--- upgrade: - | Deployers that used ``resource_registry`` override in their environment to add networks to roles without also using a custom roles data file must create a custom roles data file and add the additional network(s) and use this when upgrading. Previously it was possible to add additional networks to a role without using a custom role by overriding the resource registry, for example:: OS::TripleO::Compute::Ports::ExternalPort: ../network/ports/external.yaml .. Warning:: Since resources are no longer added to the plan unless the network is specified in the role, the ``resource_registry`` override alone is no longer sufficient. critical: - | Networks not specified for roles in roles data (``roles_data.yaml``) no longer have Heat resources created. It is now mandatory that custom roles are used when non-default networks is used for a role. Previously it was possible to add additional networks to a role without using a custom role by overriding the resource registry, for example:: OS::TripleO::Compute::Ports::ExternalPort: ../network/ports/external.yaml .. Note:: The ``resource_registry`` override was the only requirement prior to the introduction of *Composable Networks* in the Pike release. Since Pike a custom role would ideally be used when adding networks to roles, but documentation and other guides may not have been properly updated and only mention the ``resource_registry`` override.