{#- ## Some variables are set to enable rendering backwards compatible templates #} {#- ## where a few parameter/resource names don't match the expected pattern #} {#- ## FIXME: we need some way to deprecate the old inconsistent parameters #} {%- set server_resource_name = role.deprecated_server_resource_name|default(role.name) -%} heat_template_version: rocky description: 'OpenStack {{role.name}} node configured by Puppet' parameters: {%- set default_flavor_name = role.FlavorDefault|default('baremetal') %} {%- if role.deprecated_param_flavor is defined %} {{role.deprecated_param_flavor}}: description: DEPRECATED Use Overcloud{{role.name}}Flavor instead. default: {{default_flavor_name}} type: string {%- endif %} Overcloud{{role.name}}Flavor: description: Flavor for the {{role.name}} node. default: {{default_flavor_name}} type: string {%- set default_image_name = role.ImageDefault|default('overcloud-full') %} {%- if role.deprecated_param_image is defined %} {{role.deprecated_param_image}}: type: string default: {{default_image_name}} description: DEPRECATED Use {{role.name}}Image instead {%- endif %} {{role.name}}Image: type: string default: {{default_image_name}} description: The disk image file to use for the role. ImageUpdatePolicy: default: 'REBUILD_PRESERVE_EPHEMERAL' description: What policy to use when reconstructing instances. REBUILD for rebuilds, REBUILD_PRESERVE_EPHEMERAL to preserve /mnt. type: string KeyName: description: Name of an existing Nova key pair to enable SSH access to the instances type: string default: default ServiceNetMap: default: {} description: Mapping of service_name -> network name. Typically set via parameter_defaults in the resource registry. type: json EndpointMap: default: {} description: Mapping of service endpoint -> protocol. Typically set via parameter_defaults in the resource registry. type: json UpdateIdentifier: default: '' type: string description: > Setting to a previously unused value during stack-update will trigger package update on all nodes Hostname: type: string default: '' # Defaults to Heat created hostname HostnameMap: type: json default: {} description: Optional mapping to override hostnames {{role.name}}IPs: default: {} type: json {%- if role.deprecated_param_ips is defined %} {{role.deprecated_param_ips}}: default: {} description: DEPRECATED - use {{role.name}}IPs instead type: json {%- endif %} SoftwareConfigTransport: default: POLL_SERVER_CFN description: | How the server should receive the metadata required for software configuration. type: string constraints: - allowed_values: [POLL_SERVER_CFN, POLL_SERVER_HEAT, POLL_TEMP_URL, ZAQAR_MESSAGE] CloudDomain: default: 'localdomain' type: string description: > The DNS domain used for the hosts. This must match the overcloud_domain_name configured on the undercloud. {{role.name}}ServerMetadata: default: {} description: > Extra properties or metadata passed to Nova for the created nodes in the overcloud. It's accessible via the Nova metadata API. This option is role-specific and is merged with the values given to the ServerMetadata parameter. type: json {%- if role.deprecated_param_metadata is defined %} {{role.deprecated_param_metadata}}: default: {} description: DEPRECATED - use {{role.name}}ServerMetadata instead type: json {%- endif %} ServerMetadata: default: {} description: > Extra properties or metadata passed to Nova for the created nodes in the overcloud. It's accessible via the Nova metadata API. This applies to all roles and is merged with a role-specific metadata parameter. type: json {{role.name}}SchedulerHints: type: json description: Optional scheduler hints to pass to nova default: {} NodeIndex: type: number default: 0 ServiceNames: type: comma_delimited_list default: [] MonitoringSubscriptions: type: comma_delimited_list default: [] ServiceMetadataSettings: type: json default: {} ConfigCommand: type: string description: Command which will be run whenever configuration data changes default: os-refresh-config --timeout 14400 ConfigCollectSplay: type: number default: 30 description: | Maximum amount of time to possibly to delay configuration collection polling. Defaults to 30 seconds. Set to 0 to disable it which will cause the configuration collection to occur as soon as the collection process starts. This setting is used to prevent the configuration collection processes from polling all at the exact same time. UpgradeInitCommand: type: string description: | Command or script snippet to run on all overcloud nodes to initialize the upgrade process. E.g. a repository switch. default: '' UpgradeInitCommonCommand: type: string description: | Common commands required by the upgrades process. This should not normally be modified by the operator and is set and unset in the major-upgrade-composable-steps.yaml and major-upgrade-converge.yaml environment files. default: '' DeploymentServerBlacklistDict: default: {} type: json description: > Map of server hostnames to blacklist from any triggered deployments. If the value is 1, the server will be blacklisted. This parameter is generated from the parent template. RoleParameters: type: json description: Parameters specific to the role default: {} {{role.name}}ControlPlaneSubnet: default: ctlplane-subnet description: | Name of the subnet on ctlplane network for this role. type: string ControlPlaneSubnetCidr: default: '' description: > The subnet CIDR of the control plane network. (The parameter is automatically resolved from the ctlplane subnet's cidr attribute.) type: string ControlPlaneDefaultRoute: default: '' description: The default route of the control plane network. (The parameter is automatically resolved from the ctlplane subnet's gateway_ip attribute.) type: string ControlPlaneStaticRoutes: default: [] description: > Routes for the ctlplane network traffic. JSON route e.g. [{'destination':'', 'nexthop':''}] Unless the default is changed, the parameter is automatically resolved from the subnet host_routes attribute. type: json DnsServers: # Override this via parameter_defaults default: [] description: > DNS servers to use for the Overcloud (2 max for some implementations). If not set the nameservers configured in the ctlplane subnet's dns_nameservers attribute will be used. type: comma_delimited_list {%- for network in networks if network.enabled|default(true) and network.name in role.networks|default([]) %} {{network.name}}InterfaceRoutes: default: [] description: > Routes for the {{network.name_lower}} network traffic. JSON route e.g. [{'destination':'', 'nexthop':''}] Unless the default is changed, the parameter is automatically resolved from the subnet host_routes attribute. type: json {%- if role.networks is mapping %} {%- set _subnets = network.get('subnets') %} {%- set _role_net_subnet = role.networks[network.name].get('subnet') %} {%- if _subnets and _role_net_subnet and _role_net_subnet in _subnets %} {{network.name}}NetworkVlanID_{{_role_net_subnet}}: default: {{network.subnets[_role_net_subnet].vlan|default(1)}} description: > Vlan ID for the {{network.name_lower}} network traffic for subnet {{_role_net_subnet}}. type: number {%- elif network.vlan|default(false) %} {{network.name}}NetworkVlanID: default: {{network.vlan|default(1)}} description: Vlan ID for the {{network.name_lower}} network traffic. type: number {%- endif %} {%- elif network.vlan|default(false) %} {{network.name}}NetworkVlanID: default: {{network.vlan|default(1)}} description: Vlan ID for the {{network.name_lower}} network traffic. type: number {%- endif %} {%- endfor %} ServerDeletionPolicy: description: Whether to retain or delete servers on deletion of the stack type: string default: delete constraints: - allowed_values: [delete, retain] UserData: type: string {% if role.uses_deprecated_params|default(false) %} parameter_groups: - label: deprecated description: Do not use deprecated params, they will be removed. parameters: {%- for property in role %} {%- if property.startswith('deprecated_param_') and not role[property].endswith(('SchedulerHints', 'ExtraConfig')) %} - {{role[property]}} {%- endif %} {%- endfor %} {%- endif %} conditions: server_blacklisted: equals: - {get_param: [DeploymentServerBlacklistDict, {get_param: Hostname}]} - 1 server_not_blacklisted: not: equals: - {get_param: [DeploymentServerBlacklistDict, {get_param: Hostname}]} - 1 {%- if role.deprecated_param_image is defined %} deprecated_param_image_set: not: equals: - {get_param: {{role.deprecated_param_image}}} - {{default_image_name}} {%- endif %} {%- if role.deprecated_param_flavor is defined %} deprecated_param_flavor_set: not: equals: - {get_param: {{role.deprecated_param_flavor}}} - {{default_flavor_name}} {%- endif %} ctlplane_fixed_ip_set: or: - not: equals: - {get_param: [{{role.name}}IPs, 'ctlplane', {get_param: NodeIndex}]} - "" {%- if role.deprecated_param_ips %} - not: equals: - {get_param: [{{role.deprecated_param_ips}}, 'ctlplane', {get_param: NodeIndex}]} - "" {%- endif %} - false # NOTE(hjensas): Make sure 'or' get's 2 conditions or more {%- for network in networks %} {%- if network.enabled|default(true) and network.name in role.networks|default([]) %} {{role.name}}_{{network.name}}_fixed_ip_set: not: equals: - {get_param: [{{role.name}}IPs, '{{network.name_lower}}', {get_param: NodeIndex}]} - '' {{network.name_lower}}_interface_routes_set: not: equals: - {get_param: {{network.name}}InterfaceRoutes} - [] {%- endif %} {%- endfor %} ctlplane_subnet_cidr_set: not: equals: [{get_param: ControlPlaneSubnetCidr}, ''] ctlplane_default_route_set: not: equals: [{get_param: ControlPlaneDefaultRoute}, ''] ctlplane_static_routes_set: not: equals: [{get_param: ControlPlaneStaticRoutes}, []] dnsservers_set: not: equals: [{get_param: DnsServers}, []] resources: {{server_resource_name}}: type: OS::TripleO::{{role.name}}Server deletion_policy: {get_param: ServerDeletionPolicy} properties: image: {%- if role.deprecated_param_image is defined %} if: - deprecated_param_image_set - {get_param: {{role.deprecated_param_image}}} - {get_param: {{role.name}}Image} {%- else %} get_param: {{role.name}}Image {%- endif %} image_update_policy: {get_param: ImageUpdatePolicy} flavor: {%- if role.deprecated_param_flavor is defined %} if: - deprecated_param_flavor_set - {get_param: {{role.deprecated_param_flavor}}} - {get_param: Overcloud{{role.name}}Flavor} {%- else %} get_param: Overcloud{{role.name}}Flavor {%- endif %} key_name: {get_param: KeyName} networks: - if: - ctlplane_fixed_ip_set - network: ctlplane subnet: {get_param: {{role.name}}ControlPlaneSubnet} fixed_ip: yaql: expression: $.data.where(not isEmpty($)).first() data: - get_param: [{{role.name}}IPs, 'ctlplane', {get_param: NodeIndex}] {%- if role.deprecated_param_ips %} - get_param: [{{role.deprecated_param_ips}}, 'ctlplane', {get_param: NodeIndex}] {%- endif %} - network: ctlplane subnet: {get_param: {{role.name}}ControlPlaneSubnet} user_data_format: SOFTWARE_CONFIG user_data: {get_param: UserData} name: yaql: expression: $.data.hostname_map.get($.data.hostname, $.data.hostname).toLower() data: hostname: {get_param: Hostname} hostname_map: {get_param: HostnameMap} software_config_transport: {get_param: SoftwareConfigTransport} metadata: map_merge: - {get_param: ServerMetadata} {%- if role.deprecated_param_metadata is defined %} - {get_param: {{role.deprecated_param_metadata}}} {%- endif %} - {get_param: {{role.name}}ServerMetadata} - {get_param: ServiceMetadataSettings} scheduler_hints: {get_param: {{role.name}}SchedulerHints} {%- for network in networks %} {%- if network.enabled|default(true) and network.name in role.networks|default([]) %} {{network.name}}Port: type: OS::TripleO::{{role.name}}::Ports::{{network.name}}Port properties: PortName: list_join: - '_' - - {get_attr: [{{server_resource_name}}, name]} - {{network.name}} ControlPlaneIP: {get_attr: [{{server_resource_name}}, networks, ctlplane, 0]} FixedIPs: if: - {{role.name}}_{{network.name}}_fixed_ip_set - [{ip_address: {get_param: [{{role.name}}IPs, '{{network.name_lower}}', {get_param: NodeIndex}]}}] {%- if role.networks is mapping and role.networks.get(network.name) %} {%- if network.get('service_net_map_replace') == role.networks[network.name].get('subnet').split('_subnet', -1)[0] and role.networks[network.name].get('subnet').split('_subnet', -1)[0] not in network.get('subnets', {}).keys() %} - [{subnet: {{network.name_lower + '_subnet'}}}] {%- else %} - [{subnet: {{role.networks[network.name].get('subnet', network.name_lower + '_subnet')}}}] {%- endif %} {%- else %} - [{subnet: {{network.name_lower}}_subnet}] {%- endif %} ControlPlaneSubnetCidr: if: - ctlplane_subnet_cidr_set - {get_param: ControlPlaneSubnetCidr} # DeployedServer docs specify 'cidr: 24' in DeployedServerPortMap. # Support both that, and 'cidr:'. - yaql: expression: str("{0}".format($.data).split("/")[-1]) data: {get_attr: [{{server_resource_name}}, addresses, ctlplane, 0, subnets, 0, cidr]} IPPool: map_merge: {%- if role.deprecated_param_ips is defined %} - {get_param: {{role.deprecated_param_ips}}} {%- endif %} - {get_param: {{role.name}}IPs} NodeIndex: {get_param: NodeIndex} {%- endif %} {%- endfor %} NetworkConfig: type: OS::TripleO::{{role.name}}::Net::SoftwareConfig properties: ControlPlaneIp: "{{ '{{' }} ctlplane_ip {{ '}}' }}" ControlPlaneSubnetCidr: if: - ctlplane_subnet_cidr_set - {get_param: ControlPlaneSubnetCidr} - yaql: expression: str("{0}".format($.data).split("/")[-1]) data: {get_attr: [{{server_resource_name}}, addresses, ctlplane, 0, subnets, 0, cidr]} ControlPlaneDefaultRoute: if: - ctlplane_default_route_set - {get_param: ControlPlaneDefaultRoute} - {get_attr: [{{server_resource_name}}, addresses, ctlplane, 0, subnets, 0, gateway_ip]} ControlPlaneStaticRoutes: if: - ctlplane_static_routes_set - {get_param: ControlPlaneStaticRoutes} - yaql: expression: switch(isList($.data) => $.data, true => []) data: {get_attr: [{{server_resource_name}}, addresses, ctlplane, 0, subnets, 0, host_routes]} ControlPlaneMtu: yaql: expression: switch(isInteger($.data) => $.data, true => 1500) data: {get_attr: [{{server_resource_name}}, addresses, ctlplane, 0, network, mtu]} DnsServers: if: - dnsservers_set - {get_param: DnsServers} - {get_attr: [{{server_resource_name}}, addresses, ctlplane, 0, subnets, 0, dns_nameservers]} {%- for network in networks %} {%- if network.enabled|default(true) and network.name in role.networks|default([]) %} {{network.name}}IpSubnet: "{{ '{{' }} {{network.name_lower}}_ip ~ '/' ~ {{network.name_lower}}_cidr {{ '}}' }}" {{network.name}}InterfaceRoutes: if: - {{network.name_lower}}_interface_routes_set - {get_param: {{network.name}}InterfaceRoutes} - {get_attr: [{{network.name}}Port, host_routes]} {{network.name}}Mtu: {get_attr: [{{network.name}}Port, mtu]} {%- if network.name in role.default_route_networks %} {{network.name}}InterfaceDefaultRoute: {get_attr: [{{network.name}}Port, gateway_ip]} {%- endif %} {%- if role.networks is mapping %} {%- set _subnets = network.get('subnets') %} {%- set _role_net_subnet = role.networks[network.name].get('subnet') %} {%- if _subnets and _role_net_subnet and _role_net_subnet in _subnets %} {{network.name}}NetworkVlanID: {get_param: {{network.name}}NetworkVlanID_{{_role_net_subnet}}} {%- elif network.vlan|default(false) %} {{network.name}}NetworkVlanID: {get_param: {{network.name}}NetworkVlanID} {%- endif %} {%- elif network.vlan|default(false) %} {{network.name}}NetworkVlanID: {get_param: {{network.name}}NetworkVlanID} {%- endif %} {%- endif %} {%- endfor %} NetIpMap: type: OS::TripleO::Network::Ports::NetIpMap properties: ControlPlaneIp: {get_attr: [{{server_resource_name}}, networks, ctlplane, 0]} ControlPlaneSubnetCidr: if: - ctlplane_subnet_cidr_set - {get_param: ControlPlaneSubnetCidr} - yaql: expression: str("{0}".format($.data).split("/")[-1]) data: {get_attr: [{{server_resource_name}}, addresses, ctlplane, 0, subnets, 0, cidr]} {%- for network in networks %} {%- if network.enabled|default(true) and network.name in role.networks|default([]) %} {{network.name}}Ip: {get_attr: [{{network.name}}Port, ip_address]} {{network.name}}IpSubnet: {get_attr: [{{network.name}}Port, ip_subnet]} {{network.name}}IpUri: {get_attr: [{{network.name}}Port, ip_address_uri]} {%- endif %} {%- endfor %} NetHostMap: type: OS::Heat::Value properties: type: json value: {%- for network in networks %} {%- if network.enabled|default(true) and network.name in role.networks|default([]) %} {{network.name_lower}}: fqdn: list_join: - '.' - - {get_attr: [{{server_resource_name}}, name]} - {{network.name.lower()}} - {get_param: CloudDomain} short: list_join: - '.' - - {get_attr: [{{server_resource_name}}, name]} - {{network.name.lower()}} {%- endif %} {%- endfor %} ctlplane: fqdn: list_join: - '.' - - {get_attr: [{{server_resource_name}}, name]} - ctlplane - {get_param: CloudDomain} short: list_join: - '.' - - {get_attr: [{{server_resource_name}}, name]} - ctlplane canonical: fqdn: list_join: - '.' - - {get_attr: [{{server_resource_name}}, name]} - {get_param: CloudDomain} short: - {get_attr: [{{server_resource_name}}, name]} PreNetworkConfig: type: OS::TripleO::{{role.name}}::PreNetworkConfig properties: server: {get_resource: {{server_resource_name}}} RoleParameters: {get_param: RoleParameters} ServiceNames: {get_param: ServiceNames} deployment_actions: {get_attr: [DeploymentActions, value]} # Resource for site-specific injection of root certificate NodeTLSCAData: depends_on: PreNetworkConfig type: OS::TripleO::NodeTLSCAData properties: server: {get_resource: {{server_resource_name}}} # Hook for site-specific additional pre-deployment config, e.g extra hieradata {{role.name}}ExtraConfigPre: type: OS::TripleO::{{role.name}}ExtraConfigPre # We have to use conditions here so that we don't break backwards # compatibility with templates everywhere condition: server_not_blacklisted properties: server: {get_resource: {{server_resource_name}}} # Hook for site-specific additional pre-deployment config, # applying to all nodes, e.g node registration/unregistration NodeExtraConfig: depends_on: - {{role.name}}ExtraConfigPre - NodeTLSCAData type: OS::TripleO::NodeExtraConfig # We have to use conditions here so that we don't break backwards # compatibility with templates everywhere condition: server_not_blacklisted properties: server: {get_resource: {{server_resource_name}}} DeploymentActions: type: OS::Heat::Value properties: value: if: - server_not_blacklisted - ['CREATE', 'UPDATE'] - [] {{server_resource_name}}AnsibleHostVars: type: OS::Heat::Value properties: type: json value: {%- for network in networks %} {%- if network.enabled|default(true) and network.name in role.networks|default([]) %} fqdn_{{network.name_lower}}: {get_attr: [NetHostMap, value, {{network.name_lower}}, fqdn]} {%- endif %} {%- endfor %} fqdn_ctlplane: {get_attr: [NetHostMap, value, ctlplane, fqdn]} fqdn_canonical: {get_attr: [NetHostMap, value, canonical, fqdn]} hostname_resolve_network: {get_param: [ServiceNetMap, {{role.name}}HostnameResolveNetwork]} outputs: ansible_host_vars_map: description: | Map of Ansible variables specific per host. This map is used to construct the AnsibleHostVarsMap output for the ansible vars per host in config-download. value: map_replace: - host: {get_attr: [{{server_resource_name}}AnsibleHostVars, value]} - keys: host: {get_attr: [{{server_resource_name}}, name]} ip_address: description: IP address of the server in the ctlplane network value: {get_attr: [{{server_resource_name}}, networks, ctlplane, 0]} blacklist_ip_address: description: IP address of the server if the server is blacklisted, otherwise this output will be an empty string value: if: - server_blacklisted - {get_attr: [{{server_resource_name}}, networks, ctlplane, 0]} - "" blacklist_hostname: description: Hostname of the server if the server is blacklisted, otherwise this output will be an empty string value: if: - server_blacklisted - {get_attr: [{{server_resource_name}}, name]} - "" hostname: description: Hostname of the server value: {get_attr: [{{server_resource_name}}, name]} hostname_map: description: Mapping of network names to hostnames value: {%- for network in networks %} {%- if network.enabled|default(true) and network.name in role.networks|default([]) %} {{network.name_lower|default(network.name.lower())}}: {get_attr: [NetHostMap, value, {{network.name_lower|default(network.name.lower()) }}, fqdn]} {%- endif %} {%- endfor %} ctlplane: {get_attr: [NetHostMap, value, ctlplane, fqdn]} canonical: {get_attr: [NetHostMap, value, canonical, fqdn]} hostname_network_config_map: description: Mapping of hostname to NetworkConfig resource value: map_replace: - HOSTNAME: {get_resource: NetworkConfig} - keys: HOSTNAME: {get_attr:[{{server_resource_name}}, name]} hosts_entry: value: str_replace: template: | PRIMARYIP PRIMARYHOST.DOMAIN PRIMARYHOST {%- for network in networks %} {%- if network.enabled|default(true) and network.name in role.networks|default([]) %} {{network.name}}IP {{network.name}}HOST.DOMAIN {{network.name}}HOST {%- endif %} {%- endfor %} CTLPLANEIP CTLPLANEHOST.DOMAIN CTLPLANEHOST params: PRIMARYIP: {get_attr: [NetIpMap, net_ip_map, {get_param: [ServiceNetMap, {{role.name}}HostnameResolveNetwork]}]} DOMAIN: {get_param: CloudDomain} PRIMARYHOST: {get_attr: [{{server_resource_name}}, name]} {%- for network in networks %} {%- if network.enabled|default(true) and network.name in role.networks|default([]) %} {{network.name}}IP: {get_attr: [{{network.name}}Port, ip_address]} {{network.name}}HOST: {get_attr: [NetHostMap, value, {{network.name_lower|default(network.name.lower())}}, short]} {%- endif %} {%- endfor %} CTLPLANEIP: {get_attr: [{{server_resource_name}}, networks, ctlplane, 0]} CTLPLANEHOST: {get_attr: [NetHostMap, value, ctlplane, short]} nova_server_resource: description: Heat resource handle for {{role.name}} server value: {get_resource: {{server_resource_name}}} condition: server_not_blacklisted deployed_server_port_map: description: | Map of Heat created hostname of the server to ip address. This is the hostname before it has been mapped with the HostnameMap parameter, and the IP address from the ctlplane network. This map can be used to construct the DeployedServerPortMap parameter when using split-stack. value: map_replace: - hostname: fixed_ips: - ip_address: {get_attr: [{{server_resource_name}}, networks, ctlplane, 0]} subnets: - cidr: {get_attr: [{{server_resource_name}}, addresses, ctlplane, 0, subnets, 0, cidr]} - keys: hostname: list_join: - '-' - - {get_param: Hostname} - ctlplane {%- for network in networks %} {%- if network.enabled|default(true) and network.name in role.networks|default([]) %} {{network.name_lower|default(network.name.lower())}}_ip_address: description: IP address of the server in the {{network.name}} network value: {get_attr: [{{network.name}}Port, ip_address]} {%- endif %} {%- endfor %}