
16 lines
754 B

- name: making sure octavia worker configuration directory exists
file: path="{{ octavia_confd_prefix }}{{ ca_private_key_path | dirname }}" state=directory
become: true
- name: Copying key info to octavia if not already there
become: true
copy: content="{{ private_key_content }}" dest="{{ octavia_confd_prefix }}{{ ca_private_key_path }}"
- name: copying ca certificate to octavia
become: true
copy: content="{{ ca_cert_content }}" dest="{{ octavia_confd_prefix }}{{ ca_cert_path }}"
- name: Create pem file with service private key & public certificate
become: true
copy: content="{{ service_pem_content }}" dest="{{ octavia_confd_prefix }}{{ client_cert_path }}"
- octavia config updated