#!/usr/bin/env bash . toci_functions.sh export STARTTIME=$(date) export TOCI_SOURCE_DIR=$PWD # env specific to this run, can contain # TOCI_RESULTS_SERVER, http_proxy, TOCI_UPLOAD, TOCI_REMOVE, source ~/.toci export TOCI_GIT_CHECKOUT # All temp files should go here export TOCI_WORKING_DIR=${TOCI_WORKING_DIR:-$(mktemp -d --tmpdir toci_working_XXXXXXX)} mkdir -p $TOCI_WORKING_DIR # Any files to be uploaded to results server goes here export TOCI_LOG_DIR=${TOCI_LOG_DIR:-$(mktemp -d --tmpdir toci_logs_XXXXXXX)} mkdir -p $TOCI_LOG_DIR # Files that should be cached between runs should go in here # e.g. downloaded images, git repo's etc... export TOCI_CACHE_DIR=/var/tmp/toci_cache RESULT_CACHE=$TOCI_CACHE_DIR/results_cache.html echo "Starting run $STARTTIME ($TOCI_WORKING_DIR,$TOCI_LOG_DIR)" # If running in cron $USER isn't setup export USER=${USER:-$(whoami)} mkdir -p $TOCI_CACHE_DIR STATUS=0 mark_time Starting git timeout --foreground 60m ./toci_git.sh > $TOCI_LOG_DIR/git.out 2>&1 || STATUS=1 if [ $STATUS == 0 ] ; then mark_time Starting setup timeout --foreground 60m ./toci_setup.sh > $TOCI_LOG_DIR/setup.out 2>&1 || STATUS=1 fi if [ $STATUS == 0 ] ; then mark_time Starting test timeout --foreground 60m ./toci_test.sh > $TOCI_LOG_DIR/test.out 2>&1 || STATUS=1 fi if [ ${TOCI_CLEANUP:-1} == 1 ] ; then mark_time Starting cleanup timeout --foreground 60m ./toci_cleanup.sh > $TOCI_LOG_DIR/cleanup.out 2>&1 || STATUS=1 fi mark_time Finished if [ ${TOCI_UPLOAD:-0} == 1 ] ; then cd $(dirname $TOCI_LOG_DIR) tar -czf - $(basename $TOCI_LOG_DIR) | ssh ec2-user@$TOCI_RESULTS_SERVER tar -C /var/www/html/toci -xzf - touch $RESULT_CACHE mv $RESULT_CACHE result_cache.html.bck echo "" > index.html if [ $STATUS == 0 ] ; then echo "$STARTTIME : OK
" > $RESULT_CACHE else echo "
" > $RESULT_CACHE fi # keep only the last 100 runs head -n 100 result_cache.html.bck >> $RESULT_CACHE rm result_cache.html.bck cat $RESULT_CACHE >> index.html echo "" >> index.html scp index.html ec2-user@$TOCI_RESULTS_SERVER:/var/www/html/toci/index.html ssh ec2-user@$TOCI_RESULTS_SERVER "chmod -R 775 /var/www/html/toci/*" fi if [ ${TOCI_REMOVE:-1} == 1 ] ; then rm -rf $TOCI_WORKING_DIR $TOCI_LOG_DIR fi echo $STATUS