--- # Copyright 2020 Red Hat, Inc. # All Rights Reserved. # # Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may # not use this file except in compliance with the License. You may obtain # a copy of the License at # # http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 # # Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software # distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT # WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the # License for the specific language governing permissions and limitations # under the License. - name: Check if octavia CA file exists on host become: true stat: path: "{{ octavia_confd_prefix }}/{{ ca_cert_path }}" register: ca_file_stat - name: Get and store CA data block: - name: Get CA file if exists become: true slurp: src: "{{ octavia_confd_prefix }}/{{ ca_cert_path }}" register: ca_file_data - name: Store CA data set_fact: ca_cert: "{{ ca_file_data.content | b64decode }}" - name: Get remaining validity period of the CA shell: | now=$(date +%s) enddate=$(date +%s -d "$(openssl x509 -enddate -noout -in {{ octavia_confd_prefix }}/{{ ca_cert_path }} | cut -d= -f2)") echo $((enddate - now)) register: validity_period - name: Force CA update if remaining validity is less than 1 year set_fact: force_certs_update: true when: - (validity_period.stdout| int) < 31622400 # 31622400 seconds == 366 days when: - ca_file_stat.stat.exists | bool - name: Check if octavia CA private key exists on host become: true stat: path: "{{ octavia_confd_prefix }}/{{ ca_private_key_path }}" register: ca_key_file_stat - name: Get and store CA private key block: - name: Get CA private key file if exists become: true slurp: src: "{{ octavia_confd_prefix }}/{{ ca_private_key_path }}" register: key_file_data - name: Store CA private key set_fact: ca_private_key: "{{ key_file_data.content | b64decode }}" - name: Detect if key is encrypted with AES256 shell: grep -q 'AES-256-CBC' {{ octavia_confd_prefix }}/{{ ca_private_key_path }} failed_when: false register: ca_private_key_aes_256 - name: Store flag if a private key update is required set_fact: force_private_key_update: true force_certs_update: true when: - ca_private_key_aes_256.rc != 0 when: - ca_key_file_stat.stat.exists | bool - name: Check if octavia client certificate exists on host become: true stat: path: "{{ octavia_confd_prefix }}/{{ client_cert_path }}" register: client_cert_file_stat # TODO(gthiemon) Remove those tasks when we support per-controller and # per-process client certificates for Octavia. - name: Get and store client certificate block: - name: Get client certificate file if exists become: true slurp: src: "{{ octavia_confd_prefix }}/{{ client_cert_path }}" register: client_file_data - name: Store client certificate data set_fact: service_pem_content: "{{ client_file_data.content | b64decode }}" when: - client_cert_file_stat.stat.exists | bool