Render isolated network templates using jinja2

This change adds templates that are used to create network and
port definition templates for each network that is defined in
network_data.yaml. In order to render the templates, additional
fields have been added to the network_data.yaml file. If this
optional data is present, it will be used to populate the default
parameter values in the network template.

The only required parameters in the network_data.yaml file is
the network name. If the network will have IPv6 addresses, then
ipv6: true must be set on the network.

The existing networks have been modeled in the network_data.yaml,
but until these templates are removed from the j2_excludes.yaml
file they will not be generated on the fly. Any additional
networks will have templates generated.

This change also removes an unnecessary conditional from the
networks.j2.yaml file, since InternalApiNetwork doesn't need
to be reformatted as InternalNetwork (it's only used in this
one file).

A follow-up patch will remove the existing network definitions
so all networks are created dynamically.

Change-Id: If074f87494a46305c990a0ea332c7b576d3c6ed8
Depends-On: Iab8aca2f1fcaba0c8f109717a4b3068f629c9aab
Partially-Implements: blueprint composable-networks
This commit is contained in:
Dan Sneddon 2017-06-19 11:34:05 -07:00
parent dad8c01aaa
commit 6d68ce08e1
7 changed files with 337 additions and 17 deletions

View File

@ -8,3 +8,39 @@ name:
- puppet/blockstorage-role.yaml
- puppet/objectstorage-role.yaml
- puppet/cephstorage-role.yaml
- network/internal_api.yaml
- network/external.yaml
- network/storage.yaml
- network/storage_mgmt.yaml
- network/tenant.yaml
- network/management.yaml
- network/internal_api_v6.yaml
- network/external_v6.yaml
- network/storage_v6.yaml
- network/storage_mgmt_v6.yaml
- network/tenant_v6.yaml
- network/management_v6.yaml
- network/ports/internal_api.yaml
- network/ports/external.yaml
- network/ports/storage.yaml
- network/ports/storage_mgmt.yaml
- network/ports/tenant.yaml
- network/ports/management.yaml
- network/ports/internal_api_v6.yaml
- network/ports/external_v6.yaml
- network/ports/storage_v6.yaml
- network/ports/storage_mgmt_v6.yaml
- network/ports/tenant_v6.yaml
- network/ports/management_v6.yaml
- network/ports/internal_api_from_pool.yaml
- network/ports/external_from_pool.yaml
- network/ports/storage_from_pool.yaml
- network/ports/storage_mgmt_from_pool.yaml
- network/ports/tenant_from_pool.yaml
- network/ports/management_from_pool.yaml
- network/ports/internal_api_from_pool_v6.yaml
- network/ports/external_from_pool_v6.yaml
- network/ports/storage_from_pool_v6.yaml
- network/ports/storage_mgmt_from_pool_v6.yaml
- network/ports/tenant_from_pool_v6.yaml
- network/ports/management_from_pool_v6.yaml

View File

@ -0,0 +1,92 @@
heat_template_version: pike
description: >
{{}} network definition (automatically generated).
# the defaults here work for static IP assignment (IPAM) only
default: {{network.ip_subnet|default("")}}
description: Cidr for the {{network.name_lower}} network.
type: string
default: {'provider:physical_network': '{{network.name_lower}}', 'provider:network_type': 'flat'}
description: Value specs for the {{network.name_lower}} network.
type: json
default: false
description: This admin state of the network.
type: boolean
default: false
description: Whether to enable DHCP on the associated subnet.
type: boolean
default: false
description: Whether this network is shared across all tenants.
type: boolean
default: {{network.name_lower}}
description: The name of the {{network.name_lower}} network.
type: string
default: {{network.name_lower}}_subnet
description: The name of the {{network.name_lower}} subnet in Neutron.
type: string
default: {{network.allocation_pools|default([])}}
description: Ip allocation pool range for the {{network.name_lower}} network.
type: json
default: {{network.gateway_ip|default("not_defined")}}
description: default route for the {{network.name_lower}} network
type: string
{%- if network.vlan %}
default: {{network.vlan}}
description: Vlan ID for the {{}} network traffic.
type: number
{%- endif %}
{%- if network.ipv6 %}
default: dhcpv6-stateful
description: Neutron subnet IPv6 address mode
type: string
default: dhcpv6-stateful
description: Neutron subnet IPv6 router advertisement mode
type: string
{%- endif %}
type: OS::Neutron::Net
admin_state_up: {get_param: {{}}NetAdminStateUp}
name: {get_param: {{}}NetName}
shared: {get_param: {{}}NetShared}
value_specs: {get_param: {{}}NetValueSpecs}
type: OS::Neutron::Subnet
cidr: {get_param: {{}}NetCidr}
name: {get_param: {{}}SubnetName}
network: {get_resource: {{}}Network}
allocation_pools: {get_param: {{}}AllocationPools}
gateway_ip: {get_param: {{}}InterfaceDefaultRoute}
{%- if network.ipv6 %}
ip_version: 6
ipv6_address_mode: {get_param: IPv6AddressMode}
ipv6_ra_mode: {get_param: IPv6RAMode}
{%- else %}
enable_dhcp: {get_param: {{}}NetEnableDHCP}
{%- endif %}
description: {{network.name_lower}} network
value: {get_resource: {{}}Network}
value: {get_attr: {{}}Subnet, cidr}

View File

@ -5,11 +5,7 @@ description: Create networks to split out Overcloud traffic
{%- for network in networks %}
{%- if != 'InternalApi' %}
{%- else %}
{%- endif %}
type: OS::TripleO::Network::{{}}
{%- endfor %}
@ -23,15 +19,8 @@ outputs:
# NOTE(gfidente): we need to replace the null value with a
# string to work around
{%- for network in networks %}
{%- if != 'InternalApi' %}
data: {get_attr: [{{}}Network, subnet_cidr]}
expression: str($.data).replace('null', 'disabled')
{%- else %}
data: {get_attr: [InternalNetwork, subnet_cidr]}
expression: str($.data).replace('null', 'disabled')
{%- endif %}
{%- endfor %}

View File

@ -0,0 +1,72 @@
heat_template_version: pike
description: >
Creates a port on the {{}} network. The IP address will be chosen
automatically if FixedIPs is empty.
description: Name of the {{network.name_lower}} neutron network
default: {{network.name_lower|default(|lower)}}
type: string
description: Name of the port
default: ''
type: string
ControlPlaneIP: # Here for compatibility with noop.yaml
description: IP address on the control plane
default: ''
type: string
ControlPlaneNetwork: # Here for compatibility with ctlplane_vip.yaml
description: The name of the undercloud Neutron control plane
default: ctlplane
type: string
description: >
Control the IP allocation for the VIP port. E.g.
default: []
type: json
IPPool: # Here for compatibility with from_pool.yaml
default: {}
type: json
NodeIndex: # Here for compatibility with from_pool.yaml
default: 0
type: number
type: OS::Neutron::Port
network: {get_param: {{}}NetName}
name: {get_param: PortName}
fixed_ips: {get_param: FixedIPs}
replacement_policy: AUTO
description: {{}} network IP
value: {get_attr: [{{}}Port, fixed_ips, 0, ip_address]}
{%- if network.ipv6 %}
description: {{}} network IP (with brackets for IPv6 URLs)
- ''
- - '['
- {get_attr: [{{}}Port, fixed_ips, 0, ip_address]}
- ']'
{%- else %}
description: {{}} network IP (for compatibility with IPv6 URLs)
value: {get_attr: [{{}}Port, fixed_ips, 0, ip_address]}
{%- endif %}
description: IP/Subnet CIDR for the {{}} network IP
- ''
- - {get_attr: [{{}}Port, fixed_ips, 0, ip_address]}
- '/'
- {str_split: ['/', {get_attr: [{{}}Port, subnets, 0, cidr]}, 1]}

View File

@ -0,0 +1,65 @@
heat_template_version: pike
description: >
Creates a port on the {{}} network, using a map of IPs per role.
Each role has a map of IPs in <Role>IPs parameters, with a list of IPs by
network (lower_name or lower case). For example:
- # First controller
- # Second controller
description: Name of the {{}} neutron network
default: {{network.name_lower}}
type: string
description: Name of the port
default: ''
type: string
ControlPlaneIP: # Here for compatibility with noop.yaml
description: IP address on the control plane
default: ''
type: string
ControlPlaneNetwork: # Here for compatibility with ctlplane_vip.yaml
description: The name of the undercloud Neutron control plane
default: ctlplane
type: string
IPPool: # Set in <Role>IPs map, see environments/ips-from-pool-all.yaml
default: {}
type: json
NodeIndex: # First node in the role will get first IP, and so on...
default: 0
type: number
default: {{network.ip_subnet}}
description: Cidr for the {{network.name_lower}} network.
type: string
description: {{}} network IP
value: {get_param: [IPPool, {get_param: {{}}NetName}, {get_param: NodeIndex}]}
{%- if network.ipv6 %}
description: {{}} network IP (with brackets for IPv6 URLs)
- ''
- - '['
- {get_param: [IPPool, {get_param: {{}}NetName}, {get_param: NodeIndex}]}
- ']'
{%- else %}
description: {{}} network IP (for compatibility with {{network.name_lower}}_v6.yaml)
value: {get_param: [IPPool, {get_param: {{}}NetName}, {get_param: NodeIndex}]}
{%- endif %}
description: IP/Subnet CIDR for the {{}} network IP
- ''
- - {get_param: [IPPool, {get_param: {{}}NetName}, {get_param: NodeIndex}]}
- '/'
- {str_split: ['/', {get_param: {{}}NetCidr}, 1]}

View File

@ -5,30 +5,59 @@
# name: Name of the network (mandatory)
# name_lower: lowercase version of name used for filenames
# (optional, defaults to name.lower())
# vlan: vlan for the network (optional)
# gateway: gateway for the network (optional)
# enabled: Is the network enabled (optional, defaults to true)
# ipv6: Does this network use IPv6 IPs? (optional, defaults to false)
# (optional, may use parameter defaults in environment to set)
# vlan: vlan for the network (optional)
# vip: Enable creation of a virtual IP on this network
# [TODO] ( - Enable dynamic creation of VIP ports, to support
# VIPs on non-default networks. See
# [TODO] ( - Enable dynamic creation of VIP ports,
# to support VIPs on non-default networks.
# See
# ip_subnet: IP/CIDR, e.g. '' (optional, may use parameter defaults)
# allocation_pools: IP range list e.g. [{'start':'', 'end':'}]
# gateway_ip: gateway for the network (optional, may use parameter defaults)
# NOTE: IP-related values set parameter defaults in templates, may be overridden.
# Example:
# - name Example
# vip: false
# ip_subnet: ''
# allocation_pools: [{'start': '', 'end': ''}]
# gateway_ip: ''
# TODO (dsneddon) remove existing templates from j2_excludes.yaml
# and generate all templates dynamically.
- name: External
vip: true
name_lower: external
ip_subnet: ''
allocation_pools: [{'start': '', 'end': ''}]
gateway_ip: ''
- name: InternalApi
name_lower: internal_api
vip: true
ip_subnet: ''
allocation_pools: [{'start': '', 'end': ''}]
- name: Storage
vip: true
name_lower: storage
ip_subnet: ''
allocation_pools: [{'start': '', 'end': ''}]
- name: StorageMgmt
name_lower: storage_mgmt
vip: true
ip_subnet: ''
allocation_pools: [{'start': '', 'end': ''}]
- name: Tenant
vip: false # Tenant network does not use VIPs
name_lower: tenant
ip_subnet: ''
allocation_pools: [{'start': '', 'end': ''}]
- name: Management
# Management network is disabled by default
enabled: false
vip: false # Management network does not use VIPs
name_lower: management
ip_subnet: ''
allocation_pools: [{'start': '', 'end': ''}]

View File

@ -96,6 +96,16 @@ def process_templates(template_path, role_data_path, output_dir,
r_map = {}
for r in role_data:
r_map[r.get('name')] = r
n_map = {}
for n in network_data:
if (n.get('enabled') is not False):
n_map[n.get('name')] = n
if not n.get('name_lower'):
n_map[n.get('name')]['name_lower'] = n.get('name').lower()
print("skipping %s network: network is disabled" % n.get('name'))
excl_templates = ['%s/%s' % (template_path, e)
for e in j2_excludes.get('name')]
@ -126,10 +136,13 @@ def process_templates(template_path, role_data_path, output_dir,
for f in files:
file_path = os.path.join(subdir, f)
# We do two templating passes here:
# We do three templating passes here:
# 1. *.role.j2.yaml - we template just the role name
# and create multiple files (one per role)
# 2. *.j2.yaml - we template with all roles_data,
# 2 *.network.j2.yaml - we template the network name and
# data and create multiple files for networks and
# network ports (one per network)
# 3. *.j2.yaml - we template with all roles_data,
# and create one file common to all roles
if f.endswith('.role.j2.yaml'):
print("jinja2 rendering role template %s" % f)
@ -167,6 +180,30 @@ def process_templates(template_path, role_data_path, output_dir,
print('skipping rendering of %s' % out_f_path)
elif f.endswith('.network.j2.yaml'):
print("jinja2 rendering network template %s" % f)
with open(file_path) as j2_template:
template_data =
print("jinja2 rendering networks %s" % ",".join(n_map))
for network in n_map:
j2_data = {'network': n_map[network]}
# Output file names in "<name>.yaml" format
out_f = os.path.basename(f).replace('.network.j2.yaml',
if os.path.dirname(file_path).endswith('ports'):
out_f = out_f.replace('port',
out_f = out_f.replace('network',
out_f_path = os.path.join(out_dir, out_f)
if not (out_f_path in excl_templates):
_j2_render_to_file(template_data, j2_data,
print('skipping rendering of %s' % out_f_path)
elif f.endswith('.j2.yaml'):
print("jinja2 rendering normal template %s" % f)
with open(file_path) as j2_template: