#!/bin/bash set -eux set -o pipefail cd # This sets all the environment variables for undercloud and overcloud installation source $TRIPLEO_ROOT/tripleo-ci/deploy.env source $TRIPLEO_ROOT/tripleo-ci/scripts/metrics.bash source $TRIPLEO_ROOT/tripleo-ci/scripts/common_functions.sh # Prevent python from buffering stdout, so timestamps are set at appropriate times export PYTHONUNBUFFERED=true export DIB_DISTRIBUTION_MIRROR=$NODEPOOL_CENTOS_MIRROR export STABLE_RELEASE=${STABLE_RELEASE:-""} # the TLS everywhere job requires the undercloud to have a domain set so it can # enroll to FreeIPA if [ $CA_SERVER == 1 ] ; then # This is needed since we use scripts that are located both in t-h-t and # tripleo-common for setting up our test CA. sudo yum install -yq \ openstack-tripleo-heat-templates \ openstack-tripleo-common \ ipa-client \ python-novajoin export TRIPLEO_DOMAIN=ooo.test export CA_SERVER_HOSTNAME=ipa.$TRIPLEO_DOMAIN export CA_ADMIN_PASS=$(uuidgen) export CA_DIR_MANAGER_PASS=$(uuidgen) export CA_SECRET=$(uuidgen) export UNDERCLOUD_FQDN=undercloud.$TRIPLEO_DOMAIN # We can access the CA server through this address for bootstrapping # purposes. export CA_SERVER_PRIVATE_IP=$(jq -r '.extra_nodes[0].ips.private[0].addr' ~/instackenv.json) # Address that will be used for the provisioning interface. The undercloud # and the overcloud nodes should have access to this. export CA_SERVER_IP="" export CA_SERVER_CIDR="${CA_SERVER_IP}/24" echo "$CA_SERVER_PRIVATE_IP $CA_SERVER_HOSTNAME" | sudo tee -a /etc/hosts cat <~/freeipa-setup.env export Hostname=$CA_SERVER_HOSTNAME export FreeIPAIP=$CA_SERVER_IP export AdminPassword=$CA_ADMIN_PASS export DirectoryManagerPassword=$CA_DIR_MANAGER_PASS export HostsSecret=$CA_SECRET export UndercloudFQDN=$UNDERCLOUD_FQDN export ProvisioningCIDR=$CA_SERVER_CIDR export UsingNovajoin=1 EOF # Set undercloud FQDN sudo hostnamectl set-hostname --static $UNDERCLOUD_FQDN # Copy CA env file and installation script scp $SSH_OPTIONS ~/freeipa-setup.env centos@$CA_SERVER_PRIVATE_IP:/tmp/freeipa-setup.env scp $SSH_OPTIONS /usr/share/openstack-tripleo-heat-templates/ci/scripts/freeipa_setup.sh centos@$CA_SERVER_PRIVATE_IP:~/freeipa_setup.sh # Set up CA ssh $SSH_OPTIONS -tt centos@$CA_SERVER_PRIVATE_IP "sudo bash ~/freeipa_setup.sh" # enroll to CA sudo /usr/libexec/novajoin-ipa-setup \ --principal admin \ --password $CA_ADMIN_PASS \ --server $CA_SERVER_HOSTNAME \ --realm $(echo $TRIPLEO_DOMAIN | awk '{print toupper($0)}') \ --domain $TRIPLEO_DOMAIN \ --hostname $UNDERCLOUD_FQDN \ --otp-file /tmp/ipa-otp.txt \ --precreate cat <$TRIPLEO_ROOT/cloud-names.yaml parameter_defaults: CloudDomain: $TRIPLEO_DOMAIN CloudName: overcloud.$TRIPLEO_DOMAIN CloudNameInternal: overcloud.internalapi.$TRIPLEO_DOMAIN CloudNameStorage: overcloud.storage.$TRIPLEO_DOMAIN CloudNameStorageManagement: overcloud.storagemgmt.$TRIPLEO_DOMAIN CloudNameCtlplane: overcloud.ctlplane.$TRIPLEO_DOMAIN EOF fi cat <$HOME/undercloud-hieradata-override.yaml ironic::drivers::deploy::http_port: 3816 EOF echo '[DEFAULT]' > ~/undercloud.conf echo "hieradata_override = $HOME/undercloud-hieradata-override.yaml" >> ~/undercloud.conf cat <>~/undercloud.conf network_cidr = local_ip = network_gateway = undercloud_public_vip = undercloud_admin_vip = masquerade_network = dhcp_start = dhcp_end = inspection_iprange =, EOF if [ $UNDERCLOUD_SSL == 1 ] ; then echo 'generate_service_certificate = True' >> ~/undercloud.conf fi if [ $UNDERCLOUD_TELEMETRY == 0 ] ; then echo 'enable_telemetry = False' >> ~/undercloud.conf echo 'enable_legacy_ceilometer_api = false' >> ~/undercloud.conf fi if [ $UNDERCLOUD_UI == 0 ] ; then echo 'enable_ui = False' >> ~/undercloud.conf fi if [ $UNDERCLOUD_VALIDATIONS == 0 ] ; then echo 'enable_validations = False' >> ~/undercloud.conf fi if [ $RUN_TEMPEST_TESTS != 1 ] ; then echo 'enable_tempest = False' >> ~/undercloud.conf fi if [ $CA_SERVER == 1 ] ; then echo 'enable_novajoin = True' >> ~/undercloud.conf echo "undercloud_hostname = $UNDERCLOUD_FQDN" >> ~/undercloud.conf echo "ipa_otp = $(cat /tmp/ipa-otp.txt)" >> ~/undercloud.conf echo "undercloud_nameservers = $CA_SERVER_IP" >> ~/undercloud.conf echo "overcloud_domain_name = $TRIPLEO_DOMAIN" >> ~/undercloud.conf echo "nova::api::vendordata_dynamic_connect_timeout: 20" >> ~/undercloud-hieradata-override.yaml echo "nova::api::vendordata_dynamic_read_timeout: 20" >> ~/undercloud-hieradata-override.yaml # NOTE(jaosorior): the DNSServers from the overcloud need to point to the # CA so the domain can be discovered. sed -i 's/\(DnsServers: \).*/\1["'$CA_SERVER_IP'", ""]/' \ $TRIPLEO_ROOT/tripleo-ci/test-environments/network-templates/network-environment.yaml sed -i 's/\(DnsServers: \).*/\1["'$CA_SERVER_IP'", ""]/' \ $TRIPLEO_ROOT/tripleo-ci/test-environments/net-iso.yaml # Use FreeIPA as nameserver echo -e "nameserver\nnameserver" | sudo tee /etc/resolv.conf fi if [ $UNDERCLOUD_HEAT_CONVERGENCE == 1 ] ; then cat <>$HOME/undercloud-hieradata-override.yaml heat::engine::convergence_engine: true EOF fi # TODO: fix this in instack-undercloud sudo mkdir -p /etc/puppet/hieradata if [ "$OSINFRA" = 1 ]; then echo "net_config_override = $TRIPLEO_ROOT/tripleo-ci/undercloud-configs/net-config-multinode.json.template" >> ~/undercloud.conf fi # If we're testing an undercloud upgrade, remove the ci repo, since we don't # want to consume the package being tested until we actually do the upgrade. if [ "$UNDERCLOUD_MAJOR_UPGRADE" == 1 ] ; then sudo rm -f /etc/yum.repos.d/delorean-ci.repo fi echo "INFO: Check /var/log/undercloud_install.txt for undercloud install output" echo "INFO: This file can be found in logs/undercloud.tar.xz in the directory containing console.log" start_metric "tripleo.${STABLE_RELEASE:-master}.${TOCI_JOBTYPE}.undercloud.install.seconds" $TRIPLEO_ROOT/tripleo-ci/scripts/tripleo.sh --undercloud 2>&1 | awk '{ print strftime("%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S.000"), "|", $0; fflush(); }' | sudo dd of=/var/log/undercloud_install.txt || (tail -n 50 /var/log/undercloud_install.txt && false) stop_metric "tripleo.${STABLE_RELEASE:-master}.${TOCI_JOBTYPE}.undercloud.install.seconds" # FreeIPA contains an LDAP server, so we're gonna use that to set up a keystone # domain that reads from that ldap server. if [ $CA_SERVER == 1 ] ; then export LDAP_DOMAIN_NAME=freeipadomain export LDAP_READER_INIT_PASS=$(uuidgen) export LDAP_READER_PASS=$(uuidgen) export DEMO_USER_INIT_PASS=$(uuidgen) export DEMO_USER_PASS=$(uuidgen) echo $CA_ADMIN_PASS | kinit admin echo "$LDAP_READER_INIT_PASS" | ipa user-add keystone --cn="keystone user" \ --first="keystone" --last="user" --password echo "$DEMO_USER_INIT_PASS" | ipa user-add demo --cn="demo user" \ --first="demo" --last="user" --password kdestroy -A # Reset password. Since kerberos prompts for the password to be reset on # first usage. echo -e "$LDAP_READER_INIT_PASS\n$LDAP_READER_PASS\n$LDAP_READER_PASS" | kinit keystone kdestroy -A echo -e "$DEMO_USER_INIT_PASS\n$DEMO_USER_PASS\n$DEMO_USER_PASS" | kinit demo kdestroy -A export LDAP_SUFFIX=$(echo $TRIPLEO_DOMAIN | sed -e 's/^/dc=/' -e 's/\./,dc=/g') # Create LDAP configuration in heat environment cat <$TRIPLEO_ROOT/keystone-ldap.yaml parameter_defaults: KeystoneLDAPDomainEnable: true KeystoneLDAPBackendConfigs: $LDAP_DOMAIN_NAME: url: ldaps://$CA_SERVER_HOSTNAME user: uid=keystone,cn=users,cn=accounts,$LDAP_SUFFIX password: $LDAP_READER_PASS suffix: $LDAP_SUFFIX user_tree_dn: cn=users,cn=accounts,$LDAP_SUFFIX user_objectclass: inetOrgPerson user_id_attribute: uid user_name_attribute: uid user_mail_attribute: mail user_allow_create: false user_allow_update: false user_allow_delete: false group_tree_dn: cn=groups,cn=accounts,$LDAP_SUFFIX group_objectclass: groupOfNames group_id_attribute: cn group_name_attribute: cn group_member_attribute: member group_desc_attribute: description group_allow_create: false group_allow_update: false group_allow_delete: false user_enabled_attribute: nsAccountLock user_enabled_default: False user_enabled_invert: true EOF fi if [ "$OVB" = 1 ]; then # eth1 is on the provisioning netwrok and doesn't have dhcp, so we need to set its MTU manually. sudo ip link set dev eth1 up sudo ip link set dev eth1 mtu 1400 echo -e "\ndhcp-option-force=26,1400" | sudo tee -a /etc/dnsmasq-ironic.conf sudo systemctl restart 'neutron-*' # The undercloud install is creating file in ~/.cache as root # change them back so we can build overcloud images sudo chown -R $USER ~/.cache || true # check the power status of the last IPMI device we have details for # this ensures the BMC is ready and sanity tests that its working PMADDR=$(jq '.nodes[length-1].pm_addr' < ~/instackenv.json | tr '"' ' ') $TRIPLEO_ROOT/tripleo-ci/scripts/wait_for -d 10 -l 40 -- ipmitool -I lanplus -H $PMADDR -U admin -P password power status fi if [ $INTROSPECT == 1 ] ; then # I'm removing most of the nodes in the env to speed up discovery # This could be in jq but I don't know how # Only do this for jobs that use introspection, as it makes the likelihood # of hitting https://bugs.launchpad.net/tripleo/+bug/1341420 much higher python -c "import simplejson ; d = simplejson.loads(open(\"instackenv.json\").read()) ; del d[\"nodes\"][$NODECOUNT:] ; print simplejson.dumps(d)" > instackenv_reduced.json mv instackenv_reduced.json instackenv.json # Lower the timeout for introspection to decrease failure time # It should not take more than 10 minutes with IPA ramdisk and no extra collectors sudo sed -i '2itimeout = 600' /etc/ironic-inspector/inspector.conf sudo systemctl restart openstack-ironic-inspector fi if [ $NETISO_V4 -eq 1 ] || [ $NETISO_V6 -eq 1 ]; then # Update our floating range to use a 10. /24 export FLOATING_IP_CIDR=${FLOATING_IP_CIDR:-""} export FLOATING_IP_START=${FLOATING_IP_START:-""} export FLOATING_IP_END=${FLOATING_IP_END:-""} export EXTERNAL_NETWORK_GATEWAY=${EXTERNAL_NETWORK_GATEWAY:-""} # Make our undercloud act as the external gateway # OVB uses eth2 as the "external" network # NOTE: seed uses eth0 for the local network. cat >> /tmp/eth2.cfg <&1 | awk '{ print strftime("%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S.000"), "|", $0; fflush(); }' | sudo dd of=/var/log/image_build.txt || (tail -n 50 /var/log/image_build.txt && false) stop_metric "tripleo.${STABLE_RELEASE:-master}.${TOCI_JOBTYPE}.overcloud.images.seconds" OVERCLOUD_IMAGE_MB=$(du -ms overcloud-full.qcow2 | cut -f 1) record_metric "tripleo.${STABLE_RELEASE:-master}.${TOCI_JOBTYPE}.overcloud.image.size_mb" "$OVERCLOUD_IMAGE_MB" start_metric "tripleo.${STABLE_RELEASE:-master}.${TOCI_JOBTYPE}.register.nodes.seconds" if [ $INTROSPECT == 1 ]; then export INTROSPECT_NODES=1 fi $TRIPLEO_ROOT/tripleo-ci/scripts/tripleo.sh --register-nodes # We don't want to keep this set for further calls to tripleo.sh unset INTROSPECT_NODES stop_metric "tripleo.${STABLE_RELEASE:-master}.${TOCI_JOBTYPE}.register.nodes.seconds" if [ $INTROSPECT == 1 ] ; then start_metric "tripleo.${STABLE_RELEASE:-master}.${TOCI_JOBTYPE}.introspect.seconds" $TRIPLEO_ROOT/tripleo-ci/scripts/tripleo.sh --introspect-nodes stop_metric "tripleo.${STABLE_RELEASE:-master}.${TOCI_JOBTYPE}.introspect.seconds" fi if [ $PREDICTABLE_PLACEMENT == 1 ]; then source ~/stackrc NODE_ID_0=$(ironic node-list | grep available | head -n 1 | tail -n 1 | awk '{print $2}') NODE_ID_1=$(ironic node-list | grep available | head -n 2 | tail -n 1 | awk '{print $2}') NODE_ID_2=$(ironic node-list | grep available | head -n 3 | tail -n 1 | awk '{print $2}') NODE_ID_3=$(ironic node-list | grep available | head -n 4 | tail -n 1 | awk '{print $2}') ironic node-update $NODE_ID_0 replace properties/capabilities='node:controller-0,boot_option:local' ironic node-update $NODE_ID_1 replace properties/capabilities='node:controller-1,boot_option:local' ironic node-update $NODE_ID_2 replace properties/capabilities='node:controller-2,boot_option:local' ironic node-update $NODE_ID_3 replace properties/capabilities='node:compute-0,boot_option:local' fi sleep 60 fi if [ -n "${OVERCLOUD_UPDATE_ARGS:-}" ] ; then # Reinstall openstack-tripleo-heat-templates from delorean-current. # Since we're testing updates, we want to remove any version we may have # installed from the delorean-ci repo and install from delorean-current, # or just delorean in the case of stable branches. sudo rpm -ev --nodeps openstack-tripleo-heat-templates sudo yum -y --disablerepo=* --enablerepo=delorean,delorean-current install openstack-tripleo-heat-templates fi if [ "$MULTINODE" = "1" ]; then # Start the script that will configure os-collect-config on the subnodes source ~/stackrc if [ "$OVERCLOUD_MAJOR_UPGRADE" == 1 ] ; then # Download the previous release openstack-tripleo-heat-templates to a directory # we then deploy this and later upgrade to the default --templates location # FIXME - we should make the tht-compat package work here instead OLD_THT=$(curl https://trunk.rdoproject.org/centos7-$UPGRADE_RELEASE/current/ | grep "openstack-tripleo-heat-templates" | grep "noarch.rpm" | grep -v "tripleo-heat-templates-compat" | sed "s/^.*>openstack-tripleo-heat-templates/openstack-tripleo-heat-templates/" | cut -d "<" -f1) echo "Downloading https://trunk.rdoproject.org/centos7-$UPGRADE_RELEASE/current/$OLD_THT" rm -fr $TRIPLEO_ROOT/$UPGRADE_RELEASE/* mkdir -p $TRIPLEO_ROOT/$UPGRADE_RELEASE curl -o $TRIPLEO_ROOT/$UPGRADE_RELEASE/$OLD_THT https://trunk.rdoproject.org/centos7-$UPGRADE_RELEASE/current/$OLD_THT pushd $TRIPLEO_ROOT/$UPGRADE_RELEASE rpm2cpio openstack-tripleo-heat-templates-*.rpm | cpio -ivd popd # Backup current deploy args: UPGRADE_OVERCLOUD_DEPLOY_ARGS=$OVERCLOUD_DEPLOY_ARGS # Rewrite all template paths to ensure paths match the # --templates location TEMPLATE_PATH="/usr/share/openstack-tripleo-heat-templates" ENV_PATH="-e $TEMPLATE_PATH" STABLE_TEMPLATE_PATH="$TRIPLEO_ROOT/$UPGRADE_RELEASE/usr/share/openstack-tripleo-heat-templates" STABLE_ENV_PATH="-e $STABLE_TEMPLATE_PATH" echo "SHDEBUG OVERCLOUD_DEPLOY_ARGS BEFORE=$OVERCLOUD_DEPLOY_ARGS" UPGRADE_OVERCLOUD_DEPLOY_ARGS=${UPGRADE_OVERCLOUD_DEPLOY_ARGS//$STABLE_ENV_PATH/$ENV_PATH} OVERCLOUD_DEPLOY_ARGS=${OVERCLOUD_DEPLOY_ARGS//$ENV_PATH/$STABLE_ENV_PATH} echo "UPGRADE_OVERCLOUD_DEPLOY_ARGS=$UPGRADE_OVERCLOUD_DEPLOY_ARGS" echo "OVERCLOUD_DEPLOY_ARGS=$OVERCLOUD_DEPLOY_ARGS" # Set deploy args for stable deployment: export OVERCLOUD_DEPLOY_ARGS="$OVERCLOUD_DEPLOY_ARGS --templates $STABLE_TEMPLATE_PATH -e $STABLE_TEMPLATE_PATH/environments/deployed-server-environment.yaml -e $STABLE_TEMPLATE_PATH/environments/services/sahara.yaml" if [ ! -z $UPGRADE_ENV ]; then export OVERCLOUD_DEPLOY_ARGS="$OVERCLOUD_DEPLOY_ARGS -e $TRIPLEO_ROOT/$UPGRADE_RELEASE/$UPGRADE_ENV" fi echo_vars_to_deploy_env $TRIPLEO_ROOT/$UPGRADE_RELEASE/usr/share/openstack-tripleo-heat-templates/deployed-server/scripts/get-occ-config.sh 2>&1 | sudo dd of=/var/log/deployed-server-os-collect-config.log & else /usr/share/openstack-tripleo-heat-templates/deployed-server/scripts/get-occ-config.sh 2>&1 | sudo dd of=/var/log/deployed-server-os-collect-config.log & fi # Create dummy overcloud-full image since there is no way (yet) to disable # this constraint in the heat templates if ! openstack image show overcloud-full; then qemu-img create -f qcow2 overcloud-full.qcow2 1G glance image-create \ --container-format bare \ --disk-format qcow2 \ --name overcloud-full \ --file overcloud-full.qcow2 fi fi if [ $OVERCLOUD == 1 ] ; then source ~/stackrc start_metric "tripleo.${STABLE_RELEASE:-master}.${TOCI_JOBTYPE}.overcloud.deploy.seconds" http_proxy= $TRIPLEO_ROOT/tripleo-ci/scripts/tripleo.sh --overcloud-deploy ${TRIPLEO_SH_ARGS:-} stop_metric "tripleo.${STABLE_RELEASE:-master}.${TOCI_JOBTYPE}.overcloud.deploy.seconds" # Add hosts to /etc/hosts openstack stack output show overcloud HostsEntry -f value -c output_value | sudo tee -a /etc/hosts fi if [ $UNDERCLOUD_IDEMPOTENT == 1 ]; then echo "INFO: Check /var/log/undercloud_install_idempotent.txt for undercloud install output" echo "INFO: This file can be found in logs/undercloud.tar.xz in the directory containing console.log" $TRIPLEO_ROOT/tripleo-ci/scripts/tripleo.sh --undercloud 2>&1 | sudo dd of=/var/log/undercloud_install_idempotent.txt || (tail -n 50 /var/log/undercloud_install_idempotent.txt && false) fi if [ -n "${OVERCLOUD_UPDATE_ARGS:-}" ] ; then # Reinstall openstack-tripleo-heat-templates, this will pick up the version # from the delorean-ci repo if the patch being tested is from # tripleo-heat-templates, otherwise it will just reinstall from # delorean-current. sudo rpm -ev --nodeps openstack-tripleo-heat-templates sudo yum -y install openstack-tripleo-heat-templates start_metric "tripleo.${STABLE_RELEASE:-master}.${TOCI_JOBTYPE}.overcloud.update.seconds" http_proxy= $TRIPLEO_ROOT/tripleo-ci/scripts/tripleo.sh --overcloud-update ${TRIPLEO_SH_ARGS:-} stop_metric "tripleo.${STABLE_RELEASE:-master}.${TOCI_JOBTYPE}.overcloud.update.seconds" fi if [ "$MULTINODE" == 0 ] && [ "$OVERCLOUD" == 1 ] ; then # Sanity test we deployed what we said we would source ~/stackrc [ "$NODECOUNT" != $(nova list | grep ACTIVE | wc -l | cut -f1 -d " ") ] && echo "Wrong number of nodes deployed" && exit 1 if [ $PREDICTABLE_PLACEMENT == 1 ]; then # Verify our public VIP is the one we specified grep -q ~/overcloudrc || (echo "Wrong public vip deployed " && exit 1) # Verify our specified hostnames were used INSTANCE_ID_0=$(nova list | grep controller-0-tripleo-ci-a-foo | awk '{print $2}') INSTANCE_ID_1=$(nova list | grep controller-1-tripleo-ci-b-bar | awk '{print $2}') INSTANCE_ID_2=$(nova list | grep controller-2-tripleo-ci-c-baz | awk '{print $2}') INSTANCE_ID_3=$(nova list | grep compute-0-tripleo-ci-a-test | awk '{print $2}') # Verify the correct ironic nodes were used echo "Verifying predictable placement configuration was honored." ironic node-list | grep $INSTANCE_ID_0 | grep -q $NODE_ID_0 || (echo "$INSTANCE_ID_0 not deployed to node $NODE_ID_0" && exit 1) ironic node-list | grep $INSTANCE_ID_1 | grep -q $NODE_ID_1 || (echo "$INSTANCE_ID_1 not deployed to node $NODE_ID_1" && exit 1) ironic node-list | grep $INSTANCE_ID_2 | grep -q $NODE_ID_2 || (echo "$INSTANCE_ID_2 not deployed to node $NODE_ID_2" && exit 1) ironic node-list | grep $INSTANCE_ID_3 | grep -q $NODE_ID_3 || (echo "$INSTANCE_ID_3 not deployed to node $NODE_ID_3" && exit 1) echo "Verified." fi if [ $PACEMAKER == 1 ] ; then # Wait for the pacemaker cluster to settle and all resources to be # available. heat-{api,engine} are the best candidates since due to the # constraint ordering they are typically started last. We'll wait up to # 180s. start_metric "tripleo.${STABLE_RELEASE:-master}.${TOCI_JOBTYPE}.overcloud.settle.seconds" timeout -k 10 240 ssh $SSH_OPTIONS heat-admin@$(nova list | grep controller-0 | awk '{print $12}' | cut -d'=' -f2) sudo crm_resource -r openstack-heat-api --wait || { exitcode=$? echo "crm_resource for openstack-heat-api has failed!" exit $exitcode } timeout -k 10 240 ssh $SSH_OPTIONS heat-admin@$(nova list | grep controller-0 | awk '{print $12}' | cut -d'=' -f2) sudo crm_resource -r openstack-heat-engine --wait|| { exitcode=$? echo "crm_resource for openstack-heat-engine has failed!" exit $exitcode } stop_metric "tripleo.${STABLE_RELEASE:-master}.${TOCI_JOBTYPE}.overcloud.settle.seconds" fi fi if [ -f ~/overcloudrc ]; then source ~/overcloudrc fi if [ "$OVERCLOUD_MAJOR_UPGRADE" == 1 ] ; then # Re-enable the delorean-ci repo, as ZUUL_REFS, # and thus the contents of delorean-ci may contain packages # we want to test for the current branch on upgrade if [ -s /etc/nodepool/sub_nodes_private ]; then for ip in $(cat /etc/nodepool/sub_nodes_private); do ssh $SSH_OPTIONS -tt -i /etc/nodepool/id_rsa $ip \ sudo sed -i -e \"s/enabled=0/enabled=1/\" /etc/yum.repos.d/delorean-ci.repo done fi source ~/stackrc # Set deploy args for stable deployment: # We have to use the backward compatible if [ ! -z $UPGRADE_ENV ]; then export OVERCLOUD_DEPLOY_ARGS="$OVERCLOUD_DEPLOY_ARGS -e $UPGRADE_ENV" fi # update-from-deployed-server-$UPGRADE_RELEASE.yaml environment when upgrading from # $UPGRADE_RELEASE. export OVERCLOUD_DEPLOY_ARGS="$UPGRADE_OVERCLOUD_DEPLOY_ARGS -e /usr/share/openstack-tripleo-heat-templates/environments/deployed-server-environment.yaml -e /usr/share/openstack-tripleo-heat-templates/environments/services/sahara.yaml" if [ "$UPGRADE_RELEASE" == "newton" ]; then export OVERCLOUD_DEPLOY_ARGS="$OVERCLOUD_DEPLOY_ARGS -e /usr/share/openstack-tripleo-heat-templates/environments/updates/update-from-deployed-server-$UPGRADE_RELEASE.yaml" fi if [ ! -z $UPGRADE_ENV ]; then export OVERCLOUD_DEPLOY_ARGS="$OVERCLOUD_DEPLOY_ARGS -e $UPGRADE_ENV" fi echo_vars_to_deploy_env if [ "$MULTINODE" = "1" ]; then /usr/share/openstack-tripleo-heat-templates/deployed-server/scripts/get-occ-config.sh 2>&1 | sudo dd of=/var/log/deployed-server-os-collect-config-22.log & fi # We run basic sanity tests before/after, which includes creating some resources which # must survive the upgrade. The upgrade is performed in two steps, even though this # is an all-in-one test, as this is close to how a real deployment with computes would # be upgraded. $TRIPLEO_ROOT/tripleo-ci/scripts/tripleo.sh --overcloud-sanity --skip-sanitytest-cleanup $TRIPLEO_ROOT/tripleo-ci/scripts/tripleo.sh --overcloud-upgrade $TRIPLEO_ROOT/tripleo-ci/scripts/tripleo.sh --overcloud-sanity --skip-sanitytest-create --skip-sanitytest-cleanup $TRIPLEO_ROOT/tripleo-ci/scripts/tripleo.sh --overcloud-upgrade-converge $TRIPLEO_ROOT/tripleo-ci/scripts/tripleo.sh --overcloud-sanity --skip-sanitytest-create fi if [ $CA_SERVER == 1 ] ; then source ~/overcloudrc # Verify that the domain exists openstack domain show $LDAP_DOMAIN_NAME # Add admin role to admin user for freeipadomain openstack role add admin --domain $LDAP_DOMAIN_NAME --user admin --user-domain Default # Verify we can access the users in the given domain openstack user list --domain $LDAP_DOMAIN_NAME # Add demo project to domain openstack project create demo --domain $LDAP_DOMAIN_NAME # Add admin role to user for that project openstack role add admin --project demo --project-domain $LDAP_DOMAIN_NAME \ --user demo --user-domain $LDAP_DOMAIN_NAME # Create rc file for demo user cat <~/overcloudrc.demouser # Clear any old environment that may conflict. for key in \$( set | awk '{FS="="} /^OS_/ {print \$1}' ); do unset \$key ; done export OS_USERNAME=demo export OS_USER_DOMAIN_NAME=$LDAP_DOMAIN_NAME export OS_PROJECT_DOMAIN_NAME=$LDAP_DOMAIN_NAME export OS_BAREMETAL_API_VERSION=1.29 export NOVA_VERSION=1.1 export OS_PROJECT_NAME=demo export OS_PASSWORD=$DEMO_USER_PASS export OS_NO_CACHE=True export COMPUTE_API_VERSION=1.1 export no_proxy=,overcloud.$TRIPLEO_DOMAIN,overcloud.ctlplane.$TRIPLEO_DOMAIN,overcloud.$TRIPLEO_DOMAIN,overcloud.ctlplane.$TRIPLEO_DOMAIN export OS_CLOUDNAME=overcloud export OS_AUTH_URL=https://overcloud.$TRIPLEO_DOMAIN:13000/v3 export IRONIC_API_VERSION=1.29 export OS_IDENTITY_API_VERSION=3 export OS_AUTH_TYPE=password export PYTHONWARNINGS="ignore:Certificate has no, ignore:A true SSLContext object is not available" EOF # Tell tripleo.sh/pingtest to use demouserrc instead of overcloudrc. Note # that we don't include the $HOME path prefix on the variable, as this is # implicitly added in tripleo.sh export ALT_OVERCLOUDRC=overcloudrc.demouser fi if [ $RUN_PING_TEST == 1 ] ; then start_metric "tripleo.${STABLE_RELEASE:-master}.${TOCI_JOBTYPE}.overcloud.ping_test.seconds" OVERCLOUD_PINGTEST_OLD_HEATCLIENT=0 $TRIPLEO_ROOT/tripleo-ci/scripts/tripleo.sh --overcloud-pingtest $OVERCLOUD_PINGTEST_ARGS stop_metric "tripleo.${STABLE_RELEASE:-master}.${TOCI_JOBTYPE}.overcloud.ping_test.seconds" fi if [ $RUN_TEMPEST_TESTS == 1 ] ; then start_metric "tripleo.${STABLE_RELEASE:-master}.${TOCI_JOBTYPE}.overcloud.tempest.seconds" export TEMPEST_REGEX='^(?=(.*smoke))(?!(' export TEMPEST_REGEX="${TEMPEST_REGEX}tempest.scenario.test_volume_boot_pattern" # http://bugzilla.redhat.com/1272289 export TEMPEST_REGEX="${TEMPEST_REGEX}|tempest.api.identity.*v3" # https://bugzilla.redhat.com/1266947 export TEMPEST_REGEX="${TEMPEST_REGEX}|.*test_external_network_visibility" # https://bugs.launchpad.net/tripleo/+bug/1577769 export TEMPEST_REGEX="${TEMPEST_REGEX}|tempest.api.data_processing" # Sahara is not enabled by default and has problem with performance export TEMPEST_REGEX="${TEMPEST_REGEX}))" bash $TRIPLEO_ROOT/tripleo-ci/scripts/tripleo.sh --run-tempest stop_metric "tripleo.${STABLE_RELEASE:-master}.${TOCI_JOBTYPE}.overcloud.tempest.seconds" fi if [ $TEST_OVERCLOUD_DELETE -eq 1 ] ; then source ~/stackrc $TRIPLEO_ROOT/tripleo-ci/scripts/tripleo.sh --overcloud-delete fi # Upgrade part if [ "$UNDERCLOUD_MAJOR_UPGRADE" == 1 ] ; then # Reset or unset STABLE_RELEASE so that we upgrade to the next major # version if [ "$STABLE_RELEASE" = "queens" ]; then # TODO: switch STABLE_RELEASE to rocky when released export STABLE_RELEASE="" elif [ "$STABLE_RELEASE" = "pike" ]; then export STABLE_RELEASE="queens" elif [ "$STABLE_RELEASE" = "ocata" ]; then export STABLE_RELEASE="pike" elif [ "$STABLE_RELEASE" = "newton" ]; then export STABLE_RELEASE="ocata" fi echo_vars_to_deploy_env # Add the delorean ci repo so that we include the package being tested layer_ci_repo $TRIPLEO_ROOT/tripleo-ci/scripts/tripleo.sh --undercloud-upgrade 2>&1 | awk '{ print strftime("%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S.000"), "|", $0; fflush(); }' | sudo dd of=/var/log/undercloud_upgrade.txt || (tail -n 50 /var/log/undercloud_upgrade.txt && false) fi