# *******************************************************************
# This file was created automatically by the sample environment
# generator. Developers should use `tox -e genconfig` to update it.
# Users are recommended to make changes to a copy of the file instead
# of the original, if any customizations are needed.
# *******************************************************************
# title: Custom Hostnames
# description: |
#   Hostname format for each role
#   Note %index% is translated into the index of the node, e.g 0/1/2 etc
#   and %stackname% is replaced with OS::stack_name in the template below.
#   If you want to use the heat generated names, pass '' (empty string).
  # Format for BlockStorage node hostnames Note %index% is translated into the index of the node, e.g 0/1/2 etc and %stackname% is replaced with the stack name e.g overcloud
  # Type: string
  BlockStorageHostnameFormat: '%stackname%-blockstorage-%index%'

  # Format for CephStorage node hostnames Note %index% is translated into the index of the node, e.g 0/1/2 etc and %stackname% is replaced with the stack name e.g overcloud
  # Type: string
  CephStorageHostnameFormat: '%stackname%-cephstorage-%index%'

  # Format for Compute node hostnames Note %index% is translated into the index of the node, e.g 0/1/2 etc and %stackname% is replaced with the stack name e.g overcloud
  # Type: string
  ComputeHostnameFormat: '%stackname%-novacompute-%index%'

  # Format for Controller node hostnames Note %index% is translated into the index of the node, e.g 0/1/2 etc and %stackname% is replaced with the stack name e.g overcloud
  # Type: string
  ControllerHostnameFormat: '%stackname%-controller-%index%'

  # Format for ObjectStorage node hostnames Note %index% is translated into the index of the node, e.g 0/1/2 etc and %stackname% is replaced with the stack name e.g overcloud
  # Type: string
  ObjectStorageHostnameFormat: '%stackname%-objectstorage-%index%'