--- # This file contains settings that are specific to Psi # These settings will override the ovb default settings # These values are defined now in the te-broker config # https://github.com/openstack-infra/tripleo-ci/blob/master/scripts/te-broker/create-env#L47 cloudenv: "psi" custom_nameserver: - - external_net: 'public' ntp_server: '0.pool.ntp.org,1.pool.ntp.org,2.pool.ntp.org,3.pool.ntp.org' workers_args: >- -e {{ overcloud_templates_path }}/environments/low-memory-usage.yaml -e {{ tripleo_root }}/tripleo-ci/test-environments/worker-config.yaml -e {{ overcloud_templates_path }}/environments/debug.yaml # Use cirros cached image tempest_test_image_path: /opt/cache/files/cirros-0.4.0-x86_64-disk.img tempest_tempest_conf_overrides: image.image_path: http://images.rdoproject.org/cirros/cirros-0.4.0-x86_64-disk.img # Container update settings update_containers: >- {% if containerized_overcloud|bool or containerized_undercloud|bool -%} true {%- endif -%} # Rely on RDO registry instead of docker.io due to rate limit # job.build_container_images is defined in zuul as a # direct var. adding build_container_images as tqe # var so that we can turn this on/off per release w/o # changing zuul and breaking jobs via inheritance. docker_registry_host: >- {% if job is defined and job.build_container_images is defined and job.build_container_images|default(false)|bool or build_container_images|default(false)|bool -%} {%- elif job.consumer_job | default(false) | bool -%} {{ job.registry_ip_address_branch[release] }}:5001 {%- else -%} trunk.registry.rdoproject.org {%- endif -%} # We don't need to cleanup TripleO CI tempest_track_resources: false # Tempestmail settings tempestmail_log_server: http://logs.rdoproject.org # build-test packages artg_repos_dir: "{{ tripleo_root }}" # disable disk cleaning before starting installation undercloud_clean_nodes: false # InfluxDB module settings influxdb_only_successful_tasks: true influxdb_measurement: job influxdb_url: https://influxdb.review.rdoproject.org influxdb_port: 8086 influxdb_user: tripleo_ci influxdb_password: influxdb_dbname: tripleo_ci influxdb_data_file_path: "{{ artcl_collect_dir }}/influxdb_data" influxdb_create_data_file: true # Browbeat settings cloud_name: psi elastic_host: browbeat.test.com grafana_host: browbeat.test.com # Ironic debug # https://bugs.launchpad.net/tripleo/+bug/1797526 step_introspect_debug: true # Ensure logs are gzipped artcl_gzip: true