#!/usr/bin/env python # Copyright 2019 Red Hat, Inc. # All Rights Reserved. # # Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may # not use this file except in compliance with the License. You may obtain # a copy of the License at # # http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 # # Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software # distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT # WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the # License for the specific language governing permissions and limitations # under the License. from collections import OrderedDict import os.path import yaml class TemplateDumper(yaml.SafeDumper): def represent_ordered_dict(self, data): return self.represent_dict(data.items()) TemplateDumper.add_representer(OrderedDict, TemplateDumper.represent_ordered_dict) class TripleoInventories(object): def __init__(self, stack_to_inv_obj_map): """ Input: a mapping of stack->TripleoInventory objects, e.g. stack_to_inv_obj_map['central'] = TripleoInventory('central') stack_to_inv_obj_map['edge0'] = TripleoInventory('edge0') """ self.stack_to_inv_obj_map = stack_to_inv_obj_map def _merge(self, dynamic=True): """Merge TripleoInventory objects""" inventory = OrderedDict() if dynamic: inventory['_meta'] = {'hostvars': {}} for stack, inv_obj in self.stack_to_inv_obj_map.items(): # convert each inventory object into an ordered dict inv = inv_obj.list(dynamic) # only want one undercloud, shouldn't matter which if 'Undercloud' not in inventory.keys(): inventory['Undercloud'] = inv['Undercloud'] if dynamic: inventory['Undercloud']['hosts'] = ['undercloud'] else: inventory['Undercloud']['hosts'] = {'undercloud': {}} # add 'plans' to create a list to append to inventory['Undercloud']['vars']['plans'] = [] # save the plan for this stack in the plans list plan = inv['Undercloud']['vars']['plan'] inventory['Undercloud']['vars']['plans'].append(plan) for key in inv.keys(): if key != 'Undercloud': new_key = stack + '_' + key if key not in ('_meta', 'overcloud', stack): # Merge into a top level group if dynamic: inventory.setdefault(key, {'children': []}) inventory[key]['children'].append(new_key) inventory[key]['children'].sort() else: inventory.setdefault(key, {'children': {}}) inventory[key]['children'][new_key] = {} if 'children' in inv[key].keys(): roles = [] for child in inv[key]['children']: roles.append(stack + '_' + child) roles.sort() if dynamic: inventory[new_key] = { 'children': roles } else: inventory[new_key] = { 'children': {x: {} for x in roles} } if vars in inv[key]: inventory[new_key]['vars'] = inv[key]['vars'] if key == 'allovercloud': # useful to have just stack name refer to children if dynamic: inventory[stack] = {'children': [new_key]} else: inventory[stack] = {'children': {new_key: {}}} else: if key != '_meta': inventory[new_key] = inv[key] elif dynamic: inventory['_meta']['hostvars'].update( inv['_meta'].get('hostvars', {}) ) # 'plan' doesn't make sense when using multiple plans if len(self.stack_to_inv_obj_map) > 1: del inventory['Undercloud']['vars']['plan'] # sort plans list for consistency inventory['Undercloud']['vars']['plans'].sort() return inventory def list(self, dynamic=True): return self._merge(dynamic) def write_static_inventory(self, inventory_file_path, extra_vars=None): """Convert OrderedDict inventory to static yaml format in a file.""" allowed_extensions = ('.yaml', '.yml', '.json') if not os.path.splitext(inventory_file_path)[1] in allowed_extensions: raise ValueError("Path %s does not end with one of %s extensions" % (inventory_file_path, ",".join(allowed_extensions))) inventory = self._merge(dynamic=False) if extra_vars: for var, value in extra_vars.items(): if var in inventory: inventory[var]['vars'].update(value) with open(inventory_file_path, 'w') as inventory_file: yaml.dump(inventory, inventory_file, TemplateDumper) def host(self): # Dynamic inventory scripts must return empty json if they don't # provide detailed info for hosts: # http://docs.ansible.com/ansible/developing_inventory.html return {}