Add ping test for all networks gateway IPs

Add ping test for gateway IPs on all networks, to ensure
all gateways are reachable.

The releated Bugzilla reports an issue where some network
fabrics fail when using the current node ping test, which
pings the first node in each role. The fabric simply does
not forward traffic before the gateway has been pinged.

One can argue that the fabric in question is broken. However,
with the current implementation the first node in each role
actually ping tests only against it's own address? So adding
the test to ping the gateway addresses improves the validation
in general.

Make PingTestGatewayIPsMap a map of flatten lists

PingTestGatewayIPsMap elements may contain list of lists, causing failures
on roles that iterate over them. See [1] and #1950528 for more info.


Related RHBZ#1875962
Closes-bug: #1950528
Depends-On: I93cded61ffb862e99fd8043dbf0def3d16079692

Change-Id: I3309f2a0e39ad115930ecd5c0e895816565819e9
(cherry picked from commit 5d830980ec)
(cherry picked from commit efc328c668)
This commit is contained in:
Harald Jensås 2021-10-28 22:52:45 +02:00
parent 653069cb77
commit a266b5a948
2 changed files with 24 additions and 0 deletions

View File

@ -131,6 +131,10 @@ parameters:
default: false
description: Optional validation to ensure FQDN as set by Nova matches the name set in /etc/hosts.
type: boolean
default: {}
description: A map of role name to list of gateway IP addresses for each network, used to ping test each gateway.
type: json
default: ''
description: A map of role name to a space separated list of IP addresses used to ping test each available network interface.
@ -384,6 +388,7 @@ outputs:
validate_controllers_icmp: {get_param: ValidateControllersIcmp}
validate_gateways_icmp: {get_param: ValidateGatewaysIcmp}
validate_fqdn: {get_param: ValidateFqdn}
ping_test_gateway_ips: {get_param: PingTestGatewayIPsMap}
ping_test_ips: {get_param: PingTestIpsMap}
stack_action: {get_param: StackAction}
network_safe_defaults: {get_param: NetworkSafeDefaults}
@ -641,6 +646,7 @@ outputs:
tripleo_nodes_validation_validate_gateway_icmp: "{{ validate_gateways_icmp }}"
tripleo_nodes_validation_validate_fqdn: "{{ validate_fqdn }}"
tripleo_nodes_validation_ping_test_ips: "{{ ping_test_ips.get(tripleo_role_name).split(' ') | list | unique }}"
tripleo_nodes_validation_ping_test_gateway_ips: "{{ ping_test_gateway_ips.get(tripleo_role_name) }}"
- overcloud
- pre_deploy_steps

View File

@ -1186,6 +1186,24 @@ resources:
{{}}Count: {get_param: {{}}Count}
{%- endfor %}
ServiceNetMapLower: {get_attr: [ServiceNetMap, service_net_map_lower]}
{%- for role in roles %}
expression: list($.data.where($ != null)).flatten()
- {get_attr: [Networks, net_attributes_map, ctlplane, subnets, {get_param: {{}}ControlPlaneSubnet}, gateway_ip]}
{%- for network in networks %}
{%- if network.enabled|default(true) and in role.networks|default([]) %}
{%- if role.networks is mapping %}
{%- set _role_net_subnet = role.networks[]['subnet'] %}
{%- else %}
{%- set _role_net_subnet = network.name_lower + '_subnet' %}
{%- endif %}
- {get_attr: [Networks, net_attributes_map, {{network.name_lower}}, subnets, {{ _role_net_subnet }}, gateway_ip]}
{%- endif %}
{%- endfor %}
{%- endfor %}
{%- for role in roles %}