#!/usr/bin/env python from __future__ import print_function import argparse import difflib import json import os import requests from colorama import Fore from colorama import init GERRIT_DETAIL_API = "https://review.openstack.org/changes/{}/detail" GERRIT_USER_NAME = "zuul" ZUUL_PIPELINE = "check" def parse_ci_message(message): """Convert zuul's gerrit message into a dict Dictionary contains job name as key and job url as value """ jobs = {} for line in message.split("\n"): if line[:1] == '-': splitted_line = line.split() jobs[splitted_line[1]] = splitted_line[2] return jobs def get_file(logs_url, file): """Download a file from logs server for this job""" response = requests.get(logs_url + '/logs/' + file) if response.ok: return response.content return None def get_last_jobs(change): """Get the last CI jobs execution at check pipeline for this review""" patchset = None if '/' in change: change_patchset = change.split('/') change = change_patchset[0] patchset = change_patchset[1] last_jobs = {} detail_url = GERRIT_DETAIL_API.format(change) response = requests.get(detail_url) if response.ok: sanitized_content = "\n".join(response.content.split("\n")[1:]) detail = json.loads(sanitized_content) zuul_messages = [ message for message in detail['messages'] if message['author']['username'] == GERRIT_USER_NAME and "({} pipeline)".format(ZUUL_PIPELINE) in message['message'] ] if patchset: patchset = "Patch Set {}".format(patchset) filtered = [m for m in zuul_messages if patchset in m['message']] if len(filtered) == 0: raise RuntimeError("{} not found for review {}".format( patchset, change)) last_message = filtered[0] else: last_message = zuul_messages[-1] last_jobs = parse_ci_message(last_message['message']) date = last_message['date'] else: raise RuntimeError(response.content) return last_jobs, date def download(jobs, file_path): """Download a file from all the specified jobs Return them as a dictionary with job name as key and file content as value """ downloaded_files = {} for job, logs in jobs.iteritems(): downloaded_file = get_file(logs, file_path) if downloaded_file: downloaded_files[job] = downloaded_file else: print("WARNING: {} not found at {}".format(file_path, job)) return downloaded_files def is_equal(lho_jobs, rho_jobs, file_path): """Prints differences of file_path between the lho and rho job sets""" lho_files = download(lho_jobs, file_path) rho_files = download(rho_jobs, file_path) print(">>>>>>> Comparing {}".format(file_path)) if lho_files != rho_files: diffkeys = [ k for k in lho_files if lho_files[k] != rho_files.get(k, None) ] print("{} are different at the following jobs:".format(file_path)) for key in diffkeys: print(Fore.BLUE + key) print(Fore.BLUE + lho + ": " + lho_jobs[key]) print(Fore.BLUE + rho + ": " + rho_jobs[key]) for line in difflib.unified_diff( lho_files[key].splitlines(), rho_files.get(key, '').splitlines()): print(colors.get(line[0], Fore.BLACK) + line) return False print("{} files are the same".format(file_path)) return True if __name__ == '__main__': parser = argparse.ArgumentParser( description='Compares files at logs.o.o from two reviews') parser.add_argument( 'reviews', metavar='review', nargs=2, help='left-side and right-side review numbers to compare it can' 'include the specific patchset, examples:610491 or 610491/1') parser.add_argument( '--files', type=str, default='playbook_executions.log,reproducer-quickstart.sh,' 'collect_logs.sh', help='Comma separated list of files to compare at logs.o.o ' '(default: %(default)s)') args = parser.parse_args() colors = {'-': Fore.RED, '+': Fore.GREEN, '@': Fore.YELLOW} # When piping colors are disabled unless you define PY_COLORS variable. strip = os.environ.get('PY_COLORS', '0') != '1' init(autoreset=True, strip=strip) lho = args.reviews[0] rho = args.reviews[1] lho_jobs, lho_date = get_last_jobs(lho) rho_jobs, rho_date = get_last_jobs(rho) # Compare only the job at both reviews jobs_intersection = set(lho_jobs.keys()) & set(rho_jobs.keys()) lho_jobs = {job: lho_jobs[job] for job in jobs_intersection} rho_jobs = {job: rho_jobs[job] for job in jobs_intersection} print("- {}, {}".format(lho, lho_date)) print("+ {}, {}".format(rho, rho_date)) for file_to_compare in args.files.split(','): is_equal(lho_jobs, rho_jobs, file_to_compare)