490 lines
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490 lines
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# Copyright 2016 Red Hat, Inc.
# All Rights Reserved.
# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may
# not use this file except in compliance with the License. You may obtain
# a copy of the License at
# http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT
# WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the
# License for the specific language governing permissions and limitations
# under the License.
from mistral_lib import actions
from mistralclient.api import base as mistralclient_api
from oslo_concurrency.processutils import ProcessExecutionError
from tripleo_common.actions import base
from tripleo_common import constants
from tripleo_common.utils import nodes as nodeutils
from tripleo_common.utils import passwords as password_utils
from tripleo_common.utils import validations as utils
class GetSshKeyAction(base.TripleOAction):
def run(self, context):
mc = self.get_workflow_client(context)
env = mc.environments.get('ssh_keys')
p_key = env.variables[self.key_type]
except Exception:
ssh_key = password_utils.create_ssh_keypair()
p_key = ssh_key[self.key_type]
workflow_env = {
'name': 'ssh_keys',
'description': 'SSH keys for TripleO validations',
'variables': ssh_key
return p_key
class GetPubkeyAction(GetSshKeyAction):
key_type = 'public_key'
class GetPrivkeyAction(GetSshKeyAction):
key_type = 'private_key'
class Enabled(base.TripleOAction):
"""Indicate whether the validations have been enabled."""
def _validations_enabled(self, context):
"""Detect whether the validations are enabled on the undercloud."""
mistral = self.get_workflow_client(context)
# NOTE: the `ssh_keys` environment is created by
# instack-undercloud only when the validations are enabled on the
# undercloud (or when they're installed manually). Therefore, we
# can check for its presence here:
return True
except Exception:
return False
def run(self, context):
return_value = {'stderr': ''}
if self._validations_enabled(context):
return_value['stdout'] = 'Validations are enabled'
mistral_result = {"data": return_value}
return_value['stdout'] = 'Validations are disabled'
mistral_result = {"error": return_value}
return actions.Result(**mistral_result)
class ListValidationsAction(base.TripleOAction):
"""Return a set of TripleO validations"""
def __init__(self, groups=None):
super(ListValidationsAction, self).__init__()
self.groups = groups
def run(self, context):
return utils.load_validations(groups=self.groups)
class ListGroupsAction(base.TripleOAction):
"""Return a set of TripleO validation groups"""
def run(self, context):
validations = utils.load_validations()
return {
group for validation in validations
for group in validation['groups']
class RunValidationAction(base.TripleOAction):
"""Run the given validation"""
def __init__(self, validation, plan=constants.DEFAULT_CONTAINER_NAME):
super(RunValidationAction, self).__init__()
self.validation = validation
self.plan = plan
def run(self, context):
mc = self.get_workflow_client(context)
identity_file = None
env = mc.environments.get('ssh_keys')
private_key = env.variables['private_key']
identity_file = utils.write_identity_file(private_key)
stdout, stderr = utils.run_validation(self.validation,
return_value = {'stdout': stdout, 'stderr': stderr}
mistral_result = {"data": return_value}
except mistralclient_api.APIException as e:
return_value = {'stdout': '', 'stderr': e.error_message}
mistral_result = {"error": return_value}
except ProcessExecutionError as e:
return_value = {'stdout': e.stdout, 'stderr': e.stderr}
# Indicates to Mistral there was a failure
mistral_result = {"error": return_value}
if identity_file:
return actions.Result(**mistral_result)
class CheckBootImagesAction(base.TripleOAction):
"""Validate boot images"""
# TODO(bcrochet): The validation actions are temporary. This logic should
# move to the tripleo-validations project eventually.
def __init__(self, images,
super(CheckBootImagesAction, self).__init__()
self.images = images
self.deploy_kernel_name = deploy_kernel_name
self.deploy_ramdisk_name = deploy_ramdisk_name
def run(self, context):
messages = []
kernel_id = self._check_for_image(self.deploy_kernel_name, messages)
ramdisk_id = self._check_for_image(self.deploy_ramdisk_name, messages)
return_value = {
'kernel_id': kernel_id,
'ramdisk_id': ramdisk_id,
'errors': messages,
'warnings': []
if messages:
mistral_result = actions.Result(error=return_value)
mistral_result = actions.Result(data=return_value)
return mistral_result
def _check_for_image(self, name, messages):
multiple_message = ("Please make sure there is only one image named "
"'{}' in glance.")
missing_message = ("No image with the name '{}' found - make sure you "
"have uploaded boot images.")
image_id = None
found_images = [item['id'] for item in self.images
if item['name'] == name]
if len(found_images) > 1:
elif len(found_images) == 0:
image_id = found_images[0]
return image_id
class CheckFlavorsAction(base.TripleOAction):
"""Validate and collect nova flavors in use.
Ensure that selected flavors (--ROLE-flavor) are valid in nova.
Issue a warning if local boot is not set for a flavor.
# TODO(bcrochet): The validation actions are temporary. This logic should
# move to the tripleo-validations project eventually.
def __init__(self, roles_info):
super(CheckFlavorsAction, self).__init__()
self.roles_info = roles_info
def run(self, context):
"""Validate and collect nova flavors in use.
Ensure that selected flavors (--ROLE-flavor) are valid in nova.
Issue a warning if local boot is not set for a flavor.
:returns: dictionary flavor name -> (flavor object, scale)
compute_client = self.get_compute_client(context)
flavors = {f.name: {'name': f.name, 'keys': f.get_keys()}
for f in compute_client.flavors.list()}
result = {}
warnings = []
errors = []
message = "Flavor '{1}' provided for the role '{0}', does not exist"
warning_message = (
'Flavor {0} "capabilities:boot_option" is set to '
'"netboot". Nodes will PXE boot from the ironic '
'conductor instead of using a local bootloader. '
'Make sure that enough nodes are marked with the '
'"boot_option" capability set to "netboot".')
for target, (flavor_name, scale) in self.roles_info.items():
if flavor_name is None or not scale:
old_flavor_name, old_scale = result.get(flavor_name, (None, None))
if old_flavor_name:
result[flavor_name] = (old_flavor_name, old_scale + scale)
flavor = flavors.get(flavor_name)
if flavor:
keys = flavor.get('keys', None)
if keys:
if keys.get('capabilities:boot_option', '') \
== 'netboot':
result[flavor_name] = (flavor, scale)
errors.append(message.format(target, flavor_name))
return_value = {
'flavors': result,
'errors': errors,
'warnings': warnings,
if errors:
mistral_result = {'error': return_value}
mistral_result = {'data': return_value}
return actions.Result(**mistral_result)
class CheckNodeBootConfigurationAction(base.TripleOAction):
"""Check the boot configuration of the baremetal nodes"""
# TODO(bcrochet): The validation actions are temporary. This logic should
# move to the tripleo-validations project eventually.
def __init__(self, node, kernel_id, ramdisk_id):
super(CheckNodeBootConfigurationAction, self).__init__()
self.node = node
self.kernel_id = kernel_id
self.ramdisk_id = ramdisk_id
def run(self, context):
warnings = []
errors = []
message = ("Node {uuid} has an incorrectly configured "
"{property}. Expected \"{expected}\" but got "
if self.node['driver_info'].get('deploy_ramdisk') != self.ramdisk_id:
if self.node['driver_info'].get('deploy_kernel') != self.kernel_id:
capabilities = nodeutils.capabilities_to_dict(
self.node['properties'].get('capabilities', ''))
if capabilities.get('boot_option') != 'local':
boot_option_message = ("Node {uuid} is not configured to use "
"boot_option:local in capabilities. It "
"will not be used for deployment with "
"flavors that require boot_option:local.")
return_value = {
'errors': errors,
'warnings': warnings
if errors:
mistral_result = {'error': return_value}
mistral_result = {'data': return_value}
return actions.Result(**mistral_result)
class VerifyProfilesAction(base.TripleOAction):
"""Verify that the profiles have enough nodes"""
# TODO(bcrochet): The validation actions are temporary. This logic should
# move to the tripleo-validations project eventually.
def __init__(self, nodes, flavors):
super(VerifyProfilesAction, self).__init__()
self.nodes = nodes
self.flavors = flavors
def run(self, context):
errors = []
warnings = []
bm_nodes = {node['uuid']: node for node in self.nodes
if node['provision_state'] in ('available', 'active')}
if not bm_nodes:
message = ('Error: There are no nodes in an available '
'or active state and with maintenance mode off.')
return_value = {
'errors': [message],
'warnings': [],
return actions.Result(error=return_value)
free_node_caps = {uu: self._node_get_capabilities(node)
for uu, node in bm_nodes.items()}
profile_flavor_used = False
for flavor_name, (flavor, scale) in self.flavors.items():
if not scale:
profile = None
keys = flavor.get('keys')
if keys:
profile = keys.get('capabilities:profile')
if not profile and len(self.flavors) > 1:
message = ('Error: The {flavor} flavor has no profile '
'Recommendation: assign a profile with openstack '
'flavor set --property '
'"capabilities:profile"="PROFILE_NAME" {flavor}')
profile_flavor_used = True
assigned_nodes = [uu for uu, caps in free_node_caps.items()
if caps.get('profile') == profile]
required_count = scale - len(assigned_nodes)
if required_count < 0:
warnings.append('%d nodes with profile %s won\'t be used '
'for deployment now' % (-required_count,
required_count = 0
for uu in assigned_nodes:
if required_count > 0:
message = ('Error: only {total} of {scale} requested ironic '
'nodes are tagged to profile {profile} (for flavor '
'Recommendation: tag more nodes using openstack '
'baremetal node set --property "capabilities='
'profile:{profile},boot_option:local" <NODE ID>')
errors.append(message.format(total=scale - required_count,
nodes_without_profile = [uu for uu, caps in free_node_caps.items()
if not caps.get('profile')]
if nodes_without_profile and profile_flavor_used:
warnings.append("There are %d ironic nodes with no profile that "
"will not be used: %s" % (
', '.join(nodes_without_profile)))
return_value = {
'errors': errors,
'warnings': warnings,
if errors:
mistral_result = {'error': return_value}
mistral_result = {'data': return_value}
return actions.Result(**mistral_result)
def _node_get_capabilities(self, node):
"""Get node capabilities."""
return nodeutils.capabilities_to_dict(
class CheckNodesCountAction(base.TripleOAction):
"""Validate hypervisor statistics"""
# TODO(bcrochet): The validation actions are temporary. This logic should
# move to the tripleo-validations project eventually.
def __init__(self, statistics, stack, associated_nodes, available_nodes,
parameters, default_role_counts):
super(CheckNodesCountAction, self).__init__()
self.statistics = statistics
self.stack = stack
self.associated_nodes = associated_nodes
self.available_nodes = available_nodes
self.parameters = parameters
self.default_role_counts = default_role_counts
def run(self, context):
errors = []
warnings = []
requested_count = 0
for param, default in self.default_role_counts.items():
if self.stack:
current = int(self.stack['parameters'][param])
except KeyError:
# We could be adding a new role on stack-update, so there's
# no assumption the parameter exists in the stack.
current = self.parameters.get(param, default)
requested_count += self.parameters.get(param, current)
requested_count += self.parameters.get(param, default)
# We get number of nodes usable for the stack by getting already
# used (associated) nodes and number of nodes which can be used
# (not in maintenance mode).
# Assumption is that associated nodes are part of the stack (only
# one overcloud is supported).
associated = len(self.associated_nodes)
available = len(self.available_nodes)
available_count = associated + available
if requested_count > available_count:
errors.append('Not enough baremetal nodes - available: %d, '
'requested: %d' %
(available_count, requested_count))
if self.statistics['count'] < available_count:
errors.append('Only %d nodes are exposed to Nova of %d requests. '
'Check that enough nodes are in "available" state '
'with maintenance mode off.' %
(self.statistics['count'], available_count))
return_value = {
'errors': errors,
'warnings': warnings,
'result': {
'statistics': self.statistics,
'enough_nodes': True,
'requested_count': requested_count,
'available_count': available_count,
if errors:
return_value['result']['enough_nodes'] = False
mistral_result = {'error': return_value}
mistral_result = {'data': return_value}
return actions.Result(**mistral_result)