# Copyright 2016 Red Hat, Inc. # All Rights Reserved. # # Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may # not use this file except in compliance with the License. You may obtain # a copy of the License at # # http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 # # Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software # distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT # WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the # License for the specific language governing permissions and limitations # under the License. import json import logging import time from heatclient.common import deployment_utils from heatclient import exc as heat_exc from mistral.workflow import utils as mistral_workflow_utils from mistralclient.api import base as mistralclient_exc from tripleo_common.actions import base from tripleo_common.actions import templates from tripleo_common import constants from tripleo_common.utils import overcloudrc LOG = logging.getLogger(__name__) class OrchestrationDeployAction(base.TripleOAction): def __init__(self, server_id, config, name, input_values=[], action='CREATE', signal_transport='TEMP_URL_SIGNAL', timeout=300, group='script'): super(OrchestrationDeployAction, self).__init__() self.server_id = server_id self.config = config self.input_values = input_values self.action = action self.name = name self.signal_transport = signal_transport self.timeout = timeout self.group = group def _extract_container_object_from_swift_url(self, swift_url): container_name = swift_url.split('/')[-2] object_name = swift_url.split('/')[-1].split('?')[0] return (container_name, object_name) def _build_sc_params(self, swift_url): source = { 'config': self.config, 'group': self.group, } return deployment_utils.build_derived_config_params( action=self.action, source=source, name=self.name, input_values=self.input_values, server_id=self.server_id, signal_transport=self.signal_transport, signal_id=swift_url ) def _wait_for_data(self, container_name, object_name): body = None count_check = 0 swift_client = self._get_object_client() while not body: headers, body = swift_client.get_object( container_name, object_name ) count_check += 3 if body or count_check > self.timeout: break time.sleep(3) return body def run(self): heat = self._get_orchestration_client() swift_client = self._get_object_client() swift_url = deployment_utils.create_temp_url(swift_client, self.name, self.timeout) container_name, object_name = \ self._extract_container_object_from_swift_url(swift_url) params = self._build_sc_params(swift_url) config = heat.software_configs.create(**params) sd = heat.software_deployments.create( tenant_id='asdf', # heatclient requires this config_id=config.id, server_id=self.server_id, action=self.action, status='IN_PROGRESS' ) body = self._wait_for_data(container_name, object_name) # cleanup try: sd.delete() config.delete() swift_client.delete_object(container_name, object_name) swift_client.delete_container(container_name) except Exception as err: LOG.error("Error cleaning up heat deployment resources.", err) error = None if not body: body_json = {} error = "Timeout for heat deployment '%s'" % self.name else: body_json = json.loads(body) if body_json['deploy_status_code'] != 0: error = "Heat deployment failed for '%s'" % self.name return mistral_workflow_utils.Result( body_json, error ) class DeployStackAction(templates.ProcessTemplatesAction): """Deploys a heat stack.""" def __init__(self, timeout, container=constants.DEFAULT_CONTAINER_NAME): super(DeployStackAction, self).__init__(container) self.timeout_mins = timeout def run(self): # check to see if the stack exists heat = self._get_orchestration_client() try: stack = heat.stacks.get(self.container) except heat_exc.HTTPNotFound: stack = None stack_is_new = stack is None # update StackAction, DeployIdentifier and UpdateIdentifier wc = self._get_workflow_client() wf_env = wc.environments.get(self.container) parameters = dict() parameters['DeployIdentifier'] = int(time.time()) parameters['UpdateIdentifier'] = '' parameters['StackAction'] = 'CREATE' if stack_is_new else 'UPDATE' if 'parameter_defaults' not in wf_env.variables: wf_env.variables['parameter_defaults'] = {} wf_env.variables['parameter_defaults'].update(parameters) env_kwargs = { 'name': wf_env.name, 'variables': wf_env.variables, } # store params changes back to db before call to process templates wc.environments.update(**env_kwargs) # process all plan files and create or update a stack processed_data = super(DeployStackAction, self).run() # If we receive a 'Result' instance it is because the parent action # had an error. if isinstance(processed_data, mistral_workflow_utils.Result): return processed_data stack_args = processed_data.copy() stack_args['timeout_mins'] = self.timeout_mins if stack_is_new: LOG.info("Perfoming Heat stack create") return heat.stacks.create(**stack_args) LOG.info("Performing Heat stack update") stack_args['existing'] = 'true' return heat.stacks.update(stack.id, **stack_args) class OvercloudRcAction(base.TripleOAction): """Generate the overcloudrc and overcloudrc.v3 for a plan Given the name of a container, generate the overcloudrc files needed to access the overcloud via the CLI. no_proxy is optional and is a comma-separated string of hosts that shouldn't be proxied """ def __init__(self, container, no_proxy=""): self.container = container self.no_proxy = no_proxy def run(self): orchestration_client = self._get_orchestration_client() workflow_client = self._get_workflow_client() try: stack = orchestration_client.stacks.get(self.container) except heat_exc.HTTPNotFound: error = ( "The Heat stack {} cound not be found. Make sure you have " "deployed before calling this action.").format(self.container) return mistral_workflow_utils.Result(error=error) try: environment = workflow_client.environments.get(self.container) except mistralclient_exc.APIException: error = "The Mistral environment {} cound not be found.".format( self.container) return mistral_workflow_utils.Result(error=error) # We need to check parameter_defaults first for a user provided # password. If that doesn't exist, we then should look in the # automatically generated passwords. # TODO(d0ugal): Abstract this operation somewhere. We shouldn't need to # know about the structure of the environment to get a password. try: parameter_defaults = environment.variables['parameter_defaults'] passwords = environment.variables['passwords'] admin_pass = parameter_defaults.get('AdminPassword') if admin_pass is None: admin_pass = passwords['AdminPassword'] except KeyError: error = ("Unable to find the AdminPassword in the Mistral " "environment.") return mistral_workflow_utils.Result(error=error) return overcloudrc.create_overcloudrc(stack, self.no_proxy, admin_pass)