--- version: '2.0' name: tripleo.derive_params.v1 description: TripleO Workflows to derive deployment parameters from the introspected data workflows: derive_parameters: description: The main workflow for deriving parameters from the introspected data input: - plan: overcloud - queue_name: tripleo - user_inputs: {} tags: - tripleo-common-managed tasks: get_flattened_parameters: action: tripleo.parameters.get_flatten container=<% $.plan %> publish: environment_parameters: <% task().result.environment_parameters %> heat_resource_tree: <% task().result.heat_resource_tree %> on-success: - get_roles: <% $.environment_parameters and $.heat_resource_tree %> - set_status_failed_get_flattened_parameters: <% (not $.environment_parameters) or (not $.heat_resource_tree) %> on-error: set_status_failed_get_flattened_parameters get_roles: action: tripleo.role.list container=<% $.plan %> publish: role_name_list: <% task().result %> on-success: - get_valid_roles: <% $.role_name_list %> - set_status_failed_get_roles: <% not $.role_name_list %> on-error: set_status_failed_on_error_get_roles # Obtain only the roles which has count > 0, by checking Count parameter, like ComputeCount get_valid_roles: publish: valid_role_name_list: <% let(hr => $.heat_resource_tree.parameters) -> $.role_name_list.where(int($hr.get(concat($, 'Count'), {}).get('default', 0)) > 0) %> on-success: - for_each_role: <% $.valid_role_name_list %> - set_status_failed_get_valid_roles: <% not $.valid_role_name_list %> # Execute the basic preparation workflow for each role to get introspection data for_each_role: with-items: role_name in <% $.valid_role_name_list %> concurrency: 1 workflow: _derive_parameters_per_role input: plan: <% $.plan %> role_name: <% $.role_name %> environment_parameters: <% $.environment_parameters %> heat_resource_tree: <% $.heat_resource_tree %> user_inputs: <% $.user_inputs %> publish: # Gets all the roles derived parameters as dictionary result: <% task().result.select($.get('derived_parameters', {})).sum() %> on-success: reset_derive_parameters_in_plan on-error: set_status_failed_for_each_role reset_derive_parameters_in_plan: action: tripleo.parameters.reset input: container: <% $.plan %> key: 'derived_parameters' on-success: # Add the derived parameters to the deployment plan only when $.result # (the derived parameters) is non-empty. Otherwise, we're done. - update_derive_parameters_in_plan: <% $.result %> - send_message: <% not $.result %> on-error: set_status_failed_reset_derive_parameters_in_plan update_derive_parameters_in_plan: action: tripleo.parameters.update input: container: <% $.plan %> key: 'derived_parameters' parameters: <% $.get('result', {}) %> on-success: send_message on-error: set_status_failed_update_derive_parameters_in_plan set_status_failed_get_flattened_parameters: on-success: send_message publish: status: FAILED message: <% task(get_flattened_parameters).result %> set_status_failed_get_roles: on-success: send_message publish: status: FAILED message: "Unable to determine the list of roles in the deployment plan" set_status_failed_on_error_get_roles: on-success: send_message publish: status: FAILED message: <% task(get_roles).result %> set_status_failed_get_valid_roles: on-success: send_message publish: status: FAILED message: 'Unable to determine the list of valid roles in the deployment plan.' set_status_failed_for_each_role: on-success: update_message_format publish: status: FAILED # gets the status and message for all roles from task result. message: <% task(for_each_role).result.select(dict('role_name' => $.role_name, 'status' => $.get('status', 'SUCCESS'), 'message' => $.get('message', ''))) %> update_message_format: on-success: send_message publish: # updates the message format(Role 'role name': message) for each roles which are failed and joins the message list as string with ', ' separator. message: <% $.message.where($.get('status', 'SUCCESS') != 'SUCCESS').select(concat("Role '{}':".format($.role_name), " ", $.get('message', '(error unknown)'))).join(', ') %> set_status_failed_reset_derive_parameters_in_plan: on-success: send_message publish: status: FAILED message: <% task(reset_derive_parameters_in_plan).result %> set_status_failed_update_derive_parameters_in_plan: on-success: send_message publish: status: FAILED message: <% task(update_derive_parameters_in_plan).result %> send_message: action: zaqar.queue_post retry: count=5 delay=1 input: queue_name: <% $.queue_name %> messages: body: type: tripleo.derive_params.v1.derive_parameters payload: status: <% $.get('status', 'SUCCESS') %> message: <% $.get('message', '') %> result: <% $.get('result', '') %> execution: <% execution() %> on-success: - fail: <% $.get('status') = 'FAILED' %> _derive_parameters_per_role: description: > Workflow which runs per role to get the introspection data on the first matching node assigned to role. Once introspection data is fetched, this worklow will trigger the actual derive parameters workflow input: - plan - role_name - environment_parameters - heat_resource_tree - user_inputs output: derived_parameters: <% $.get('derived_parameters', {}) %> # Need role_name in output parameter to display the status for all roles in main workflow when any role fails here. role_name: <% $.role_name %> tags: - tripleo-common-managed tasks: get_role_info: workflow: _get_role_info input: role_name: <% $.role_name %> heat_resource_tree: <% $.heat_resource_tree %> publish: role_features: <% task().result.get('role_features', []) %> role_services: <% task().result.get('role_services', []) %> on-success: # Continue only if there are features associated with this role. Otherwise, we're done. - get_flavor_name: <% $.role_features %> on-error: set_status_failed_get_role_info # Getting introspection data workflow, which will take care of # 1) profile and flavor based mapping # 2) Nova placement api based mapping # Currently we have implemented profile and flavor based mapping # TODO-Nova placement api based mapping is pending, we will enchance it later. get_flavor_name: publish: flavor_name: <% let(param_name => concat('Overcloud', $.role_name, 'Flavor').replace('OvercloudControllerFlavor', 'OvercloudControlFlavor')) -> $.heat_resource_tree.parameters.get($param_name, {}).get('default', '') %> on-success: - get_profile_name: <% $.flavor_name %> - set_status_failed_get_flavor_name: <% not $.flavor_name %> get_profile_name: action: tripleo.parameters.get_profile_of_flavor flavor_name=<% $.flavor_name %> publish: profile_name: <% task().result %> on-success: get_profile_node on-error: set_status_failed_get_profile_name get_profile_node: workflow: tripleo.baremetal.v1.nodes_with_profile input: profile: <% $.profile_name %> publish: profile_node_uuid: <% task().result.matching_nodes.first('') %> on-success: - get_introspection_data: <% $.profile_node_uuid %> - set_status_failed_no_matching_node_get_profile_node: <% not $.profile_node_uuid %> on-error: set_status_failed_on_error_get_profile_node get_introspection_data: action: baremetal_introspection.get_data uuid=<% $.profile_node_uuid %> publish: hw_data: <% task().result %> # Establish an empty dictionary of derived_parameters prior to # invoking the individual "feature" algorithms derived_parameters: <% dict() %> on-success: handle_dpdk_feature on-error: set_status_failed_get_introspection_data handle_dpdk_feature: on-success: - get_dpdk_derive_params: <% $.role_features.contains('DPDK') %> - handle_sriov_feature: <% not $.role_features.contains('DPDK') %> get_dpdk_derive_params: workflow: tripleo.derive_params_formulas.v1.dpdk_derive_params input: plan: <% $.plan %> role_name: <% $.role_name %> hw_data: <% $.hw_data %> user_inputs: <% $.user_inputs %> publish: derived_parameters: <% task().result.get('derived_parameters', {}) %> on-success: handle_sriov_feature on-error: set_status_failed_get_dpdk_derive_params handle_sriov_feature: on-success: - get_sriov_derive_params: <% $.role_features.contains('SRIOV') %> - handle_host_feature: <% not $.role_features.contains('SRIOV') %> get_sriov_derive_params: workflow: tripleo.derive_params_formulas.v1.sriov_derive_params input: role_name: <% $.role_name %> hw_data: <% $.hw_data %> derived_parameters: <% $.derived_parameters %> publish: derived_parameters: <% task().result.get('derived_parameters', {}) %> on-success: handle_host_feature on-error: set_status_failed_get_sriov_derive_params handle_host_feature: on-success: - get_host_derive_params: <% $.role_features.contains('HOST') %> - handle_hci_feature: <% not $.role_features.contains('HOST') %> get_host_derive_params: workflow: tripleo.derive_params_formulas.v1.host_derive_params input: role_name: <% $.role_name %> hw_data: <% $.hw_data %> user_inputs: <% $.user_inputs %> derived_parameters: <% $.derived_parameters %> publish: derived_parameters: <% task().result.get('derived_parameters', {}) %> on-success: handle_hci_feature on-error: set_status_failed_get_host_derive_params handle_hci_feature: on-success: - get_hci_derive_params: <% $.role_features.contains('HCI') %> get_hci_derive_params: workflow: tripleo.derive_params_formulas.v1.hci_derive_params input: role_name: <% $.role_name %> environment_parameters: <% $.environment_parameters %> heat_resource_tree: <% $.heat_resource_tree %> introspection_data: <% $.hw_data %> user_inputs: <% $.user_inputs %> derived_parameters: <% $.derived_parameters %> publish: derived_parameters: <% task().result.get('derived_parameters', {}) %> on-error: set_status_failed_get_hci_derive_params # Done (no more derived parameter features) set_status_failed_get_role_info: publish: role_name: <% $.role_name %> status: FAILED message: <% task(get_role_info).result.get('message', '') %> on-success: fail set_status_failed_get_flavor_name: publish: role_name: <% $.role_name %> status: FAILED message: <% "Unable to determine flavor for role '{0}'".format($.role_name) %> on-success: fail set_status_failed_get_profile_name: publish: role_name: <% $.role_name %> status: FAILED message: <% task(get_profile_name).result %> on-success: fail set_status_failed_no_matching_node_get_profile_node: publish: role_name: <% $.role_name %> status: FAILED message: <% "Unable to determine matching node for profile '{0}'".format($.profile_name) %> on-success: fail set_status_failed_on_error_get_profile_node: publish: role_name: <% $.role_name %> status: FAILED message: <% task(get_profile_node).result %> on-success: fail set_status_failed_get_introspection_data: publish: role_name: <% $.role_name %> status: FAILED message: <% task(get_introspection_data).result %> on-success: fail set_status_failed_get_dpdk_derive_params: publish: role_name: <% $.role_name %> status: FAILED message: <% task(get_dpdk_derive_params).result %> on-success: fail set_status_failed_get_sriov_derive_params: publish: role_name: <% $.role_name %> status: FAILED message: <% task(get_sriov_derive_params).result %> on-success: fail set_status_failed_get_host_derive_params: publish: role_name: <% $.role_name %> status: FAILED message: <% task(get_host_derive_params).result %> on-success: fail set_status_failed_get_hci_derive_params: publish: role_name: <% $.role_name %> status: FAILED message: <% task(get_hci_derive_params).result %> on-success: fail _get_role_info: description: > Workflow that determines the list of derived parameter features (DPDK, HCI, etc.) for a role based on the services assigned to the role. input: - role_name - heat_resource_tree tags: - tripleo-common-managed tasks: get_resource_chains: publish: resource_chains: <% $.heat_resource_tree.resources.values().where($.get('type', '') = 'OS::Heat::ResourceChain') %> on-success: - get_role_chain: <% $.resource_chains %> - set_status_failed_get_resource_chains: <% not $.resource_chains %> get_role_chain: publish: role_chain: <% let(chain_name => concat($.role_name, 'ServiceChain'))-> $.heat_resource_tree.resources.values().where($.name = $chain_name).first({}) %> on-success: - get_service_chain: <% $.role_chain %> - set_status_failed_get_role_chain: <% not $.role_chain %> get_service_chain: publish: service_chain: <% let(resources => $.role_chain.resources)-> $.resource_chains.where($resources.contains($.id)).first('') %> on-success: - get_role_services: <% $.service_chain %> - set_status_failed_get_service_chain: <% not $.service_chain %> get_role_services: publish: role_services: <% let(resources => $.heat_resource_tree.resources)-> $.service_chain.resources.select($resources.get($)) %> on-success: - check_features: <% $.role_services %> - set_status_failed_get_role_services: <% not $.role_services %> check_features: on-success: build_feature_dict publish: # The role supports the DPDK feature if the NeutronDatapathType parameter is present dpdk: <% let(resources => $.heat_resource_tree.resources) -> $.role_services.any($.get('parameters', []).contains('NeutronDatapathType') or $.get('resources', []).select($resources.get($)).any($.get('parameters', []).contains('NeutronDatapathType'))) %> # The role supports the DPDK feature in ODL if the OvsEnableDpdk parameter value is true in role parameters. odl_dpdk: <% let(role => $.role_name) -> $.heat_resource_tree.parameters.get(concat($role, 'Parameters'), {}).get('default', {}).get('OvsEnableDpdk', false) %> # The role supports the SRIOV feature if it includes NeutronSriovAgent services. sriov: <% $.role_services.any($.get('type', '').endsWith('::NeutronSriovAgent')) %> # The role supports the HCI feature if it includes both NovaCompute and CephOSD services. hci: <% $.role_services.any($.get('type', '').endsWith('::NovaCompute')) and $.role_services.any($.get('type', '').endsWith('::CephOSD')) %> build_feature_dict: on-success: filter_features publish: feature_dict: <% dict(DPDK => ($.dpdk or $.odl_dpdk), SRIOV => $.sriov, HOST => ($.dpdk or $.odl_dpdk or $.sriov), HCI => $.hci) %> filter_features: publish: # The list of features that are enabled (i.e. are true in the feature_dict). role_features: <% let(feature_dict => $.feature_dict)-> $feature_dict.keys().where($feature_dict[$]) %> set_status_failed_get_resource_chains: publish: message: <% 'Unable to locate any resource chains in the heat resource tree' %> on-success: fail set_status_failed_get_role_chain: publish: message: <% "Unable to determine the service chain resource for role '{0}'".format($.role_name) %> on-success: fail set_status_failed_get_service_chain: publish: message: <% "Unable to determine the service chain for role '{0}'".format($.role_name) %> on-success: fail set_status_failed_get_role_services: publish: message: <% "Unable to determine list of services for role '{0}'".format($.role_name) %> on-success: fail