Sagi Shnaidman 784f6c5286 Fail container job if command failed
When script fails, the job continues and passes.  Remove
unnecessary code saving and let the task to fail.
Make script to be generated for easier investigation what
command was running.
Change-Id: I1edce370458769a1479ee568b745e78ddcef693a
2019-03-20 13:23:06 +02:00

55 lines
2.0 KiB

- hosts: primary
- name: Include common vars
file: "common.yaml"
- name: Grab job artifacts
become: true
chdir: "{{ workspace }}"
shell: |
set -x
mkdir -p {{ workspace }}/conf/
mkdir -p {{ workspace }}/logs/system
mkdir -p {{ workspace }}/etc/docker
mkdir -p {{ workspace }}/logs/buildah-builds
mv *.conf {{ workspace }}/conf/
mv *.log {{ workspace }}/logs/
mv *.sh {{ workspace }}/logs/
mv /tmp/kolla-* {{ workspace }}/logs/buildah-builds/ || true
rsync -var --no-links /var/log/ {{ workspace }}/logs/system/ || true
rsync -var --no-links /etc/docker/ {{ workspace }}/etc/docker/ || true
rsync -var --no-links /etc/containers/ {{ workspace }}/etc/containers/ || true
rsync -var --no-links /etc/yum.repos.d/ {{ workspace }}/etc/yum.repos.d/ || true
gzip -r "{{ workspace }}/logs" "{{ workspace }}/conf" "{{ workspace }}/etc"
chmod -R a+r "{{ workspace }}"
chown -R {{ ansible_user }}: "{{ workspace }}"
- name: Rename compressed text based files to end with txt.gz extension
become: true
shell: >
set -o pipefail &&
find {{ workspace }}/logs {{ workspace }}/conf {{ workspace }}/etc -type f |
awk 'function rename(orig)
{ new=orig; sub(/\.gz$/, ".txt.gz", new); system("mv " orig " " new) }
/\.(conf|ini|json|sh|log|yaml|yml|repo|cfg|j2|py)\.gz$/ { rename($0) }
/(\/logs\/|\/etc\/)[^ \/\.]+\.gz$/ { rename($0) }';
- name: Copy files from {{ ansible_user_dir }}/workspace/ on node
#no_log: true
src: '{{ ansible_user_dir }}/workspace/'
dest: '{{ zuul.executor.log_root }}'
mode: pull
copy_links: true
verify_host: true
- --include=/etc/**
- --include=/conf/**
- --include=/logs/**
- --include=*/
- --exclude=*
- --prune-empty-dirs