
567 lines
19 KiB

# Copyright (c) 2014 Hewlett-Packard Development Company, L.P.
# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
# you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
# You may obtain a copy of the License at
# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
# implied.
# See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
# limitations under the License.
import logging
import re
import time
from ironicclient import exc as ironicexp
import six
from tripleo_common import exception
from tripleo_common.utils import glance
LOG = logging.getLogger(__name__)
class DriverInfo(object):
"""Class encapsulating field conversion logic."""
def __init__(self, prefix, mapping, deprecated_mapping=None):
self._prefix = prefix
self._mapping = mapping
self._deprecated_mapping = deprecated_mapping or {}
def convert_key(self, key):
if key in self._mapping:
return self._mapping[key]
elif key in self._deprecated_mapping:
real = self._deprecated_mapping[key]
LOG.warning('Key %s is deprecated, please use %s',
key, real)
return real
elif key.startswith(self._prefix):
return key
elif key != 'pm_type' and key.startswith('pm_'):
LOG.warning('Key %s is not supported and will not be passed',
LOG.debug('Skipping key %s not starting with prefix %s',
key, self._prefix)
def convert(self, fields):
"""Convert fields from instackenv.json format to ironic names."""
result = self.DEFAULTS.copy()
for key, value in fields.items():
new_key = self.convert_key(key)
if new_key is not None:
result[new_key] = value
return result
def unique_id_from_fields(self, fields):
"""Return a string uniquely identifying a node in instackenv."""
def unique_id_from_node(self, node):
"""Return a string uniquely identifying a node in ironic db."""
class PrefixedDriverInfo(DriverInfo):
def __init__(self, prefix, deprecated_mapping=None,
has_port=False, address_field='address'):
mapping = {
'pm_addr': '%s_%s' % (prefix, address_field),
'pm_user': '%s_username' % prefix,
'pm_password': '%s_password' % prefix,
if has_port:
mapping['pm_port'] = '%s_port' % prefix
self._has_port = has_port
super(PrefixedDriverInfo, self).__init__(
prefix, mapping,
def unique_id_from_fields(self, fields):
result = fields['pm_addr']
if self._has_port and 'pm_port' in fields:
result = '%s:%s' % (result, fields['pm_port'])
return result
def unique_id_from_node(self, node):
new_key = self.convert_key('pm_addr')
assert new_key is not None
result = node.driver_info[new_key]
except KeyError:
# Node cannot be identified
if self._has_port:
new_port = self.convert_key('pm_port')
assert new_port
return '%s:%s' % (result, node.driver_info[new_port])
except KeyError:
return result
class SshDriverInfo(DriverInfo):
DEFAULTS = {'ssh_virt_type': 'virsh'}
def __init__(self):
super(SshDriverInfo, self).__init__(
'pm_addr': 'ssh_address',
'pm_user': 'ssh_username',
# TODO(dtantsur): support ssh_key_filename as well
'pm_password': 'ssh_key_contents',
'pm_virt_type': 'ssh_virt_type',
class iBootDriverInfo(PrefixedDriverInfo):
def __init__(self):
super(iBootDriverInfo, self).__init__(
'iboot', has_port=True,
'pm_relay_id': 'iboot_relay_id',
def unique_id_from_fields(self, fields):
result = super(iBootDriverInfo, self).unique_id_from_fields(fields)
if 'iboot_relay_id' in fields:
result = '%s#%s' % (result, fields['iboot_relay_id'])
return result
def unique_id_from_node(self, node):
result = super(iBootDriverInfo, self).unique_id_from_node(node)
except IndexError:
if node.driver_info.get('iboot_relay_id'):
result = '%s#%s' % (result, node.driver_info['iboot_relay_id'])
return result
# production drivers
'.*_ipmi(tool|native)': PrefixedDriverInfo('ipmi'),
'.*_drac': PrefixedDriverInfo('drac', address_field='host'),
'.*_ilo': PrefixedDriverInfo('ilo'),
'.*_ucs': PrefixedDriverInfo(
'pm_service_profile': 'ucs_service_profile'
'.*_irmc': PrefixedDriverInfo(
'irmc', has_port=True,
'pm_auth_method': 'irmc_auth_method',
'pm_client_timeout': 'irmc_client_timeout',
'pm_sensor_method': 'irmc_sensor_method',
'pm_deploy_iso': 'irmc_deploy_iso',
# test drivers
'.*_ssh': SshDriverInfo(),
'.*_iboot': iBootDriverInfo(),
'.*_wol': DriverInfo(
'pm_addr': 'wol_host',
'pm_port': 'wol_port',
'.*_amt': PrefixedDriverInfo('amt'),
'fake(|_pxe|_agent)': DriverInfo('fake', mapping={}),
def _find_driver_handler(driver):
for driver_tpl, handler in DRIVER_INFO.items():
if re.match(driver_tpl, driver) is not None:
return handler
# FIXME(dtantsur): handle all drivers without hardcoding them
raise exception.InvalidNode('unknown pm_type (ironic driver to use): '
'%s' % driver)
def _find_node_handler(fields):
driver = fields['pm_type']
except KeyError:
raise exception.InvalidNode('pm_type (ironic driver to use) is '
'required', node=fields)
return _find_driver_handler(driver)
def register_ironic_node(node, client=None, blocking=None):
if blocking is not None:
LOG.warning('blocking argument to register_ironic_node is deprecated '
'and does nothing')
driver_info = {}
handler = _find_node_handler(node)
if "kernel_id" in node:
driver_info["deploy_kernel"] = node["kernel_id"]
if "ramdisk_id" in node:
driver_info["deploy_ramdisk"] = node["ramdisk_id"]
mapping = {'cpus': 'cpu',
'memory_mb': 'memory',
'local_gb': 'disk',
'cpu_arch': 'arch'}
properties = {k: six.text_type(node.get(v))
for k, v in mapping.items()
if node.get(v) is not None}
if 'capabilities' in node:
caps = node['capabilities']
if isinstance(caps, dict):
caps = dict_to_capabilities(caps)
properties.update({"capabilities": six.text_type(caps)})
create_map = {"driver": node["pm_type"],
"properties": properties,
"driver_info": driver_info}
for field in ('name', 'uuid'):
if field in node:
create_map.update({field: six.text_type(node[field])})
node_id = handler.unique_id_from_fields(node)
LOG.debug('Registering node %s with ironic.', node_id)
ironic_node = client.node.create(**create_map)
for mac in node.get("mac", []):
client.port.create(address=mac, node_uuid=ironic_node.uuid)
validation = client.node.validate(ironic_node.uuid)
if not validation.power['result']:
LOG.warning('Node %s did not pass power credentials validation: %s',
ironic_node.uuid, validation.power['reason'])
client.node.set_power_state(ironic_node.uuid, 'off')
except ironicexp.Conflict:
# Conflict means the Ironic conductor does something with a node,
# ignore the exception.
return ironic_node
def _populate_node_mapping(client):
LOG.debug('Populating list of registered nodes.')
node_map = {'mac': {}, 'pm_addr': {}, 'uuids': set()}
nodes = client.node.list(detail=True)
for node in nodes:
for port in client.node.list_ports(node.uuid):
node_map['mac'][port.address] = node.uuid
handler = _find_driver_handler(node.driver)
unique_id = handler.unique_id_from_node(node)
if unique_id:
node_map['pm_addr'][unique_id] = node.uuid
return node_map
def _get_node_id(node, handler, node_map):
candidates = set()
for mac in node.get('mac', []):
except KeyError:
unique_id = handler.unique_id_from_fields(node)
if unique_id:
except KeyError:
uuid = node.get('uuid')
if uuid and uuid in node_map['uuids']:
if len(candidates) > 1:
raise exception.InvalidNode('Several candidates found for the same '
'node data: %s' % candidates,
elif candidates:
return list(candidates)[0]
def _update_or_register_ironic_node(node, node_map, client=None):
handler = _find_node_handler(node)
node_uuid = _get_node_id(node, handler, node_map)
if node_uuid:'Node %s already registered, updating details.',
patched = {}
for field, path in [('cpu', '/properties/cpus'),
('memory', '/properties/memory_mb'),
('disk', '/properties/local_gb'),
('arch', '/properties/cpu_arch'),
('name', '/name'),
('kernel_id', '/driver_info/deploy_kernel'),
('ramdisk_id', '/driver_info/deploy_ramdisk'),
('capabilities', '/properties/capabilities')]:
if field in node:
patched[path] = node.pop(field)
driver_info = handler.convert(node)
for key, value in driver_info.items():
patched['/driver_info/%s' % key] = value
node_patch = []
for key, value in patched.items():
if key == 'uuid':
continue # not needed during update
node_patch.append({'path': key,
'value': six.text_type(value),
'op': 'add'})
ironic_node = client.node.update(node_uuid, node_patch)
ironic_node = register_ironic_node(node, client)
return ironic_node
def _clean_up_extra_nodes(seen, client, remove=False):
all_nodes = {n.uuid for n in client.node.list()}
remove_func = client.node.delete
extra_nodes = all_nodes - {n.uuid for n in seen}
for node in extra_nodes:
if remove:
LOG.debug('Removing extra registered node %s.' % node)
LOG.debug('Extra registered node %s found.' % node)
def wait_for_provision_state(baremetal_client, node_uuid, provision_state,
loops=10, sleep=1):
"""Wait for a given Provisioning state in Ironic
Updating the provisioning state is an async operation, we
need to wait for it to be completed.
:param baremetal_client: Instance of Ironic client
:type baremetal_client: ironicclient.v1.client.Client
:param node_uuid: The Ironic node UUID
:type node_uuid: str
:param provision_state: The provisioning state name to wait for
:type provision_state: str
:param loops: How many times to loop
:type loops: int
:param sleep: How long to sleep between loops
:type sleep: int
:raises exceptions.StateTransitionFailed: if node.last_error is set
for _l in range(0, loops):
# This will throw an exception if the UUID is not found, so no need to
# check for node == None
node = baremetal_client.node.get(node_uuid)
if node.provision_state == provision_state:'Node %s set to provision state %s',
node_uuid, provision_state)
# node.last_error should be None after any successful operation
if node.last_error:
raise exception.StateTransitionFailed(node, provision_state)
raise exception.Timeout(
"Node %(uuid)s did not reach provision state %(state)s. "
"Now in state %(actual)s." % {
'uuid': node_uuid,
'state': provision_state,
'actual': node.provision_state
def set_nodes_state(baremetal_client, nodes, transition, target_state,
"""Make all nodes available in the baremetal service for a deployment
For each node whose provision_state is not in skipped_states, apply the
specified transition and wait until its provision_state is target_state.
:param baremetal_client: Instance of Ironic client
:type baremetal_client: ironicclient.v1.client.Client
:param nodes: List of Baremetal Nodes
:type nodes: [ironicclient.v1.node.Node]
:param transition: The state to set for a node. The full list of states
can be found in ironic.common.states.
:type transition: string
:param target_state: The expected result state for a node. For example when
transitioning to 'manage' the result is 'manageable'
:type target_state: string
:param skipped_states: A set of states to skip, for example 'active' nodes
are already deployed and the state can't always be
:type skipped_states: iterable of strings
:raises exception.Timeout: if a node takes too long to reach target state
:return List of nodes whose provision states have been altered. These
objects will be stale, and will not reflect the real node's current
log = logging.getLogger(__name__ + ".set_nodes_state")
altered_nodes = []
for node in nodes:
if node.provision_state in skipped_states:
"Setting provision state from '{0}' to '{1}' for Node {2}"
.format(node.provision_state, transition, node.uuid))
baremetal_client.node.set_provision_state(node.uuid, transition)
wait_for_provision_state(baremetal_client, node.uuid, target_state)
except exception.StateTransitionFailed as e:
log.error("FAIL: {0}".format(e))
except exception.Timeout as e:
log.error("FAIL: {0}".format(e))
return altered_nodes
def register_all_nodes(nodes_list, client=None, remove=False, blocking=True,
keystone_client=None, glance_client=None,
kernel_name=None, ramdisk_name=None, provide=True):
"""Register all nodes in nodes_list in the baremetal service.
:param nodes_list: The list of nodes to register.
:param client: An Ironic client object.
:param remove: Should nodes not in the list be removed?
:param blocking: Ignored.
:param keystone_client: Ignored.
:param glance_client: A Glance client object, for fetching ramdisk images.
:param kernel_name: Glance ID of the kernel to use for the nodes.
:param ramdisk_name: Glance ID of the ramdisk to use for the nodes.
:param provide: Should the node be transitioned to AVAILABLE state?
:return: list of node objects representing the new nodes.
LOG.debug('Registering all nodes.')
node_map = _populate_node_mapping(client)
glance_ids = {'kernel': None, 'ramdisk': None}
if kernel_name and ramdisk_name:
glance_ids = glance.create_or_find_kernel_and_ramdisk(
glance_client, kernel_name, ramdisk_name)
seen = []
for node in nodes_list:
if glance_ids['kernel'] and 'kernel_id' not in node:
node['kernel_id'] = glance_ids['kernel']
if glance_ids['ramdisk'] and 'ramdisk_id' not in node:
node['ramdisk_id'] = glance_ids['ramdisk']
node = _update_or_register_ironic_node(node, node_map, client=client)
_clean_up_extra_nodes(seen, client, remove=remove)
if provide:
manageable_nodes = set_nodes_state(
client, seen, "manage", "manageable",
skipped_states={'manageable', 'available'}
client, manageable_nodes, "provide", "available",
return seen
def dict_to_capabilities(caps_dict):
"""Convert a dictionary into a string with the capabilities syntax."""
return ','.join(["%s:%s" % (key, value)
for key, value in caps_dict.items()
if value is not None])
def capabilities_to_dict(caps):
"""Convert the Node's capabilities into a dictionary."""
if not caps:
return {}
if isinstance(caps, dict):
return caps
return dict([key.split(':', 1) for key in caps.split(',')])
def _get_capability_patch(node, capability, value):
"""Return a JSON patch updating a node capability"""
capabilities ='capabilities')
capabilities_dict = capabilities_to_dict(capabilities)
capabilities_dict[capability] = value
capabilities = dict_to_capabilities(capabilities_dict)
return [{
"op": "replace",
"path": "/properties/capabilities",
"value": capabilities
def update_node_capability(node_uuid, capability, value, client):
"""Update a node's capability
:param node_uuid: The UUID of the node
:param capability: The name of the capability to update
:param value: The value to update token
:param client: An Ironic client object
:return: Result of updating the node
node = client.node.get(node_uuid)
patch = _get_capability_patch(node, capability, value)
return client.node.update(node_uuid, patch)