#!/bin/bash set -ex export PATH=$PATH:scripts source $1 # Script to deploy the base infrastructure required to create the ovb-common and ovb-testenv stacks # Parts of this script could have been a heat stack but not all # We can't use heat to create the flavors as they can't be given a name with the heat resource nova flavor-show bmc || nova flavor-create bmc auto 512 20 1 nova flavor-show baremetal || nova flavor-create baremetal auto 6144 41 1 nova flavor-show undercloud || nova flavor-create undercloud auto 8192 40 4 # Remove the flavors that provide most disk space, the disks on rh2 are small we've over commited # disk space, so this will help protect against an single instance filling the disk on a compute node nova flavor-delete m1.large || true nova flavor-delete m1.xlarge || true glance image-show 'CentOS-7-x86_64-GenericCloud' || \ glance image-create --progress --name 'CentOS-7-x86_64-GenericCloud' --is-public true --disk-format qcow2 --container-format bare \ --copy-from http://cloud.centos.org/centos/7/images/CentOS-7-x86_64-GenericCloud.qcow2 glance image-show 'ipxe-boot' || \ glance image-create --name ipxe-boot --is-public true --disk-format qcow2 --property os_shutdown_timeout=5 --container-format bare \ --copy-from https://raw.githubusercontent.com/cybertron/openstack-virtual-baremetal/master/ipxe/ipxe-boot.qcow2 # Create a pool of floating IP's neutron net-show public || neutron net-create public --router:external=True neutron subnet-show public_subnet || neutron subnet-create --name public_subnet --enable_dhcp=False --allocation_pool start=$PUBLIC_IP_FLOATING_START,end=$PUBLIC_IP_FLOATING_END --gateway $PUBLIC_IP_GATWAY public $PUBLIC_IP_NET # Create a shared private network neutron net-show private || neutron net-create --shared private neutron subnet-show private_subnet || neutron subnet-create --name private_subnet --gateway --allocation-pool start=,end= --dns-nameserver private # Give outside access to the private network if ! neutron router-show private_router ; then neutron router-create private_router neutron router-gateway-set private_router public neutron router-interface-add private_router private_subnet fi # Keys to used in infrastructure nova keypair-show tripleo-cd-admins || nova keypair-add --pub-key scripts/tripleo-cd-admins tripleo-cd-admins # Create a new project/user whose creds will be injected into the te-broker for creating heat stacks ./scripts/assert-user -n openstack-nodepool -t openstack-nodepool -u openstack-nodepool -e openstack-nodepool@noreply.org || true NODEPOOLUSERID=$(openstack user show openstack-nodepool | awk '$2=="id" {print $4}') NODEPOOLPROJECTID=$(openstack project show openstack-nodepool | awk '$2=="id" {print $4}') nova quota-update --instances 9999 --cores 9999 --ram $QUOTA_RAM --floating-ips $QUOTA_FIPS $NODEPOOLPROJECTID nova quota-update --instances 9999 --cores 9999 --ram $QUOTA_RAM --floating-ips $QUOTA_FIPS --user $NODEPOOLUSERID $NODEPOOLPROJECTID neutron quota-update --network $QUOTA_NETS --subnet $QUOTA_NETS --port $QUOTA_PORTS --floatingip $QUOTA_FIPS --tenant-id $NODEPOOLPROJECTID touch ~/nodepoolrc chmod 600 ~/nodepoolrc echo -e "export OS_USERNAME=openstack-nodepool\nexport OS_TENANT_NAME=openstack-nodepool" > ~/nodepoolrc echo "export OS_AUTH_URL=$OS_AUTH_URL" >> ~/nodepoolrc set +x PASSWORD=$(grep openstack-nodepool os-asserted-users | awk '{print $2}') echo "export OS_PASSWORD=$PASSWORD" >> ~/nodepoolrc set -x source ~/nodepoolrc nova keypair-show tripleo-cd-admins || nova keypair-add --pub-key scripts/tripleo-cd-admins tripleo-cd-admins # And finally some servers we need nova show te-broker || nova boot --flavor m1.medium --image "CentOS-7-x86_64-GenericCloud" --key-name tripleo-cd-admins --nic net-name=private,v4-fixed-ip=$TEBROKERIP --user-data scripts/deploy-server.sh --file "/etc/nodepoolrc=$HOME/nodepoolrc" te-broker nova show mirror-server || nova boot --flavor m1.medium --image "CentOS-7-x86_64-GenericCloud" --key-name tripleo-cd-admins --nic net-name=private,v4-fixed-ip=$MIRRORIP --user-data scripts/deploy-server.sh mirror-server nova show proxy-server || nova boot --flavor m1.medium --image "CentOS-7-x86_64-GenericCloud" --key-name tripleo-cd-admins --nic net-name=private,v4-fixed-ip=$PROXYIP --user-data scripts/deploy-server.sh proxy-server if ! nova image-show bmc-template ; then nova keypair-add --pub-key ~/.ssh/id_rsa.pub undercloud nova boot --flavor bmc --image "CentOS-7-x86_64-GenericCloud" --key-name undercloud --user-data scripts/deploy-server.sh bmc-template FLOATINGIP=$(nova floating-ip-create $EXTNET | grep public | awk '{print $4}') nova floating-ip-associate bmc-template $FLOATINGIP while ! ssh -o StrictHostKeyChecking=no -o PasswordAuthentication=no -o ConnectTimeout=2 centos@$FLOATINGIP ls /var/tmp/ready ; do sleep 10 done nova image-create --poll bmc-template bmc-template nova delete bmc-template nova keypair-delete undercloud fi