# Copyright 2019 Red Hat, Inc. # # Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may # not use this file except in compliance with the License. You may obtain # a copy of the License at # # http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 # # Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software # distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT # WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the # License for the specific language governing permissions and limitations # under the License. # from concurrent import futures import os import pathlib import tenacity from oslo_concurrency import processutils from oslo_config import cfg from oslo_log import log as logging from tripleo_common import constants from tripleo_common.image.builder import base from tripleo_common.utils import process CONF = cfg.CONF LOG = logging.getLogger(__name__ + ".BuildahBuilder") class BuildahBuilder(base.BaseBuilder): """Builder to build container images with Buildah.""" log = LOG def __init__(self, work_dir, deps, base='fedora', img_type='binary', tag='latest', namespace='master', registry_address='', push_containers=True, volumes=[], excludes=[], build_timeout=None, debug=False): """Setup the parameters to build with Buildah. :params work_dir: Directory where the Dockerfiles or Containerfiles are generated by Kolla. :params deps: Dictionary defining the container images dependencies. :params base: Base image on which the containers are built. Default to fedora. :params img_type: Method used to build the image. All TripleO images are built from binary method. Can be set to false to remove it from image name. :params tag: Tag used to identify the images that we build. Default to latest. :params namespace: Namespace used to build the containers. Default to master. :params registry_address: IP + port of the registry where we push the images. Default is :params push: Flag to bypass registry push if False. Default is True :params volumes: Bind mount volumes used during buildah bud. Default to []. :params excludes: List of images to skip. Default to []. :params build_timeout: Timeout. Default to constants.BUILD_TIMEOUT :params debug: Enable debug flag. Default to False. """ logging.register_options(CONF) if debug: CONF.debug = True logging.setup(CONF, '') super(BuildahBuilder, self).__init__() if build_timeout is None: self.build_timeout = constants.BUILD_TIMEOUT else: self.build_timeout = build_timeout self.work_dir = work_dir self.deps = deps self.base = base self.img_type = img_type self.tag = tag self.namespace = namespace self.registry_address = registry_address self.push_containers = push_containers self.volumes = volumes self.excludes = excludes self.debug = debug # Each container image has a Dockerfile or a Containerfile. # Buildah needs to know the base directory later. self.cont_map = {os.path.basename(root): root for root, dirs, fnames in os.walk(self.work_dir) if 'Dockerfile' in fnames or 'Containerfile' in fnames} # Building images with root so overlayfs is used, and not fuse-overlay # from userspace, which would be slower. self.buildah_cmd = ['sudo', 'buildah'] if self.debug: self.buildah_cmd.append('--log-level=debug') def _find_container_dir(self, container_name): """Return the path of the Dockerfile/Containerfile directory. :params container_name: Name of the container. """ if container_name not in self.cont_map: self.log.error('Container not found in Kolla ' 'deps: %s' % container_name) return self.cont_map.get(container_name, '') def _get_destination(self, container_name): """Return the destination of a container image to push. :params container_name: Name of the container. """ destination = "{}/{}/{}".format( self.registry_address, self.namespace, self.base, ) if self.img_type: destination += '-' + self.img_type destination += '-' + container_name + ':' + self.tag return destination def _generate_container(self, container_name): """Generate a container image by building and pushing the image. :params container_name: Name of the container. """ if container_name in self.excludes: return # NOTE(mwhahaha): Use a try catch block so we can better log issues # as this is called in a multiprocess fashion so the exception # loses some information when it reaches _multi_build try: self.build(container_name, self._find_container_dir(container_name)) if self.push_containers: self.push(self._get_destination(container_name)) except Exception as e: self.log.exception(e) raise @tenacity.retry( # Retry up to 5 times: 0, 1, 5, 21, 85 # http://exponentialbackoffcalculator.com/ reraise=True, wait=tenacity.wait_random_exponential(multiplier=4, max=60), stop=tenacity.stop_after_attempt(5), before_sleep=tenacity.after_log(LOG, logging.WARNING) ) def build(self, container_name, container_build_path): """Build an image from a given directory. :params container_name: Name of the container. :params container_build_path: Directory where the Dockerfile or Containerfile and other files are located to build the image. """ # 'buildah bud' is the command we want because Kolla uses Dockefile to # build images. # TODO(emilien): Stop ignoring TLS. The deployer should either secure # the registry or add it to insecure_registries. logfile = container_build_path + '/' + container_name + '-build.log' # TODO(ramishra) Hack to make the logfile readable by current user, # as we're running buildah as root. This would be removed once we # move to rootless buildah. pathlib.Path(logfile).touch() bud_args = ['bud'] for v in self.volumes: bud_args.extend(['--volume', v]) if self.debug: # TODO(bogdando): add --log-rusage for newer buildah bud_args.extend(['--loglevel=3']) # TODO(aschultz): drop --format docker when oci format is properly # supported by the undercloud registry bud_args.extend(['--format', 'docker', '--tls-verify=False', '--logfile', logfile, '-t', self._get_destination(container_name), container_build_path]) args = self.buildah_cmd + bud_args self.log.info("Building %s image with: %s" % (container_name, ' '.join(args))) process.execute( *args, check_exit_code=True, run_as_root=False, use_standard_locale=True ) @tenacity.retry( # Retry up to 10 times with jittered exponential backoff reraise=True, wait=tenacity.wait_random_exponential(multiplier=1, max=15), stop=tenacity.stop_after_attempt(10), before_sleep=tenacity.after_log(LOG, logging.WARNING) ) def push(self, destination): """Push an image to a container registry. :params destination: URL to used to push the container. It contains the registry address, namespace, base, img_type (optional), container name and tag. """ # TODO(emilien): Stop ignoring TLS. The deployer should either secure # the registry or add it to insecure_registries. # TODO(emilien) We need to figure out how we can push to something # else than a Docker registry. args = self.buildah_cmd + ['push', '--tls-verify=False', destination, 'docker://' + destination] self.log.info("Pushing %s image with: %s" % (destination, ' '.join(args))) if self.debug: # buildah push logs to stderr, since there is no --log* opt # so we'll use the current logging context for that process.execute(*args, log_stdout=True, run_as_root=False, use_standard_locale=True, logger=self.log, loglevel=logging.DEBUG) else: process.execute(*args, run_as_root=False, use_standard_locale=True) def build_all(self, deps=None): """Build all containers. This function will thread the build process allowing it to complete in the shortest possible time. :params deps: Dictionary defining the container images dependencies. """ if deps is None: deps = self.deps container_deps = self._generate_deps(deps=deps, containers=list()) self.log.debug("All container deps: {}".format(container_deps)) for containers in container_deps: self.log.info("Processing containers: {}".format(containers)) if isinstance(deps, (list,)): self._multi_build(containers=containers) else: self._multi_build(containers=[containers]) def _generate_deps(self, deps, containers, prio_list=None): """Browse containers dependencies and return an an array. When the dependencies are generated they're captured in an array, which contains additional arrays. This data structure is later used in a futures queue. :params deps: Dictionary defining the container images dependencies. :params containers: List used to keep track of dependent containers. :params prio_list: List used to keep track of nested dependencies. :returns: list """ self.log.debug("Process deps: {}".format(deps)) if isinstance(deps, str): if prio_list: prio_list.append(deps) else: containers.append([deps]) elif isinstance(deps, (dict,)): parents = list(deps.keys()) if prio_list: prio_list.extend(parents) else: containers.append(parents) for value in deps.values(): self.log.debug("Recursing with: {}".format(value)) self._generate_deps( deps=value, containers=containers ) elif isinstance(deps, (list,)): dep_list = list() dep_rehash_list = list() for item in deps: if isinstance(item, str): dep_list.append(item) else: dep_rehash_list.append(item) if dep_list: containers.append(dep_list) for item in dep_rehash_list: self.log.debug("Recursing with: {}".format(item)) self._generate_deps( deps=item, containers=containers, prio_list=dep_list ) self.log.debug("Constructed containers: {}".format(containers)) return containers def _multi_build(self, containers): """Build mutliple containers. Multi-thread the build process for all containers defined within the containers list. :params containers: List defining the container images. """ # Workers will use the processor core count with a max of 8. If # the containers array has a length less-than the expected processor # count, the workers will be adjusted to meet the expectations of the # work being processed. workers = min( min( 8, max( 2, processutils.get_worker_count() ) ), len(containers) ) with futures.ThreadPoolExecutor(max_workers=workers) as executor: future_to_build = { executor.submit( self._generate_container, container_name ): container_name for container_name in containers } done, not_done = futures.wait( future_to_build, timeout=self.build_timeout, return_when=futures.FIRST_EXCEPTION ) # NOTE(cloudnull): Once the job has been completed all completed # jobs are checked for exceptions. If any jobs # failed a SystemError will be raised using the # exception information. If any job was loaded # but not executed a SystemError will be raised. exceptions = list() for job in done: if job._exception: exceptions.append( "\nException information: {exception}".format( exception=job._exception ) ) if exceptions: raise RuntimeError( '\nThe following errors were detected during ' 'container build(s):\n{exceptions}'.format( exceptions='\n'.join(exceptions) ) ) if not_done: error_msg = ( 'The following jobs were incomplete: {}'.format( [future_to_build[job] for job in not_done] ) ) jobs_with_exceptions = [{ 'container': future_to_build[job], 'exception': job._exception} for job in not_done if job._exception] if jobs_with_exceptions: for job_with_exception in jobs_with_exceptions: error_msg = error_msg + os.linesep + ( "%(container)s raised the following " "exception: %(exception)s" % job_with_exception) raise SystemError(error_msg)