heat_template_version: rocky {%- set octavia_standalone=[] -%} {%- for role in roles if 'standalone' in role.tags -%} {% if octavia_standalone.append('1') %}{% endif %} {%- endfor %} description: > Configuration of Octavia as-a-service resources in the overcloud. parameters: ServiceData: default: {} description: Dictionary packing service data type: json ServiceNetMap: default: {} description: Mapping of service_name -> network name. Typically set via parameter_defaults in the resource registry. This mapping overrides those in ServiceNetMapDefaults. type: json DefaultPasswords: default: {} type: json RoleName: default: '' description: Role name on which the service is applied type: string RoleParameters: default: {} description: Parameters specific to the role type: json EndpointMap: default: {} description: Mapping of service endpoint -> protocol. Typically set via parameter_defaults in the resource registry. type: json OctaviaPostWorkflowName: description: Mistral workflow name for octavia configuration steps once the overcloud is ready. type: string default: 'tripleo.octavia_post.v1.octavia_post_deploy' OctaviaAmphoraImageName: description: The glance image name used when spawning amphorae. Default is an empty string which will use the file name as the image name. type: string default: '' OctaviaAmphoraImageFilename: description: Filename for the amphora image. Image files are expected to be located in directory /usr/share/openstack-octavia-amphora-images. Using the default of an empty string will cause a distro specific default to be used. (e.g. /usr/share/openstack-octavia-amphora-images/amphora-x64-haproxy.qcow2 on CentOS and /usr/share/openstack-octavia-amphora-images/octavia-amphora.qcow2 on Red Hat Enterprise Linux). type: string default: '' OctaviaAmphoraImageTag: default: 'amphora-image' description: Glance image tag for identifying the amphora image. type: string OctaviaAmphoraSshKeyName: type: string default: 'octavia-ssh-key' description: SSH key name. OctaviaAmphoraSshKeyFile: type: string {% if not octavia_standalone %} default: '' {% endif %} description: Public key file path. User will be able to SSH into amphorae with the provided key. User may, in most cases, also elevate to root from user 'centos' (CentOS), 'ubuntu' (Ubuntu) or 'cloud-user' (RHEL) (depends on how amphora image was created). Logging in to amphorae provides a convenient way to e.g. debug load balancing services. NovaEnableRbdBackend: default: false description: Whether to enable or not the Rbd backend for Nova type: boolean OctaviaControlNetwork: description: The name for the neutron network used for the amphora control network type: string default: 'lb-mgmt-net' OctaviaControlSubnet: description: The name for the neutron subnet used for the amphora control network type: string default: 'lb-mgmt-subnet' OctaviaControlSecurityGroup: description: The name for the neutron security group used to control access on the amphora control network type: string default: 'lb-mgmt-sec-group' OctaviaControlSubnetCidr: description: Subnet for amphora control subnet in CIDR form. type: string default: '' OctaviaControlSubnetGateway: description: IP address for control network gateway type: string default: '' OctaviaControlSubnetPoolStart: description: First address in amphora control subnet address pool. type: string default: '' OctaviaControlSubnetPoolEnd: description: First address in amphora control subnet address pool. type: string default: '' OctaviaCaCertFile: type: string default: '/etc/octavia/certs/ca_01.pem' description: Octavia CA certificate file path. OctaviaCaKeyFile: type: string default: '/etc/octavia/certs/private/cakey.pem' description: Octavia CA private key file path. OctaviaCaKeyPassphrase: description: CA private key passphrase. type: string hidden: true OctaviaClientCertFile: default: '/etc/octavia/certs/client.pem' description: client certificate for amphoras type: string OctaviaGenerateCerts: type: boolean default: false description: Enable internal generation of certificates for secure communication with amphorae for isolated private clouds or systems where security is not a concern. Otherwise, use OctaviaCaCert, OctaviaCaKey, OctaviaCaKeyPassphrase and OctaviaClientCert to configure Octavia. OctaviaMgmtPortDevName: type: string default: "o-hm0" description: Name of the octavia management network interface using for communication between octavia worker/health-manager with the amphora machine. AdminPassword: description: The password for the keystone admin account, used for monitoring, querying neutron etc. type: string hidden: true OctaviaUserName: description: The username for the Octavia database and keystone accounts. type: string default: 'octavia' OctaviaPassword: description: The password for the Octavia database and keystone accounts. type: string hidden: true OctaviaProjectName: description: The project name for the keystone Octavia account. type: string default: 'service' ContainerCli: type: string default: 'podman' description: CLI tool used to manage containers. constraints: - allowed_values: ['docker', 'podman'] resources: {% if not octavia_standalone %} default_key_pair: type: OS::Nova::KeyPair external_id: default {% endif %} OctaviaVars: type: OS::Heat::Value properties: type: json value: vars: os_auth_type: "password" os_identity_api_version: "3" amp_image_name: { get_param: OctaviaAmphoraImageName } amp_image_filename: {get_param: OctaviaAmphoraImageFilename } amp_image_tag: { get_param: OctaviaAmphoraImageTag } amp_ssh_key_name: { get_param: OctaviaAmphoraSshKeyName } amp_ssh_key_path: { get_param: OctaviaAmphoraSshKeyFile } {% if not octavia_standalone %} amp_ssh_key_data: { get_attr: [default_key_pair, public_key] } {% endif %} {% raw %} amp_to_raw: { get_param: NovaEnableRbdBackend } auth_username: { get_param: OctaviaUserName } auth_password: { get_param: OctaviaPassword } auth_project_name: { get_param: OctaviaProjectName } lb_mgmt_net_name: { get_param: OctaviaControlNetwork } lb_mgmt_subnet_name: { get_param: OctaviaControlSubnet } lb_sec_group_name: { get_param: OctaviaControlSubnet } lb_mgmt_subnet_cidr: { get_param: OctaviaControlSubnetCidr } lb_mgmt_subnet_gateway: { get_param: OctaviaControlSubnetGateway } lb_mgmt_subnet_pool_start: { get_param: OctaviaControlSubnetPoolStart } lb_mgmt_subnet_pool_end: { get_param: OctaviaControlSubnetPoolEnd } ca_cert_path: { get_param: OctaviaCaCertFile } ca_private_key_path: { get_param: OctaviaCaKeyFile } ca_passphrase: { get_param: OctaviaCaKeyPassphrase } client_cert_path: { get_param: OctaviaClientCertFile } generate_certs: { get_param: OctaviaGenerateCerts } mgmt_port_dev: { get_param: OctaviaMgmtPortDevName } os_password: { get_param: AdminPassword } os_project_name: 'admin' os_username: 'admin' octavia_ansible_playbook: '/usr/share/tripleo-common/playbooks/octavia-files.yaml' os_auth_url: { get_param: [EndpointMap, KeystoneV3Public, uri] } octavia_local_tmpdir: "{{playbook_dir}}/octavia-ansible/local_dir" octavia_group_vars_dir: "{{playbook_dir}}/octavia-ansible/group_vars" container_cli: { get_param: ContainerCli } outputs: role_data: description: Role data for the Octavia configuration service value: service_name: octavia_deployment_config upgrade_tasks: [] puppet_config: config_image: '' config_volume: '' step_config: '' docker_config: {} config_settings: {} external_deploy_tasks: - name: octavia_post_deploy when: step == '5' block: - name: Set up group_vars set_fact: octavia_ansible_group_vars: { get_attr: [OctaviaVars, value, vars] } - name: Make needed directories on the undercloud file: path: "{{item}}" state: directory with_items: - "{{ octavia_ansible_group_vars.octavia_local_tmpdir }}" - "{{ octavia_ansible_group_vars.octavia_group_vars_dir }}" - name: Write group_vars file copy: dest: "{{ octavia_ansible_group_vars.octavia_group_vars_dir }}/octavia_vars.yaml" content: "{{ octavia_ansible_group_vars|to_nice_yaml }}" - name: Write octavia inventory copy: dest: "{{playbook_dir}}/octavia-ansible/inventory.yaml" content: | octavia_nodes: hosts: {%- set octavia_groups = ['worker'] -%} {%- for octavia_group in octavia_groups -%} {%- if 'octavia_' ~ octavia_groups %} {% for host in groups['octavia_' ~ octavia_group] -%} {{ hostvars.raw_get(host)['ansible_hostname'] }}: ansible_user: {{ hostvars.raw_get(host)['ansible_ssh_user'] | default('heat-admin') }} ansible_host: {{ hostvars.raw_get(host)['ansible_host'] | default(host) }} ansible_become: true {% endfor %} {%- endif -%} {%- endfor %} Undercloud: hosts: {% for host in groups['Undercloud'] -%} {{ hostvars.raw_get(host)['ansible_hostname'] }}: ansible_host: {{ hostvars.raw_get(host)['ansible_host'] | default(host) }} ansible_become: false ansible_connection: local {%- endfor -%} - name: Check for ssh_private_key in working directory stat: path: "{{playbook_dir}}/ssh_private_key" register: st - name: Set private key location set_fact: ansible_ssh_key: "{{ playbook_dir+'/ssh_private_key' if st.stat.exists else '~/.ssh/id_rsa' }}" - name: Configure octavia command set_fact: config_octavia_cmd: ansible-playbook -i "{{playbook_dir}}/octavia-ansible/inventory.yaml" --extra-vars @"{{ octavia_ansible_group_vars.octavia_group_vars_dir }}"/octavia_vars.yaml "{{ octavia_ansible_group_vars.octavia_ansible_playbook }}" --private-key "{{ ansible_ssh_key }}" - set_fact: octavia_log_dir: "{{playbook_dir}}/octavia-ansible/" - debug: msg: "Configure Octavia command is: {{ config_octavia_cmd }}" - name: Configure octavia on overcloud environment: ANSIBLE_HOST_KEY_CHECKING: False ANSIBLE_SSH_RETRIES: 3 ANSIBLE_RETRY_FILES_ENABLED: false ANSIBLE_LOCAL_TEMP: "{{ octavia_ansible_group_vars.octavia_local_tmpdir }}" ANSIBLE_LOG_PATH: "{{ octavia_log_dir }}/octavia-ansible.log" shell: "{{ config_octavia_cmd }}" - name: Purge temp dirs file: state: absent path: "{{ item }}" with_items: - "{{ octavia_ansible_group_vars.octavia_local_tmpdir }}" {% endraw %}