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heat_template_version: rocky
description: >
MySQL service deployment with pacemaker bundle
description: image
type: string
description: The container image to use for the mysql config_volume
type: string
default: {}
description: Mapping of service endpoint -> protocol. Typically set
via parameter_defaults in the resource registry.
type: json
default: {}
description: Dictionary packing service data
type: json
default: {}
description: Mapping of service_name -> network name. Typically set
via parameter_defaults in the resource registry. This
mapping overrides those in ServiceNetMapDefaults.
type: json
default: {}
type: json
type: string
hidden: true
default: ''
type: string
hidden: true
default: ''
description: Role name on which the service is applied
type: string
default: {}
description: Parameters specific to the role
type: json
type: boolean
default: false
default: '/etc/ipa/ca.crt'
type: string
description: Specifies the default CA cert to use if TLS is used for
services in the internal network.
default: false
description: Whether to run config management (e.g. Puppet) in debug mode.
type: boolean
default: ''
type: string
description: >
Setting this to a unique value will re-run any deployment tasks which
perform configuration on a Heat stack-update.
Introduce restart_bundle containers to detect config changes and restart pacemaker resources During the containerization work we regressed on the restart of pacemaker resources when a config change for the service was detected. In baremetal we used to do the following: 1) If a puppet config change was detect we'd touch a file with the service name under /var/lib/tripleo/pacemaker-restarts/<service> 2) A post deployment bash script (extraconfig/tasks/pacemaker_resource_restart.sh) would test for the service file's existence and restart the pcs service via 'pcs resource restart --wait=600 service' on the bootstrap node. With this patchset we make use of paunch's ability do detect if a config hash change happened to respawn a temporary container (called <service>_restart_bundle) which will simply always restart the pacemaker service from the bootstrap node whenever invoked, but only if the pcmk resource already exists. For this reason we add config_volume and bind mount it inside the container, so that the TRIPLEO_CONFIG_HASH env variable gets generated for these *_restart_bundle containers. We tested this change as follows: A) Deployed an HA overcloud with this change and observed that pcmk resources were not restarted needlessly during initial deploy B) Rerun the exact same overcloud deploy with no changes, observed that no spurious restarts would take place C) Added an env file to trigger the of config of haproxy[1], redeployed and observed that it restarted haproxy only: Jun 06 16:22:37 overcloud-controller-0 dockerd-current[15272]: haproxy-bundle restart invoked D) Added a trigger [2] for mysql config change, redeployed and observed restart: Jun 06 16:40:52 overcloud-controller-0 dockerd-current[15272]: galera-bundle restart invoked E) Added a trigger [3] for a rabbitmq config change, redeployed and observed restart: Jun 06 17:03:41 overcloud-controller-0 dockerd-current[15272]: rabbitmq-bundle restart invoked F) Added a trigger [4] for a redis config change, redeployed and observed restart: Jun 07 08:42:54 overcloud-controller-0 dockerd-current[15272]: redis-bundle restart invoked G) Rerun a deploy with no changes and observed that no spurious restarts were triggered [1] haproxy config change trigger: parameter_defaults: ExtraConfig: tripleo::haproxy::haproxy_globals_override: 'maxconn': 1111 [2] mysql config change trigger: parameter_defaults: ExtraConfig: mysql_max_connections: 1111 [3] rabbitmq config change trigger (default partition handling is 'ignore'): parameter_defaults: ExtraConfig: rabbitmq_config_variables: cluster_partition_handling: 'pause_minority' queue_master_locator: '<<"min-masters">>' loopback_users: '[]' [4] redis config change trigger: parameter_defaults: ExtraConfig: redis::tcp_backlog: 666 redis::params::tcp_backlog: 666 Change-Id: I62870c055097569ceab2ff67cf0fe63122277c5b Co-Authored-By: Damien Ciabrini <dciabrin@redhat.com> Closes-Bug: #1775196
2018-06-05 14:19:24 +00:00
default: 600
description: Time in seconds to wait for a pcmk resource to restart when
a config change is detected and the resource is being restarted
type: number
type: ../../containers-common.yaml
type: ../../../../puppet/services/pacemaker/database/mysql.yaml
EndpointMap: {get_param: EndpointMap}
ServiceData: {get_param: ServiceData}
ServiceNetMap: {get_param: ServiceNetMap}
DefaultPasswords: {get_param: DefaultPasswords}
RoleName: {get_param: RoleName}
RoleParameters: {get_param: RoleParameters}
puppet_debug_enabled: {get_param: ConfigDebug}
internal_tls_enabled: {equals: [{get_param: EnableInternalTLS}, true]}
description: Containerized service MySQL using composable services.
service_name: {get_attr: [MysqlPuppetBase, role_data, service_name]}
- {get_attr: [MysqlPuppetBase, role_data, config_settings]}
- tripleo::profile::pacemaker::database::mysql_bundle::mysql_docker_image: &mysql_image_pcmklatest
- ':'
- - yaql:
data: {get_param: DockerMysqlImage}
expression: $.data.rightSplit(separator => ":", maxSplits => 1)[0]
- 'pcmklatest'
tripleo::profile::pacemaker::database::mysql_bundle::control_port: 3123
'104 mysql galera-bundle':
- 873
- 3123
- 3306
- 4444
- 4567
- 4568
- 9200
$NETWORK: {get_param: [ServiceNetMap, MysqlNetwork]}
- internal_tls_enabled
get_param: InternalTLSCAFile
- {}
config_volume: mysql
puppet_tags: file # set this even though file is the default
- "\n"
- - "['Mysql_datadir', 'Mysql_user', 'Mysql_database', 'Mysql_grant', 'Mysql_plugin'].each |String $val| { noop_resource($val) }"
- "exec {'wait-for-settle': command => '/bin/true' }"
- "include ::tripleo::profile::pacemaker::database::mysql_bundle"
config_image: {get_param: DockerMysqlConfigImage}
command: /usr/sbin/pacemaker_remoted
- dest: /etc/libqb/force-filesystem-sockets
source: /dev/null
owner: root
perm: '0644'
- source: "/var/lib/kolla/config_files/src/*"
dest: "/"
merge: true
preserve_properties: true
- source: "/var/lib/kolla/config_files/src-tls/*"
dest: "/"
merge: true
optional: true
preserve_properties: true
- path: /var/log/mysql
owner: mysql:mysql
recurse: true
- path: /etc/pki/tls/certs/mysql.crt
owner: mysql:mysql
perm: '0600'
optional: true
- path: /etc/pki/tls/private/mysql.key
owner: mysql:mysql
perm: '0600'
optional: true
docker_config_scripts: {get_attr: [ContainersCommon, docker_config_scripts]}
start_order: 0
detach: false
image: {get_param: DockerMysqlImage}
net: host
user: root
# Kolla does only non-recursive chown
command: ['chown', '-R', 'mysql:', '/var/lib/mysql']
- /var/lib/mysql:/var/lib/mysql:z
start_order: 1
detach: false
image: {get_param: DockerMysqlImage}
net: host
user: root
# Kolla bootstraps aren't idempotent, explicitly checking if bootstrap was done
- 'bash'
- '-ec'
- "\n"
- - 'if [ -e /var/lib/mysql/mysql ]; then exit 0; fi'
- 'echo -e "\n[mysqld]\nwsrep_provider=none" >> /etc/my.cnf'
- 'kolla_set_configs'
- 'sudo -u mysql -E kolla_extend_start'
- 'mysqld_safe --skip-networking --wsrep-on=OFF &'
- 'timeout ${DB_MAX_TIMEOUT} /bin/bash -c ''until mysqladmin -uroot -p"${DB_ROOT_PASSWORD}" ping 2>/dev/null; do sleep 1; done'''
- 'mysql -uroot -p"${DB_ROOT_PASSWORD}" -e "CREATE USER ''clustercheck''@''localhost'' IDENTIFIED BY ''${DB_CLUSTERCHECK_PASSWORD}'';"'
- 'mysql -uroot -p"${DB_ROOT_PASSWORD}" -e "GRANT PROCESS ON *.* TO ''clustercheck''@''localhost'' WITH GRANT OPTION;"'
- 'timeout ${DB_MAX_TIMEOUT} mysqladmin -uroot -p"${DB_ROOT_PASSWORD}" shutdown'
volumes: &mysql_volumes
- {get_attr: [ContainersCommon, volumes]}
- /var/lib/kolla/config_files/mysql.json:/var/lib/kolla/config_files/config.json
- /var/lib/config-data/puppet-generated/mysql/:/var/lib/kolla/config_files/src:ro
- /var/lib/mysql:/var/lib/mysql
- '='
- {get_param: MysqlClustercheckPassword}
- '='
expression: $.data.passwords.where($ != '').first()
- {get_param: MysqlRootPassword}
- {get_param: [DefaultPasswords, mysql_root_password]}
Introduce restart_bundle containers to detect config changes and restart pacemaker resources During the containerization work we regressed on the restart of pacemaker resources when a config change for the service was detected. In baremetal we used to do the following: 1) If a puppet config change was detect we'd touch a file with the service name under /var/lib/tripleo/pacemaker-restarts/<service> 2) A post deployment bash script (extraconfig/tasks/pacemaker_resource_restart.sh) would test for the service file's existence and restart the pcs service via 'pcs resource restart --wait=600 service' on the bootstrap node. With this patchset we make use of paunch's ability do detect if a config hash change happened to respawn a temporary container (called <service>_restart_bundle) which will simply always restart the pacemaker service from the bootstrap node whenever invoked, but only if the pcmk resource already exists. For this reason we add config_volume and bind mount it inside the container, so that the TRIPLEO_CONFIG_HASH env variable gets generated for these *_restart_bundle containers. We tested this change as follows: A) Deployed an HA overcloud with this change and observed that pcmk resources were not restarted needlessly during initial deploy B) Rerun the exact same overcloud deploy with no changes, observed that no spurious restarts would take place C) Added an env file to trigger the of config of haproxy[1], redeployed and observed that it restarted haproxy only: Jun 06 16:22:37 overcloud-controller-0 dockerd-current[15272]: haproxy-bundle restart invoked D) Added a trigger [2] for mysql config change, redeployed and observed restart: Jun 06 16:40:52 overcloud-controller-0 dockerd-current[15272]: galera-bundle restart invoked E) Added a trigger [3] for a rabbitmq config change, redeployed and observed restart: Jun 06 17:03:41 overcloud-controller-0 dockerd-current[15272]: rabbitmq-bundle restart invoked F) Added a trigger [4] for a redis config change, redeployed and observed restart: Jun 07 08:42:54 overcloud-controller-0 dockerd-current[15272]: redis-bundle restart invoked G) Rerun a deploy with no changes and observed that no spurious restarts were triggered [1] haproxy config change trigger: parameter_defaults: ExtraConfig: tripleo::haproxy::haproxy_globals_override: 'maxconn': 1111 [2] mysql config change trigger: parameter_defaults: ExtraConfig: mysql_max_connections: 1111 [3] rabbitmq config change trigger (default partition handling is 'ignore'): parameter_defaults: ExtraConfig: rabbitmq_config_variables: cluster_partition_handling: 'pause_minority' queue_master_locator: '<<"min-masters">>' loopback_users: '[]' [4] redis config change trigger: parameter_defaults: ExtraConfig: redis::tcp_backlog: 666 redis::params::tcp_backlog: 666 Change-Id: I62870c055097569ceab2ff67cf0fe63122277c5b Co-Authored-By: Damien Ciabrini <dciabrin@redhat.com> Closes-Bug: #1775196
2018-06-05 14:19:24 +00:00
start_order: 0
config_volume: mysql
detach: false
net: host
user: root
- '/usr/bin/bootstrap_host_exec'
- 'mysql'
- str_replace:
'if /usr/sbin/pcs resource show galera-bundle; then /usr/sbin/pcs resource restart --wait=PCMKTIMEOUT galera-bundle; echo "galera-bundle restart invoked"; fi'
PCMKTIMEOUT: {get_param: PcmkConfigRestartTimeout}
image: {get_param: DockerMysqlImage}
- {get_attr: [ContainersCommon, volumes]}
- /etc/corosync/corosync.conf:/etc/corosync/corosync.conf:ro
- /dev/shm:/dev/shm:rw
- /var/lib/config-data/puppet-generated/mysql/:/var/lib/kolla/config_files/src:ro
start_order: 1
detach: false
net: host
user: root
command: # '/docker_puppet_apply.sh "STEP" "TAGS" "CONFIG" "DEBUG"'
- - '/docker_puppet_apply.sh'
- '2'
- 'file,file_line,concat,augeas,pacemaker::resource::bundle,pacemaker::property,pacemaker::resource::ocf,pacemaker::constraint::order,pacemaker::constraint::colocation,galera_ready,mysql_database,mysql_grant,mysql_user'
- 'include ::tripleo::profile::base::pacemaker;include ::tripleo::profile::pacemaker::database::mysql_bundle'
- if:
- puppet_debug_enabled
- - '--debug'
- - ''
image: {get_param: DockerMysqlImage}
- {get_attr: [ContainersCommon, docker_puppet_apply_volumes]}
- - /etc/corosync/corosync.conf:/etc/corosync/corosync.conf:ro
- /dev/shm:/dev/shm:rw
- /var/lib/mysql:/var/lib/mysql:rw,z
# NOTE: this should force this container to re-run on each
# update (scale-out, etc.)
- list_join:
- ''
- {get_param: DeployIdentifier}
- name: create persistent directories
path: "{{ item.path }}"
state: directory
setype: "{{ item.setype }}"
- {'path':/var/log/containers/mysql, 'setype': 'svirt_sandbox_file_t'}
- {'path': /var/lib/mysql, 'setype': 'svirt_sandbox_file_t'}
- name: mysql logs readme
dest: /var/log/mariadb/readme.txt
content: |
Log files from mysql containers can be found under
ignore_errors: true
get_attr: [MysqlPuppetBase, role_data, metadata_settings]
- name: MySQL tag container image for pacemaker
when: step|int == 2
name: tripleo-container-tag
container_image: {get_param: DockerMysqlImage}
container_image_latest: *mysql_image_pcmklatest
- name: Mariadb fetch and retag container image for pacemaker
when: step|int == 2
block: &mysql_fetch_retag_container_tasks
- name: Get docker Mariadb image
docker_image: {get_param: DockerMysqlImage}
docker_image_latest: *mysql_image_pcmklatest
- name: Get previous Mariadb image id
Upgrade: make bundles use new container image name after upgrade The major_upgrade tasks for HA services only allows to change the container image tag used by bundles. It doesn't work when the image name changes. Fix this unwanted behaviour by updating the bundle's attribute in pacemaker to use container image <NEW>:pcmklatest instead of <CURRENT>:pcmklatest We are constrained by the steps at when we can modify the bundle: . Image update must stay at step 3 when pacemaker is stopped. . image name used by the bundle must be available in docker when the bundle is updated So we re-use the double tagging idiom to perform the image update: . At step 0, we tag the image pointed to by <CURRENT>:pcmklatest with an additional temporary tag <NEW>:pcmklatest. => this ensures that at step1, the new tag is available on all controller nodes. . At step 1, we update the resource bundle to use the new image name <NEW>:pcmklatest. => at the end of step1, the bundle will be configured with the new name, and be able to start even if the real container image hasn't be pulled yet. . At step 3, the existing code will download the real image <NEW>:<NEWTAG> and make tag <NEW>:pcmklatest point to it. Since the bundle is always modified, we now stop and restart the bundle resources unconditionally. Also, move the mariadb upgrade task to step 3, when pacemaker is guaranteed to be stopped, because the task assumes that no mysql is running while it runs. Fix the mysql permission after rpm upgrade on the host. Change-Id: Ic87a66753b104b9f15db70fdccbd66d88cef94df Closes-Bug: #1763001
2018-04-11 11:57:59 +00:00
shell: "docker images | awk '/mariadb.* pcmklatest/{print $3}' | uniq"
register: mariadb_image_id
- block:
- name: Get a list of container using Mariadb image
shell: "docker ps -a -q -f 'ancestor={{mariadb_image_id.stdout}}'"
register: mariadb_containers_to_destroy
# It will be recreated with the delpoy step.
- name: Remove any container using the same Mariadb image
shell: "docker rm -fv {{item}}"
with_items: "{{ mariadb_containers_to_destroy.stdout_lines }}"
- name: Remove previous Mariadb images
shell: "docker rmi -f {{mariadb_image_id.stdout}}"
- mariadb_image_id.stdout != ''
- name: Pull latest Mariadb images
command: "docker pull {{docker_image}}"
- name: Retag pcmklatest to latest Mariadb image
name: tripleo-container-tag
container_image: "{{docker_image}}"
container_image_latest: "{{docker_image_latest}}"
# Got to check that pacemaker_is_active is working fine with bundle.
# TODO: pacemaker_is_active resource doesn't support bundle.
- when: step|int == 0
tags: common
- name: Get docker Mysql image
mysql_docker_image_latest: *mysql_image_pcmklatest
- name: Check for Mysql Kolla configuration
path: /var/lib/config-data/puppet-generated/mysql
register: mysql_kolla_config
- name: Check if Mysql is already containerized
mysql_containerized: "{{mysql_kolla_config.stat.isdir | default(false)}}"
- name: get bootstrap nodeid
command: hiera -c /etc/puppet/hiera.yaml bootstrap_nodeid
register: bootstrap_node
- name: set is_bootstrap_node fact
set_fact: is_bootstrap_node={{bootstrap_node.stdout|lower == ansible_hostname|lower}}
- name: Prepare the switch to new galera container image name in pacemaker
when: mysql_containerized|bool
- name: Get galera image id currently used by pacemaker
shell: "docker images | awk '/mariadb.* pcmklatest/{print $3}' | uniq"
register: galera_current_pcmklatest_id
- name: Temporarily tag the current galera image id with the upgraded image name
name: tripleo-container-tag
container_image: "{{galera_current_pcmklatest_id.stdout}}"
container_image_latest: "{{mysql_docker_image_latest}}"
when: galera_current_pcmklatest_id.stdout != ''
- name: Check galera cluster resource status
resource: galera
state: show
check_mode: false
ignore_errors: true
register: galera_pcs_res_result
- name: Set fact galera_pcs_res
galera_pcs_res: "{{galera_pcs_res_result|succeeded}}"
- name: Mysql baremetal to container upgrade tasks
- step|int == 1
- not mysql_containerized|bool
- name: Check cluster resource status
resource: galera
state: master
check_mode: true
ignore_errors: true
register: galera_res
- when: (is_bootstrap_node) and (galera_res|succeeded)
- name: Disable the galera cluster resource
resource: galera
state: disable
wait_for_resource: true
register: output
retries: 5
until: output.rc == 0
- name: Delete the stopped galera cluster resource.
resource: galera
state: delete
wait_for_resource: true
register: output
retries: 5
until: output.rc == 0
- name: Disable mysql service
service: name=mariadb enabled=no
- name: Remove clustercheck service from xinetd
file: state=absent path=/etc/xinetd.d/galera-monitor
- name: Restart xinetd service after clustercheck removal
service: name=xinetd state=restarted
- name: Update galera pcs resource bundle for new container image
- step|int == 1
- mysql_containerized|bool
- is_bootstrap_node
- galera_pcs_res|bool
- name: Disable the galera cluster resource before container upgrade
resource: galera
state: disable
wait_for_resource: true
register: output
retries: 5
until: output.rc == 0
- name: Move Mysql logging to /var/log/containers
- name: Check Mysql logging configuration in pacemaker
command: cibadmin --query --xpath "//storage-mapping[@id='mysql-log']"
ignore_errors: true
register: mysql_logs_moved
- name: Change Mysql logging configuration in pacemaker
# rc == 6 means the configuration doesn't exist in the CIB
when: mysql_logs_moved.rc == 6
- name: Add a bind mount for logging in the galera bundle
command: pcs resource bundle update galera-bundle storage-map add id=mysql-log source-dir=/var/log/containers/mysql target-dir=/var/log/mysql options=rw
- name: Reconfigure Mysql log file in the galera resource agent
command: pcs resource update galera log=/var/log/mysql/mysqld.log
- name: Update the galera bundle to use the new container image name
command: "pcs resource bundle update galera-bundle container image={{mysql_docker_image_latest}}"
- name: Enable the galera cluster resource
resource: galera
state: enable
wait_for_resource: true
register: output
retries: 5
until: output.rc == 0
- name: Retag the pacemaker image if containerized
- step|int == 3
- mysql_containerized|bool
block: *mysql_fetch_retag_container_tasks
- name: Check and upgrade Mysql database after major version upgrade
Upgrade: make bundles use new container image name after upgrade The major_upgrade tasks for HA services only allows to change the container image tag used by bundles. It doesn't work when the image name changes. Fix this unwanted behaviour by updating the bundle's attribute in pacemaker to use container image <NEW>:pcmklatest instead of <CURRENT>:pcmklatest We are constrained by the steps at when we can modify the bundle: . Image update must stay at step 3 when pacemaker is stopped. . image name used by the bundle must be available in docker when the bundle is updated So we re-use the double tagging idiom to perform the image update: . At step 0, we tag the image pointed to by <CURRENT>:pcmklatest with an additional temporary tag <NEW>:pcmklatest. => this ensures that at step1, the new tag is available on all controller nodes. . At step 1, we update the resource bundle to use the new image name <NEW>:pcmklatest. => at the end of step1, the bundle will be configured with the new name, and be able to start even if the real container image hasn't be pulled yet. . At step 3, the existing code will download the real image <NEW>:<NEWTAG> and make tag <NEW>:pcmklatest point to it. Since the bundle is always modified, we now stop and restart the bundle resources unconditionally. Also, move the mariadb upgrade task to step 3, when pacemaker is guaranteed to be stopped, because the task assumes that no mysql is running while it runs. Fix the mysql permission after rpm upgrade on the host. Change-Id: Ic87a66753b104b9f15db70fdccbd66d88cef94df Closes-Bug: #1763001
2018-04-11 11:57:59 +00:00
when: step|int == 3
Upgrade: make bundles use new container image name after upgrade The major_upgrade tasks for HA services only allows to change the container image tag used by bundles. It doesn't work when the image name changes. Fix this unwanted behaviour by updating the bundle's attribute in pacemaker to use container image <NEW>:pcmklatest instead of <CURRENT>:pcmklatest We are constrained by the steps at when we can modify the bundle: . Image update must stay at step 3 when pacemaker is stopped. . image name used by the bundle must be available in docker when the bundle is updated So we re-use the double tagging idiom to perform the image update: . At step 0, we tag the image pointed to by <CURRENT>:pcmklatest with an additional temporary tag <NEW>:pcmklatest. => this ensures that at step1, the new tag is available on all controller nodes. . At step 1, we update the resource bundle to use the new image name <NEW>:pcmklatest. => at the end of step1, the bundle will be configured with the new name, and be able to start even if the real container image hasn't be pulled yet. . At step 3, the existing code will download the real image <NEW>:<NEWTAG> and make tag <NEW>:pcmklatest point to it. Since the bundle is always modified, we now stop and restart the bundle resources unconditionally. Also, move the mariadb upgrade task to step 3, when pacemaker is guaranteed to be stopped, because the task assumes that no mysql is running while it runs. Fix the mysql permission after rpm upgrade on the host. Change-Id: Ic87a66753b104b9f15db70fdccbd66d88cef94df Closes-Bug: #1763001
2018-04-11 11:57:59 +00:00
# mariadb package changes ownership of /var/lib/mysql on package
# update, so update here rather than in tripleo-package, to
# guarantee that ownership is fixed at the end of step 3
- name: Update host mariadb packages
when: step|int == 3
package: name=mariadb-server-galera state=latest
- name: Mysql upgrade script
# idempotency: mysql_upgrade leaves a marker file
# in datadir, it does nothing if it has already been
# executed for the current version of MariaDB.
- ' '
Upgrade: make bundles use new container image name after upgrade The major_upgrade tasks for HA services only allows to change the container image tag used by bundles. It doesn't work when the image name changes. Fix this unwanted behaviour by updating the bundle's attribute in pacemaker to use container image <NEW>:pcmklatest instead of <CURRENT>:pcmklatest We are constrained by the steps at when we can modify the bundle: . Image update must stay at step 3 when pacemaker is stopped. . image name used by the bundle must be available in docker when the bundle is updated So we re-use the double tagging idiom to perform the image update: . At step 0, we tag the image pointed to by <CURRENT>:pcmklatest with an additional temporary tag <NEW>:pcmklatest. => this ensures that at step1, the new tag is available on all controller nodes. . At step 1, we update the resource bundle to use the new image name <NEW>:pcmklatest. => at the end of step1, the bundle will be configured with the new name, and be able to start even if the real container image hasn't be pulled yet. . At step 3, the existing code will download the real image <NEW>:<NEWTAG> and make tag <NEW>:pcmklatest point to it. Since the bundle is always modified, we now stop and restart the bundle resources unconditionally. Also, move the mariadb upgrade task to step 3, when pacemaker is guaranteed to be stopped, because the task assumes that no mysql is running while it runs. Fix the mysql permission after rpm upgrade on the host. Change-Id: Ic87a66753b104b9f15db70fdccbd66d88cef94df Closes-Bug: #1763001
2018-04-11 11:57:59 +00:00
- - '{% if mysql_containerized %}kolla_set_configs; {% endif %}'
- 'chown -R mysql:mysql /var/lib/mysql;'
- 'mysqld_safe --user=mysql --wsrep-provider=none --skip-networking --wsrep-on=off &'
- 'timeout 60 sh -c ''while ! mysqladmin ping --silent; do sleep 1; done'';'
- 'mysql_upgrade;'
- 'mysqladmin shutdown'
- name: Bind mounts for temporary container
mysql_upgrade_db_bind_mounts: *mysql_volumes
- name: Upgrade Mysql database from a temporary container
'/usr/bin/docker run --rm --log-driver=syslog -u root --net=host UPGRADE_ENV UPGRADE_VOLUMES "UPGRADE_IMAGE" /bin/bash -ecx "UPGRADE_SCRIPT"'
UPGRADE_IMAGE: *mysql_image_pcmklatest
UPGRADE_VOLUMES: "-v {{ mysql_upgrade_db_bind_mounts | union(['/tmp/mariadb-upgrade:/var/log/mariadb:rw']) | join(' -v ')}}"
UPGRADE_SCRIPT: "{{mysql_upgrade_script}}"
when: mysql_containerized|bool
- name: Upgrade Mysql database from the host
shell: /bin/bash -ecx "{{mysql_upgrade_script}}"
when: not mysql_containerized|bool
- when:
- step|int == 6
- release == 'ocata'
- is_bootstrap_node|bool
- name: Create cell0 db
name: nova_cell0
state: present
- name: Grant access to cell0 db
name: nova
host_all: yes
state: present
priv: '*.*:ALL'