--- # TRIPLEO-CI environment settings cloudenv: "upstream" undercloud_user: "{{ lookup('env','USER') }}" non_root_user: "{{ undercloud_user }}" ssh_user: "{{ undercloud_user }}" workers_args: >- -e {{ overcloud_templates_path }}/environments/low-memory-usage.yaml -e {{ tripleo_root }}/tripleo-ci/test-environments/worker-config.yaml -e {{ overcloud_templates_path }}/environments/debug.yaml # undercloud deployment # NOTE(mwhahaha): removed until we can sort out the docker.io issues LP#1889122 # undercloud_docker_registry_mirror: "{{ lookup('env','NODEPOOL_DOCKER_REGISTRY_V2_PROXY') }}" dlrn_use_local_mirrors: true # ara install and config undercloud_ansible_cfg: false vxlan_networking: true hostname_correction: true # workaround restriction on toci images vxlan_mtu: 1350 mtu: "{{ vxlan_mtu }}" undercloud_local_mtu: "{{ mtu }}" minion_local_mtu: "{{ mtu }}" overcloud_neutron_global_physnet_mtu: "{{ mtu }}" # environment settings, not TRIPLEO-CI specific undercloud_local_interface: "br-ex" # related to osinfra network configuration minion_local_interface: "br-ex" # related to osinfra network configuration flavor_args: "" undercloud_conf_extras: "net_config_override = /opt/stack/new/tripleo-ci/undercloud-configs/net-config-multinode.json.template" generate_pingtest_subunit: true undercloud_undercloud_nameservers: - - undercloud_undercloud_cleanup: false # Container update settings update_containers: >- {% if containerized_overcloud|bool or containerized_undercloud|bool -%} true {%- endif -%} # build-test packages artg_repos_dir: /home/zuul/src/opendev.org/openstack # InfluxDB module settings influxdb_only_successful_tasks: true influxdb_measurement: job influxdb_url: influxdb_port: 8086 influxdb_user: tripleo_ci influxdb_password: influxdb_dbname: tripleo_ci influxdb_data_file_path: "{{ artcl_collect_dir }}/influxdb_data" influxdb_create_data_file: true run_tripleo_validations: false run_tripleo_validations_negative_tests: false run_tripleo_validations_setup: false # https://bugs.launchpad.net/tripleo/+bug/1817600 # turn off performance monitoring. # REENABLED(gcerami) 20190917 as zuul disabled ara reports ara_generate_html: true # run atop with interval (-i) of 180 seconds instead of default 10 atop_command: atop -i 180 -R -w /var/log/atop.bin artcl_gzip: false # override any featureset file.. doc creation should not run upstream artcl_gen_docs: false