookup('dict', container_data).value.security_opt | default(omit) }}"
state: present
stop_signal: "{{ lookup('dict', container_data).value.stop_signal | default(omit) }}"
stop_timeout: "{{ lookup('dict', container_data).value.stop_grace_period | default(omit) | int }}"
sysctl: "{{ lookup('dict', container_data).value.sysctl | default(omit) }}"
tty: "{{ lookup('dict', container_data).value.tty | default(false) }}"
ulimit: "{{ lookup('dict', container_data).value.ulimit | default(omit) }}"
user: "{{ lookup('dict', container_data).value.user | default(omit) }}"
uts: "{{ lookup('dict', container_data).value.uts | default(omit) }}"
volume: "{{ lookup('dict', container_data).value.volumes | default(omit) }}"
volumes_from: "{{ lookup('dict', container_data).value.volumes_from | default([]) }}"
- name: "Check podman create status"
no_log: "{{ not tripleo_container_manage_debug }}"
jid: "{{ create_async_result_item.ansible_job_id }}"
loop: "{{ create_async_results.results }}"
loop_var: "create_async_result_item"
register: create_async_poll_results
until: create_async_poll_results.finished
retries: "{{ tripleo_container_manage_create_retries }}"
# We fail later if a container has failed to start
failed_when: false
- not ansible_check_mode|bool
- name: "Create fact for containers which changed"
# List of containers which have changed (created or updated)
containers_changed: "{{ create_async_poll_results.results | get_changed_containers | default([]) }}"
- name: "Create fact for containers which failed"
# List of containers which returned an error when creating or updating them
containers_failed: "{{ create_async_poll_results.results | get_failed_containers | default([]) }}"
- name: "Create fact for containers which require rc check"
# List of containers which would terminate with a return code that needs to be valid.
# We assume that container configs that don't have a restart policy nor action
# (used for podman exec) will run something and then exit with a return code.
containers_to_check: >-
{{ batched_container_data | haskey(attribute='image', excluded_keys=['action', 'restart']) |
list_of_keys | default([]) | difference(containers_failed) }}
- name: Print the containers that failed to start
msg: "{{ containers_failed }} failed to start, check logs in /var/log/containers/stdouts/"
- containers_failed|length != 0
- name: Block for container commands
include_tasks: podman/get_commands_create.yml
- ansible_check_mode|bool
- name: "Print the list of containers which changed"
var: containers_changed
when: tripleo_container_manage_debug | bool
- name: "Block for container exit codes"
- not ansible_check_mode|bool
- tripleo_container_manage_valid_exit_code|length != 0
- containers_to_check|length != 0
include_tasks: podman/check_exit_code.yml
containers_with_exit_code: "{{ containers_to_check }}"