#!/bin/bash # Tripleo CI functions # Revert a commit for tripleo ci # $1 : project name e.g. nova # $2 : hash id of commit to revert # $3 : bug id of reason for revert (used to skip revert if found in commit # that triggers ci). function temprevert { # Before reverting check to ensure this isn't the related fix if git --git-dir=$TRIPLEO_ROOT/${ZUUL_PROJECT#*/}/.git log -1 | grep -iE "bug.*$3" ; then echo "Skipping temprevert because bug fix $3 was found in git message." return 0 fi pushd $TRIPLEO_ROOT/$1 # Abort on fail so we're not left in a conflict state git revert --no-edit $2 || git revert --abort || true popd DELOREAN_BUILD_REFS="${DELOREAN_BUILD_REFS:-} $1" } # Pin to a commit for tripleo ci # $1 : project name e.g. nova # $2 : hash id of commit to pin too # $3 : bug id of reason for the pin (used to skip revert if found in commit # that triggers ci). function pin { # Before reverting check to ensure this isn't the related fix if git --git-dir=$TRIPLEO_ROOT/${ZUUL_PROJECT#*/}/.git log -1 | grep -iE "bug.*$3" ; then echo "Skipping pin because bug fix $3 was found in git message." return 0 fi pushd $TRIPLEO_ROOT/$1 git reset --hard $2 popd DELOREAN_BUILD_REFS="${DELOREAN_BUILD_REFS:-} $1" } # Cherry-pick a commit for tripleo ci # $1 : project name e.g. nova # $2 : Gerrit refspec to cherry pick # $3 : bug id of reason for the cherry pick (used to skip cherry pick if found # in commit that triggers ci). function cherrypick { local PROJ_NAME=$1 local REFSPEC=$2 # Before cherrypicking check to ensure this isn't the related fix if git --git-dir=$TRIPLEO_ROOT/${ZUUL_PROJECT#*/}/.git log -1 | grep -iE "bug.*$3" ; then echo "Skipping cherrypick because bug fix $3 was found in git message." return 0 fi pushd $TRIPLEO_ROOT/$PROJ_NAME git fetch https://review.openstack.org/openstack/$PROJ_NAME "$REFSPEC" # Abort on fail so we're not left in a conflict state git cherry-pick FETCH_HEAD || git cherry-pick --abort popd DELOREAN_BUILD_REFS="${DELOREAN_BUILD_REFS:-} $1" # Export a DIB_REPOREF variable as well export DIB_REPOREF_${PROJ_NAME//-/_}=$REFSPEC } # echo's out a project name from a ref # $1 : e.g. openstack/nova:master:refs/changes/87/64787/3 returns nova function filterref { PROJ=${1%%:*} PROJ=${PROJ##*/} echo $PROJ } function layer_ci_repo { # Find the path to the trunk repository used TRUNKREPOUSED=$(grep -Eo "[0-9a-z]{2}/[0-9a-z]{2}/[0-9a-z]{40}_[0-9a-z]+" /etc/yum.repos.d/delorean.repo) # Layer the ci repository on top of it sudo wget http://$MY_IP:8766/current/delorean-ci.repo -O /etc/yum.repos.d/delorean-ci.repo # rewrite the baseurl in delorean-ci.repo as its currently pointing a https://trunk.rdoproject.org/.. sudo sed -i -e "s%baseurl=.*%baseurl=http://$MY_IP:8766/current/%" /etc/yum.repos.d/delorean-ci.repo sudo sed -i -e 's%priority=.*%priority=1%' /etc/yum.repos.d/delorean-ci.repo } function echo_vars_to_deploy_env { CALLER=$(caller) echo "# Written via echo_vars_to_deploy_env from $CALLER" >> $TRIPLEO_ROOT/tripleo-ci/deploy.env for VAR in NODEPOOL_CBS_CENTOS_PROXY NODEPOOL_CENTOS_MIRROR http_proxy INTROSPECT MY_IP no_proxy NODECOUNT OVERCLOUD_DEPLOY_ARGS OVERCLOUD_UPDATE_ARGS PACEMAKER SSH_OPTIONS STABLE_RELEASE TRIPLEO_ROOT TRIPLEO_SH_ARGS NETISO_V4 NETISO_V6 TOCI_JOBTYPE UNDERCLOUD_SSL UNDERCLOUD_HEAT_CONVERGENCE RUN_TEMPEST_TESTS RUN_PING_TEST JOB_NAME OVB UNDERCLOUD_IDEMPOTENT MULTINODE CONTROLLER_HOSTS COMPUTE_HOSTS SUBNODES_SSH_KEY TEST_OVERCLOUD_DELETE OVERCLOUD OSINFRA UNDERCLOUD_SANITY_CHECK OVERCLOUD_PINGTEST_ARGS FEATURE_BRANCH OVERCLOUD_ROLES UPGRADE_RELEASE OVERCLOUD_MAJOR_UPGRADE MAJOR_UPGRADE UNDERCLOUD_MAJOR_UPGRADE CA_SERVER UNDERCLOUD_TELEMETRY UNDERCLOUD_UI UNDERCLOUD_VALIDATIONS PREDICTABLE_PLACEMENT OPSTOOLS_REPO_ENABLED UPGRADE_ENV BOOTSTRAP_SUBNODES_MINIMAL MULTINODE_ENV_PATH; do if [ -n "${!VAR:+x}" ]; then echo "export $VAR=\"${!VAR}\"" >> $TRIPLEO_ROOT/tripleo-ci/deploy.env fi done for role in $OVERCLOUD_ROLES; do eval hosts=\${${role}_hosts} echo "export ${role}_hosts=\"${hosts}\"" >> $TRIPLEO_ROOT/tripleo-ci/deploy.env done }