#!/bin/bash set -e CEPH_INFO=($*) if [ -z "$CEPH_INFO" ]; then echo "error: At least one CLUSTER:CLIENT tuple must be specified" exit 1 fi echo "------------------------------------------------" echo "Initializing virsh secrets for: ${CEPH_INFO[@]}" for INFO in ${CEPH_INFO[@]}; do IFS=: read CLUSTER CLIENT <<< $INFO if [ ! -f /etc/ceph/${CLUSTER}.conf ]; then echo "Error: /etc/ceph/${CLUSTER}.conf was not found" echo "Path to nova_libvirt_init_secret was ${CEPH_INFO}" exit 1 fi FSID=$(awk '$1 == "fsid" {print $3}' /etc/ceph/${CLUSTER}.conf) if [ -z "${FSID}" ]; then echo "Error: /etc/ceph/${CLUSTER}.conf contained an empty fsid definition" echo "Check your ceph configuration" exit 1 fi echo "--------" echo "Initializing the virsh secret for '$CLUSTER' cluster ($FSID) '$CLIENT' client" # Ensure the secret XML file exists. Puppet should have created a secret.xml # file for the first cluster's secret, so detect when to use that file. if grep -q $FSID /etc/nova/secret.xml; then SECRET_FILE="/etc/nova/secret.xml" SECRET_NAME="client.${CLIENT} secret" else SECRET_FILE="/etc/nova/${CLUSTER}-secret.xml" SECRET_NAME="${CLUSTER}.client.${CLIENT} secret" fi if [ ! -f $SECRET_FILE ]; then echo "Creating $SECRET_FILE" cat < $SECRET_FILE ${SECRET_NAME} ${FSID} EOF else echo "The $SECRET_FILE file already exists" fi # Ensure the libvirt secret is defined if /usr/bin/virsh secret-list | grep -q $FSID; then echo "The virsh secret for $FSID has already been defined" else /usr/bin/virsh secret-define --file $SECRET_FILE fi # Fetch the key from the keyring and ensure the secret is set KEY=$(awk '$1 == "key" {print $3}' /etc/ceph/${CLUSTER}.client.${CLIENT}.keyring) if /usr/bin/virsh secret-get-value $FSID 2>/dev/null | grep -q $KEY; then echo "The virsh secret for $FSID has already been set" else /usr/bin/virsh secret-set-value --secret $FSID --base64 $KEY fi done