#!/usr/bin/env bash set -eux ## Signal to toci_gate_test.sh we've started touch /tmp/toci.started export CURRENT_DIR=$(dirname ${BASH_SOURCE[0]:-$0}) export TRIPLEO_CI_DIR=$CURRENT_DIR/../ export IP_DEVICE=${IP_DEVICE:-"eth0"} export ZUUL_PROJECT=${ZUUL_PROJECT:-""} source $TRIPLEO_CI_DIR/tripleo-ci/scripts/common_vars.bash source $TRIPLEO_CI_DIR/tripleo-ci/scripts/common_functions.sh source $TRIPLEO_CI_DIR/tripleo-ci/scripts/metrics.bash stop_metric "tripleo.testenv.wait.seconds" # start_metric in toci_gate_test.sh start_metric "tripleo.ci.total.seconds" mkdir -p $WORKSPACE/logs MY_IP=$(ip addr show dev $IP_DEVICE | awk '/inet / {gsub("/.*", "") ; print $2}') # TODO: Set undercloud_hostname in undercloud.conf hostname | sudo dd of=/etc/hostname echo " $(hostname) $(hostname).openstacklocal" | sudo tee -a /etc/hosts # TODO: xfsprogs should be a dep of DIB? sudo yum install -y xfsprogs # Will be used by the undercloud and needed for the TLS everywhere job sudo yum install -yq jq # Remove the anything on the infra image template that might interfere with CI sudo yum remove -y puppet hiera puppetlabs-release rdo-release sudo rm -rf /etc/puppet /etc/hiera.yaml undercloud_net_range="192.168.24." undercloud_services_ip=$undercloud_net_range"1" undercloud_haproxy_public_ip=$undercloud_net_range"2" undercloud_haproxy_admin_ip=$undercloud_net_range"3" export no_proxy=$undercloud_services_ip,$undercloud_haproxy_public_ip,$undercloud_haproxy_admin_ip,$MY_IP,$MIRRORSERVER # Setup delorean $TRIPLEO_ROOT/tripleo-ci/scripts/tripleo.sh --delorean-setup dummy_ci_repo # Install all of the repositories we need $TRIPLEO_ROOT/tripleo-ci/scripts/tripleo.sh --repo-setup # FIXME(bnemec): Work around https://bugs.launchpad.net/tripleo/+bug/1654615 if [ $STABLE_RELEASE = mitaka ]; then cat > /tmp/delorean-ev.repo <&1 | ts '%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S.000 |' > $WORKSPACE/logs/postci.log 2>&1" EXIT # Tempreverts/cherry-picks/pins go here. For example: # temprevert tripleo-common af27127508eabf2b6873713e5e1507fa92b5f5b3 1623606 delorean_build_and_serve # Since we've moved a few commands from this spot before the wget, we need to # sleep a few seconds in order for the SimpleHTTPServer to get setup. sleep 3 layer_ci_repo echo_vars_to_deploy_env source $TRIPLEO_ROOT/tripleo-ci/deploy.env # Install our test cert so SSL tests work sudo cp $TRIPLEO_ROOT/tripleo-ci/test-environments/overcloud-cacert.pem /etc/pki/ca-trust/source/anchors/ sudo cp $TRIPLEO_ROOT/tripleo-ci/test-environments/overcloud-cacert-ipv6.pem /etc/pki/ca-trust/source/anchors/ sudo update-ca-trust extract # Don't get a file from cache if CACHEUPLOAD=1 (periodic job) # If this 404's it wont error just continue without a file created if canusecache ipa_images.tar ; then wget --progress=dot:mega http://$MIRRORSERVER/builds/current-tripleo/ipa_images.tar || true if [ -f ipa_images.tar ] ; then tar -xf ipa_images.tar update_image $PWD/ironic-python-agent.initramfs mv ironic-python-agent.* ~ rm ipa_images.tar fi fi # Same thing for the overcloud image if canusecache overcloud-full.tar ; then wget --progress=dot:mega http://$MIRRORSERVER/builds/current-tripleo/overcloud-full.tar || true if [ -f overcloud-full.tar ] ; then tar -xf overcloud-full.tar update_image $PWD/overcloud-full.qcow2 mv overcloud-full.qcow2 overcloud-full.initrd overcloud-full.vmlinuz ~ rm overcloud-full.tar fi fi cp -f $TE_DATAFILE ~/instackenv.json $TRIPLEO_ROOT/tripleo-ci/scripts/deploy.sh # If we got this far and its a periodic job, declare success and upload build artifacts # but only if we are testing no changes or a single change only in tripleo_ci CHANGES=( ${ZUUL_CHANGES//^/ } ) NUM_CHANGES=${#CHANGES[@]} OTHER_PROJECTS="no" for change in ${CHANGES[@]-}; do if [[ ! "$change" =~ 'openstack-infra/tripleo-ci' ]]; then OTHER_PROJECTS="yes" fi done if [[ $CACHEUPLOAD == 1 && $NUM_CHANGES -le 1 && $OTHER_PROJECTS == "no" ]] ; then # Get the IPA and overcloud images for caching tar -C ~ -cf - ironic-python-agent.initramfs ironic-python-agent.vmlinuz ironic-python-agent.kernel > ipa_images.tar tar -C ~ -cf - overcloud-full.qcow2 overcloud-full.initrd overcloud-full.vmlinuz > overcloud-full.tar md5sum overcloud-full.tar > overcloud-full.tar.md5 md5sum ipa_images.tar > ipa_images.tar.md5 curl http://$MIRRORSERVER/cgi-bin/upload.cgi -F "repohash=$TRUNKREPOUSED" -F "upload=@ipa_images.tar;filename=ipa_images.tar" curl http://$MIRRORSERVER/cgi-bin/upload.cgi -F "repohash=$TRUNKREPOUSED" -F "upload=@overcloud-full.tar;filename=overcloud-full.tar" # TODO(pabelanger): Remove qcow2 format, since centos-7 cannot mount nbd with the default kernel. curl http://$MIRRORSERVER/cgi-bin/upload.cgi -F "repohash=$TRUNKREPOUSED" -F "upload=@ipa_images.tar.md5;filename=ipa_images.tar.md5" curl http://$MIRRORSERVER/cgi-bin/upload.cgi -F "repohash=$TRUNKREPOUSED" -F "upload=@overcloud-full.tar.md5;filename=overcloud-full.tar.md5" curl http://$MIRRORSERVER/cgi-bin/upload.cgi -F "repohash=$TRUNKREPOUSED" -F "$JOB_NAME=SUCCESS" fi echo 'Run completed.'