#!/bin/bash set -e function ping_retry() { local IP_ADDR=$1 local TIMES=${2:-'10'} local COUNT=0 local PING_CMD=ping if [[ $IP_ADDR =~ ":" ]]; then PING_CMD=ping6 fi until [ $COUNT -ge $TIMES ]; do if $PING_CMD -w 10 -c 1 $IP_ADDR &> /dev/null; then echo "Ping to $IP_ADDR succeeded." return 0 fi echo "Ping to $IP_ADDR failed. Retrying..." COUNT=$(($COUNT + 1)) sleep 60 done return 1 } # For each unique remote IP (specified via Heat) we check to # see if one of the locally configured networks matches and if so we # attempt a ping test the remote network IP. function ping_controller_ips() { local REMOTE_IPS=$1 for REMOTE_IP in $(echo $REMOTE_IPS | sed -e "s| |\n|g" | sort -u); do if [[ $REMOTE_IP =~ ":" ]]; then networks=$(ip -6 r | grep -v default | cut -d " " -f 1 | grep -v "unreachable") else networks=$(ip r | grep -v default | cut -d " " -f 1) fi for LOCAL_NETWORK in $networks; do in_network=$(python -c "import ipaddress; net=ipaddress.ip_network(u'$LOCAL_NETWORK'); addr=ipaddress.ip_address(u'$REMOTE_IP'); print(addr in net)") if [[ $in_network == "True" ]]; then echo "Trying to ping $REMOTE_IP for local network ${LOCAL_NETWORK}." set +e if ! ping_retry $REMOTE_IP; then echo "FAILURE" echo "$REMOTE_IP is not pingable. Local Network: $LOCAL_NETWORK" >&2 exit 1 fi set -e echo "SUCCESS" fi done done } # Ping all default gateways. There should only be one # if using upstream t-h-t network templates but we test # all of them should some manual network config have # multiple gateways. function ping_default_gateways() { DEFAULT_GW=$(ip r | grep ^default | cut -d " " -f 3) set +e for GW in $DEFAULT_GW; do echo -n "Trying to ping default gateway ${GW}..." if ! ping_retry $GW; then echo "FAILURE" echo "$GW is not pingable." exit 1 fi done set -e echo "SUCCESS" } # Verify the FQDN from the nova/ironic deployment matches # FQDN in the heat templates. function fqdn_check() { HOSTNAME=$(hostname) SHORT_NAME=$(hostname -s) FQDN_FROM_HOSTS=$(awk '$3 == "'${SHORT_NAME}'"{print $2}' /etc/hosts) echo -n "Checking hostname vs /etc/hosts entry..." if [[ $HOSTNAME != $FQDN_FROM_HOSTS ]]; then echo "FAILURE" echo -e "System hostname: ${HOSTNAME}\nEntry from /etc/hosts: ${FQDN_FROM_HOSTS}\n" exit 1 fi echo "SUCCESS" } # run chrony/ntpdate as available function _run_ntp_sync() { local NTP_SERVER=$1 if ! type ntpdate 2>/dev/null; then chronyd -Q "server $NTP_SERVER iburst" else ntpdate -qud $NTP_SERVER fi } # Verify at least one time source is available. function ntp_check() { NTP_SERVERS=$(hiera ntp::servers nil |tr -d '[],"') if [[ "$NTP_SERVERS" != "nil" ]];then echo -n "Testing NTP..." NTP_SUCCESS=0 for NTP_SERVER in $NTP_SERVERS; do set +e NTPDATE_OUT=$(_run_ntp_sync $NTP_SERVER 2>&1) NTPDATE_EXIT=$? set -e if [[ "$NTPDATE_EXIT" == "0" ]];then NTP_SUCCESS=1 break else NTPDATE_OUT_FULL="$NTPDATE_OUT_FULL $NTPDATE_OUT" fi done if [[ "$NTP_SUCCESS" == "0" ]];then echo "FAILURE" echo "$NTPDATE_OUT_FULL" exit 1 fi echo "SUCCESS" fi } ping_default_gateways ping_controller_ips "$ping_test_ips" if [[ $validate_fqdn == "True" ]];then fqdn_check fi if [[ $validate_ntp == "True" ]];then ntp_check fi