## DEPRECATED # KernelArgs and TunedProfileName has been moved from PreNetworkConfig to boot-params-service.yaml (TripleO service) # OvS-DPDK configurations has been moved from PreNetworkConfig to respective dpdk TripleO service (ml2-ovs, ml2-ovn) # host_config_and_reboot.yaml does not do anything, and soon it will be removed resource_registry: {% for role in roles %} OS::TripleO::{{role.name}}::PreNetworkConfig: OS::Heat::None {% endfor %} #parameter_defaults: # Note: There are no global parameters which can be applied to all roles as # these configuration have to be specific to role. # Sample parameters for Compute and ComputeOvsDpdk roles #ComputeParameters: #KernelArgs: "" #TunedProfileName: "" #IsolCpusList: "" #ComputeOvsDpdkParameters: #KernelArgs: "intel_iommu=on iommu=pt default_hugepagesz=1GB hugepagesz=1G hugepages=60" #TunedProfileName: "cpu-partitioning" #IsolCpusList: ""