diff --git a/common/deploy-steps-tasks.yaml b/common/deploy-steps-tasks.yaml index e823f44242..99f3594e22 100644 --- a/common/deploy-steps-tasks.yaml +++ b/common/deploy-steps-tasks.yaml @@ -91,6 +91,7 @@ # Puppet manifest for baremetal host configuration - name: Write the puppet step_config manifest + no_log: True copy: content: "{{ lookup('file', tripleo_role_name + '/step_config.pp', errors='ignore') | default('', True) }}" dest: /var/lib/tripleo-config/{{ ansible_check_mode | ternary('check-mode/', '') }}puppet_step_config.pp @@ -186,6 +187,7 @@ - ansible_check_mode - name: Write container-puppet.json file + no_log: True copy: content: "{{ lookup('file', tripleo_role_name + '/puppet_config.yaml', errors='ignore') | default([], True) | from_yaml | to_nice_json }}" dest: /var/lib/container-puppet/{{ ansible_check_mode | ternary('check-mode/', '') }}container-puppet.json @@ -238,6 +240,7 @@ - container_startup_configs - name: Write docker config scripts + no_log: True copy: content: "{{ item[1].content }}" dest: "/var/lib/docker-config-scripts/{{ item[0] }}" @@ -275,6 +278,7 @@ - container_startup_configs - name: Write docker-container-startup-configs + no_log: True copy: content: "{{ docker_config_with_default | to_nice_json }}" dest: /var/lib/docker-container-startup-configs.json @@ -285,6 +289,7 @@ diff: no - name: Write per-step docker-container-startup-configs + no_log: True copy: content: "{{ item[1] | to_nice_json }}" dest: /var/lib/tripleo-config/docker-container-startup-config-{{ item[0] }}.json @@ -314,6 +319,7 @@ selevel: s0 - name: Write kolla config json files + no_log: True copy: content: "{{ item[1] | to_nice_json }}" dest: "{{ item[0] }}" @@ -364,6 +370,7 @@ - container_config - name: Write the config_step hieradata + no_log: True copy: content: "{{ dict(step=step|int) | to_json }}" dest: /etc/puppet/{{ ansible_check_mode | ternary('check-mode/', '') }}hieradata/config_step.json @@ -532,6 +539,7 @@ - container_config_tasks - name: Write container-puppet-tasks json file for {{ansible_hostname}} step {{step}} + no_log: True copy: content: "{{host_container_puppet_tasks|to_nice_json}}" dest: "/var/lib/container-puppet/container-puppet-tasks{{step}}.json" diff --git a/common/deploy-steps.j2 b/common/deploy-steps.j2 index a32998a869..00e997ae09 100644 --- a/common/deploy-steps.j2 +++ b/common/deploy-steps.j2 @@ -292,8 +292,10 @@ outputs: docker_puppet_mount_host_puppet: DOCKER_PUPPET_MOUNT_HOST_PUPPET tasks: - name: Create /var/lib/container-puppet + no_log: True file: path=/var/lib/container-puppet state=directory setype=svirt_sandbox_file_t selevel=s0 recurse=true - name: Write container-puppet.py + no_log: True copy: src=docker_puppet_script.yaml dest=/var/lib/container-puppet/container-puppet.py force=yes mode=0600 {%- for role in roles %} - import_tasks: {{role.name}}/deploy_steps_tasks.yaml @@ -826,6 +828,7 @@ outputs: - name: Create /var/lib/container-puppet file: path=/var/lib/container-puppet state=directory setype=svirt_sandbox_file_t selevel=s0 recurse=true - name: Write container-puppet.py + no_log: True copy: src=docker_puppet_script.yaml dest=/var/lib/container-puppet/container-puppet.py force=yes mode=0600 - include_tasks: fast_forward_upgrade_prep_role_tasks.yaml with_sequence: start=0 end={{fast_forward_upgrade_prep_steps_max}}