Remove the tripleo.ansible action

This action has never been used in TripleO and was only included for
historical reasons. Originally the Ansible actions were intended to be
moved to the Mistral project and were generic. However, that work has
stalled and over time the Ansible actions in TripleO have become more
TripleO specific. We have been diligently updating both actions, while
only using one. Removing the one we don't use will make things a little
simpler for everyone.

Change-Id: I1a008aa88cea4366203c102443552bc07644d54d
This commit is contained in:
Dougal Matthews 2019-12-19 14:37:21 +00:00 committed by Dougal Matthews
parent a89ef816ae
commit ac478f3cee
3 changed files with 0 additions and 229 deletions

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@ -150,7 +150,6 @@ mistral.actions =
tripleo.undercloud.upload_backup_to_swift = tripleo_common.actions.undercloud:UploadUndercloudBackupToSwift
tripleo.undercloud.remove_temp_dir = tripleo_common.actions.undercloud:RemoveTempDir
# deprecated for pike release, will be removed in queens
tripleo.ansible = tripleo_common.actions.ansible:AnsibleAction
tripleo.ansible-playbook = tripleo_common.actions.ansible:AnsiblePlaybookAction
tripleo.templates.upload_default = tripleo_common.actions.templates:UploadTemplatesAction
# deprecated for rocky release, will be removed in the "S" cycle

View File

@ -151,191 +151,6 @@ def write_default_ansible_cfg(work_dir,
return ansible_config_path
class AnsibleAction(actions.Action):
"""Executes ansible module"""
def __init__(self, **kwargs):
self._kwargs_for_run = kwargs
self.hosts = self._kwargs_for_run.pop('hosts', None)
self.module = self._kwargs_for_run.pop('module', None)
self.module_args = self._kwargs_for_run.pop('module_args', None)
if self.module_args and isinstance(self.module_args, dict):
self.module_args = json.dumps(self.module_args)
self.limit_hosts = self._kwargs_for_run.pop('limit_hosts', None)
self.remote_user = self._kwargs_for_run.pop('remote_user', None)
self.become = self._kwargs_for_run.pop('become', None)
self.become_user = self._kwargs_for_run.pop('become_user', None)
self.extra_vars = self._kwargs_for_run.pop('extra_vars', None)
if self.extra_vars:
self.extra_vars = json.dumps(self.extra_vars)
self._inventory = self._kwargs_for_run.pop('inventory', None)
self.verbosity = self._kwargs_for_run.pop('verbosity', 5)
self._ssh_private_key = self._kwargs_for_run.pop(
'ssh_private_key', None)
self.forks = self._kwargs_for_run.pop('forks', None)
self.timeout = self._kwargs_for_run.pop('timeout', None)
self.ssh_extra_args = self._kwargs_for_run.pop('ssh_extra_args', None)
if self.ssh_extra_args:
self.ssh_extra_args = json.dumps(self.ssh_extra_args)
self.ssh_common_args = self._kwargs_for_run.pop(
'ssh_common_args', None)
if self.ssh_common_args:
self.ssh_common_args = json.dumps(self.ssh_common_args)
self.use_openstack_credentials = self._kwargs_for_run.pop(
'use_openstack_credentials', False)
self.extra_env_variables = self._kwargs_for_run.pop(
'extra_env_variables', None)
self.gather_facts = self._kwargs_for_run.pop('gather_facts', False)
self._work_dir = None
self._remove_work_dir = False
def work_dir(self):
if self._work_dir:
return self._work_dir
self._work_dir = tempfile.mkdtemp(prefix='ansible-mistral-action')
self._remove_work_dir = True
return self._work_dir
def inventory(self):
if not self._inventory:
return None
# NOTE(flaper87): if it's a path, use it
if (isinstance(self._inventory, six.string_types) and
return self._inventory
elif not isinstance(self._inventory, six.string_types):
self._inventory = yaml.safe_dump(self._inventory)
path = os.path.join(self.work_dir, 'inventory.yaml')
# NOTE(flaper87):
# We could probably catch parse errors here
# but if we do, they won't be propagated and
# we should not move forward with the action
# if the inventory generation failed
with open(path, 'w') as inventory:
self._inventory = path
return path
def ssh_private_key(self):
if not self._ssh_private_key:
return None
# NOTE(flaper87): if it's a path, use it
if (isinstance(self._ssh_private_key, six.string_types) and
return self._ssh_private_key
path = os.path.join(self.work_dir, 'ssh_private_key')
# NOTE(flaper87):
# We could probably catch parse errors here
# but if we do, they won't be propagated and
# we should not move forward with the action
# if the inventory generation failed
with open(path, 'w') as ssh_key:
os.chmod(path, 0o600)
self._ssh_private_key = path
return path
def run(self, context):
if 0 < self.verbosity < 6:
verbosity_option = '-' + ('v' * self.verbosity)
command = ['ansible', self.hosts, verbosity_option, ]
command = ['ansible', self.hosts, ]
if self.module:
command.extend(['--module-name', self.module])
if self.module_args:
command.extend(['--args', self.module_args])
if self.limit_hosts:
command.extend(['--limit', self.limit_hosts])
if self.become:
if self.become_user:
command.extend(['--become-user', self.become_user])
if self.extra_vars:
command.extend(['--extra-vars', self.extra_vars])
if self.forks:
command.extend(['--forks', self.forks])
if self.ssh_common_args:
command.extend(['--ssh-common-args', self.ssh_common_args])
if self.ssh_extra_args:
command.extend(['--ssh-extra-args', self.ssh_extra_args])
if self.timeout:
command.extend(['--timeout', self.timeout])
if self.inventory:
command.extend(['--inventory-file', self.inventory])
if self.extra_env_variables:
if not isinstance(self.extra_env_variables, dict):
msg = "extra_env_variables must be a dict"
return actions.Result(error=msg)
if self.gather_facts:
command.extend(['--gather-facts', self.gather_facts])
ansible_config_path = write_default_ansible_cfg(
env_variables = {
'HOME': self.work_dir,
'ANSIBLE_LOCAL_TEMP': self.work_dir,
'ANSIBLE_CONFIG': ansible_config_path
if self.extra_env_variables:
if self.use_openstack_credentials:
'OS_PROJECT_NAME':})'Running ansible command: %s', command)
stderr, stdout = processutils.execute(
*command, cwd=self.work_dir,
return {"stderr": stderr, "stdout": stdout,
"log_path": os.path.join(self.work_dir, 'ansible.log')}
# NOTE(flaper87): clean the mess if debug is disabled.
if not self.verbosity and self._remove_work_dir:
except Exception as e:
msg = "An error happened while cleaning work directory: " + e
return actions.Result(error=msg)
class AnsiblePlaybookAction(base.TripleOAction):
"""Executes ansible playbook"""

View File

@ -29,49 +29,6 @@ from tripleo_common.actions import ansible
from tripleo_common.tests import base
class AnsibleActionTest(base.TestCase):
def setUp(self):
super(AnsibleActionTest, self).setUp()
self.hosts = ""
self.module = "foo"
self.remote_user = 'fido'
self.become = True
self.become_user = 'root'
self.ctx = mock.MagicMock()
def test_run(self, mock_execute, mock_write_cfg):
mock_execute.return_value = ('', '')
action = ansible.AnsibleAction(
hosts=self.hosts, module=self.module, remote_user=self.remote_user,
become=self.become, become_user=self.become_user)
ansible_config_path = os.path.join(action.work_dir, 'ansible.cfg')
mock_write_cfg.return_value = ansible_config_path
env = {
'HOME': action.work_dir,
'ANSIBLE_LOCAL_TEMP': action.work_dir,
'ANSIBLE_CONFIG': ansible_config_path
'ansible', self.hosts, '-vvvvv', '--module-name', self.module,
'--become', '--become-user', self.become_user, env_variables=env,
cwd=action.work_dir, log_errors=processutils.LogErrors.ALL
class AnsiblePlaybookActionTest(base.TestCase):
def setUp(self):