#!/bin/bash set -eux export STABLE_RELEASE=${STABLE_RELEASE:-""} # Source deploy.env if it exists. It should exist if we are running under # tripleo-ci export TRIPLEO_ROOT=${TRIPLEO_ROOT:-"/opt/stack/new"} if [ -f "$TRIPLEO_ROOT/tripleo-ci/deploy.env" ]; then source $TRIPLEO_ROOT/tripleo-ci/deploy.env fi # Ensure epel-release is not installed sudo yum erase -y epel-release || : # Copied from toci_gate_test.sh...need to apply this fix on subnodes as well # TODO(pabelanger): Why is python-requests installed from pip? # TODO(amoralej): remove after https://review.openstack.org/#/c/468872/ is merged sudo pip uninstall certifi -y || true sudo pip uninstall urllib3 -y || true sudo pip uninstall requests -y || true sudo rpm -e --nodeps python2-certifi || : sudo rpm -e --nodeps python2-urllib3 || : sudo rpm -e --nodeps python2-requests || : sudo yum -y install python-requests python-urllib3 # Clear out any puppet modules on the node placed their by infra configuration sudo rm -rf /etc/puppet/modules/* # This will remove any puppet configuration done my infra setup sudo yum -y remove puppet facter hiera # Update everything sudo yum -y update # git is needed since oooq multinode jobs does a git clone # See https://bugs.launchpad.net/tripleo-quickstart/+bug/1667043 sudo yum -y install git python-heat-agent* openstack-heat-agents # create a loop device for ceph-ansible # device name is static so we know what to point to from ceph-ansible # job names might change, but multinode implies ceph as per scenario001-multinode.yaml if [[ "${TOCI_JOBTYPE:-''}" =~ multinode ]]; then if [[ ! -e /dev/loop3 ]]; then # ensure /dev/loop3 does not exist before making it command -v losetup >/dev/null 2>&1 || { sudo yum -y install util-linux; } sudo dd if=/dev/zero of=/var/lib/ceph-osd.img bs=1 count=0 seek=7G sudo losetup /dev/loop3 /var/lib/ceph-osd.img elif [[ -f /var/lib/ceph-osd.img ]]; then #loop3 and ceph-osd.img exist echo "warning: looks like ceph loop device already created. Trying to continue" else echo "error: /dev/loop3 exists but not /var/lib/ceph-osd.img. Exiting." exit 1 fi sudo lsblk fi