#!/bin/bash # Copyright 2015 Red Hat, Inc. # All Rights Reserved. # # Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may # not use this file except in compliance with the License. You may obtain # a copy of the License at # # http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 # # Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software # distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT # WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the # License for the specific language governing permissions and limitations # under the License. ############################################################################## # tripleo.sh is a script to automate a TripleO setup. It's goals are to be # used in aiding: # # - developer setups # - CI # - documentation generation (hopefully) # # It's not a new CLI, or end user facing wrapper around existing TripleO # CLI's. # # tripleo.sh should never contain any "business" logic in it that is # necessary for a successful deployment. It should instead just mirror the # steps that we document for TripleO end users. # ############################################################################## set -eu set -o pipefail SCRIPT_NAME=${SCRIPT_NAME:-$(basename $0)} function show_options { echo "Usage: $SCRIPT_NAME [options]" echo echo "Automates TripleO setup steps." echo echo "$SCRIPT_NAME is also configurable via environment variables, most of" echo "which are not exposed via cli args for simplicity. See the source" echo "for the set of environment variables that can be overridden." echo echo "Note that cli args always take precedence over environment" echo "variables." echo echo "Options:" echo " --repo-setup -- Perform repository setup." echo " --delorean-setup -- Install local delorean build environment." echo " --delorean-build -- Build a delorean package locally" echo " --multinode-setup -- Perform multinode setup." echo " --bootstrap-subnodes -- Perform bootstrap setup on subnodes. WARNING bootstrap-subnodes is deprecated and will be removed." echo " --setup-nodepool-files -- Setup nodepool files on subnodes." echo " --undercloud -- Install the undercloud." echo " --overcloud-images -- Build and load overcloud images." echo " --register-nodes -- Register and configure nodes." echo " --introspect-nodes -- Introspect nodes." echo " --undercloud-upgrade -- Upgrade a deployed undercloud." echo " --overcloud-deploy -- Deploy an overcloud." echo " --overcloud-update -- Update a deployed overcloud." echo " --overcloud-upgrade -- Upgrade a deployed overcloud." echo " --overcloud-upgrade-converge -- Finish (converge) upgrade of a deployed overcloud." echo " --overcloud-delete -- Delete the overcloud." echo " --use-containers -- Use a containerized compute node." echo " --enable-check -- Enable checks on update." echo " --overcloud-pingtest -- Run a tenant vm, attach and ping floating IP." echo " --overcloud-sanitytest -- Run some basic crud checks for each service." echo " --skip-sanitytest-create -- Do not create resources when performing a sanitytest (assume they exist)." echo " --skip-sanitytest-cleanup -- Do not delete the created resources when performing a sanitytest." echo " --skip-pingtest-cleanup -- For debuging purposes, do not delete the created resources when performing a pingtest." echo " --run-tempest -- Run tempest tests." echo " --all, -a -- Run all of the above commands." echo " -x -- enable tracing" echo " --help, -h -- Print this help message." echo exit 1 } if [ ${#@} = 0 ]; then show_options exit 1 fi TEMP=$(getopt -o ,h \ -l,help,repo-setup,delorean-setup,delorean-build,multinode-setup,bootstrap-subnodes,undercloud,overcloud-images,register-nodes,introspect-nodes,overcloud-deploy,overcloud-update,overcloud-upgrade,overcloud-upgrade-converge,overcloud-delete,use-containers,overcloud-pingtest,undercloud-upgrade,skip-pingtest-cleanup,all,enable-check,run-tempest,setup-nodepool-files,overcloud-sanitytest,skip-sanitytest-create,skip-sanitytest-cleanup \ -o,x,h,a \ -n $SCRIPT_NAME -- "$@") if [ $? != 0 ]; then show_options exit 1 fi # Note the quotes around `$TEMP': they are essential! eval set -- "$TEMP" TRIPLEO_ROOT=${TRIPLEO_ROOT:-$HOME/tripleo} # Source deploy.env if it exists. It should exist if we are running under # tripleo-ci if [ -f "$TRIPLEO_ROOT/tripleo-ci/deploy.env" ]; then source $TRIPLEO_ROOT/tripleo-ci/deploy.env fi ALL=${ALL:-""} TRIPLEO_HEAT_TEMPLATES_ROOT=${TRIPLEO_HEAT_TEMPLATES_ROOT:-"/usr/share/openstack-tripleo-heat-templates"} CONTAINER_ARGS=${CONTAINER_ARGS:-"-e ${TRIPLEO_HEAT_TEMPLATES_ROOT}/environments/docker.yaml --libvirt-type=qemu"} STABLE_RELEASE=${STABLE_RELEASE:-} REVIEW_RELEASE=${REVIEW_RELEASE:-} UPGRADE_RELEASE=${UPGRADE_RELEASE:-""} DELOREAN_REPO_FILE=${DELOREAN_REPO_FILE:-"delorean.repo"} DELOREAN_REPO_URL=${DELOREAN_REPO_URL:-"\ https://trunk.rdoproject.org/centos7/current-tripleo/"} DELOREAN_STABLE_REPO_URL=${DELOREAN_STABLE_REPO_URL:-"\ https://trunk.rdoproject.org/centos7-$STABLE_RELEASE/current/"} ATOMIC_URL=${ATOMIC_URL:-"https://download.fedoraproject.org/pub/alt/atomic/stable/Cloud-Images/x86_64/Images/Fedora-Cloud-Atomic-23-20160308.x86_64.qcow2"} INSTACKENV_JSON_PATH=${INSTACKENV_JSON_PATH:-"$HOME/instackenv.json"} INTROSPECT_NODES=${INTROSPECT_NODES:-""} REGISTER_NODES=${REGISTER_NODES:-""} OVERCLOUD_DEPLOY=${OVERCLOUD_DEPLOY:-""} OVERCLOUD_DELETE=${OVERCLOUD_DELETE:-""} OVERCLOUD_DELETE_TIMEOUT=${OVERCLOUD_DELETE_TIMEOUT:-"300"} OVERCLOUD_DEPLOY_ARGS=${OVERCLOUD_DEPLOY_ARGS:-""} OVERCLOUD_VALIDATE_ARGS=${OVERCLOUD_VALIDATE_ARGS-"--validation-warnings-fatal"} OVERCLOUD_UPDATE=${OVERCLOUD_UPDATE:-""} OVERCLOUD_UPGRADE=${OVERCLOUD_UPGRADE:-""} OVERCLOUD_UPGRADE_CONVERGE=${OVERCLOUD_UPGRADE_CONVERGE:-""} OVERCLOUD_UPDATE_RM_FILES=${OVERCLOUD_UPDATE_RM_FILES:-"1"} OVERCLOUD_UPDATE_ARGS=${OVERCLOUD_UPDATE_ARGS:-"$OVERCLOUD_DEPLOY_ARGS $OVERCLOUD_VALIDATE_ARGS"} OVERCLOUD_UPDATE_CHECK=${OVERCLOUD_UPDATE_CHECK:-} OVERCLOUD_IMAGES_PATH=${OVERCLOUD_IMAGES_PATH:-"$HOME"} OVERCLOUD_IMAGES_YAML_PATH=${OVERCLOUD_IMAGES_YAML_PATH:-"/usr/share/openstack-tripleo-common/image-yaml"} OVERCLOUD_IMAGES=${OVERCLOUD_IMAGES:-""} OVERCLOUD_IMAGES_LEGACY_ARGS=${OVERCLOUD_IMAGES_LEGACY_ARGS:-"--all"} OVERCLOUD_IMAGES_ARGS=${OVERCLOUD_IMAGES_ARGS:-"--output-directory $OVERCLOUD_IMAGES_PATH --config-file $OVERCLOUD_IMAGES_YAML_PATH/overcloud-images.yaml --config-file $OVERCLOUD_IMAGES_YAML_PATH/overcloud-images-centos7.yaml"} OVERCLOUD_NAME=${OVERCLOUD_NAME:-"overcloud"} OVERCLOUD_UPGRADE_THT_PATH=${OVERCLOUD_UPGRADE_THT_PATH:-"/usr/share/openstack-tripleo-heat-templates"} OVERCLOUD_UPGRADE_ARGS=${OVERCLOUD_UPGRADE_ARGS:-"-e $OVERCLOUD_UPGRADE_THT_PATH/overcloud-resource-registry-puppet.yaml $OVERCLOUD_DEPLOY_ARGS -e $OVERCLOUD_UPGRADE_THT_PATH/environments/major-upgrade-composable-steps.yaml -e $HOME/init-repo.yaml --templates $OVERCLOUD_UPGRADE_THT_PATH"} OVERCLOUD_UPGRADE_CONVERGE_ARGS=${OVERCLOUD_UPGRADE_CONVERGE_ARGS:-"-e $OVERCLOUD_UPGRADE_THT_PATH/overcloud-resource-registry-puppet.yaml $OVERCLOUD_DEPLOY_ARGS -e $OVERCLOUD_UPGRADE_THT_PATH/environments/major-upgrade-converge.yaml --templates $OVERCLOUD_UPGRADE_THT_PATH"} UNDERCLOUD_UPGRADE=${UNDERCLOUD_UPGRADE:-""} OVERCLOUD_SANITYTEST_SKIP_CREATE=${OVERCLOUD_SANITYTEST_SKIP_CREATE:-""} OVERCLOUD_SANITYTEST_SKIP_CLEANUP=${OVERCLOUD_SANITYTEST_SKIP_CLEANUP:-""} OVERCLOUD_SANITYTEST=${OVERCLOUD_SANITYTEST:-""} SANITYTEST_CONTENT_NAME=${SANITYTEST_CONTENT_NAME:-"sanity_test"} SKIP_PINGTEST_CLEANUP=${SKIP_PINGTEST_CLEANUP:-""} OVERCLOUD_PINGTEST=${OVERCLOUD_PINGTEST:-""} UNDERCLOUD_SANITY_CHECK=${UNDERCLOUD_SANITY_CHECK:-""} REPO_SETUP=${REPO_SETUP:-""} REPO_PREFIX=${REPO_PREFIX:-"/etc/yum.repos.d/"} CACHEUPLOAD=${CACHEUPLOAD:-"0"} OVERCLOUD_IMAGES_DIB_YUM_REPO_CONF=${OVERCLOUD_IMAGES_DIB_YUM_REPO_CONF:-"\ $REPO_PREFIX/delorean.repo \ $REPO_PREFIX/delorean-current.repo \ $REPO_PREFIX/delorean-deps.repo"} CEPH_RELEASE=jewel CEPH_REPO_FILE=centos-ceph-$CEPH_RELEASE.repo if [[ -e /etc/ci/mirror_info.sh ]]; then source /etc/ci/mirror_info.sh fi NODEPOOL_CENTOS_MIRROR=${NODEPOOL_CENTOS_MIRROR:-http://mirror.centos.org/centos} NODEPOOL_RDO_PROXY=${NODEPOOL_RDO_PROXY:-https://trunk.rdoproject.org} NODEPOOL_BUILDLOGS_CENTOS_PROXY="${NODEPOOL_BUILDLOGS_CENTOS_PROXY:-https://buildlogs.centos.org}" NODEPOOL_CBS_CENTOS_PROXY="${NODEPOOL_CBS_CENTOS_PROXY:-https://cbs.centos.org/repos}" OVERCLOUD_IMAGES_DIB_YUM_REPO_CONF=${OVERCLOUD_IMAGES_DIB_YUM_REPO_CONF}"\ $REPO_PREFIX/$CEPH_REPO_FILE" OPSTOOLS_REPO_ENABLED=${OPSTOOLS_REPO_ENABLED:-"0"} if [[ "${OPSTOOLS_REPO_ENABLED}" = 1 ]]; then OVERCLOUD_IMAGES_DIB_YUM_REPO_CONF=${OVERCLOUD_IMAGES_DIB_YUM_REPO_CONF}"\ $REPO_PREFIX/centos-opstools.repo" fi FEATURE_BRANCH=${FEATURE_BRANCH:-} DELOREAN_SETUP=${DELOREAN_SETUP:-""} DELOREAN_BUILD=${DELOREAN_BUILD:-""} MULTINODE_SETUP=${MULTINODE_SETUP:-""} MULTINODE_ENV_NAME=${MULTINODE_ENV_NAME:-} MTU=${MTU:-"1450"} BOOTSTRAP_SUBNODES=${BOOTSTRAP_SUBNODES:-""} SETUP_NODEPOOL_FILES=${SETUP_NODEPOOL_FILES:-""} PRIMARY_NODE_IP=${PRIMARY_NODE_IP:-""} SUB_NODE_IPS=${SUB_NODE_IPS:-""} NODEPOOL_REGION=${NODEPOOL_REGION:-"nodepool_region"} NODEPOOL_CLOUD=${NODEPOOL_CLOUD:-"nodepool_cloud"} STDERR=/dev/null UNDERCLOUD=${UNDERCLOUD:-""} UNDERCLOUD_CONF=${UNDERCLOUD_CONF:-"/usr/share/instack-undercloud/undercloud.conf.sample"} UNDERCLOUD_SSL=${UNDERCLOUD_SSL:-""} BASE=${BASE:-$TRIPLEO_ROOT} USE_CONTAINERS=${USE_CONTAINERS:-""} TEMPEST_RUN=${TEMPEST_RUN:-""} TEMPEST_ARGS=${TEMPEST_ARGS:-"--parallel --subunit"} TEMPEST_ADD_CONFIG=${TEMPEST_ADD_CONFIG:-} TEMPEST_REGEX=${TEMPEST_REGEX:-"^(?=(.*smoke))(?!(tempest.api.orchestration.stacks|tempest.scenario.test_volume_boot_pattern|tempest.api.telemetry))"} TEMPEST_PINNED="72ccabcb685df7c3e28cd25639b05d8a031901c8" SSH_OPTIONS=${SSH_OPTIONS:-'-o StrictHostKeyChecking=no -o UserKnownHostsFile=/dev/null -o LogLevel=Verbose -o PasswordAuthentication=no -o ConnectionAttempts=32'} ALT_OVERCLOUDRC=${ALT_OVERCLOUDRC:-""} export SCRIPTS_DIR=$(dirname ${BASH_SOURCE[0]:-$0}) OVB=${OVB:-0} # Make sure we use Puppet to deploy packages on scenario upgrades jobs after ocata release if [[ "${STABLE_RELEASE}" != "newton" ]] ; then OVERCLOUD_UPGRADE_ARGS="$OVERCLOUD_UPGRADE_ARGS -e $TRIPLEO_ROOT/tripleo-ci/test-environments/enable_package_install.yaml " OVERCLOUD_UPGRADE_CONVERGE_ARGS="$OVERCLOUD_UPGRADE_CONVERGE_ARGS -e $TRIPLEO_ROOT/tripleo-ci/test-environments/enable_package_install.yaml " fi # Temporary workarounds while true ; do case "$1" in --all|-a ) ALL="1"; shift 1;; --use-containers) USE_CONTAINERS="1"; shift 1;; --enable-check) OVERCLOUD_UPDATE_CHECK="1"; shift 1;; --introspect-nodes) INTROSPECT_NODES="1"; shift 1;; --register-nodes) REGISTER_NODES="1"; shift 1;; --overcloud-deploy) OVERCLOUD_DEPLOY="1"; shift 1;; --overcloud-update) OVERCLOUD_UPDATE="1"; shift 1;; --overcloud-upgrade) OVERCLOUD_UPGRADE="1"; shift 1;; --overcloud-upgrade-converge) OVERCLOUD_UPGRADE_CONVERGE="1"; shift 1;; --overcloud-delete) OVERCLOUD_DELETE="1"; shift 1;; --overcloud-images) OVERCLOUD_IMAGES="1"; shift 1;; --overcloud-pingtest) OVERCLOUD_PINGTEST="1"; shift 1;; --skip-pingtest-cleanup) SKIP_PINGTEST_CLEANUP="1"; shift 1;; --overcloud-sanitytest) OVERCLOUD_SANITYTEST="1"; shift 1;; --skip-sanitytest-create) OVERCLOUD_SANITYTEST_SKIP_CREATE="1"; shift 1;; --skip-sanitytest-cleanup) OVERCLOUD_SANITYTEST_SKIP_CLEANUP="1"; shift 1;; --run-tempest) TEMPEST_RUN="1"; shift 1;; --repo-setup) REPO_SETUP="1"; shift 1;; --delorean-setup) DELOREAN_SETUP="1"; shift 1;; --delorean-build) DELOREAN_BUILD="1"; shift 1;; --undercloud) UNDERCLOUD="1"; shift 1;; --undercloud-upgrade) UNDERCLOUD_UPGRADE="1"; shift 1;; --multinode-setup) MULTINODE_SETUP="1"; shift 1;; --bootstrap-subnodes) BOOTSTRAP_SUBNODES="1"; shift 1;; --setup-nodepool-files) SETUP_NODEPOOL_FILES="1"; shift 1;; -x) set -x; STDERR=/dev/stderr; shift 1;; -h | --help) show_options 0;; --) shift ; break ;; *) echo "Error: unsupported option $1." ; exit 1 ;; esac done function log { echo "#################" echo -n "$SCRIPT_NAME -- " echo $@ echo "#################" } function source_rc { if [ $1 = "stackrc" ]; then cloud="Undercloud" else cloud="Overcloud" fi echo "You must source a $1 file for the $cloud." echo "Attempting to source $HOME/$1" source $HOME/$1 echo "Done" } function stackrc_check { source_rc "stackrc" } function overcloudrc_check { if [ -z "$ALT_OVERCLOUDRC" ]; then source_rc "overcloudrc" else source_rc "$ALT_OVERCLOUDRC" fi } function repo_setup { log "Repository setup" sudo yum clean metadata # sets $TRIPLEO_OS_FAMILY and $TRIPLEO_OS_DISTRO source $(dirname ${BASH_SOURCE[0]:-$0})/set-os-type if [ "$TRIPLEO_OS_DISTRO" = "centos" ]; then # Enable Storage/SIG Ceph repo if rpm -q centos-release-ceph-jewel; then sudo yum -y erase centos-release-ceph-jewel fi sudo /bin/bash -c "cat <<-EOF>$REPO_PREFIX/$CEPH_REPO_FILE [centos-ceph-$CEPH_RELEASE] name=centos-ceph-$CEPH_RELEASE baseurl=$NODEPOOL_CENTOS_MIRROR/7/storage/x86_64/ceph-$CEPH_RELEASE/ gpgcheck=0 enabled=1 EOF" if [[ "${OPSTOOLS_REPO_ENABLED}" = 1 ]]; then sudo /bin/bash -c "cat <<-EOF>$REPO_PREFIX/centos-opstools.repo [centos-opstools] name=centos-opstools baseurl=$NODEPOOL_CENTOS_MIRROR/7/opstools/x86_64/ gpgcheck=0 enabled=1 EOF" fi fi # @matbu TBR debuginfo: log "Stable release: $STABLE_RELEASE" if [ -z "$STABLE_RELEASE" ]; then # Enable the Delorean Deps repository sudo curl -fLvo $REPO_PREFIX/delorean-deps.repo https://trunk.rdoproject.org/centos7/delorean-deps.repo sudo sed -i -e 's%priority=.*%priority=30%' $REPO_PREFIX/delorean-deps.repo sudo sed -i -e "s~http://mirror.centos.org/centos~$NODEPOOL_CENTOS_MIRROR~" $REPO_PREFIX/delorean-deps.repo sudo sed -i -e "s~https://buildlogs.centos.org~$NODEPOOL_BUILDLOGS_CENTOS_PROXY~" $REPO_PREFIX/delorean-deps.repo sudo sed -i -e "s~https://trunk.rdoproject.org~$NODEPOOL_RDO_PROXY~" $REPO_PREFIX/delorean-deps.repo cat $REPO_PREFIX/delorean-deps.repo # Enable last known good RDO Trunk Delorean repository sudo curl -fLvo $REPO_PREFIX/delorean.repo $DELOREAN_REPO_URL/$DELOREAN_REPO_FILE sudo sed -i -e 's%priority=.*%priority=20%' $REPO_PREFIX/delorean.repo sudo sed -i -e "s~https://trunk.rdoproject.org~$NODEPOOL_RDO_PROXY~" $REPO_PREFIX/delorean.repo cat $REPO_PREFIX/delorean.repo # Enable latest RDO Trunk Delorean repository if not promotion job if [[ $CACHEUPLOAD != 1 ]]; then sudo curl -fLvo $REPO_PREFIX/delorean-current.repo https://trunk.rdoproject.org/centos7/current/delorean.repo sudo sed -i -e 's%priority=.*%priority=10%' $REPO_PREFIX/delorean-current.repo sudo sed -i 's/\[delorean\]/\[delorean-current\]/' $REPO_PREFIX/delorean-current.repo sudo sed -i -e "s~https://trunk.rdoproject.org~$NODEPOOL_RDO_PROXY~" $REPO_PREFIX/delorean-current.repo sudo /bin/bash -c "cat <<-EOF>>$REPO_PREFIX/delorean-current.repo includepkgs=diskimage-builder,instack,instack-undercloud,os-apply-config,os-collect-config,os-net-config,os-refresh-config,python-tripleoclient,openstack-tripleo-*,openstack-puppet-modules,puppet-* EOF" else # Create empty delorean-current for dib image building sudo sh -c "> $REPO_PREFIX/delorean-current.repo" fi cat $REPO_PREFIX/delorean-current.repo else # Enable the Delorean Deps repository sudo curl -fLvo $REPO_PREFIX/delorean-deps.repo https://trunk.rdoproject.org/centos7-$STABLE_RELEASE/delorean-deps.repo sudo sed -i -e 's%priority=.*%priority=30%' $REPO_PREFIX/delorean-deps.repo sudo sed -i -e "s~http://mirror.centos.org/centos~$NODEPOOL_CENTOS_MIRROR~" $REPO_PREFIX/delorean-deps.repo sudo sed -i -e "s~https://buildlogs.centos.org~$NODEPOOL_BUILDLOGS_CENTOS_PROXY~" $REPO_PREFIX/delorean-deps.repo cat $REPO_PREFIX/delorean-deps.repo # Enable delorean current for the stable version sudo curl -fLvo $REPO_PREFIX/delorean.repo $DELOREAN_STABLE_REPO_URL/$DELOREAN_REPO_FILE sudo sed -i -e 's%priority=.*%priority=20%' $REPO_PREFIX/delorean.repo sudo sed -i -e "s~https://trunk.rdoproject.org~$NODEPOOL_RDO_PROXY~" $REPO_PREFIX/delorean.repo cat $REPO_PREFIX/delorean.repo # Create empty delorean-current for dib image building sudo sh -c "> $REPO_PREFIX/delorean-current.repo" cat $REPO_PREFIX/delorean-current.repo fi # Install the yum-plugin-priorities package so that the Delorean repository # takes precedence over the main RDO repositories. sudo yum -y install yum-plugin-priorities # Make sure EPEL is uninstalled. if rpm --quiet -q epel-release; then sudo rpm -e epel-release fi sudo yum clean all sudo yum makecache log "Repository setup - DONE." } function delorean_setup { log "Delorean setup" # Install delorean as per combination of toci-instack and delorean docs sudo yum install -y createrepo git mock rpm-build yum-plugin-priorities yum-utils gcc rpmdevtools redhat-rpm-config # NOTE(pabelanger): Check if virtualenv is already install, if not install # from packages. if ! command -v virtualenv ; then sudo yum install -y python-virtualenv fi # Workaround until https://review.opendev.org/#/c/311734/ is merged and a new image is built sudo yum install -y libffi-devel openssl-devel # Add the current user to the mock group sudo usermod -G mock -a $(id -nu) mkdir -p $TRIPLEO_ROOT [ -d $TRIPLEO_ROOT/delorean ] || git clone https://github.com/softwarefactory-project/DLRN.git $TRIPLEO_ROOT/delorean pushd $TRIPLEO_ROOT/delorean sudo rm -rf data commits.sqlite mkdir -p data sed -i -e "s%reponame=.*%reponame=delorean-ci%" projects.ini sed -i -e "s%target=.*%target=centos%" projects.ini # Remove the rpm install test to speed up delorean (our ci test will to this) if [ -f scripts/build_rpm.sh ]; then # DLRN < 0.8.0 sed -i -e 's%--postinstall%%' scripts/build_rpm.sh else # This is an option in DLRN since 0.8.0 for the mock build driver sed -i -e 's/^#install_after_build=1.*/install_after_build=0/' projects.ini fi virtualenv venv # NOTE(pabelanger): We need to update setuptools to the latest version for # CentOS 7. Also, pytz is not declared as a dependency so we need to # manually add it. Lastly, use pip install . to use wheel AFS pypi mirrors. ./venv/bin/pip install -U pip ./venv/bin/pip install -U setuptools ./venv/bin/pip install pytz ./venv/bin/pip install . popd log "Delorean setup - DONE." } function delorean_build { log "Delorean build" export PATH=/sbin:/usr/sbin:$PATH source $(dirname ${BASH_SOURCE[0]:-$0})/common_functions.sh pushd $TRIPLEO_ROOT/delorean if [ -n "$REVIEW_RELEASE" ]; then log "Building for release $REVIEW_RELEASE" # first check if we have a stable release sed -i -e "s%baseurl=.*%baseurl=$NODEPOOL_RDO_PROXY/centos7-$REVIEW_RELEASE%" projects.ini # RDO changed the distgit branch for stable releases starting from newton. sed -i -e "s%distro=.*%distro=$REVIEW_RELEASE-rdo%" projects.ini sed -i -e "s%source=.*%source=stable/$REVIEW_RELEASE%" projects.ini elif [ -n "$FEATURE_BRANCH" ]; then # next, check if we are testing for a feature branch log "Building for feature branch $FEATURE_BRANCH" sed -i -e "s%baseurl=.*%baseurl=$NODEPOOL_RDO_PROXY/centos7%" projects.ini sed -i -e "s%distro=.*%distro=rpm-$FEATURE_BRANCH%" projects.ini sed -i -e "s%source=.*%source=$FEATURE_BRANCH%" projects.ini else log "Building for master" sed -i -e "s%baseurl=.*%baseurl=$NODEPOOL_RDO_PROXY/centos7%" projects.ini sed -i -e "s%distro=.*%distro=rpm-master%" projects.ini sed -i -e "s%source=.*%source=master%" projects.ini fi sudo rm -rf data commits.sqlite mkdir -p data # build packages # loop through each of the projects listed in DELOREAN_BUILD_REFS, if it is a project we # are capable of building an rpm for then build it. # e.g. DELOREAN_BUILD_REFS="openstack/cinder openstack/heat etc.." for PROJ in $DELOREAN_BUILD_REFS ; do log "Building $PROJ" PROJ=$(filterref $PROJ) # Clone the repo if it doesn't yet exist if [ ! -d $TRIPLEO_ROOT/$PROJ ]; then git clone https://opendev.org/openstack/$PROJ.git $TRIPLEO_ROOT/$PROJ if [ ! -z "$REVIEW_RELEASE" ]; then pushd $TRIPLEO_ROOT/$PROJ git checkout -b stable/$REVIEW_RELEASE origin/stable/$REVIEW_RELEASE popd fi fi # Work around inconsistency where map-project-name expects oslo-* MAPPED_NAME=$(echo $PROJ | sed "s/oslo./oslo-/") MAPPED_PROJ=$(rdopkg findpkg $MAPPED_NAME | grep ^name | awk '{print $2}' || true) [ -e data/$MAPPED_PROJ ] && continue cp -r $TRIPLEO_ROOT/$PROJ data/$MAPPED_PROJ pushd data/$MAPPED_PROJ GITHASH=$(git rev-parse HEAD) # Set the branches delorean reads to the same git hash as PROJ has left for us for BRANCH in master origin/master stable/newton origin/stable/newton stable/ocata origin/stable/ocata stable/pike origin/stable/pike stable/queens origin/stable/queens; do git checkout -b $BRANCH || git checkout $BRANCH git reset --hard $GITHASH done popd set +e while true; do DELOREANCMD="./venv/bin/dlrn --config-file projects.ini --head-only --package-name $MAPPED_PROJ --local --use-public --build-env http_proxy=${http_proxy:-}" # Using sudo to su a command as ourselves to run the command with a new login # to ensure the addition to the mock group has taken effect. sudo su $(id -nu) -c "$DELOREANCMD" EXITCODE=$? # delorean exits with 2 if the error is a network glitch, we can retry if [ "$EXITCODE" == "2" ] ; then continue elif [ "$EXITCODE" == "0" ] ; then break fi set -e exit 1 done set -e done popd log "Delorean build - DONE." } function undercloud { log "Undercloud install" sudo yum install -y python-tripleoclient ceph-ansible if [ ! -f ~/undercloud.conf ]; then cp -b -f $UNDERCLOUD_CONF ~/undercloud.conf else log "~/undercloud.conf already exists, not overwriting" fi # Hostname check, add to /etc/hosts if needed if ! grep -E "^\s*$(hostname -f)" /etc/hosts; then sudo sed -i "s/\s*\(.*\)/\t$(hostname -f) $(hostname -s) \1/" /etc/hosts fi if ! grep -E "^::1\s*$(hostname -f)" /etc/hosts; then sudo sed -i "s/::1\s*\(.*\)/::1\t$(hostname -f) $(hostname -s) \1/" /etc/hosts fi openstack undercloud install # Masquerade traffic to external networks from controllers on baremetal undercloud # In ovb deployments, baremental nodes use undercloud as default route to reach DNS etc... if [ $OVB -eq 1 ]; then sudo iptables -A BOOTSTACK_MASQ -s ! -d -j MASQUERADE -t nat sudo iptables-save | sudo tee /etc/sysconfig/iptables fi log "Undercloud install - DONE." } function overcloud_images { log "Overcloud images" # This hack is no longer needed in ocata. if [[ "${STABLE_RELEASE}" =~ ^(newton)$ ]]; then # Ensure yum-plugin-priorities is installed # get the right path for diskimage-builder version COMMON_ELEMENTS_PATH=$(python -c ' try: import diskimage_builder.paths diskimage_builder.paths.show_path("elements") except: print("/usr/share/diskimage-builder/elements") ') echo -e '#!/bin/bash\nyum install -y yum-plugin-priorities' | sudo tee ${COMMON_ELEMENTS_PATH}/yum/pre-install.d/99-tmphacks sudo chmod +x ${COMMON_ELEMENTS_PATH}/yum/pre-install.d/99-tmphacks fi # To install the undercloud instack-undercloud is run as root, # as a result all of the git repositories get cached to # ~root/.cache/image-create/source-repositories, lets not clone them again if [ -d ~root/.cache/image-create/source-repositories ] && \ [ ! -d ~/.cache/image-create/source-repositories ] ; then sudo cp -r ~root/.cache/image-create/source-repositories ~/.cache/image-create/source-repositories sudo chown -R $(id -u) ~/.cache/image-create/source-repositories fi export DIB_YUM_REPO_CONF=$OVERCLOUD_IMAGES_DIB_YUM_REPO_CONF log "Overcloud images saved in $OVERCLOUD_IMAGES_PATH" pushd $OVERCLOUD_IMAGES_PATH log "OVERCLOUD_IMAGES_DIB_YUM_REPO_CONF=$OVERCLOUD_IMAGES_DIB_YUM_REPO_CONF" if [[ "${STABLE_RELEASE}" =~ ^(newton)$ ]] ; then OVERCLOUD_IMAGES_ARGS="$OVERCLOUD_IMAGES_LEGACY_ARGS" fi DIB_YUM_REPO_CONF=$OVERCLOUD_IMAGES_DIB_YUM_REPO_CONF \ openstack overcloud image build $OVERCLOUD_IMAGES_ARGS 2>&1 | \ tee -a overcloud-image-build.log stackrc_check openstack overcloud image upload --update-existing popd log "Overcloud images - DONE." } function register_nodes { log "Register nodes" if [ ! -f $INSTACKENV_JSON_PATH ]; then echo Could not find instackenv.json at $INSTACKENV_JSON_PATH echo Specify the path to instackenv.json with '$INSTACKENV_JSON_PATH' exit 1 fi stackrc_check if [ "$INTROSPECT_NODES" = 1 ]; then # Keep the nodes in manageable state so that they may be # introspected later. openstack overcloud node import $INSTACKENV_JSON_PATH else openstack overcloud node import $INSTACKENV_JSON_PATH --provide fi ironic node-list log "Register nodes - DONE." } function introspect_nodes { log "Introspect nodes" stackrc_check # Note: Unlike the legacy bulk command, overcloud node # introspect will only run on nodes in the 'manageable' # provisioning state. openstack overcloud node introspect --all-manageable openstack overcloud node provide --all-manageable log "Introspect nodes - DONE." } function overcloud_deploy { log "Overcloud deploy" # Force use of --templates if [[ ! $OVERCLOUD_DEPLOY_ARGS =~ --templates ]]; then OVERCLOUD_DEPLOY_ARGS="$OVERCLOUD_DEPLOY_ARGS --templates" fi stackrc_check OVERCLOUD_DEPLOY_ARGS="$OVERCLOUD_DEPLOY_ARGS $OVERCLOUD_VALIDATE_ARGS" # Set dns server for the overcloud nodes subnet_id=$(openstack network list -f value -c Name -c Subnets | grep ctlplane | cut -d " " -f 2) neutron subnet-update $subnet_id --dns-nameserver $(cat /etc/resolv.conf | grep nameserver | awk '{ print $2 }' | sed ':a;N;$!ba;s/\n/ --dns-nameserver /g') if [[ $USE_CONTAINERS == 1 ]]; then if ! glance image-list | grep -q atomic-image; then wget --progress=dot:mega $ATOMIC_URL glance image-create --name atomic-image --file `basename $ATOMIC_URL` --disk-format qcow2 --container-format bare fi #TODO: When container job is changed to network-isolation remove this neutron subnet-update $(neutron net-list | grep ctlplane | cut -d ' ' -f 6) --dns-nameserver OVERCLOUD_DEPLOY_ARGS="$OVERCLOUD_DEPLOY_ARGS $CONTAINER_ARGS" fi log "unsetting any http proxy" unset http_proxy log "Overcloud create started." exitval=0 log "Deploy command arguments: $OVERCLOUD_DEPLOY_ARGS" openstack overcloud deploy $OVERCLOUD_DEPLOY_ARGS || exitval=1 if [ $exitval -eq 1 ]; then log "Overcloud create - FAILED!" exit 1 fi log "Overcloud create - DONE." } function undercloud_upgrade { log "Undercloud upgrade" # Setup repositories repo_setup # In pike and above this is handled by the pre-upgrade hook if [[ "$STABLE_RELEASE" =~ ^(newton|ocata)$ ]]; then sudo systemctl stop openstack-* sudo systemctl stop neutron-* sudo systemctl stop openvswitch sudo systemctl stop httpd fi # tripleo cli needs to be updated first sudo yum -y update python-tripleoclient # Upgrade the undercloud openstack undercloud upgrade log "Undercloud upgrade - Done." } function overcloud_update { # Force use of --templates if [[ ! $OVERCLOUD_UPDATE_ARGS =~ --templates ]]; then OVERCLOUD_UPDATE_ARGS="$OVERCLOUD_UPDATE_ARGS --templates" fi stackrc_check if openstack stack show "$OVERCLOUD_NAME" | grep "stack_status " | egrep "(CREATE|UPDATE)_COMPLETE"; then FILE_PREFIX=$(date "+overcloud-update-resources-%s") BEFORE_FILE="/tmp/${FILE_PREFIX}-before.txt" AFTER_FILE="/tmp/${FILE_PREFIX}-after.txt" # This is an update, so if enabled, compare the before/after resource lists if [ ! -z "$OVERCLOUD_UPDATE_CHECK" ]; then openstack stack resource list -n5 overcloud | awk '{print $2, $4, $6}' | sort > $BEFORE_FILE fi log "Overcloud update started." exitval=0 openstack overcloud deploy $OVERCLOUD_UPDATE_ARGS || exitval=1 if [ $exitval -eq 1 ]; then log "Overcloud update - FAILED!" exit 1 fi log "Overcloud update - DONE." if [ ! -z "$OVERCLOUD_UPDATE_CHECK" ]; then openstack stack resource list -n5 overcloud | awk '{print $2, $4, $6}' | sort > $AFTER_FILE diff_rsrc=$(diff $BEFORE_FILE $AFTER_FILE) if [ ! -z "$diff_rsrc" ]; then log "Overcloud update - Completed but unexpected resource differences: $diff_rsrc" exit 1 fi fi log "Overcloud update - DONE." if [[ $OVERCLOUD_UPDATE_RM_FILES == 1 ]]; then rm -f $BEFORE_FILE $AFTER_FILE fi else log "Overcloud FAILED - No stack $OVERCLOUD_NAME." exit 1 fi } function overcloud_upgrade { stackrc_check if openstack stack show "$OVERCLOUD_NAME" 2>&1 > /dev/null ; then log "Create overcloud repo template file" /bin/bash -c "cat <$HOME/init-repo.yaml parameter_defaults: UpgradeInitCommand: | set -e # For some reason '$HOME' is not defined when the Heat agent executes this # script and tripleo.sh expects it. Just reuse the same value from the # current undercloud user. yum clean all export STABLE_RELEASE=$STABLE_RELEASE HOME=$HOME $TRIPLEO_ROOT/tripleo-ci/scripts/tripleo.sh --repo-setup yum clean all yum install -y python-heat-agent-* # TODO: (slagle) # remove the --noscripts install of openstack-tripleo-image-elements # once https://review.rdoproject.org/r/4225 merges pushd /tmp yumdownloader openstack-tripleo-image-elements rpm -Uvh --noscripts --force ./openstack-tripleo-image-elements* rm -f openstack-tripleo-image-elements* popd # FIXME: matbu # Remove those packages is temporary workaround since the fix in # https://bugs.launchpad.net/tripleo/+bug/1649284 # will be release and landed in the packages yum remove -y python-UcsSdk openstack-neutron-bigswitch-agent python-networking-bigswitch openstack-neutron-bigswitch-lldp python-networking-odl EOF" log "Overcloud upgrade started." log "Upgrade command arguments: $OVERCLOUD_UPGRADE_ARGS" log "Execute major upgrade." openstack overcloud deploy $OVERCLOUD_UPGRADE_ARGS log "Major upgrade - DONE." if openstack stack show "$OVERCLOUD_NAME" | grep "stack_status " | egrep "UPDATE_COMPLETE"; then log "Major Upgrade - DONE." else log "Major Upgrade FAILED." exit 1 fi else log "Overcloud upgrade FAILED - No stack $OVERCLOUD_NAME." exit 1 fi } function overcloud_upgrade_converge { stackrc_check if openstack stack show "$OVERCLOUD_NAME" 2>&1 > /dev/null; then log "Overcloud upgrade converge started." log "Upgrade command arguments: $OVERCLOUD_UPGRADE_CONVERGE_ARGS" log "Execute major upgrade converge." openstack overcloud deploy $OVERCLOUD_UPGRADE_CONVERGE_ARGS log "Major upgrade converge - DONE." if openstack stack show "$OVERCLOUD_NAME" | grep "stack_status " | egrep "UPDATE_COMPLETE"; then log "Major Upgrade converge - DONE." else log "Major Upgrade converge FAILED." exit 1 fi else log "Overcloud upgrade converge FAILED - No stack $OVERCLOUD_NAME." exit 1 fi } function overcloud_delete { log "Overcloud delete" stackrc_check OVERCLOUD_ID=$(openstack stack list | grep "$OVERCLOUD_NAME" | awk '{print $2}') wait_command="openstack stack show $OVERCLOUD_ID" openstack stack delete --yes "$OVERCLOUD_NAME" if $($(dirname $0)/wait_for -w $OVERCLOUD_DELETE_TIMEOUT -d 10 -s "DELETE_COMPLETE" -- "$wait_command"); then log "Overcloud $OVERCLOUD_ID DELETE_COMPLETE" else log "Overcloud $OVERCLOUD_ID delete failed or timed out:" openstack stack show $OVERCLOUD_ID exit 1 fi if [[ "${STABLE_RELEASE}" != "mitaka" ]] ; then openstack overcloud plan delete "$OVERCLOUD_NAME" && exitval=0 || exitval=1 if [ ${exitval} -eq 0 ]; then log "Overcloud $OVERCLOUD_ID plan delete SUCCESS" else log "Overcloud $OVERCLOUD_ID plan delete FAILED" exit 1 fi fi } function run_cmd { if ! $@; then echo "Command: $@ FAILED" >&2 exit 1 else echo "Command: $@ OK" fi } function overcloud_sanitytest_create { ENABLED_SERVICES=$@ for service in $ENABLED_SERVICES; do case $service in "keystone" ) run_cmd openstack user create ${SANITYTEST_CONTENT_NAME} run_cmd openstack user list ;; "glance_api" ) run_cmd openstack image create ${SANITYTEST_CONTENT_NAME} run_cmd openstack image list ;; "neutron_api" ) run_cmd openstack network create ${SANITYTEST_CONTENT_NAME} run_cmd openstack network list ;; "cinder_api" ) run_cmd openstack volume create ${SANITYTEST_CONTENT_NAME} --size 1 run_cmd openstack volume list ;; "heat_api" ) echo "heat_template_version: newton" > /tmp/${SANITYTEST_CONTENT_NAME}.yaml openstack stack create ${SANITYTEST_CONTENT_NAME} --template /tmp/${SANITYTEST_CONTENT_NAME}.yaml openstack stack list ;; "swift_proxy" ) openstack container create ${SANITYTEST_CONTENT_NAME} openstack container list ;; "sahara_api" ) # glance_api must also be enabled run_cmd openstack image create sahara_${SANITYTEST_CONTENT_NAME} run_cmd openstack dataprocessing image register sahara_${SANITYTEST_CONTENT_NAME} --username centos run_cmd openstack dataprocessing image list ;; esac done } function overcloud_sanitytest_check { ENABLED_SERVICES=$@ for service in $ENABLED_SERVICES; do case $service in "keystone" ) run_cmd openstack user show ${SANITYTEST_CONTENT_NAME} ;; "glance_api" ) run_cmd openstack image show ${SANITYTEST_CONTENT_NAME} ;; "neutron_api" ) run_cmd openstack network show ${SANITYTEST_CONTENT_NAME} ;; "cinder_api" ) run_cmd openstack volume show ${SANITYTEST_CONTENT_NAME} ;; "heat_api" ) run_cmd openstack stack show ${SANITYTEST_CONTENT_NAME} # FIXME(shardy): It'd be good to add pre/post upgrade checks # on the actual version, but this is still good for debugging run_cmd openstack orchestration template version list ;; "swift_proxy" ) run_cmd openstack container show ${SANITYTEST_CONTENT_NAME} ;; "sahara_api" ) run_cmd openstack dataprocessing image show sahara_${SANITYTEST_CONTENT_NAME} ;; esac done } function overcloud_sanitytest_cleanup { ENABLED_SERVICES=$@ for service in $ENABLED_SERVICES; do case $service in "keystone" ) echo "Sanity test keystone" run_cmd openstack user delete ${SANITYTEST_CONTENT_NAME} ;; "glance_api" ) run_cmd openstack image delete ${SANITYTEST_CONTENT_NAME} ;; "neutron_api" ) run_cmd openstack network delete ${SANITYTEST_CONTENT_NAME} ;; "cinder_api" ) run_cmd openstack volume delete ${SANITYTEST_CONTENT_NAME} ;; "heat_api" ) run_cmd openstack stack delete --yes ${SANITYTEST_CONTENT_NAME} ;; "swift_proxy" ) run_cmd openstack container delete ${SANITYTEST_CONTENT_NAME} ;; "sahara_api" ) run_cmd openstack dataprocessing image unregister sahara_${SANITYTEST_CONTENT_NAME} run_cmd openstack image delete sahara_${SANITYTEST_CONTENT_NAME} ;; esac done } function overcloud_sanitytest { log "Overcloud sanitytest" exitval=0 stackrc_check if openstack stack show "$OVERCLOUD_NAME" | grep "stack_status " | egrep -q "(CREATE|UPDATE)_COMPLETE"; then ENABLED_SERVICES=$(openstack stack output show overcloud EnabledServices -f json | \ jq -r ".output_value" | jq '.Controller | .[]' | tr "\n" " " | sed "s/\"//g") echo "Sanity Test, ENABLED_SERVICES=$ENABLED_SERVICES" overcloudrc_check if [ "$OVERCLOUD_SANITYTEST_SKIP_CREATE" != 1 ]; then overcloud_sanitytest_create $ENABLED_SERVICES fi overcloud_sanitytest_check $ENABLED_SERVICES if [ "$OVERCLOUD_SANITYTEST_SKIP_CLEANUP" != 1 ]; then overcloud_sanitytest_cleanup $ENABLED_SERVICES fi if [ $exitval -eq 0 ]; then log "Overcloud sanitytest SUCCEEDED" else log "Overcloud sanitytest FAILED" fi exit $exitval else log "Overcloud sanitytest FAILED - No stack $OVERCLOUD_NAME." exit 1 fi } function cleanup_pingtest { log "Overcloud pingtest; cleaning environment" overcloudrc_check wait_command="openstack stack show tenant-stack" openstack stack delete --yes tenant-stack || true if $(dirname $0)/wait_for -w 300 -d 10 -s "Stack not found" -- "$wait_command"; then log "Overcloud pingtest - deleted the tenant-stack heat stack" else log "Overcloud pingtest - time out waiting to delete tenant heat stack, please check manually" fi log "Overcloud pingtest - cleaning all 'pingtest_*' images" openstack image list | grep pingtest | awk '{print $2}' | xargs -r -n1 openstack image delete || true log "Overcloud pingtest - cleaning demo network 'nova'" neutron net-delete nova || true } function overcloud_pingtest { log "Overcloud pingtest" exitval=0 stackrc_check SUBNET_ID=$(openstack network list -c Subnets -c Name -f value | grep ctlplane | awk {'print $2'}) CTLPLANE_CIDR=$(neutron subnet-show $SUBNET_ID -F cidr -f value) CTLPLANE_NET=$(echo $CTLPLANE_CIDR | awk -F "." {'print $1"."$2"."$3'}) overcloudrc_check if [ "$SKIP_PINGTEST_CLEANUP" != 1 ]; then cleanup_pingtest else log "Skipping pre-pingtest cleanup because --skip-pingtest-cleanup was specified." fi # NOTE(bnemec): We have to use the split cirros image here to avoid # https://bugs.launchpad.net/cirros/+bug/1312199 With the separate # kernel and ramdisk Nova will add the necessary kernel param for us. IMAGE_PATH=$OVERCLOUD_IMAGES_PATH/cirros.img INITRAMFS_PATH=$OVERCLOUD_IMAGES_PATH/cirros.initramfs KERNEL_PATH=$OVERCLOUD_IMAGES_PATH/cirros.kernel if [ ! -e $IMAGE_PATH -o ! -e $INITRAMFS_PATH -o ! -e $KERNEL_PATH ]; then log "Overcloud pingtest, trying to download Cirros image" curl -fLo $IMAGE_PATH http://download.cirros-cloud.net/0.3.4/cirros-0.3.4-x86_64-disk.img curl -fLo $INITRAMFS_PATH http://download.cirros-cloud.net/0.3.4/cirros-0.3.4-x86_64-initramfs curl -fLo $KERNEL_PATH http://download.cirros-cloud.net/0.3.4/cirros-0.3.4-x86_64-kernel fi log "Overcloud pingtest, uploading demo tenant image to glance" ramdisk_id=$(openstack image create pingtest_initramfs --public --container-format ari --disk-format ari --file $INITRAMFS_PATH | grep ' id ' | awk '{print $4}') kernel_id=$(openstack image create pingtest_kernel --public --container-format aki --disk-format aki --file $KERNEL_PATH | grep ' id ' | awk '{print $4}') openstack image create pingtest_image --public --container-format ami --disk-format ami --property kernel_id=$kernel_id --property ramdisk_id=$ramdisk_id --file $IMAGE_PATH log "Overcloud pingtest, creating external network" neutron net-create nova --shared --router:external=True --provider:network_type flat \ --provider:physical_network datacentre FLOATING_IP_CIDR=${FLOATING_IP_CIDR:-$CTLPLANE_CIDR} FLOATING_IP_START=${FLOATING_IP_START:-"${CTLPLANE_NET}.50"} FLOATING_IP_END=${FLOATING_IP_END:-"${CTLPLANE_NET}.64"} EXTERNAL_NETWORK_GATEWAY=${EXTERNAL_NETWORK_GATEWAY:-"${CTLPLANE_NET}.1"} TENANT_STACK_DEPLOY_ARGS=${TENANT_STACK_DEPLOY_ARGS:-""} neutron subnet-create --name ext-subnet --allocation-pool start=$FLOATING_IP_START,end=$FLOATING_IP_END --disable-dhcp --gateway $EXTERNAL_NETWORK_GATEWAY nova $FLOATING_IP_CIDR # pingtest environment for scenarios jobs is in TripleO Heat Templates. if [ -e "${TRIPLEO_HEAT_TEMPLATES_ROOT}/ci/pingtests/${MULTINODE_ENV_NAME}.yaml" ]; then TENANT_PINGTEST_TEMPLATE="${TRIPLEO_HEAT_TEMPLATES_ROOT}/ci/pingtests/${MULTINODE_ENV_NAME}.yaml" elif [ -e "${TRIPLEO_HEAT_TEMPLATES_ROOT}/ci/pingtests/tenantvm_floatingip.yaml" ]; then TENANT_PINGTEST_TEMPLATE="${TRIPLEO_HEAT_TEMPLATES_ROOT}/ci/pingtests/tenantvm_floatingip.yaml" else # If the template is not found, we will get the template from the tripleo-ci location for backwards compatibility. TENANT_PINGTEST_TEMPLATE="${TRIPLEO_ROOT}/tripleo-ci/templates/tenantvm_floatingip.yaml" fi log "Overcloud pingtest, creating tenant-stack heat stack:" openstack stack create -f yaml -t $TENANT_PINGTEST_TEMPLATE $TENANT_STACK_DEPLOY_ARGS tenant-stack || exitval=1 WAIT_FOR_COMMAND="openstack stack list | grep tenant-stack" # No point in waiting if the previous command failed. if [ ${exitval} -eq 0 ]; then # TODO(beagles): While the '-f' flag will short-circuit fail us, we'll # likely have to wait for service operations to timeout before the # stack gets marked as failed anyways. A CI oriented configuration for # some key services *might* work for 'fail faster', but where things # can be so slow already it might just cause more pain. # if $(dirname $0)/wait_for -w 300 -d 10 -s "CREATE_COMPLETE" -f "CREATE_FAILED" -- $WAIT_FOR_COMMAND; then log "Overcloud pingtest, heat stack CREATE_COMPLETE"; vm1_ip=`openstack stack output show tenant-stack server1_public_ip | grep value | awk '{print $4}'` log "Overcloud pingtest, trying to ping the floating IPs $vm1_ip" if $(dirname $0)/wait_for -w 360 -d 10 -s "bytes from $vm1_ip" -- "ping -c 1 $vm1_ip" ; then ping -c 1 $vm1_ip log "Overcloud pingtest, SUCCESS" else ping -c 1 $vm1_ip || : nova show Server1 || : nova service-list || : neutron agent-list || : nova console-log Server1 || : log "Overcloud pingtest, FAIL" exitval=1 fi else nova service-list || : neutron agent-list || : openstack stack show tenant-stack || : openstack stack event list -f table tenant-stack || : openstack stack resource list -n5 tenant-stack || : openstack stack failures list tenant-stack || : log "Overcloud pingtest, failed to create heat stack, trying cleanup" exitval=1 fi else log "Overcloud pingtest, stack create command failed immediately" fi if [ "$SKIP_PINGTEST_CLEANUP" != 1 ]; then cleanup_pingtest else log "Overcloud pingtest, the resources created by the pingtest will remain until a new pingtest is executed." fi if [ $exitval -eq 0 ]; then log "Overcloud pingtest SUCCEEDED" else log "Overcloud pingtest FAILED" fi exit $exitval } function clean_tempest { neutron net-delete nova || echo "Cleaning tempest: no networks were created" } function tempest_run { log "Running tempest" stackrc_check CTLPLANE_CIDR=$(neutron net-list -c subnets -c name -f value | grep ctlplane | awk {'print $2'}) CTLPLANE_NET=$(echo $CTLPLANE_CIDR | awk -F "." {'print $1"."$2"."$3'}) overcloudrc_check clean_tempest root_dir=$(realpath $(dirname ${BASH_SOURCE[0]:-$0})) [[ ! -e $HOME/tempest ]] && git clone https://github.com/openstack/tempest $HOME/tempest pushd $HOME/tempest git checkout $TEMPEST_PINNED FLOATING_IP_CIDR=${FLOATING_IP_CIDR:-$CTLPLANE_CIDR} FLOATING_IP_START=${FLOATING_IP_START:-"${CTLPLANE_NET}.50"} FLOATING_IP_END=${FLOATING_IP_END:-"${CTLPLANE_NET}.64"} export EXTERNAL_NETWORK_GATEWAY=${EXTERNAL_NETWORK_GATEWAY:-"${CTLPLANE_NET}.1"} neutron net-create nova --shared --router:external=True --provider:network_type flat --provider:physical_network datacentre; neutron subnet-create --name ext-subnet --allocation-pool start=$FLOATING_IP_START,end=$FLOATING_IP_END --disable-dhcp --gateway $EXTERNAL_NETWORK_GATEWAY nova $FLOATING_IP_CIDR; sudo yum install -y libffi-devel openssl-devel python-virtualenv virtualenv --no-site-packages .venv $HOME/tempest/tools/with_venv.sh pip install -U pip setuptools $HOME/tempest/tools/with_venv.sh pip install junitxml httplib2 -r test-requirements.txt -r requirements.txt cp $root_dir/config_tempest.py $HOME/tempest/tools/ cp $root_dir/api_discovery.py $HOME/tempest/tempest/common/ cp $root_dir/default-overrides.conf $HOME/tempest/etc/ sudo mkdir -p /var/log/tempest/ ||: sudo mkdir -p /etc/tempest/ ||: sudo chown $USER:$USER -R /var/log/tempest/ $HOME/tempest/tools/with_venv.sh python $HOME/tempest/tools/config_tempest.py \ --out etc/tempest.conf \ --debug \ --create \ --deployer-input ~/tempest-deployer-input.conf \ identity.uri $OS_AUTH_URL \ auth.use_dynamic_credentials true \ identity.admin_password $OS_PASSWORD \ compute.build_timeout 500 \ validation.image_ssh_user cirros \ orchestration.stack_owner_role _member_ \ network.build_timeout 500 \ volume.build_timeout 500 \ DEFAULT.log_file "/var/log/tempest/tempest.log" \ $TEMPEST_ADD_CONFIG sudo cp $HOME/tempest/etc/tempest.conf /etc/tempest/tempest.conf [[ ! -e $HOME/tempest/.testrepository ]] && $HOME/tempest/tools/with_venv.sh testr init $HOME/tempest/tools/with_venv.sh testr run \ $TEMPEST_ARGS \ $TEMPEST_REGEX | \ tee >( $HOME/tempest/tools/with_venv.sh subunit2junitxml --output-to=/var/log/tempest/tempest.xml ) | \ $HOME/tempest/tools/with_venv.sh subunit-trace --no-failure-debug -f 2>&1 | \ tee /var/log/tempest/tempest_console.log && exitval=0 || exitval=$? $HOME/tempest/tools/with_venv.sh subunit2html $HOME/tempest/.testrepository/$(ls -t $HOME/tempest/.testrepository/ | grep -e "[0-9]" | head -1) /var/log/tempest/tempest.html exit ${exitval} } function clone { local repo=$1 log "$0 requires $repo to be cloned at \$TRIPLEO_ROOT ($TRIPLEO_ROOT)" mkdir -p $TRIPLEO_ROOT if [ ! -d $TRIPLEO_ROOT/$(basename $repo) ]; then echo "$repo not found at $TRIPLEO_ROOT/$repo, git cloning." pushd $TRIPLEO_ROOT git clone https://opendev.org/$repo popd else echo "$repo found at $TRIPLEO_ROOT/$repo, nothing to do." fi } # This function creates an internal gre bridge to connect all external # network bridges across the compute and network nodes. # bridge_name: Bridge name on each host for logical l2 network # connectivity. # host_ip: ip address of the bridge host which is reachable for all peer # the hub for all of our spokes. # set_ips: Whether or not to set l3 addresses on our logical l2 network. # This can be helpful for setting up routing tables. # offset: starting value for gre tunnel key and the ip addr suffix # The next two parameters are only used if set_ips is "True". # pub_addr_prefix: The IPv4 address three octet prefix used to give compute # nodes non conflicting addresses on the pub_if_name'd # network. Should be provided as X.Y.Z. Offset will be # applied to this as well as the below mask to get the # resulting address. # pub_addr_mask: the CIDR mask less the '/' for the IPv4 addresses used # above. # every additional parameter is considered as a peer host (spokes) # # For OVS troubleshooting needs: # http://www.yet.org/2014/09/openvswitch-troubleshooting/ # function ovs_vxlan_bridge { if is_suse; then local ovs_package='openvswitch' local ovs_service='openvswitch' elif is_fedora; then local ovs_package='openvswitch openstack-selinux' local ovs_service='openvswitch' elif uses_debs; then local ovs_package='openvswitch-switch' local ovs_service='openvswitch-switch' else echo "Unsupported platform, can't determine openvswitch service" exit 1 fi local install_ovs_deps="source $BASE/new/devstack/functions-common; \ install_package ${ovs_package}; \ restart_service ${ovs_service}" local mtu=1450 local bridge_name=$1 local host_ip=$2 local set_ips=$3 local offset=$4 if [[ "$set_ips" == "True" ]] ; then local pub_addr_prefix=$5 local pub_addr_mask=$6 shift 6 else shift 4 fi local peer_ips=$@ # neutron uses 1:1000 with default devstack configuration, avoid overlap local additional_vni_offset=1000000 eval $install_ovs_deps # create a bridge, just like you would with 'brctl addbr' # if the bridge exists, --may-exist prevents ovs from returning an error sudo ovs-vsctl --may-exist add-br $bridge_name # as for the mtu, look for notes on lp#1301958 in devstack-vm-gate.sh sudo ip link set mtu $mtu dev $bridge_name if [[ "$set_ips" == "True" ]] ; then echo "Set bridge: ${bridge_name}" if ! sudo ip addr show dev ${bridge_name} | grep -q \ ${pub_addr_prefix}.${offset}/${pub_addr_mask} ; then sudo ip addr add ${pub_addr_prefix}.${offset}/${pub_addr_mask} \ dev ${bridge_name} fi fi sudo ip link set dev $bridge_name up for node_ip in $peer_ips; do offset=$(( offset+1 )) vni=$(( offset + additional_vni_offset )) # For reference on how to setup a tunnel using OVS see: # http://openvswitch.org/support/config-cookbooks/port-tunneling/ # The command below is equivalent to the sequence of ip/brctl commands # where an interface of vxlan type is created first, and then plugged into # the bridge; options are command specific configuration key-value pairs. # # Create the vxlan tunnel for the Controller/Network Node: # This establishes a tunnel between remote $node_ip to local $host_ip # uniquely identified by a key $offset sudo ovs-vsctl --may-exist add-port $bridge_name \ ${bridge_name}_${node_ip} \ -- set interface ${bridge_name}_${node_ip} type=vxlan \ options:remote_ip=${node_ip} \ options:key=${vni} \ options:local_ip=${host_ip} # Now complete the vxlan tunnel setup for the Compute Node: # Similarly this establishes the tunnel in the reverse direction remote_command $node_ip "$install_ovs_deps" remote_command $node_ip sudo ovs-vsctl --may-exist add-br $bridge_name remote_command $node_ip sudo ip link set mtu $mtu dev $bridge_name remote_command $node_ip sudo ovs-vsctl --may-exist add-port $bridge_name \ ${bridge_name}_${host_ip} \ -- set interface ${bridge_name}_${host_ip} type=vxlan \ options:remote_ip=${host_ip} \ options:key=${vni} \ options:local_ip=${node_ip} if [[ "$set_ips" == "True" ]] ; then if ! remote_command $node_ip sudo ip addr show dev ${bridge_name} | \ grep -q ${pub_addr_prefix}.${offset}/${pub_addr_mask} ; then remote_command $node_ip sudo ip addr add \ ${pub_addr_prefix}.${offset}/${pub_addr_mask} \ dev ${bridge_name} fi fi remote_command $node_ip sudo ip link set dev $bridge_name up done } function multinode_setup { log "Multinode Setup" clone openstack-dev/devstack clone openstack-infra/devstack-gate # $BASE is expected by devstack/functions-common # which is sourced by devstack-gate/functions.sh # It should be the parent directory of the "new" directory where # zuul-cloner has checked out the repositories export BASE export TRIPLEO_ROOT log "Sourcing devstack-gate/functions.sh" set +u source $TRIPLEO_ROOT/devstack-gate/functions.sh set -u PUB_BRIDGE_NAME=${PUB_BRIDGE_NAME:-"br-ex"} local primary_node primary_node=$(cat /etc/nodepool/primary_node_private) local sub_nodes sub_nodes=$(cat /etc/nodepool/sub_nodes_private) for ip in $sub_nodes; do # Do repo setup so openvswitch package is available on subnodes. Will # be installed by ovs_vxlan_bridge function below. log "Running --repo-setup on $ip" ssh $SSH_OPTIONS -t -i /etc/nodepool/id_rsa $ip \ TRIPLEO_ROOT=$TRIPLEO_ROOT \ $TRIPLEO_ROOT/tripleo-ci/scripts/tripleo.sh --repo-setup done # Create OVS vxlan bridges # If br-ctlplane already exists on this node, we need to bring it down # first, then bring it back up after calling ovs_vxlan_bridge. This ensures # that the route added to br-ex by ovs_vxlan_bridge will be preferred over # the br-ctlplane route. If it's not preferred, multinode connectivity # across the vxlan bridge will not work. if [ -f /etc/sysconfig/network-scripts/ifcfg-br-ctlplane ]; then sudo ifdown br-ctlplane fi set +u log "Running ovs_vxlan_bridge" ovs_vxlan_bridge $PUB_BRIDGE_NAME $primary_node "True" 2 192.168.24 24 $sub_nodes set -u log "Setting $PUB_BRIDGE_NAME up on $primary_node" sudo ip link set dev $PUB_BRIDGE_NAME up sudo ip link set dev $PUB_BRIDGE_NAME mtu $MTU if [ -f /etc/sysconfig/network-scripts/ifcfg-br-ctlplane ]; then sudo ifup br-ctlplane fi # Restart neutron-openvswitch-agent if it's enabled, since it may have # terminated when br-ctlplane was down if [ "$(sudo systemctl is-enabled neutron-openvswitch-agent)" = 'enabled' ]; then sudo systemctl reset-failed neutron-openvswitch-agent sudo systemctl restart neutron-openvswitch-agent fi local ping_command="ping -c 6 -W 3" for ip in $sub_nodes; do log "Setting $PUB_BRIDGE_NAME up on $ip" ssh $SSH_OPTIONS -t -i /etc/nodepool/id_rsa $ip \ sudo ip link set dev $PUB_BRIDGE_NAME up ssh $SSH_OPTIONS -t -i /etc/nodepool/id_rsa $ip \ sudo ip link set dev $PUB_BRIDGE_NAME mtu $MTU log "Pinging from $ip" if ! remote_command $ip $ping_command; then log "Pinging from $ip failed, restarting openvswitch" remote_command $ip sudo systemctl restart openvswitch if ! remote_command $ip $ping_command; then log "Pinging from $ip still failed after restarting openvswitch" exit 1 fi fi done log "Multinode Setup - DONE". } function undercloud_sanity_check { set -x stackrc_check openstack user list openstack catalog list nova service-list glance image-list neutron subnet-list neutron net-list neutron agent-list if [[ ! "${STABLE_RELEASE}" =~ ^(newton|ocata) ]]; then # This verifies that at least one conductor comes up, and at least one # IPMI-based driver was successfully enabled. ipmi_drivers="$(grep -c ipmi <(ironic driver-list))" if [[ $ipmi_drivers -eq 0 ]]; then log "ERROR: Check ironic driver-list" exit 1 fi else ironic node-list fi openstack stack list ui_sanity_check set +x } function bootstrap_subnodes { log "WARNING: Bootstrap subnodes is deprecated and will be removed. " local sub_nodes sub_nodes=$(cat /etc/nodepool/sub_nodes_private) bootstrap_subnodes_repos local bootstrap_script if [ "$BOOTSTRAP_SUBNODES_MINIMAL" = "1" ]; then bootstrap_script=bootstrap-overcloud-full-minimal.sh else bootstrap_script=bootstrap-overcloud-full.sh fi for ip in $sub_nodes; do log "Bootstrapping $ip" # Run overcloud full bootstrap script log "Running bootstrap-overcloud-full.sh on $ip" ssh $SSH_OPTIONS -t -i /etc/nodepool/id_rsa $ip \ TRIPLEO_ROOT=$TRIPLEO_ROOT \ $TRIPLEO_ROOT/tripleo-ci/scripts/$bootstrap_script done log "Bootstrap subnodes - DONE". } function setup_nodepool_files { log "Setup nodepool files" clone openstack-dev/devstack clone openstack-infra/devstack-gate clone openstack-infra/tripleo-ci if [ ! -d $BASE/new ]; then ln -s $TRIPLEO_ROOT $BASE/new fi sudo mkdir -p /etc/nodepool sudo chown -R $(whoami): /etc/nodepool if [ ! -f /etc/nodepool/id_rsa ]; then ssh-keygen -N "" -t rsa -f /etc/nodepool/id_rsa cat /etc/nodepool/id_rsa.pub >> ~/.ssh/authorized_keys fi if [ -z $PRIMARY_NODE_IP ]; then echo '$PRIMARY_NODE_IP must be defined. Exiting.' exit 1 fi echo $PRIMARY_NODE_IP > /etc/nodepool/primary_node echo $PRIMARY_NODE_IP > /etc/nodepool/primary_node_private echo -n > /etc/nodepool/sub_nodes echo -n > /etc/nodepool/sub_nodes_private for sub_node_ip in $SUB_NODE_IPS; do echo $sub_node_ip >> /etc/nodepool/sub_nodes echo $sub_node_ip >> /etc/nodepool/sub_nodes_private done for sub_node_ip in $SUB_NODE_IPS; do echo $sub_node_ip > /etc/nodepool/node echo $sub_node_ip > /etc/nodepool/node_private ssh $SSH_OPTIONS -tt $sub_node_ip sudo mkdir -p $TRIPLEO_ROOT ssh $SSH_OPTIONS -tt $sub_node_ip sudo chown -R $(whoami): $TRIPLEO_ROOT rsync -e "ssh $SSH_OPTIONS" -avhP $TRIPLEO_ROOT $sub_node_ip:$TRIPLEO_ROOT/.. rsync -e "ssh $SSH_OPTIONS" -avhP /etc/nodepool $sub_node_ip: ssh $SSH_OPTIONS -tt $sub_node_ip sudo cp -r nodepool /etc ssh $SSH_OPTIONS $sub_node_ip \ "/bin/bash -c 'cat /etc/nodepool/id_rsa.pub >> ~/.ssh/authorized_keys'" done echo $PRIMARY_NODE_IP > /etc/nodepool/node echo $PRIMARY_NODE_IP > /etc/nodepool/node_private log "Setup nodepool files - DONE" } function bootstrap_subnodes_repos { log "Bootstrap subnodes repos" local sub_nodes sub_nodes=$(cat /etc/nodepool/sub_nodes_private) for ip in $sub_nodes; do log "Bootstrapping $ip" log "Running --repo-setup on $ip" # Do repo setup # if UPGRADE_RELEASE is set, then we are making an upgrade, so # we need to set the stable_release. if [ ! -z $UPGRADE_RELEASE ]; then log "Stable release $UPGRADE_RELEASE" ssh $SSH_OPTIONS -t -i /etc/nodepool/id_rsa $ip \ "TRIPLEO_ROOT=$TRIPLEO_ROOT; \ unset STABLE_RELEASE; \ export STABLE_RELEASE=$UPGRADE_RELEASE; \ $TRIPLEO_ROOT/tripleo-ci/scripts/tripleo.sh --repo-setup" else ssh $SSH_OPTIONS -t -i /etc/nodepool/id_rsa $ip \ TRIPLEO_ROOT=$TRIPLEO_ROOT \ $TRIPLEO_ROOT/tripleo-ci/scripts/tripleo.sh --repo-setup fi done log "Bootstrap subnodes repos - DONE". } if [ "$REPO_SETUP" = 1 ]; then repo_setup fi if [ "$DELOREAN_SETUP" = 1 ]; then delorean_setup fi if [ "$DELOREAN_BUILD" = 1 ]; then export DELOREAN_BUILD_REFS="${DELOREAN_BUILD_REFS:-$@}" if [ -z "$DELOREAN_BUILD_REFS" ]; then echo "Usage: $0 --delorean-build openstack/heat openstack/nova" exit 1 fi delorean_build fi if [ "$UNDERCLOUD" = 1 ]; then undercloud if [ "$UNDERCLOUD_SANITY_CHECK" = 1 ]; then undercloud_sanity_check fi fi if [ "$OVERCLOUD_IMAGES" = 1 ]; then overcloud_images fi if [ "$REGISTER_NODES" = 1 ]; then register_nodes fi if [ "$INTROSPECT_NODES" = 1 ]; then introspect_nodes fi if [ "$OVERCLOUD_DEPLOY" = 1 ]; then overcloud_deploy fi if [ "$OVERCLOUD_UPDATE" = 1 ]; then overcloud_update fi if [ "$OVERCLOUD_UPGRADE" = 1 ]; then overcloud_upgrade fi if [ "$OVERCLOUD_UPGRADE_CONVERGE" = 1 ]; then overcloud_upgrade_converge fi if [ "$OVERCLOUD_DELETE" = 1 ]; then overcloud_delete fi if [[ "$USE_CONTAINERS" == 1 && "$OVERCLOUD_DEPLOY" != 1 ]]; then echo "Error: --overcloud-deploy flag is required with the flag --use-containers" exit 1 fi if [ "$OVERCLOUD_PINGTEST" = 1 ]; then overcloud_pingtest fi if [ "$OVERCLOUD_SANITYTEST" = 1 ]; then overcloud_sanitytest fi if [ "$TEMPEST_RUN" = 1 ]; then tempest_run fi if [ "$UNDERCLOUD_UPGRADE" = 1 ]; then undercloud_upgrade if [ "$UNDERCLOUD_SANITY_CHECK" = 1 ]; then undercloud_sanity_check fi fi if [ "$MULTINODE_SETUP" = 1 ]; then multinode_setup fi if [ "$BOOTSTRAP_SUBNODES" = 1 ]; then bootstrap_subnodes fi if [ "$SETUP_NODEPOOL_FILES" = 1 ]; then setup_nodepool_files fi if [ "$ALL" = 1 ]; then repo_setup undercloud overcloud_images register_nodes introspect_nodes overcloud_deploy fi