#!/usr/bin/env python3 # Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may # not use this file except in compliance with the License. You may obtain # a copy of the License at # # http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 # # Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software # distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT # WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the # License for the specific language governing permissions and limitations # under the License. import argparse import collections import openstack import os import re import sys import yaml MIN_VIABLE_MTU_HEADER = ( "{% set mtu_list = [ctlplane_mtu] %}\n" "{% for network in role_networks %}\n" "{{ mtu_list.append(lookup('vars', networks_lower[network] ~ '_mtu')) }}\n" "{%- endfor %}\n" "{% set min_viable_mtu = mtu_list | max %}\n" ) DUAL_MIN_VIABLE_MTU_HEADER = ( "{% set mtu_ctlplane_list = [ctlplane_mtu] %}\n" "{% set mtu_dataplane_list = [] %}\n" "{% for network in role_networks %}\n" "{# This block resolves the minimum viable MTU for interfaces connected to #}\n" # noqa "{# the dataplane network(s), which start by Tenant, and also bonds #}\n" "{# and bridges that carry multiple VLANs. Each VLAN may have different MTU. #}\n" # noqa "{# The bridge, bond or interface must have an MTU to allow the VLAN with the #}\n" # noqa "{# largest MTU. #}\n" "{% if network.startswith('Tenant') %}\n" "{{ mtu_dataplane_list.append(lookup('vars', networks_lower[network] ~ '_mtu')) }}\n" # noqa "{# This block resolves the minimum viable MTU for interfaces connected to #}\n" # noqa "{# the control plane network(s) (don't start by Tenant), and also bonds #}\n" # noqa "{# and bridges that carry multiple VLANs. Each VLAN may have different MTU. #}\n" # noqa "{# The bridge, bond or interface must have an MTU to allow the VLAN with the #}\n" # noqa "{# largest MTU. #}\n" "{% else %}\n" "{{ mtu_ctlplane_list.append(lookup('vars', networks_lower[network] ~ '_mtu')) }}\n" # noqa "{%- endif %}\n" "{%- endfor %}\n" "{% set min_viable_mtu_ctlplane = mtu_ctlplane_list | max %}\n" "{% set min_viable_mtu_dataplane = mtu_dataplane_list | max %}\n" ) UNSUPPORTED_HEAT_INTRINSIC_FUNCTIONS = { 'get_file', 'get_resource', 'digest', 'repeat', 'resource_facade', 'str_replace', 'str_replace_strict', 'str_split', 'map_merge', 'map_replace', 'yaql', 'equals', 'if', 'not', 'and', 'or', 'filter', 'make_url', 'contains' } QUOTE_FIX = '%_fix_quote_%' DBL_QUOTE_FIX = '%_double_fix_quote_%' def parse_opts(argv): parser = argparse.ArgumentParser( description='Convert to Ansible Jinja2 NIC config templates.') parser.add_argument('--stack', metavar='STACK_NAME', help='Name or ID of heat stack (default=overcloud)', default='overcloud') parser.add_argument('-n', '--networks_file', metavar='', required=True, help=('Configuration file describing the network ' 'deployment.')) parser.add_argument('-y', '--yes', default=False, action='store_true', help='Overwrite existing files.') parser.add_argument('template', metavar='TEMPLATE_FILE', help='Existing NIC config template to convert.') opts = parser.parse_args(argv[1:]) return opts class TemplateDumper(yaml.SafeDumper): def represent_ordered_dict(self, data): return self.represent_dict(data.items()) class TemplateLoader(yaml.SafeLoader): def construct_mapping(self, node): self.flatten_mapping(node) return collections.OrderedDict(self.construct_pairs(node)) TemplateDumper.add_representer(collections.OrderedDict, TemplateDumper.represent_ordered_dict) TemplateLoader.add_constructor(yaml.BaseLoader, TemplateLoader.construct_mapping) class ConvertToAnsibleJ2(object): def __init__(self, stack_env, networks_file): self.stack_env = stack_env self.param_to_var_map = self.create_param_to_var_map(networks_file) self.hard_coded_parameters = list() @staticmethod def unwrap_j2_var(x): """Strip jinja2 brackets from string When nesting ansible vars in jinja2 the brackets must be removed. This also adds appropriate quote fix prefix and suffix. """ is_ansible_var = False if isinstance(x, str): if x.startswith('{{ ') and x.endswith(' }}'): is_ansible_var = True x = x[3:] x = x[:-3] else: raise RuntimeError( 'Unsupported type {} for method unwrap_j2_var'.format(type(x))) if is_ansible_var: return DBL_QUOTE_FIX + '{}'.format(x) + DBL_QUOTE_FIX else: return QUOTE_FIX + '{}'.format(x) + QUOTE_FIX @staticmethod def strip_j2_comment(x): """Strip jinja2 comment from string When nesting hard-coded parameter conversions in jinja2 the comment must be removed. """ return re.sub('{#.*#}', '', x) def normalize_complex(self, old): if isinstance(old, list): new = list() for i in old: if isinstance(i, str): new.append(self.strip_j2_comment(self.unwrap_j2_var(i))) if isinstance(i, (bool, int)): new.append(i) if isinstance(i, (list, dict)): new.append(self.normalize_complex(i)) elif isinstance(old, dict): new = dict() for k, v in old.items(): k = QUOTE_FIX + '{}'.format(k) + QUOTE_FIX if isinstance(v, str): new[k] = self.strip_j2_comment(self.unwrap_j2_var(v)) if isinstance(v, (bool, int)): new[k] = v if isinstance(v, (list, dict)): new[k] = self.normalize_complex(v) else: raise RuntimeError( 'Unsupported type {} for method normalize_complex'.format( type(old))) return new @staticmethod def to_j2_var(x): if not isinstance(x, str): raise RuntimeError( 'Unsupported type {} for method to_j2_var'.format(type(x))) return '{{{{ {} }}}}'.format(x) @staticmethod def quote_fix(x): return QUOTE_FIX + '{}'.format(x) + QUOTE_FIX def create_param_to_var_map(self, networks_file): _map = { 'ControlPlaneIp': self.to_j2_var('ctlplane_ip'), 'ControlPlaneSubnetCidr': self.to_j2_var('ctlplane_subnet_cidr'), 'ControlPlaneMtu': self.to_j2_var('ctlplane_mtu'), 'ControlPlaneDefaultRoute': self.to_j2_var('ctlplane_gateway_ip'), 'ControlPlaneStaticRoutes': self.to_j2_var('ctlplane_host_routes'), 'DnsServers': self.to_j2_var('ctlplane_dns_nameservers'), 'DnsSearchDomains': self.to_j2_var('dns_search_domains'), 'NumDpdkInterfaceRxQueues': self.to_j2_var('num_dpdk_interface_rx_queues'), 'BondInterfaceOvsOptions': self.to_j2_var('bond_interface_ovs_options') } with open(networks_file, 'r') as f: networks = yaml.safe_load(f.read()) for net in networks: name = net['name'] name_lower = net.get('name_lower', net['name'].lower()) _map.update({ name + 'NetworkVlanID': self.to_j2_var('{}_vlan_id'.format(name_lower)), name + 'IpSubnet': '/'.join([self.to_j2_var('{}_ip'.format(name_lower)), self.to_j2_var('{}_cidr'.format(name_lower))]), name + 'InterfaceDefaultRoute': self.to_j2_var('{}_gateway_ip'.format(name_lower)), name + 'InterfaceRoutes': self.to_j2_var('{}_host_routes'.format(name_lower)), name + 'Mtu': self.to_j2_var('{}_mtu'.format(name_lower)) }) return _map def convert_get_param(self, old): param = old['get_param'] if isinstance(param, str): if param in self.param_to_var_map: return self.param_to_var_map[param] elif param in self.stack_env.get('parameter_defaults', {}): stack_value = self.stack_env['parameter_defaults'][param] print('INFO - Custom Parameter {} was hard-coded in the ' 'converted template using the value from the Heat stack ' 'environment.\n' ' To parameterize the value an ansible var must be ' 'added using the {{role.name}}ExtraGroupVars ' 'THT interface and the template modified to use the ' 'ansible var.'.format(param)) j2_comment = ( '{{# NOTE! Custom parameter {} was hard-coded in ' 'the converted template. To parameterize use the ' '{{role.name}}ExtraGroupVars THT interface and update the ' 'template to use an ansible var. #}}'.format(param)) self.hard_coded_parameters.append(param) if isinstance(stack_value, str): return self.quote_fix(stack_value + j2_comment) else: return stack_value else: print('WARNING - Manual intervention required. Unable to ' 'convert get_param occurrence: {}'.format(old)) return self.quote_fix( 'NEED MANUAL CONVERSION: {}'.format(str(old))) elif isinstance(param, list): print('WARNING - can not convert get_param referencing values in ' 'complex datastructures. Please review the Ansible Jinja2 ' 'template and convert this manually.') return self.quote_fix( 'NEED MANUAL CONVERSION: {}'.format(str(old))) raise RuntimeError( 'Unexpected Type {} in get_param: {}'.format(type(param), old)) def convert_get_attr(self, old): attr = old['get_attr'] if not isinstance(attr, list): raise RuntimeError( 'Attributes for get_attr convertsion must of type list.') if 'MinViableMtu' in attr: return self.to_j2_var('min_viable_mtu') elif 'MinViableMtuBondApi' in attr: return self.to_j2_var('min_viable_mtu_ctlplane') elif 'MinViableMtuBondData' in attr: return self.to_j2_var('min_viable_mtu_dataplane') else: print('WARNING - only MinViableMtu and combined ' 'MinViableMtuBondApi + MinViableMtuBondData attribute can ' 'be converted. Please review the Ansible Jinja2 template ' 'and convert this manually.') return 'NEED MANUAL CONVERSION: {}'.format(str(old)) def convert_list_join(self, list_join_attrs): to_join = list() for x in list_join_attrs[1]: to_join.append(self.recursive_convert(x)) return list_join_attrs[0].join(to_join) def convert_list_concat(self, list_concat_attrs): ansible_concat_tpl = "{} | flatten" to_concatenate = list() if not isinstance(list_concat_attrs, list): raise RuntimeError('list_concat_args must be a list') for x in list_concat_attrs: to_concatenate.append(self.recursive_convert(x)) to_concatenate = self.normalize_complex(to_concatenate) new = ansible_concat_tpl.format(to_concatenate) return self.to_j2_var(new) def convert_list_concat_unique(self, list_concat_unique_attrs): ansible_concat_unique_tpl = "{} | flatten | unique" to_concatenate = list() if not isinstance(list_concat_unique_attrs, list): raise RuntimeError('list_concat_unique_attrs must be a list') for x in list_concat_unique_attrs: to_concatenate.append(self.recursive_convert(x)) to_concatenate = self.normalize_complex(to_concatenate) new = ansible_concat_unique_tpl.format(to_concatenate) return self.to_j2_var(new) @staticmethod def convert_unsupported(old, fn): print('WARNING - can not convert unsupported heat intrinsic function ' ' {}. Please review the Ansible Jinja2 template and convert ' 'this manually.'.format(fn)) return ('UNSUPPORTED HEAT INTRINSIC FUNCTION {} ' 'REQUIRES MANUAL CONVERSION {}'.format(fn, old)) def recursive_convert(self, old): if isinstance(old, (bool, str, int)): new = old elif isinstance(old, dict): for fn in UNSUPPORTED_HEAT_INTRINSIC_FUNCTIONS: if fn in old: return self.convert_unsupported(old, fn) if 'get_param' in old: return self.convert_get_param(old) elif 'get_attr' in old: return self.convert_get_attr(old) elif 'list_join' in old: return self.convert_list_join(old['list_join']) elif 'list_concat_unique' in old: return self.convert_list_concat_unique( old['list_concat_unique']) else: new = collections.OrderedDict() for k, v in old.items(): if isinstance(v, (bool, str, int)): new[k] = v elif isinstance(v, (list, dict)): new[k] = self.recursive_convert(v) else: raise RuntimeError( 'Unexpected Type {} for key: {}'.format( type(v), k)) elif isinstance(old, list): new = list() for x in old: new.append(self.recursive_convert(x)) else: raise RuntimeError( 'Unknown type {} for recursive convert'.format(type(old))) return new def convert_template(self, template): with open(template, 'r') as f: heat_tpl = yaml.safe_load(f.read()) resources = set(heat_tpl['resources'].keys()) if not resources.issubset({'OsNetConfigImpl', 'MinViableMtu', 'MinViableMtuBondApi', 'MinViableMtuBondData'}): msg = ('Only OsNetConfigImpl and MinViableMtu resoureces ' 'supported. Found resources: {}'.format(resources)) raise RuntimeError(msg) net_config_res = heat_tpl['resources'].get('OsNetConfigImpl') mtu_header = None if heat_tpl['resources'].get('MinViableMtu'): mtu_header = 'single' elif (heat_tpl['resources'].get('MinViableMtuBondApi') and heat_tpl['resources'].get('MinViableMtuBondData')): mtu_header = 'dual' if not net_config_res: raise RuntimeError('OsNetConfigImpl resource not found in ' 'template.') net_config_res_props = net_config_res['properties'] if net_config_res['type'] == 'OS::Heat::Value': h_net_conf = net_config_res_props['value'] elif net_config_res['type'] == 'OS::Heat::SoftwareConfig': h_net_conf = net_config_res_props['config']['str_replace'][ 'params']['$network_config']['network_config'] else: raise RuntimeError('No network config found in provided template.') j2_config = collections.OrderedDict({'network_config': []}) j2_net_conf = j2_config['network_config'] j2_net_conf.extend(self.recursive_convert(h_net_conf)) j2_header = None if self.hard_coded_parameters: j2_header = ( '{# The values of the following custom heat parameters was ' 'hard-coded into this template:\n') for param in self.hard_coded_parameters: j2_header += ' * {}\n'.format(param) j2_header += ( 'To parameterize use the {{role.name}}ExtraGroupVars THT ' 'interface and update the template to use an ansible var.\n' '#}\n') return j2_config, mtu_header, j2_header def write_j2_template(j2_template, j2_config, mtu_header, j2_header): """Write the Jinja2 template file This is done in three steps because the YAML dumper insists to add quotes: write the template file read the template file re-write it with quotes removed """ with open(j2_template, 'w') as f: if j2_header: f.write(j2_header) f.write('---\n') if mtu_header: if mtu_header == 'single': f.write(MIN_VIABLE_MTU_HEADER) elif mtu_header == 'dual': f.write(DUAL_MIN_VIABLE_MTU_HEADER) yaml.dump(j2_config, f, TemplateDumper, width=256, default_flow_style=False) with open(j2_template, 'r') as f: data = f.read() # Remove quote before jinja2 var reference data = data.replace('\'{{', '{{') # Remove quote after jinja2 var reference data = data.replace('}}\'', '}}') # Remove quote before value imported from stack environment data = data.replace('\'' + QUOTE_FIX, '') # Remove quote after value imported from stack environment data = data.replace(QUOTE_FIX + '\'', '') # Remove quote before value imported from stack environment data = data.replace('\'\'' + DBL_QUOTE_FIX, '') # Remove quote after value imported from stack environment data = data.replace(DBL_QUOTE_FIX + '\'\'', '') # Remove quote_fix string data = data.replace(QUOTE_FIX, '') data = data.replace(DBL_QUOTE_FIX, '') with open(j2_template, 'w') as f: f.write(data) def validate_files(opts, template, networks_file, j2_template): if not os.path.exists(template): raise RuntimeError('Template file not found {}.'.format(template)) if not os.path.isfile(template): raise RuntimeError('Template {} is not a file.'.format(template)) if not os.path.exists(networks_file): raise RuntimeError('Networks file not found, {}.'.format( networks_file)) if not os.path.isfile(networks_file): raise RuntimeError('Networks file {} is not a file.'.format( networks_file)) if os.path.exists(j2_template) and not opts.yes: raise RuntimeError('Ansible Jinja2 template {} already exists'.format( j2_template)) if os.path.exists(j2_template) and not os.path.isfile(j2_template): raise RuntimeError('Existing {} is not a file.'.format(j2_template)) pass def get_stack_environment(stack_name): try: conn = openstack.connect('undercloud') stack = conn.orchestration.find_stack(stack_name) if not stack: print('INFO: Heat stack {} not found.'.format(stack_name)) return {} stack_env = conn.orchestration.get_stack_environment(stack) except Exception as e: print('ERROR: Unable to get stack environment.') raise e return stack_env def main(): opts = parse_opts(sys.argv) template = os.path.abspath(opts.template) networks_file = os.path.abspath(opts.networks_file) j2_template = os.path.splitext(template)[0] + '.j2' validate_files(opts, template, networks_file, j2_template) stack_env = get_stack_environment(opts.stack) converter = ConvertToAnsibleJ2(stack_env, networks_file) j2_config, mtu_header, j2_header = converter.convert_template(template) write_j2_template(j2_template, j2_config, mtu_header, j2_header) if __name__ == '__main__': main()