Override config =============== featureset override ------------------- Take advantage of zuul job config to override featureset settings like tempest tests that should run. The following settings from the featureset config can be overriden: - `run_tempest`: To run tempest or not (true|false). - `tempest_whitelist`: List of tests you want to be executed. - `test_black_regex`: Set of tempest tests to skip. - `tempest_format`: Installing tempest from venv, packages or containers - `tempest_extra_config`: A dict values in order to override the tempest.conf - `tempest_plugins`: List of tempest plugins needs to be installed - `standalone_environment_files`: List of environment files to be overriden by the featureset configuration on standalone deployment. The environment file should exist in tripleo-heat-templates repo. - `test_white_regex`: Regex to be used by tempest - `tempest_workers`: Numbers of parallel workers to run Example:: - job: name: tripleo-ci-centos-7-scenario001-multinode-oooq-container parent: tripleo-ci-multinode ... vars: featureset_override: run_tempest: true tempest_whitelist: - 'tempest.scenario.test_volume_boot_pattern.TestVolumeBootPattern.test_volume_boot_pattern' tempest_black_regex: 'tempest.api.network|tempest.api.compute' tempest_format: 'containers' tempest_extra_config: {'telemetry.alarm_granularity': '60'} tempest_workers: 1 tempest_plugins: - 'python-keystone-tests-tempest' - 'python-cinder-tests-tempest' standalone_environment_files: - 'environments/low-memory-usage.yaml' - 'ci/environments/scenario003-standalone.yaml'