=========== Description ----------- This directory contains scripts and config files used to generate the website. The following projects are used: * tripleo-docs (our tripleo documentation) * tripleosphinx (currently hosted on * reviewday (provides an HTML report of reviews along with LP ticket priorities) * tripleo-ci (HTML CI reports and other misc scripts.) Building the site ----------------- is currently a static HTML website that is regenerated by scripts or via a cron job. To build the entire site run the following: cd tripleo-ci/scripts/website OUT\_HTML='out\_html' bash generate\ NOTE: This will take some time to run reviewday (which makes remote Gerrit and Lauchpad API connections) and generate the CI reports which contact the API of the upstream Jenkins servers. If you want to do a quick build to test out new HTML formatting, etc. you can disable the reviewday and CI reports by running the following: cd tripleo-ci/scripts/website SKIP\_REVIEWDAY="Y" SKIP\_CI\_REPORTS="Y" OUT\_HTML='out\_html' bash generate\ Once you executed either of the above commands the HTML website would be in your local out\_html directory and can be viewed with any webrower by pointing it to the local filesystem.