Gael Chamoulaud (Strider) 7ba767305d Remove references to tripleo-validations legacy directory
'/usr/share/openstack-tripleo-validations' doesn't exist anymore since
Train. Tripleo-validations installs its bits in '/usr/share/ansible/'.
It is now quite safe to remove the references to this legacy directory.

This patch will be applied to master and stable/wallaby only. This logic
will be kept as is for stable/train like this directory may still be
present during an upgrade.

Change-Id: Ib96e2c0dd789be2be6bdaf66682b985cb864baf8
Signed-off-by: Gael Chamoulaud (Strider) <>
(cherry picked from commit 755cc6095d)
2021-06-07 06:52:44 +00:00
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