
22 lines
916 B

push_registry_port: 8787
push_registry: "{{ push_registry_port }}"
push_containers: "false"
kolla_base: "{{ ansible_distribution|lower }}"
kolla_base_image: "{{ kolla_base }}"
# DO NOT define a default for kolla_base_tag,
# this is here to notify of its availability as a parameter
# Kolla sets the default kolla tag on its own based on dstro
# and setting a different default breaks other distro dependent
# default (like the package manager)
#kolla_base_tag: latest
kolla_base_pull: true
use_buildah: false
buildcontainers_override_repos: ""
buildcontainers_rpm_setup_config: ",{{ ci_branch }}-testing.repo"
buildcontainers_venv: true
openstack_repo_name: delorean
container_cli_opt: ""
# component_ci_containers used by component-ci jobs to build e.g. nova only
# used together with component_ci_configs in vars/main
component_ci_containers: ""