#!/usr/bin/env bash source $(dirname $0)/scripts/common_vars.bash source $(dirname $0)/scripts/common_functions.sh set -eux export START_JOB_TIME=$(date +%s) export PS4='+(${BASH_SOURCE}:${LINENO}): ${FUNCNAME[0]:+${FUNCNAME[0]}(): }' # Maintain compatibility with the old jobtypes if [[ ! $TOCI_JOBTYPE =~ "featureset" ]]; then echo "WARNING: USING OLD DEPLOYMENT METHOD. THE OLD DEPLOYMENT METHOD THAT USES tripleo.sh WILL BE DEPRECATED IN THE QUEENS CYCLE" echo "TO USE THE NEW DEPLOYMENT METHOD WITH QUICKSTART, SETUP A FEATURESET FILE AND ADD featuresetXXX TO THE JOB TYPE" exec $TRIPLEO_ROOT/tripleo-ci/toci_gate_test-orig.sh fi source $TRIPLEO_ROOT/tripleo-ci/scripts/oooq_common_functions.sh if [ -f /etc/nodepool/provider ] ; then # this sets # NODEPOOL_PROVIDER (e.g tripleo-test-cloud-rh1) # NODEPOOL_CLOUD (e.g.tripleo-test-cloud-rh1) # NODEPOOL_REGION (e.g. regionOne) # NODEPOOL_AZ source /etc/nodepool/provider # source variables common across all the scripts. source /etc/ci/mirror_info.sh # set up distribution mirrors in openstack NODEPOOL_MIRROR_HOST=${NODEPOOL_MIRROR_HOST:-mirror.$NODEPOOL_REGION.$NODEPOOL_CLOUD.openstack.org} NODEPOOL_MIRROR_HOST=$(echo $NODEPOOL_MIRROR_HOST|tr '[:upper:]' '[:lower:]') export CENTOS_MIRROR=http://$NODEPOOL_MIRROR_HOST/centos export EPEL_MIRROR=http://$NODEPOOL_MIRROR_HOST/epel # host setup export RHCLOUD='' if [ $NODEPOOL_CLOUD == 'tripleo-test-cloud-rh1' ]; then RHCLOUD='rh1' elif [ $NODEPOOL_PROVIDER == 'rdo-cloud-tripleo' ]; then RHCLOUD='rdocloud' fi if [ $RHCLOUD != '' ]; then source $(dirname $0)/scripts/$RHCLOUD.env # In order to save space remove the cached git repositories, at this point in # CI the ones we are interested in have been cloned to /opt/stack/new. We # can also remove some distro images cached on the images. sudo rm -rf /opt/git /opt/stack/cache/files/mysql.qcow2 /opt/stack/cache/files/ubuntu-12.04-x86_64.tar.gz fi fi # create logs dir (check if collect-logs doesn't already do this) mkdir -p $WORKSPACE/logs # Set job as failed until it's overwritten by pingtest/tempest real test subunit sudo yum install -y python-os-testr generate-subunit $(date +%s) 10 fail pingtest | gzip - > $WORKSPACE/logs/testrepository.subunit.gz # Remove epel, either by epel-release, or unpackaged repo files rpm -q epel-release && sudo yum -y erase epel-release sudo rm -f /etc/yum.repos.d/epel* # Clean any cached yum metadata, it maybe stale sudo yum clean all # NOTE(trown): In openstack-infra we have pip already, but this will ensure we # have it available in other environments. command -v pip || \ (curl "https://bootstrap.pypa.io/get-pip.py" -o "get-pip.py"; sudo python get-pip.py) # NOTE(pabelanger): Current hack to make centos-7 dib work. # TODO(pabelanger): Why is python-requests installed from pip? # TODO(amoralej): remove after https://review.openstack.org/#/c/468872/ is merged sudo pip uninstall certifi -y || true sudo pip uninstall urllib3 -y || true sudo pip uninstall requests -y || true sudo rpm -e --nodeps python2-certifi || : sudo rpm -e --nodeps python2-urllib3 || : sudo rpm -e --nodeps python2-requests || : sudo yum -y install python-requests python-urllib3 sudo pip install shyaml # JOB_NAME used to be available from jenkins, we need to create it ourselves until # we remove our reliance on it. # FIXME: JOB_NAME IS USED IN CACHE UPLOAD AND PROMOTION, # IF WE CHANGE THE JOB NAME, WE MUST UPDATE upload.cgi in mirror server if [[ -z "${JOB_NAME-}" ]]; then JOB_NAME=${WORKSPACE%/} export JOB_NAME=${JOB_NAME##*/} fi # Sets whether or not this job will upload images. export PERIODIC=0 # Sets which repositories to use in the job export QUICKSTART_RELEASE="${STABLE_RELEASE:-master}" # Stores OVB undercloud instance id export UCINSTANCEID="null" # Define environment variables file export ENV_VARS="" # Define file with set of features to test export FEATURESET_FILE="" export FEATURESET_CONF="" # Define file with nodes topology export NODES_FILE="" # Indentifies which playbook to run export PLAYBOOK="" # Set the number of overcloud nodes export NODECOUNT=0 # Sets the undercloud hostname export UNDERCLOUD="" # Select the tags to run export TAGS=all # Identify in which environment we're deploying export ENVIRONMENT="" # Set the overcloud hosts for multinode export OVERCLOUD_HOSTS= export CONTROLLER_HOSTS= export SUBNODES_SSH_KEY= OVERCLOUD_DEPLOY_TIMEOUT=$((DEVSTACK_GATE_TIMEOUT-90)) TIMEOUT_SECS=$((DEVSTACK_GATE_TIMEOUT*60)) export EXTRA_VARS=${EXTRA_VARS:-""} export EXTRA_VARS="$EXTRA_VARS --extra-vars deploy_timeout=$OVERCLOUD_DEPLOY_TIMEOUT" export NODES_ARGS="" export COLLECT_CONF="$TRIPLEO_ROOT/tripleo-ci/toci-quickstart/config/collect-logs.yml" # Assemble quickstart configuration based on job type keywords for JOB_TYPE_PART in $(sed 's/-/ /g' <<< "${TOCI_JOBTYPE:-}") ; do case $JOB_TYPE_PART in featureset*) FEATURESET_FILE="config/general_config/$JOB_TYPE_PART.yml" FEATURESET_CONF="$FEATURESET_CONF --config $FEATURESET_FILE" ;; ovb) OVB=1 ENVIRONMENT="ovb" UCINSTANCEID=$(http_proxy= curl | python -c 'import json, sys; print json.load(sys.stdin)["uuid"]') PLAYBOOK="ovb.yml" ENV_VARS="$ENV_VARS --environment $TRIPLEO_ROOT/tripleo-ci/toci-quickstart/config/testenv/ovb.yml" if [[ -f "$TRIPLEO_ROOT/tripleo-ci/toci-quickstart/config/testenv/ovb-$RHCLOUD.yml" ]]; then ENV_VARS="$ENV_VARS --extra-vars @$TRIPLEO_ROOT/tripleo-ci/toci-quickstart/config/testenv/ovb-$RHCLOUD.yml" fi UNDERCLOUD="undercloud" ;; multinode) SUBNODES_SSH_KEY=/etc/nodepool/id_rsa ENVIRONMENT="osinfra" PLAYBOOK="multinode.yml" FEATURESET_CONF=" --extra-vars @config/general_config/featureset-multinode-common.yml $FEATURESET_CONF " if [[ $NODEPOOL_PROVIDER == "rdo-cloud-tripleo" ]]; then ENV_VARS="$ENV_VARS --environment $TRIPLEO_ROOT/tripleo-ci/toci-quickstart/config/testenv/multinode-rdocloud.yml" else ENV_VARS="$ENV_VARS --environment $TRIPLEO_ROOT/tripleo-ci/toci-quickstart/config/testenv/multinode.yml" fi UNDERCLOUD="" TAGS="build,undercloud-setup,undercloud-scripts,undercloud-install,undercloud-post-install,tripleo-validations,overcloud-scripts,overcloud-prep-config,overcloud-prep-containers,overcloud-deploy,overcloud-upgrade,overcloud-validate" CONTROLLER_HOSTS=$(sed -n 1,1p /etc/nodepool/sub_nodes) OVERCLOUD_HOSTS=$(cat /etc/nodepool/sub_nodes) ;; singlenode) ENVIRONMENT="osinfra" UNDERCLOUD="" PLAYBOOK="multinode.yml" FEATURESET_CONF=" --extra-vars @config/general_config/featureset-multinode-common.yml $FEATURESET_CONF " if [[ $NODEPOOL_PROVIDER == "rdo-cloud-tripleo" ]]; then ENV_VARS="$ENV_VARS --environment $TRIPLEO_ROOT/tripleo-ci/toci-quickstart/config/testenv/multinode-rdocloud.yml" else ENV_VARS="$ENV_VARS --environment $TRIPLEO_ROOT/tripleo-ci/toci-quickstart/config/testenv/multinode.yml" fi TAGS="build,undercloud-setup,undercloud-scripts,undercloud-install,undercloud-validate,images" ;; periodic) PERIODIC=1 if [[ -z ${DELOREAN_LINK:-''} ]]; then QUICKSTART_RELEASE="consistent-${QUICKSTART_RELEASE}" else QUICKSTART_RELEASE="promotion-testing-hash-${QUICKSTART_RELEASE}" fi ;; gate) ;; *) # the rest should be node configuration NODES_FILE="config/nodes/$JOB_TYPE_PART.yml" ;; esac done # Set UPGRADE_RELEASE if applicable if is_featureset_mixed_upgrade "$TRIPLEO_ROOT/tripleo-quickstart/$FEATURESET_FILE"; then export UPGRADE_RELEASE=$(previous_release_from "$STABLE_RELEASE") QUICKSTART_RELEASE="$QUICKSTART_RELEASE-undercloud-$UPGRADE_RELEASE-overcloud" fi if [[ ! -z $NODES_FILE ]]; then pushd $TRIPLEO_ROOT/tripleo-quickstart NODECOUNT=$(shyaml get-value node_count < $NODES_FILE) popd NODES_ARGS="--nodes $NODES_FILE" fi pushd $TRIPLEO_ROOT/tripleo-ci if [ -z "${TE_DATAFILE:-}" -a "$ENVIRONMENT" = "ovb" ] ; then export GEARDSERVER=${TEBROKERIP-} # NOTE(pabelanger): We need gear for testenv, but this really should be # handled by tox. sudo pip install gear # Kill the whole job if it doesn't get a testenv in 20 minutes as it likely will timout in zuul ( sleep 1200 ; [ ! -e /tmp/toci.started ] && sudo kill -9 $$ ) & # We only support multi-nic at the moment NETISO_ENV="multi-nic" # provision env in rh cloud, then start quickstart ./testenv-client -b $GEARDSERVER:4730 -t $TIMEOUT_SECS \ --envsize $NODECOUNT --ucinstance $UCINSTANCEID \ --net-iso $NETISO_ENV -- ./toci_quickstart.sh else # multinode preparation # Clear out any puppet modules on the node placed their by infra configuration sudo rm -rf /etc/puppet/modules/* # Copy nodepool keys to current user sudo cp /etc/nodepool/id_rsa* $HOME/.ssh/ sudo chown $USER:$USER $HOME/.ssh/id_rsa* chmod 0600 $HOME/.ssh/id_rsa* # pre-ansible requirement sudo mkdir -p /root/.ssh/ cat $HOME/.ssh/id_rsa.pub >> ${HOME}/.ssh/authorized_keys sudo cp ${HOME}/.ssh/authorized_keys /root/.ssh/ sudo chmod 0600 /root/.ssh/authorized_keys sudo chown root:root /root/.ssh/authorized_keys # everything below here *MUST* be translated to a role ASAP # empty image to fool overcloud deployment # set no_proxy variable export IP_DEVICE=${IP_DEVICE:-"eth0"} MY_IP=$(ip addr show dev $IP_DEVICE | awk '/inet / {gsub("/.*", "") ; print $2}') MY_IP_eth1=$(ip addr show dev eth1 | awk '/inet / {gsub("/.*", "") ; print $2}') || MY_IP_eth1="" export http_proxy="" undercloud_net_range="192.168.24." undercloud_services_ip=$undercloud_net_range"1" undercloud_haproxy_public_ip=$undercloud_net_range"2" undercloud_haproxy_admin_ip=$undercloud_net_range"3" export no_proxy=$undercloud_services_ip,$undercloud_haproxy_public_ip,$undercloud_haproxy_admin_ip,$MY_IP,$MY_IP_eth1 # multinode bootstrap script export DO_BOOTSTRAP_SUBNODES=${DO_BOOTSTRAP_SUBNODES:-1} export BOOTSTRAP_SUBNODES_MINIMAL=0 if [[ -z $STABLE_RELEASE || "$STABLE_RELEASE" = "ocata" || "$STABLE_RELEASE" = "pike" ]]; then BOOTSTRAP_SUBNODES_MINIMAL=1 fi echo_vars_to_deploy_env_oooq subnodes_scp_deploy_env if [ "$DO_BOOTSTRAP_SUBNODES" = "1" ]; then $TRIPLEO_ROOT/tripleo-ci/scripts/tripleo.sh \ --bootstrap-subnodes \ 2>&1 | sudo dd of=/var/log/bootstrap-subnodes.log \ || (tail -n 50 /var/log/bootstrap-subnodes.log && false) fi # finally, run quickstart ./toci_quickstart.sh fi export http_proxy= # TODO(gcerami) expand this list JOBS_ALLOW_PROMOTE=(periodic-ovb-3ctlr_1comp-featureset002 periodic-ovb-1ctlr_1comp_1ceph-featureset024) # TODO(gcerami) move the remaining condition in can_promote function ? if item_in_array $TOCI_JOBTYPE ${JOBS_ALLOW_PROMOTE[@]} && can_promote; then UPLOAD_FOLDER=builds${STABLE_RELEASE:+-$STABLE_RELEASE} TRUNKREPOUSED=$(grep -Eom 1 "[0-9a-z]{2}/[0-9a-z]{2}/[0-9a-z]{40}_[0-9a-z]+" /etc/yum.repos.d/delorean.repo) # only allow the first item on the list to upload an image if [[ $TOCI_JOBTYPE == ${JOBS_ALLOW_PROMOTE[0]} ]]; then # There's no easy way to extract the information on where the images are built, so this value # must be manually set as the same value as images_working_dir in toci-quickstart/config/testenv/ovb.yml pushd ~ curl http://$MIRRORIP/cgi-bin/upload.cgi -F "repohash=$TRUNKREPOUSED" -F "folder=$UPLOAD_FOLDER" -F "upload=@ironic-python-agent.tar;filename=ipa_images.tar" curl http://$MIRRORIP/cgi-bin/upload.cgi -F "repohash=$TRUNKREPOUSED" -F "folder=$UPLOAD_FOLDER" -F "upload=@overcloud-full.tar;filename=overcloud-full.tar" curl http://$MIRRORIP/cgi-bin/upload.cgi -F "repohash=$TRUNKREPOUSED" -F "folder=$UPLOAD_FOLDER" -F "upload=@ironic-python-agent.tar.md5;filename=ipa_images.tar.md5" curl http://$MIRRORIP/cgi-bin/upload.cgi -F "repohash=$TRUNKREPOUSED" -F "folder=$UPLOAD_FOLDER" -F "upload=@overcloud-full.tar.md5;filename=overcloud-full.tar.md5" popd fi # if everything is ok, mark job as success curl http://$MIRRORIP/cgi-bin/upload.cgi -F "repohash=$TRUNKREPOUSED" -F "folder=$UPLOAD_FOLDER" -F "$JOB_NAME=SUCCESS" fi echo "Run completed"