Remove all old pcmklatest images

An operator may make a mistake when importing images, resulting
in more than one image being present. This may happen, for example,
if an image is imported from one source, then another.

To ensure that all old images are deleted, and to prevent a failure
in the command executing the deletion if there is more than one
result when listing the images, we process the deletion in a loop
per stdout line.

This patch is not required in more recent branches due to other
changes in the process which have eliminated the possibility of
there being more than one image to delete.

Closes: rhbz#1727173
Change-Id: I67e0a321fe2c77e54966cd9b70be56a489dd2007
This commit is contained in:
Jesse Pretorius (odyssey4me) 2019-10-10 16:49:16 +01:00
parent 8a75427d69
commit 818c7bb118
10 changed files with 68 additions and 48 deletions

View File

@ -265,14 +265,16 @@ outputs:
register: cinder_backup_image_id
- block:
- name: Get a list of container using Cinder-Backup image
shell: "docker ps -a -q -f 'ancestor={{cinder_backup_image_id.stdout}}'"
shell: "docker ps -a -q -f 'ancestor={{ item }}'"
with_items: "{{ cinder_backup_image_id.stdout_lines }}"
register: cinder_backup_containers_to_destroy
# It will be recreated with the deploy step.
- name: Remove any container using the same Cinder-Backup image
shell: "docker rm -fv {{item}}"
with_items: "{{ cinder_backup_containers_to_destroy.stdout_lines }}"
shell: "docker rm -fv {{ item }}"
with_items: "{{ cinder_backup_containers_to_destroy.results | map(attribute='stdout_lines') | list | flatten }}"
- name: Remove previous Cinder-Backup images
shell: "docker rmi -f {{cinder_backup_image_id.stdout}}"
shell: "docker rmi -f {{ item }}"
with_items: "{{ cinder_backup_image_id.stdout_lines }}"
- cinder_backup_image_id.stdout != ''
- name: Pull latest Cinder-Backup images

View File

@ -230,14 +230,16 @@ outputs:
register: cinder_volume_image_id
- block:
- name: Get a list of container using Cinder-Volume image
shell: "docker ps -a -q -f 'ancestor={{cinder_volume_image_id.stdout}}'"
shell: "docker ps -a -q -f 'ancestor={{ item }}'"
with_items: "{{ cinder_volume_image_id.stdout_lines }}"
register: cinder_volume_containers_to_destroy
# It will be recreated with the delpoy step.
# It will be recreated with the deploy step.
- name: Remove any container using the same Cinder-Volume image
shell: "docker rm -fv {{item}}"
with_items: "{{ cinder_volume_containers_to_destroy.stdout_lines }}"
shell: "docker rm -fv {{ item }}"
with_items: "{{ cinder_volume_containers_to_destroy.results | map(attribute='stdout_lines') | list | flatten }}"
- name: Remove previous Cinder-Volume images
shell: "docker rmi -f {{cinder_volume_image_id.stdout}}"
shell: "docker rmi -f {{ item }}"
with_items: "{{ cinder_volume_image_id.stdout_lines }}"
- cinder_volume_image_id.stdout != ''
- name: Pull latest Cinder-Volume images

View File

@ -324,14 +324,16 @@ outputs:
register: mariadb_image_id
- block:
- name: Get a list of container using Mariadb image
shell: "docker ps -a -q -f 'ancestor={{mariadb_image_id.stdout}}'"
shell: "docker ps -a -q -f 'ancestor={{ item }}'"
with_items: "{{ mariadb_image_id.stdout_lines }}"
register: mariadb_containers_to_destroy
# It will be recreated with the delpoy step.
# It will be recreated with the deploy step.
- name: Remove any container using the same Mariadb image
shell: "docker rm -fv {{item}}"
with_items: "{{ mariadb_containers_to_destroy.stdout_lines }}"
shell: "docker rm -fv {{ item }}"
with_items: "{{ mariadb_containers_to_destroy.results | map(attribute='stdout_lines') | list | flatten }}"
- name: Remove previous Mariadb images
shell: "docker rmi -f {{mariadb_image_id.stdout}}"
shell: "docker rmi -f {{ item }}"
with_items: "{{ mariadb_image_id.stdout_lines }}"
- mariadb_image_id.stdout != ''
- name: Pull latest Mariadb images

View File

@ -309,14 +309,16 @@ outputs:
register: redis_image_id
- block:
- name: Get a list of container using Redis image
shell: "docker ps -a -q -f 'ancestor={{redis_image_id.stdout}}'"
shell: "docker ps -a -q -f 'ancestor={{ item }}'"
with_items: "{{ redis_image_id.stdout_lines }}"
register: redis_containers_to_destroy
# It will be recreated with the delpoy step.
# It will be recreated with the deploy step.
- name: Remove any container using the same Redis image
shell: "docker rm -fv {{item}}"
with_items: "{{ redis_containers_to_destroy.stdout_lines }}"
shell: "docker rm -fv {{ item }}"
with_items: "{{ redis_containers_to_destroy.results | map(attribute='stdout_lines') | list | flatten }}"
- name: Remove previous Redis images
shell: "docker rmi -f {{redis_image_id.stdout}}"
shell: "docker rmi -f {{ item }}"
with_items: "{{ redis_image_id.stdout_lines }}"
- redis_image_id.stdout != ''
- name: Pull latest Redis images

View File

@ -389,14 +389,16 @@ outputs:
register: haproxy_image_id
- block:
- name: Get a list of container using Haproxy image
shell: "docker ps -a -q -f 'ancestor={{haproxy_image_id.stdout}}'"
shell: "docker ps -a -q -f 'ancestor={{ item }}'"
with_items: "{{ haproxy_image_id.stdout_lines }}"
register: haproxy_containers_to_destroy
# It will be recreated with the delpoy step.
# It will be recreated with the deploy step.
- name: Remove any container using the same Haproxy image
shell: "docker rm -fv {{item}}"
with_items: "{{ haproxy_containers_to_destroy.stdout_lines }}"
shell: "docker rm -fv {{ item }}"
with_items: "{{ haproxy_containers_to_destroy.results | map(attribute='stdout_lines') | list | flatten }}"
- name: Remove previous Haproxy images
shell: "docker rmi -f {{haproxy_image_id.stdout}}"
shell: "docker rmi -f {{ item }}"
with_items: "{{ haproxy_image_id.stdout_lines }}"
- haproxy_image_id.stdout != ''
- name: Pull latest Haproxy images

View File

@ -232,14 +232,16 @@ outputs:
register: manila_share_image_id
- block:
- name: Get a list of container using Manila-Share image
shell: "docker ps -a -q -f 'ancestor={{manila_share_image_id.stdout}}'"
shell: "docker ps -a -q -f 'ancestor={{ item }}'"
with_items: "{{ manila_share_image_id.stdout_lines }}"
register: manila_share_containers_to_destroy
# It will be recreated with the delpoy step.
# It will be recreated with the deploy step.
- name: Remove any container using the same Manila-Share image
shell: "docker rm -fv {{item}}"
with_items: "{{ manila_share_containers_to_destroy.stdout_lines }}"
shell: "docker rm -fv {{ item }}"
with_items: "{{ manila_share_containers_to_destroy.results | map(attribute='stdout_lines') | list | flatten }}"
- name: Remove previous Manila-Share images
shell: "docker rmi -f {{manila_share_image_id.stdout}}"
shell: "docker rmi -f {{ item }}"
with_items: "{{ manila_share_image_id.stdout_lines }}"
- manila_share_image_id.stdout != ''
- name: Pull latest Manila-Share images

View File

@ -277,14 +277,16 @@ outputs:
register: rabbitmq_image_id
- block:
- name: Get a list of container using Rabbitmq image
shell: "docker ps -a -q -f 'ancestor={{rabbitmq_image_id.stdout}}'"
shell: "docker ps -a -q -f 'ancestor={{ item }}'"
with_items: "{{ rabbitmq_image_id.stdout_lines }}"
register: rabbitmq_containers_to_destroy
# It will be recreated with the delpoy step.
# It will be recreated with the deploy step.
- name: Remove any container using the same Rabbitmq image
shell: "docker rm -fv {{item}}"
with_items: "{{ rabbitmq_containers_to_destroy.stdout_lines }}"
shell: "docker rm -fv {{ item }}"
with_items: "{{ rabbitmq_containers_to_destroy.results | map(attribute='stdout_lines') | list | flatten }}"
- name: Remove previous Rabbitmq images
shell: "docker rmi -f {{rabbitmq_image_id.stdout}}"
shell: "docker rmi -f {{ item }}"
with_items: "{{ rabbitmq_image_id.stdout_lines }}"
- rabbitmq_image_id.stdout != ''
- name: Pull latest Rabbitmq images

View File

@ -225,14 +225,16 @@ outputs:
register: ovn_dbs_image_id
- block:
- name: Get a list of container using ovn-dbs image
shell: "docker ps -a -q -f 'ancestor={{ovn_dbs_image_id.stdout}}'"
shell: "docker ps -a -q -f 'ancestor={{ item }}'"
with_items: "{{ ovn_dbs_image_id.stdout_lines }}"
register: ovn_dbs_containers_to_destroy
# It will be recreated with the deploy step.
- name: Remove any container using the same ovn-dbs image
shell: "docker rm -fv {{item}}"
with_items: "{{ ovn_dbs_containers_to_destroy.stdout_lines }}"
shell: "docker rm -fv {{ item }}"
with_items: "{{ ovn_dbs_containers_to_destroy.results | map(attribute='stdout_lines') | list | flatten }}"
- name: Remove previous ovn-dbs images
shell: "docker rmi -f {{ovn_dbs_image_id.stdout}}"
shell: "docker rmi -f {{ item }}"
with_items: "{{ ovn_dbs_image_id.stdout_lines }}"
- ovn_dbs_image_id.stdout != ''
- name: Pull latest ovn-dbs images

View File

@ -276,14 +276,16 @@ outputs:
register: rabbitmq_image_id
- block:
- name: Get a list of container using Rabbitmq image
shell: "docker ps -a -q -f 'ancestor={{rabbitmq_image_id.stdout}}'"
shell: "docker ps -a -q -f 'ancestor={{ item }}'"
with_items: "{{ rabbitmq_image_id.stdout_lines }}"
register: rabbitmq_containers_to_destroy
# It will be recreated with the delpoy step.
# It will be recreated with the deploy step.
- name: Remove any container using the same Rabbitmq image
shell: "docker rm -fv {{item}}"
with_items: "{{ rabbitmq_containers_to_destroy.stdout_lines }}"
shell: "docker rm -fv {{ item }}"
with_items: "{{ rabbitmq_containers_to_destroy.results | map(attribute='stdout_lines') | list | flatten }}"
- name: Remove previous Rabbitmq images
shell: "docker rmi -f {{rabbitmq_image_id.stdout}}"
shell: "docker rmi -f {{ item }}"
with_items: "{{ rabbitmq_image_id.stdout_lines }}"
- rabbitmq_image_id.stdout != ''
- name: Pull latest Rabbitmq images

View File

@ -277,14 +277,16 @@ outputs:
register: rabbitmq_image_id
- block:
- name: Get a list of container using Rabbitmq image
shell: "docker ps -a -q -f 'ancestor={{rabbitmq_image_id.stdout}}'"
shell: "docker ps -a -q -f 'ancestor={{ item }}'"
with_items: "{{ rabbitmq_image_id.stdout_lines }}"
register: rabbitmq_containers_to_destroy
# It will be recreated with the delpoy step.
# It will be recreated with the deploy step.
- name: Remove any container using the same Rabbitmq image
shell: "docker rm -fv {{item}}"
with_items: "{{ rabbitmq_containers_to_destroy.stdout_lines }}"
shell: "docker rm -fv {{ item }}"
with_items: "{{ rabbitmq_containers_to_destroy.results | map(attribute='stdout_lines') | list | flatten }}"
- name: Remove previous Rabbitmq images
shell: "docker rmi -f {{rabbitmq_image_id.stdout}}"
shell: "docker rmi -f {{ item }}"
with_items: "{{ rabbitmq_image_id.stdout_lines }}"
- rabbitmq_image_id.stdout != ''
- name: Pull latest Rabbitmq images