
45 lines
1.6 KiB

- debug:
msg: "Octavia services will be restarted because of updated configuration"
when: octavia_config_updated
- name: create ip list
o_hm_ip_list: "{% for octavia_node in groups['octavia_nodes'] %}{{ hostvars[octavia_node].o_hm_ip }}, {%endfor%}"
- set_fact:
o_hm_ip_list: "{{ o_hm_ip_list[:-2] }}" #remove the last two characters
- name: read the current IP list
become: true
become_user: root
shell: |
crudini --get "{{octavia_confd_prefix}}/etc/octavia/conf.d/octavia-health-manager/manager-post-deploy.conf" health_manager controller_ip_port_list
register: config_contents
failed_when: config_contents.rc != 0 and 'Parameter not found' not in config_contents.stderr
changed_when: false
ignore_errors: true
- name: retrieve current ip list
current_ip_list: "{{config_contents.stdout}}"
# This isn't perfect as they execution order will make them not match, but we can avoid a restart
# if things have stayed the same.
- name: check if ip list needs updating
octavia_config_updated: true
when: current_ip_list != o_hm_ip_list
- name: update octavia health manager config file
become: true
become_user: root
section: "health_manager"
option: "controller_ip_port_list"
value: "{{ o_hm_ip_list }}"
path: "{{octavia_confd_prefix}}/etc/octavia/conf.d/octavia-health-manager/manager-post-deploy.conf"
when: octavia_config_updated
- name: restart octavia containers
become: true
become_user: root
shell: "docker restart $(sudo docker ps -f name=octavia -q)"
when: octavia_config_updated