
368 lines
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# Copyright 2016 Red Hat, Inc.
# All Rights Reserved.
# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may
# not use this file except in compliance with the License. You may obtain
# a copy of the License at
# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT
# WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the
# License for the specific language governing permissions and limitations
# under the License.
import logging
from operator import itemgetter
import shutil
import tempfile
import yaml
from heatclient import exc as heatexceptions
from mistral_lib import actions
from oslo_concurrency import processutils
import six
from swiftclient import exceptions as swiftexceptions
from tripleo_common.actions import base
from tripleo_common import constants
from tripleo_common import exception
from tripleo_common.utils import plan as plan_utils
from tripleo_common.utils import roles as roles_utils
from tripleo_common.utils import swift as swiftutils
from tripleo_common.utils.validations import pattern_validator
LOG = logging.getLogger(__name__)
default_container_headers = {
constants.TRIPLEO_META_USAGE_KEY: 'plan'
class CreateContainerAction(base.TripleOAction):
"""Creates an object container
This action creates an object container for a given name. If a container
with the same name already exists an exception is raised.
def __init__(self, container):
super(CreateContainerAction, self).__init__()
self.container = container
def run(self, context):
oc = self.get_object_client(context)
# checks to see if a container has a valid name
if not pattern_validator(constants.PLAN_NAME_PATTERN, self.container):
message = ("Unable to create plan. The plan name must "
"only contain letters, numbers or dashes")
return actions.Result(error=message)
# checks to see if a container with that name exists
if self.container in [container["name"] for container in
result_string = ("A container with the name %s already"
" exists.") % self.container
return actions.Result(error=result_string)
oc.put_container(self.container, headers=default_container_headers)
class ListPlansAction(base.TripleOAction):
"""Lists deployment plans
This action lists all deployment plans residing in the undercloud. A
deployment plan consists of a container marked with metadata
def run(self, context):
# Plans consist of a container object marked with metadata to ensure it
# isn't confused with another container
plan_list = []
oc = self.get_object_client(context)
for item in oc.get_account()[1]:
container = oc.get_container(item['name'])[0]
if constants.TRIPLEO_META_USAGE_KEY in container.keys():
return list(set(plan_list))
class DeletePlanAction(base.TripleOAction):
"""Deletes a plan and associated files
Deletes a plan by deleting the container matching plan_name. It
will not delete the plan if a stack exists with the same name.
Raises StackInUseError if a stack with the same name as plan_name
def __init__(self, container):
super(DeletePlanAction, self).__init__()
self.container = container
def run(self, context):
error_text = None
# heat throws HTTPNotFound if the stack is not found
stack = self.get_orchestration_client(context).stacks.get(
self.container, resolve_outputs=False)
except heatexceptions.HTTPNotFound:
if stack is not None:
raise exception.StackInUseError(name=self.container)
swift = self.get_object_client(context)
swiftutils.delete_container(swift, self.container)
"%s-swift-rings" % self.container)
"%s-messages" % self.container)
except swiftexceptions.ClientException as ce:
LOG.exception("Swift error deleting plan.")
error_text = ce.msg
except Exception as err:
LOG.exception("Error deleting plan.")
error_text = six.text_type(err)
if error_text:
return actions.Result(error=error_text)
class ListRolesAction(base.TripleOAction):
"""Returns a deployment plan's roles
DEPRECATED, please use tripleo.plan_management.v1.list_roles workflow
Parses roles_data.yaml and returns the names of all available roles.
:param container: name of the Swift container / plan name
:param detail: if false(default), displays role names only. if true,
returns all roles data
:return: list of roles in the container's deployment plan
def __init__(self, container=constants.DEFAULT_CONTAINER_NAME,
super(ListRolesAction, self).__init__()
self.container = container
self.role_file_name = role_file_name
self.detail = detail
def run(self, context):
swift = self.get_object_client(context)
roles_data = yaml.safe_load(swiftutils.get_object_string(
swift, self.container, self.role_file_name))
except Exception as err:
err_msg = ("Error retrieving roles data from deployment plan: %s"
% err)
return actions.Result(error=err_msg)
if self.detail:
return roles_data
return [role['name'] for role in roles_data]
class ExportPlanAction(base.TripleOAction):
"""Exports a deployment plan
This action exports a deployment plan with a given name. The plan
templates are downloaded from the Swift container, packaged up in a tarball
and uploaded to Swift.
def __init__(self, plan, delete_after, exports_container):
super(ExportPlanAction, self).__init__()
self.plan = plan
self.delete_after = delete_after
self.exports_container = exports_container
def run(self, context):
swift = self.get_object_client(context)
swift_service = self.get_object_service(context)
tmp_dir = tempfile.mkdtemp()
tarball_name = '%s.tar.gz' % self.plan
swiftutils.download_container(swift, self.plan, tmp_dir)
swift_service, tmp_dir, self.exports_container, tarball_name,
except swiftexceptions.ClientException as err:
msg = "Error attempting an operation on container: %s" % err
return actions.Result(error=msg)
except (OSError, IOError) as err:
msg = "Error while writing file: %s" % err
return actions.Result(error=msg)
except processutils.ProcessExecutionError as err:
msg = "Error while creating a tarball: %s" % err
return actions.Result(error=msg)
except Exception as err:
msg = "Error exporting plan: %s" % err
return actions.Result(error=msg)
class UpdateNetworksAction(base.TripleOAction):
def __init__(self, networks, current_networks, replace_all=False):
super(UpdateNetworksAction, self).__init__()
self.networks = networks
self.current_networks = current_networks
self.replace_all = replace_all
def run(self, context):
network_data_to_save = self.networks or []
# if replace_all flag is true, discard current networks and save input
# if replace_all flag is false, merge input into current networks
if not self.replace_all:
# merge the networks_data and the network_input into networks
# to be saved
network_data_to_save = [net for net in {
x['name']: x for x in
self.current_networks + self.networks
return actions.Result(data={'network_data': network_data_to_save})
class ValidateRolesDataAction(base.TripleOAction):
"""Validates Roles Data
Validates the format of input (verify that each role in input has the
required attributes set. see README in roles directory in t-h-t),
validates that roles in input exist in roles directory in deployment plan
def __init__(self, roles, available_roles,
super(ValidateRolesDataAction, self).__init__()
self.container = container
self.roles = roles
self.available_roles = available_roles
def run(self, context):
err_msg = ""
# validate roles in input exist in roles directory in t-h-t
[role['name'] for role in self.available_roles],
[role['name'] for role in self.roles])
except Exception as chk_err:
err_msg = str(chk_err)
# validate role yaml
for role in self.roles:
except exception.RoleMetadataError as rme:
if 'name' in role:
err_msg += "\n%s for %s" % (str(rme), role['name'])
err_msg += "\n%s" % str(rme)
if err_msg:
return actions.Result(error=err_msg)
return actions.Result(data=True)
class UpdateRolesAction(base.TripleOAction):
"""Updates roles_data.yaml object in plan with given roles.
:param roles: role input data (json)
:param current_roles: data from roles_data.yaml file in plan (json)
:param replace_all: boolean value indicating if input roles should merge
with or replace data from roles_data.yaml. Defaults to False (merge)
:param container: name of the Swift container / plan name
def __init__(self, roles, current_roles, replace_all=False,
super(UpdateRolesAction, self).__init__()
self.container = container
self.roles = roles
self.current_roles = current_roles
self.replace_all = replace_all
def run(self, context):
role_data_to_save = self.roles
# if replace_all flag is true, discard current roles and save input
# if replace_all flag is false, merge input into current roles
if not self.replace_all:
# merge the roles_data and the role_input into roles to be saved
role_data_to_save = [role for role in {
x['name']: x for x in
self.current_roles + self.roles
# ensure required primary tag exists in roles to be saved
primary = [role for role in role_data_to_save if
'tags' in role and 'primary' in role['tags']]
if len(primary) < 1:
# throw error
raise exception.RoleMetadataError("At least one role must contain"
" a 'primary' tag.")
# sort the data to have a predictable result
save_roles = sorted(role_data_to_save, key=itemgetter('name'),
return actions.Result(data={'roles': save_roles})
class RemoveNoopDeployStepAction(base.TripleOAction):
"""Remove all the pre, post and deploy step in the plan-environment.
:param container: name of the Swift container / plan name
def __init__(self, container=constants.DEFAULT_CONTAINER_NAME):
super(RemoveNoopDeployStepAction, self).__init__()
self.container = container
def run(self, context):
# get the stack. Error if doesn't exist
heat = self.get_orchestration_client(context)
stack = heat.stacks.get(self.container)
except heatexceptions.HTTPNotFound:
msg = "Error retrieving stack: %s" % self.container
return actions.Result(error=msg)
swift = self.get_object_client(context)
# Get output and check if DeployStep are None
removals = ['OS::TripleO::DeploymentSteps']
for output in stack.to_dict().get('outputs', {}):
if output['output_key'] == 'RoleData':
for role in output['output_value']:
removals.append("OS::TripleO::Tasks::%sPreConfig" % role)
removals.append("OS::TripleO::Tasks::%sPostConfig" % role)
plan_env = plan_utils.get_env(swift, self.container)
self.remove_noops_from_env(removals, plan_env)
plan_utils.put_env(swift, plan_env)
user_env = plan_utils.get_user_env(swift, self.container)
self.remove_noops_from_env(removals, user_env)
plan_utils.put_user_env(swift, self.container, user_env)
def remove_noops_from_env(self, removals, env):
# Remove noop Steps
for rm in removals:
if rm in env.get('resource_registry', {}):
if env['resource_registry'][rm] == 'OS::Heat::None':