heat_template_version: rocky description: > OpenStack containerized Nova Compute service parameters: ContainerNovaComputeImage: description: image type: string ContainerNovaLibvirtConfigImage: description: The container image to use for the nova_libvirt config_volume type: string DockerNovaComputeUlimit: default: ['nofile=131072', 'memlock=67108864'] description: ulimit for Nova Compute Container type: comma_delimited_list NovaComputeLoggingSource: type: json default: tag: openstack.nova.compute file: /var/log/containers/nova/nova-compute.log ServiceData: default: {} description: Dictionary packing service data type: json ServiceNetMap: default: {} description: Mapping of service_name -> network name. Typically set via parameter_defaults in the resource registry. This mapping overrides those in ServiceNetMapDefaults. type: json DefaultPasswords: default: {} type: json RoleName: default: '' description: Role name on which the service is applied type: string RoleParameters: default: {} description: Parameters specific to the role type: json EndpointMap: default: {} description: Mapping of service endpoint -> protocol. Typically set via parameter_defaults in the resource registry. type: json CephClientUserName: default: openstack type: string CephClusterName: type: string default: ceph description: The Ceph cluster name. constraints: - allowed_pattern: "[a-zA-Z0-9]+" description: > The Ceph cluster name must be at least 1 character and contain only letters and numbers. NovaComputeOptVolumes: default: [] description: list of optional volumes to be mounted type: comma_delimited_list tags: - role_specific NovaComputeOptEnvVars: default: {} description: hash of optional environment variables type: json tags: - role_specific EnableInstanceHA: default: false description: Whether to enable an Instance Ha configurarion or not. This setup requires the Compute role to have the PacemakerRemote service added to it. type: boolean NovaRbdPoolName: default: vms type: string description: The pool name for RBD backend ephemeral storage. tags: - role_specific CephClientKey: description: The Ceph client key. Can be created with ceph-authtool --gen-print-key. type: string hidden: true constraints: - allowed_pattern: "^[a-zA-Z0-9+/]{38}==$" CephClusterFSID: type: string description: The Ceph cluster FSID. Must be a UUID. CinderEnableNfsBackend: default: false description: Whether to enable or not the NFS backend for Cinder type: boolean NovaNfsEnabled: default: false description: Whether to enable or not the NFS backend for Nova type: boolean tags: - role_specific NovaNfsShare: default: '' description: NFS share to mount for nova storage (when NovaNfsEnabled is true) type: string tags: - role_specific NovaNfsOptions: default: 'context=system_u:object_r:nfs_t:s0' description: NFS mount options for nova storage (when NovaNfsEnabled is true) type: string tags: - role_specific NovaNfsVersion: default: '4' description: > NFS version used for nova storage (when NovaNfsEnabled is true). Since NFSv3 does not support full locking a NFSv4 version need to be used. To not break current installations the default is the previous hard coded version 4. type: string constraints: - allowed_pattern: "^4.?[0-9]?" tags: - role_specific CinderEnableRbdBackend: default: false description: Whether to enable or not the Rbd backend for Cinder type: boolean NovaEnableRbdBackend: default: false description: Whether to enable the Rbd backend for Nova ephemeral storage. type: boolean tags: - role_specific NovaPCIPassthrough: description: > List of PCI Passthrough whitelist parameters. Example - NovaPCIPassthrough: - vendor_id: "8086" product_id: "154c" address: "0000:05:00.0" physical_network: "datacentre" For different formats, refer to the nova.conf documentation for pci_passthrough_whitelist configuration type: json default: '' tags: - role_specific NovaComputeCpuSharedSet: description: | The behavior of this option depends on the deprecated `NovaVcpuPinSet` option: * `NovaVcpuPinSet` is not set: `NovaComputeCpuSharedSet` is set to a comma-separated list or range of physical host CPU numbers used to: - provide vCPU inventory - determine the host CPUs that unpinned instances can be scheduled to - determine the host CPUS that instance emulator threads should be offloaded to for instances configured with the share emulator thread policy, `hw:emulator_threads_policy=share` * `NovaVcpuPinSet` is set: `NovaComputeCpuSharedSet` is set to a list or range of host CPU cores used to determine the host CPUs that instance emulator threads should be offloaded to for instances configured with the share emulator thread policy (`hw:emulator_threads_policy=share`). In this case, `NovaVcpuPinSet` is used to provide vCPU inventory and to determine the host CPUs that both pinned and unpinned instances can be scheduled to. Ex. NovaComputeCpuSharedSet: [4-12,^8,15] will reserve cores from 4-12 and 15, excluding 8. type: comma_delimited_list default: [] tags: - role_specific NovaComputeCpuDedicatedSet: description: > A list or range of host CPU cores to which processes for pinned instance CPUs (PCPUs) can be scheduled. Ex. NovaComputeCpuDedicatedSet: [4-12,^8,15] will reserve cores from 4-12 and 15, excluding 8. type: comma_delimited_list default: [] tags: - role_specific NovaReservedHostMemory: description: > Reserved RAM for host processes. type: number default: 4096 constraints: - range: { min: 512 } tags: - role_specific NovaReservedHugePages: description: > A list of valid key=value which reflect NUMA node ID, page size (Default unit is KiB) and number of pages to be reserved. Example - NovaReservedHugePages: ["node:0,size:2048,count:64","node:1,size:1GB,count:1"] will reserve on NUMA node 0 64 pages of 2MiB and on NUMA node 1 1 page of 1GiB type: comma_delimited_list default: [] tags: - role_specific KernelArgs: default: "" type: string description: Kernel Args to apply to the host tags: - role_specific OvsDpdkSocketMemory: default: "" description: > Sets the amount of hugepage memory to assign per NUMA node. It is recommended to use the socket closest to the PCIe slot used for the desired DPDK NIC. The format should be in ", , ", where the value is specified in MB. For example: "1024,0". type: string tags: - role_specific MonitoringSubscriptionNovaCompute: default: 'overcloud-nova-compute' type: string MigrationSshKey: type: json description: > SSH key for migration. Expects a dictionary with keys 'public_key' and 'private_key'. Values should be identical to SSH public/private key files. default: public_key: '' private_key: '' MigrationSshPort: default: 2022 description: Target port for migration over ssh type: number VerifyGlanceSignatures: default: False description: Whether to verify image signatures. type: boolean NovaAutoDisabling: default: '10' description: Max number of consecutive build failures before the nova-compute will disable itself. type: string NeutronPhysnetNUMANodesMapping: description: | Map of physnet name as key and NUMA nodes as value. Ex. NeutronPhysnetNUMANodesMapping: {'foo': [0, 1], 'bar': [1]} where `foo` and `bar` are physnet names and corresponding values are list of associated numa_nodes. type: json default: {} tags: - role_specific NeutronTunnelNUMANodes: description: Used to configure NUMA affinity for all tunneled networks. type: comma_delimited_list default: [] tags: - role_specific NovaResumeGuestsStateOnHostBoot: default: false description: Whether to start running instance on compute host reboot type: boolean tags: - role_specific NovaLibvirtRxQueueSize: description: > virtio-net RX queue size. Valid values are 256, 512, 1024 default: 512 type: number constraints: - allowed_values: [ 256, 512, 1024 ] tags: - role_specific NovaLibvirtTxQueueSize: description: > virtio-net TX queue size. Valid values are 256, 512, 1024 default: 512 type: number constraints: - allowed_values: [ 256, 512, 1024 ] tags: - role_specific NovaLibvirtFileBackedMemory: description: > Available capacity in MiB for file-backed memory. When configured, the ``NovaRAMAllocationRatio`` and ``NovaReservedHostMemory`` parameters must be set to 0. default: 0 type: number tags: - role_specific NovaLibvirtVolumeUseMultipath: default: false description: Whether to enable or not the multipath connection of the volumes. type: boolean tags: - role_specific NovaHWMachineType: description: > To specify a default machine type per host architecture. default: 'x86_64=pc-i440fx-rhel7.6.0,aarch64=virt-rhel7.6.0,ppc64=pseries-rhel7.6.0,ppc64le=pseries-rhel7.6.0' type: string tags: - role_specific DeployIdentifier: default: '' type: string description: > Setting this to a unique value will re-run any deployment tasks which perform configuration on a Heat stack-update. NovaAdditionalCell: default: false description: Whether this is an cell additional to the default cell. type: boolean NovaComputeEnableKsm: default: false description: Whether to enable KSM on compute nodes or not. Especially in NFV use case one wants to keep it disabled. type: boolean tags: - role_specific AdminPassword: description: The password for the keystone admin account, used for monitoring, querying neutron etc. type: string hidden: true CinderPassword: description: The password for the cinder service and db account. type: string hidden: true KeystoneRegion: type: string default: 'regionOne' description: Keystone region for endpoint NovaLibvirtNumPciePorts: description: > Set `num_pcie_ports` to specify the number of PCIe ports an instance will get. Libvirt allows a custom number of PCIe ports (pcie-root-port controllers) a target instance will get. Some will be used by default, rest will be available for hotplug use. default: 16 type: number tags: - role_specific NovaLibvirtMemStatsPeriodSeconds: description: > A number of seconds to memory usage statistics period, zero or negative value mean to disable memory usage statistics. default: 10 type: number tags: - role_specific NovaLiveMigrationWaitForVIFPlug: description: Whether to wait for `network-vif-plugged` events before starting guest transfer. default: true type: boolean NovaLiveMigrationPermitPostCopy: description: > Set to "True" to activate the instance on the destination node before migration is complete, and to set an upper bound on the memory that needs to be transferred. default: '' type: string constraints: - allowed_values: [ '', 'true', 'True', 'TRUE', 'false', 'False', 'FALSE'] tags: - role_specific NovaLiveMigrationPermitAutoConverge: description: > Set to "True" to slow down the instance CPU until the memory copy process is faster than the instance's memory writes when the migration performance is slow and might not complete. Auto converge will only be used if this flag is set to True and post copy is not permitted or post copy is unavailable due to the version of libvirt and QEMU. default: '' type: string constraints: - allowed_values: [ '', 'true', 'True', 'TRUE', 'false', 'False', 'FALSE'] tags: - role_specific MultipathdEnable: default: false description: Whether to enable the multipath daemon type: boolean NovaPassword: description: The password for the nova service and db account type: string hidden: true NovaCPUAllocationRatio: type: number description: Virtual CPU to physical CPU allocation ratio. default: 0.0 tags: - role_specific NovaRAMAllocationRatio: type: number description: Virtual RAM to physical RAM allocation ratio. default: 1.0 tags: - role_specific NovaDiskAllocationRatio: type: number description: Virtual disk to physical disk allocation ratio. default: 0.0 tags: - role_specific NovaEnableVTPM: type: boolean description: > Whether to enable support for enumlated Trusted Platform Module (TPM) devices. default: false tags: - role_specific NovaMaxDiskDevicesToAttach: type: number description: > Maximum number of disk devices allowed to attach to a single server. Note that the number of disks supported by an server depends on the bus used. For example, the ide disk bus is limited to 4 attached devices. The configured maximum is enforced during server create, rebuild, evacuate, unshelve, live migrate, and attach volume. Operators changing this parameter on a compute service that is hosting servers should be aware that it could cause rebuilds to fail, if the maximum is decreased lower than the number of devices already attached to servers. Operators should also be aware that during a cold migration, the configured maximum is only enforced in-place and the destination is not checked before the move. -1 means unlimited default: -1 tags: - role_specific NovaPMEMMappings: type: string description: > PMEM namespace mappings as backend for vPMEM feature. This parameter sets Nova's `pmem_namespaces` configuration options. PMEM namespaces needs to be create manually or with conjunction with `NovaPMEMNamespaces` parameter. Requires format: $LABEL:$NSNAME[|$NSNAME][,$LABEL:$NSNAME[|$NSNAME]]. default: "" tags: - role_specific NovaPMEMNamespaces: type: string description: > Creates PMEM namespaces on the host server using `ndctl` tool through Ansible. Requires format: $SIZE:$NSNAME[,$SIZE:$NSNAME...]. $SIZE supports the suffixes "k" or "K" for KiB, "m" or "M" for MiB, "g" or "G" for GiB and "t" or "T" for TiB. NOTE: This requires properly configured NVDIMM regions and enough space for requested namespaces. default: "" tags: - role_specific NovaImageCacheTTL: type: number description: > Time in seconds that nova compute should continue caching an image once it is no longer used by any instances on the host default: 86400 tags: - role_specific NovaVGPUTypesDeviceAddressesMapping: type: json description: > Map of vgpu type(s) the instances can get as key and list of corresponding device addresses as value. Ex. NovaVGPUTypesDeviceAddressesMapping: {'nvidia-35': ['0000:84:00.0', '0000:85:00.0'], 'nvidia-36': ['0000:86:00.0']} where `nvidia-35` and `nvidia-36` are vgpu types and corresponding values are list of associated device addresses. default: {} tags: - role_specific NovaComputeDisableIrqBalance: default: false description: Whether to disable irqbalance on compute nodes or not. Especially in Realtime Compute role one wants to keep it disabled. type: boolean tags: - role_specific NovaLibvirtCPUMode: type: string description: > The libvirt CPU mode to configure. Defaults to 'host-model' if virt_type is set to kvm, otherwise defaults to 'none' default: 'host-model' constraints: - allowed_values: - custom - host-model - none - host-passthrough tags: - role_specific NovaLibvirtCPUModels: type: comma_delimited_list description: > The named libvirt CPU model (see names listed in /usr/share/libvirt/cpu_map.xml). Only has effect if cpu_mode="custom" and virt_type="kvm|qemu" default: [] tags: - role_specific NovaLibvirtCPUModelExtraFlags: type: string description: > This allows specifying granular CPU feature flags when specifying CPU models. Only has effect if cpu_mode is not set to 'none'. default: '' tags: - role_specific NovaDisableImageDownloadToRbd: type: boolean description: > Refuse to boot an instance if it would require downloading from glance and uploading to ceph instead of a COW clone. default: false tags: - role_specific NovaStatedirOwnershipSkip: type: comma_delimited_list description: > List of paths relative to nova_statedir to ignore when recursively setting the ownership and selinux context. default: - 'triliovault-mounts' NovaLibvirtMaxQueues: type: number description: > Add parameter to configure the libvirt max_queues. The maximum number of virtio queue pairs that can be enabled when creating a multiqueue guest. The number of virtio queues allocated will be the lesser of the CPUs requested by the guest and the max value defined. Default 0 corresponds to not set default: 0 tags: - role_specific EnableInternalTLS: type: boolean default: false UseTLSTransportForLiveMigration: type: boolean default: true description: If set to true and if EnableInternalTLS is enabled, it will set the libvirt URI's transport to tls and configure the relevant keys for libvirt. # DEPRECATED: the following options are deprecated and are currently maintained # for backwards compatibility. They will be removed in future release. NovaVcpuPinSet: description: > A list or range of host CPU cores to which processes for unpinned instance CPUs (VCPUs) can be scheduled, if NovaCpuSharedSet is set, or to which both emulator threads and processes for unpinned instance CPUs (VCPUs) can be scheduled, if NovaCpuSharedSet is unset. Ex. NovaVcpuPinSet: ['4-12','^8'] will reserve cores from 4-12 excluding 8 type: comma_delimited_list default: [] tags: - role_specific parameter_groups: - label: deprecated description: | The following parameters are deprecated and will be removed. They should not be relied on for new deployments. If you have concerns regarding deprecated parameters, please contact the TripleO development team on IRC or the Openstack mailing list. parameters: - NovaVcpuPinSet resources: ContainersCommon: type: ../containers-common.yaml NovaComputeCommon: type: ./nova-compute-common-container-puppet.yaml properties: ServiceData: {get_param: ServiceData} ServiceNetMap: {get_param: ServiceNetMap} DefaultPasswords: {get_param: DefaultPasswords} EndpointMap: {get_param: EndpointMap} RoleName: {get_param: RoleName} RoleParameters: {get_param: RoleParameters} NovaLogging: type: OS::TripleO::Services::Logging::NovaCommon properties: ContainerNovaImage: {get_param: ContainerNovaComputeImage} NovaServiceName: 'compute' NovaBase: type: ./nova-base-puppet.yaml properties: ServiceData: {get_param: ServiceData} ServiceNetMap: {get_param: ServiceNetMap} DefaultPasswords: {get_param: DefaultPasswords} EndpointMap: {get_param: EndpointMap} RoleName: {get_param: RoleName} RoleParameters: {get_param: RoleParameters} # Merging role-specific parameters (RoleParameters) with the default parameters. # RoleParameters will have the precedence over the default parameters. RoleParametersValue: type: OS::Heat::Value properties: type: json value: map_replace: - map_replace: - nova::compute::vcpu_pin_set: NovaVcpuPinSet nova::compute::cpu_shared_set: NovaComputeCpuSharedSet nova::compute::cpu_dedicated_set: NovaComputeCpuDedicatedSet nova::compute::reserved_host_memory: NovaReservedHostMemory nova::compute::reserved_huge_pages: NovaReservedHugePages nova::compute::neutron_physnets_numa_nodes_mapping: NeutronPhysnetNUMANodesMapping nova::compute::neutron_tunnel_numa_nodes: NeutronTunnelNUMANodes nova::compute::resume_guests_state_on_host_boot: NovaResumeGuestsStateOnHostBoot nova::compute::libvirt::rx_queue_size: NovaLibvirtRxQueueSize nova::compute::libvirt::tx_queue_size: NovaLibvirtTxQueueSize nova::compute::libvirt::file_backed_memory: NovaLibvirtFileBackedMemory nova::compute::libvirt::volume_use_multipath: NovaLibvirtVolumeUseMultipath nova::compute::libvirt::hw_machine_type: NovaHWMachineType compute_enable_ksm: NovaComputeEnableKsm nova::compute::rbd::libvirt_images_rbd_pool: NovaRbdPoolName tripleo::profile::base::nova::compute::nova_nfs_enabled: NovaNfsEnabled nfs_backend_enable: NovaNfsEnabled nfs_share: NovaNfsShare nfs_options: NovaNfsOptions nfs_vers: NovaNfsVersion nova::compute::libvirt::num_pcie_ports: NovaLibvirtNumPciePorts nova::compute::libvirt::mem_stats_period_seconds: NovaLibvirtMemStatsPeriodSeconds nova::compute::rbd::ephemeral_storage: NovaEnableRbdBackend resume_guests_state_on_host_boot: NovaResumeGuestsStateOnHostBoot nova::cpu_allocation_ratio: NovaCPUAllocationRatio nova::ram_allocation_ratio: NovaRAMAllocationRatio nova::disk_allocation_ratio: NovaDiskAllocationRatio nova::compute::max_disk_devices_to_attach: NovaMaxDiskDevicesToAttach nova::compute::libvirt::pmem_namespaces: NovaPMEMMappings nova_pmem_namespaces: NovaPMEMNamespaces nova::compute::libvirt::remove_unused_original_minimum_age_seconds: NovaImageCacheTTL nova::compute::libvirt::swtpm_enabled: NovaEnableVTPM nova::compute::vgpu::vgpu_types_device_addresses_mapping: NovaVGPUTypesDeviceAddressesMapping compute_disable_irqbalance: NovaComputeDisableIrqBalance nova::compute::libvirt::cpu_mode: NovaLibvirtCPUMode nova::compute::libvirt::cpu_models: NovaLibvirtCPUModels nova::compute::libvirt::cpu_model_extra_flags: NovaLibvirtCPUModelExtraFlags nova_compute_opt_volumes: NovaComputeOptVolumes nova_compute_opt_env_vars: NovaComputeOptEnvVars nova::workarounds::never_download_image_if_on_rbd: NovaDisableImageDownloadToRbd nova_permit_post_copy: NovaLiveMigrationPermitPostCopy nova_permit_auto_converge: NovaLiveMigrationPermitAutoConverge - values: {get_param: [RoleParameters]} - values: NovaVcpuPinSet: {get_param: NovaVcpuPinSet} NovaComputeCpuSharedSet: {get_param: NovaComputeCpuSharedSet} NovaComputeCpuDedicatedSet: {get_param: NovaComputeCpuDedicatedSet} NovaReservedHostMemory: {get_param: NovaReservedHostMemory} NovaReservedHugePages: #"repeat" function is run for the case when OvsDpdkSocketMemory is set # and when neither global or role based NovaReservedHugePages are set. if: - reserved_huge_pages_set - get_param: NovaReservedHugePages - if: - ovs_dpdk_socket_memory_not_set - get_param: NovaReservedHugePages - repeat: for_each: <%node%>: yaql: expression: range(0,len($.data.dpdk_p)).join(",").split(",") data: dpdk_p: if: - {equals: [{get_param: [RoleParameters, OvsDpdkSocketMemory]}, ""]} - str_split: [',',{get_param: OvsDpdkSocketMemory}] - str_split: [',',{get_param: [RoleParameters, OvsDpdkSocketMemory]}] <%size%>: yaql: expression: let(hzx => regex("([0-9]+[K|M|G])").search($.data.kern_p+$.data.kern_g)) -> let(hz =>switch($hzx = "4K" => "4", $hzx = "2M" => "2048", $hzx = "1G" => "1048576", $hzx => "2048", $hzx = null => "2048")) -> [$hz]*len($.data.dpdk_p) data: dpdk_p: if: - {equals: [{get_param: [RoleParameters, OvsDpdkSocketMemory]}, ""]} - str_split: [',',{get_param: OvsDpdkSocketMemory}] - str_split: [',',{get_param: [RoleParameters, OvsDpdkSocketMemory]}] kern_p: {get_param: [RoleParameters, KernelArgs]} kern_g: {get_param: KernelArgs} <%count%>: yaql: expression: let(hzx => regex("([0-9]+[K|M|G])").search($.data.kern_p+$.data.kern_g)) -> let(hz =>int(switch($hzx = "4K" => "4", $hzx = "2M" => "2048", $hzx = "1G" => "1048576", $hzx => "2048", $hzx = null => "2048"))) -> $.data.dpdk_p.select(int($)*1024/$hz).join(",").split(',') data: dpdk_p: if: - {equals: [{get_param: [RoleParameters, OvsDpdkSocketMemory]}, ""]} - str_split: [',',{get_param: OvsDpdkSocketMemory}] - str_split: [',',{get_param: [RoleParameters, OvsDpdkSocketMemory]}] kern_p: {get_param: [RoleParameters, KernelArgs]} kern_g: {get_param: KernelArgs} template: >- node:<%node%>,size:<%size%>,count:<%count%> permutations: false NeutronPhysnetNUMANodesMapping: {get_param: NeutronPhysnetNUMANodesMapping} NeutronTunnelNUMANodes: {get_param: NeutronTunnelNUMANodes} NovaResumeGuestsStateOnHostBoot: {get_param: NovaResumeGuestsStateOnHostBoot} NovaLibvirtRxQueueSize: {get_param: NovaLibvirtRxQueueSize} NovaLibvirtTxQueueSize: {get_param: NovaLibvirtTxQueueSize} NovaLibvirtFileBackedMemory: {get_param: NovaLibvirtFileBackedMemory} NovaLibvirtVolumeUseMultipath: {get_param: NovaLibvirtVolumeUseMultipath} NovaHWMachineType: {get_param: NovaHWMachineType} NovaComputeEnableKsm: {get_param: NovaComputeEnableKsm} NovaRbdPoolName: {get_param: NovaRbdPoolName} NovaNfsEnabled: {get_param: NovaNfsEnabled} NovaNfsShare: {get_param: NovaNfsShare} NovaNfsOptions: {get_param: NovaNfsOptions} NovaNfsVersion: {get_param: NovaNfsVersion} NovaLibvirtNumPciePorts: {get_param: NovaLibvirtNumPciePorts} NovaLibvirtMemStatsPeriodSeconds: {get_param: NovaLibvirtMemStatsPeriodSeconds} NovaEnableRbdBackend: {get_param: NovaEnableRbdBackend} NovaCPUAllocationRatio: {get_param: NovaCPUAllocationRatio} NovaRAMAllocationRatio: {get_param: NovaRAMAllocationRatio} NovaDiskAllocationRatio: {get_param: NovaDiskAllocationRatio} NovaEnableVTPM: {get_param: NovaEnableVTPM} NovaMaxDiskDevicesToAttach: {get_param: NovaMaxDiskDevicesToAttach} NovaPMEMMappings: {get_param: NovaPMEMMappings} NovaPMEMNamespaces: {get_param: NovaPMEMNamespaces} NovaImageCacheTTL: {get_param: NovaImageCacheTTL} NovaVGPUTypesDeviceAddressesMapping: {get_param: NovaVGPUTypesDeviceAddressesMapping} NovaComputeDisableIrqBalance: {get_param: NovaComputeDisableIrqBalance} NovaLibvirtCPUMode: {get_param: NovaLibvirtCPUMode} NovaLibvirtCPUModels: {get_param: NovaLibvirtCPUModels} NovaLibvirtCPUModelExtraFlags: {get_param: NovaLibvirtCPUModelExtraFlags} NovaComputeOptVolumes: {get_param: NovaComputeOptVolumes} NovaComputeOptEnvVars: {get_param: NovaComputeOptEnvVars} NovaDisableImageDownloadToRbd: {get_param: NovaDisableImageDownloadToRbd} NovaLiveMigrationPermitPostCopy: {get_param: NovaLiveMigrationPermitPostCopy} NovaLiveMigrationPermitAutoConverge: {get_param: NovaLiveMigrationPermitAutoConverge} NovaLibvirtMaxQueues: {get_param: NovaLibvirtMaxQueues} conditions: enable_instance_ha: {equals: [{get_param: EnableInstanceHA}, true]} use_tls_for_live_migration: and: - {get_param: EnableInternalTLS} - {get_param: UseTLSTransportForLiveMigration} libvirt_file_backed_memory_enabled: not: or: - equals: [{get_param: NovaLibvirtFileBackedMemory}, ''] - equals: [{get_param: [RoleParameters, NovaLibvirtFileBackedMemory]}, ''] - equals: [{get_param: NovaLibvirtFileBackedMemory}, 0] - equals: [{get_param: [RoleParameters, NovaLibvirtFileBackedMemory]}, 0] is_not_additional_cell: {equals: [{get_param: NovaAdditionalCell}, false]} reserved_huge_pages_set: not: and: - equals: [{get_param: [RoleParameters, NovaReservedHugePages]}, ""] - equals: [{get_param: NovaReservedHugePages}, []] live_migration_optimization_set: and: - not: {equals: [{get_param: [RoleParameters, TunedProfileName]}, 'realtime-virtual-host']} - reserved_huge_pages_set ovs_dpdk_socket_memory_not_set: and: - equals: [{get_param: [RoleParameters, OvsDpdkSocketMemory]}, ""] - equals: [{get_param: OvsDpdkSocketMemory}, ""] permit_post_copy_set: not: and: - equals: [{get_param: [RoleParameters, NovaLiveMigrationPermitPostCopy]}, ''] - equals: [{get_param: NovaLiveMigrationPermitPostCopy}, ''] permit_auto_converge_set: not: and: - equals: [{get_param: [RoleParameters, NovaLiveMigrationPermitAutoConverge]}, ''] - equals: [{get_param: NovaLiveMigrationPermitAutoConverge}, ''] nova_libvirt_max_queues_set: not: or: - equals: [{get_param: NovaLibvirtMaxQueues}, 0] - equals: [{get_param: [RoleParameters, NovaLibvirtMaxQueues]}, 0] outputs: role_data: description: Role data for the Nova Compute service. value: service_name: nova_compute monitoring_subscription: {get_param: MonitoringSubscriptionNovaCompute} config_settings: map_merge: - get_attr: [NovaLogging, config_settings] - get_attr: [NovaBase, role_data, config_settings] - get_attr: [RoleParametersValue, value] - nova::compute::libvirt::manage_libvirt_services: false nova::compute::pci::passthrough: str_replace: template: "JSON_PARAM" params: map_replace: - map_replace: - JSON_PARAM: NovaPCIPassthrough - values: {get_param: [RoleParameters]} - values: NovaPCIPassthrough: {get_param: NovaPCIPassthrough} # we manage migration in nova common puppet profile nova::compute::libvirt::migration_support: false tripleo::profile::base::nova::migration::client::nova_compute_enabled: true tripleo::profile::base::nova::migration::client::ssh_private_key: {get_param: [ MigrationSshKey, private_key ]} tripleo::profile::base::nova::migration::client::ssh_port: {get_param: MigrationSshPort} nova::compute::rbd::libvirt_images_rbd_ceph_conf: list_join: - '' - - '/etc/ceph/' - {get_param: CephClusterName} - '.conf' nova::compute::rbd::libvirt_rbd_user: {get_param: CephClientUserName} nova::compute::rbd::rbd_keyring: list_join: - '.' - - 'client' - {get_param: CephClientUserName} tripleo::profile::base::nova::compute::cinder_nfs_backend: {get_param: CinderEnableNfsBackend} rbd_persistent_storage: {get_param: CinderEnableRbdBackend} nova::keystone::authtoken::project_name: 'service' nova::keystone::authtoken::user_domain_name: 'Default' nova::keystone::authtoken::project_domain_name: 'Default' nova::keystone::authtoken::password: {get_param: NovaPassword} nova::keystone::authtoken::www_authenticate_uri: {get_param: [EndpointMap, KeystoneInternal, uri_no_suffix] } nova::keystone::authtoken::auth_url: {get_param: [EndpointMap, KeystoneInternal, uri_no_suffix]} nova::keystone::authtoken::region_name: {get_param: KeystoneRegion} nova::keystone::authtoken::interface: 'internal' nova::cinder::username: 'cinder' nova::cinder::auth_type: 'v3password' nova::cinder::project_name: 'service' nova::cinder::password: {get_param: CinderPassword} nova::cinder::auth_url: {get_param: [EndpointMap, KeystoneV3Internal, uri]} nova::cinder::region_name: {get_param: KeystoneRegion} nova::compute::rbd::libvirt_rbd_secret_key: {get_param: CephClientKey} nova::compute::rbd::libvirt_rbd_secret_uuid: {get_param: CephClusterFSID} nova::compute::instance_usage_audit: true nova::compute::instance_usage_audit_period: 'hour' nova::compute::consecutive_build_service_disable_threshold: {get_param: NovaAutoDisabling} nova::compute::live_migration_wait_for_vif_plug: {get_param: NovaLiveMigrationWaitForVIFPlug} nova::migration::libvirt::live_migration_permit_post_copy: if: - permit_post_copy_set - contains: - {get_attr: [RoleParametersValue, value, nova_permit_post_copy]} - ["TRUE", "true", "True"] - if: - live_migration_optimization_set - true - false nova::migration::libvirt::live_migration_permit_auto_converge: if: - permit_auto_converge_set - contains: - {get_attr: [RoleParametersValue, value, nova_permit_auto_converge]} - ["TRUE", "true", "True"] - if: - live_migration_optimization_set - true - false # TUNNELLED mode is not compatible with post_copy. nova::migration::libvirt::live_migration_tunnelled: false # NOTE: bind IP is found in hiera replacing the network name with the # local node IP for the given network; replacement examples # (eg. for internal_api): # internal_api -> IP # internal_api_uri -> [IP] # internal_api_subnet - > IP/CIDR nova::compute::vncserver_proxyclient_address: str_replace: template: "%{hiera('$NETWORK')}" params: $NETWORK: {get_param: [ServiceNetMap, NovaLibvirtNetwork]} nova::compute::vncproxy_host: {get_param: [EndpointMap, NovaPublic, host_nobrackets]} nova::vncproxy::common::vncproxy_protocol: {get_param: [EndpointMap, NovaVNCProxyCellPublic, protocol]} nova::vncproxy::common::vncproxy_host: {get_param: [EndpointMap, NovaVNCProxyCellPublic, host_nobrackets]} nova::vncproxy::common::vncproxy_port: {get_param: [EndpointMap, NovaVNCProxyCellPublic, port]} nova::compute::verify_glance_signatures: {get_param: [VerifyGlanceSignatures]} # if libvirt_file_backed_memory_enabled we have to set ram_allocation_ratio to 1.0 nova::ram_allocation_ratio: if: - libvirt_file_backed_memory_enabled - '1.0' - {get_attr: [RoleParametersValue, value, 'nova::ram_allocation_ratio']} - if: - nova_libvirt_max_queues_set - nova::compute::libvirt::max_queues: {get_attr: [RoleParametersValue, value, nova_libvirt_max_queues]} - {} service_config_settings: rsyslog: tripleo_logging_sources_nova_compute: - {get_param: NovaComputeLoggingSource} collectd: tripleo.collectd.plugins.nova_compute: - virt collectd::plugin::virt::connection: 'qemu:///system' puppet_config: config_volume: nova_libvirt puppet_tags: nova_config,nova_paste_api_ini step_config: | # TODO(emilien): figure how to deal with libvirt profile. # We'll probably treat it like we do with Neutron plugins. # Until then, just include it in the default nova-compute role. include tripleo::profile::base::nova::compute::libvirt config_image: {get_param: ContainerNovaLibvirtConfigImage} kolla_config: /var/lib/kolla/config_files/nova_compute.json: command: list_join: - ' ' - - if: - enable_instance_ha - /var/lib/nova/instanceha/check-run-nova-compute - /usr/bin/nova-compute - get_attr: [NovaLogging, cmd_extra_args] config_files: - source: "/var/lib/kolla/config_files/src/*" dest: "/" merge: true preserve_properties: true - source: "/var/lib/kolla/config_files/src-iscsid/*" dest: "/etc/iscsi/" merge: true preserve_properties: true - source: "/var/lib/kolla/config_files/src-ceph/" dest: "/etc/ceph/" merge: true preserve_properties: true permissions: - path: /var/log/nova owner: nova:nova recurse: true - path: str_replace: template: /etc/ceph/CLUSTER.client.USER.keyring params: CLUSTER: {get_param: CephClusterName} USER: {get_param: CephClientUserName} owner: nova:nova perm: '0600' container_config_scripts: map_merge: - {get_attr: [ContainersCommon, container_config_scripts]} - {get_attr: [NovaComputeCommon, container_config_scripts]} docker_config: step_2: get_attr: [NovaLogging, docker_config, step_2] step_3: nova_statedir_owner: image: &nova_compute_image {get_param: ContainerNovaComputeImage} net: none user: root security_opt: label=disable privileged: false detach: false volumes: - /var/lib/nova:/var/lib/nova:shared - /var/lib/_nova_secontext:/var/lib/_nova_secontext:shared,z - /var/lib/container-config-scripts/:/container-config-scripts/:z command: "/container-config-scripts/pyshim.sh /container-config-scripts/nova_statedir_ownership.py" environment: # NOTE: this should force this container to re-run on each # update (scale-out, etc.) TRIPLEO_DEPLOY_IDENTIFIER: {get_param: DeployIdentifier} __OS_DEBUG: yaql: expression: str($.data.debug) data: debug: {get_attr: [NovaBase, role_data, config_settings, 'nova::logging::debug']} NOVA_STATEDIR_OWNERSHIP_SKIP: list_join: - ':' - {get_param: NovaStatedirOwnershipSkip} step_5: map_merge: - nova_compute: start_order: 3 image: *nova_compute_image ulimit: {get_param: DockerNovaComputeUlimit} ipc: host net: host privileged: true user: nova restart: always depends_on: - tripleo_nova_libvirt.service healthcheck: {get_attr: [ContainersCommon, healthcheck_rpc_port]} volumes: list_concat: - {get_attr: [ContainersCommon, volumes]} - {get_attr: [NovaLogging, volumes]} - {get_attr: [RoleParametersValue, value, nova_compute_opt_volumes]} - - /etc/ssh/ssh_known_hosts:/etc/ssh/ssh_known_hosts:ro - /var/lib/kolla/config_files/nova_compute.json:/var/lib/kolla/config_files/config.json:ro - /var/lib/config-data/puppet-generated/nova_libvirt:/var/lib/kolla/config_files/src:ro - /etc/iscsi:/var/lib/kolla/config_files/src-iscsid:ro - /etc/ceph:/var/lib/kolla/config_files/src-ceph:ro - /dev:/dev - /lib/modules:/lib/modules:ro - /run:/run - /var/lib/iscsi:/var/lib/iscsi:z - /var/lib/libvirt:/var/lib/libvirt:shared - /sys/class/net:/sys/class/net - /sys/bus/pci:/sys/bus/pci - /boot:/boot:ro - /var/lib/nova:/var/lib/nova:shared - if: - {equals: [{get_param: MultipathdEnable}, true]} - - /etc/multipath:/etc/multipath:z - /etc/multipath.conf:/etc/multipath.conf:ro - [] environment: map_merge: - {get_attr: [RoleParametersValue, value, nova_compute_opt_env_vars]} - KOLLA_CONFIG_STRATEGY: COPY_ALWAYS - LIBGUESTFS_BACKEND: direct - if: - is_not_additional_cell - nova_wait_for_compute_service: start_order: 4 image: *nova_compute_image net: host detach: false volumes: list_concat: - {get_attr: [ContainersCommon, volumes]} - - /var/lib/config-data/nova_libvirt/etc/nova/:/etc/nova/:ro - /var/log/containers/nova:/var/log/nova - /var/lib/container-config-scripts/:/container-config-scripts/ user: nova command: "/container-config-scripts/pyshim.sh /container-config-scripts/nova_wait_for_compute_service.py" environment: __OS_DEBUG: yaql: expression: str($.data.debug) data: debug: {get_attr: [NovaBase, role_data, config_settings, 'nova::logging::debug']} - {} host_prep_tasks: list_concat: - {get_attr: [NovaLogging, host_prep_tasks]} - - name: create persistent directories file: path: "{{ item.path }}" state: directory setype: "{{ item.setype }}" with_items: - { 'path': /var/lib/nova, 'setype': container_file_t } - { 'path': /var/lib/_nova_secontext, 'setype': container_file_t} - { 'path': /var/lib/nova/instances, 'setype': container_file_t } - { 'path': /var/lib/libvirt, 'setype': container_file_t } - name: Mount Nova NFS Share vars: nfs_backend_enable: {get_attr: [RoleParametersValue, value, nfs_backend_enable]} nfs_share: {get_attr: [RoleParametersValue, value, nfs_share]} nfs_options: {get_attr: [RoleParametersValue, value, nfs_options]} nfs_vers: {get_attr: [RoleParametersValue, value, nfs_vers]} mount: name: /var/lib/nova/instances state: mounted fstype: nfs4 src: "{{nfs_share}}" opts: "_netdev,bg,{{nfs_options}},vers={{nfs_vers}},nfsvers={{nfs_vers}}" when: nfs_backend_enable|bool - name: is Nova Resume Guests State On Host Boot enabled set_fact: resume_guests_state_on_host_boot_enabled: {get_attr: [RoleParametersValue, value, resume_guests_state_on_host_boot]} - name: install libvirt-guests systemd unit file (docker) when: - resume_guests_state_on_host_boot_enabled|bool - container_cli == 'docker' block: - name: libvirt-guests unit to stop nova_compute container before shutdown VMs copy: dest: /etc/systemd/system/libvirt-guests.service content: | [Unit] Description=Suspend/Resume Running libvirt Guests After=network.target After=time-sync.target After=virt-guest-shutdown.target After=docker.service After=tripleo-container-shutdown.service After=rhel-push-plugin.service Documentation=man:libvirtd(8) Documentation=https://libvirt.org [Service] EnvironmentFile=-/var/lib/config-data/puppet-generated/nova_libvirt/etc/sysconfig/libvirt-guests # Hack just call traditional service until we factor # out the code ExecStart=/bin/{{container_cli}} exec nova_libvirt /bin/sh -x /usr/libexec/libvirt-guests.sh start ExecStop=/bin/{{container_cli}} stop nova_compute ExecStop=/bin/{{container_cli}} exec nova_libvirt /bin/sh -x /usr/libexec/libvirt-guests.sh stop Type=oneshot RemainAfterExit=yes StandardOutput=journal+console TimeoutStopSec=0 [Install] WantedBy=multi-user.target - name: Making sure virt-guest-shutdown.target is present copy: dest: /etc/systemd/system/virt-guest-shutdown.target content: | [Unit] Description=Libvirt guests shutdown Documentation=https://libvirt.org - name: libvirt-guests enable VM shutdown on compute reboot/shutdown systemd: name: libvirt-guests enabled: yes daemon_reload: yes - name: install tripleo_nova_libvirt_guests systemd unit file (podman) when: - resume_guests_state_on_host_boot_enabled|bool - container_cli == 'podman' block: - name: libvirt-guests unit to stop nova_compute container before shutdown VMs copy: dest: /etc/systemd/system/tripleo_nova_libvirt_guests.service content: | [Unit] Description=Suspend libvirt Guests in tripleo Requires=virt-guest-shutdown.target After=systemd-machined.service After=tripleo_nova_libvirt.service Before=tripleo_nova_compute.service Documentation=man:libvirtd(8) Documentation=https://libvirt.org [Service] EnvironmentFile=-/etc/sysconfig/libvirt-guests ExecStart=/bin/{{container_cli}} exec nova_libvirt /bin/rm -f /var/lib/libvirt/libvirt-guests ExecStop=/bin/{{container_cli}} exec nova_libvirt /bin/sh -x /usr/libexec/libvirt-guests.sh shutdown Type=oneshot RemainAfterExit=yes StandardOutput=journal+console TimeoutStopSec=0 [Install] WantedBy=multi-user.target - name: Making sure virt-guest-shutdown.target is present copy: dest: /etc/systemd/system/virt-guest-shutdown.target content: | [Unit] Description=Libvirt guests shutdown Documentation=https://libvirt.org - name: tripleo_nova_libvirt_guests enable VM shutdown on compute reboot/shutdown systemd: name: tripleo_nova_libvirt_guests enabled: yes daemon_reload: yes - name: ensure ceph configurations exist file: path: /etc/ceph state: directory - name: is Instance HA enabled set_fact: instance_ha_enabled: {get_param: EnableInstanceHA} - name: enable virt_sandbox_use_netlink for healthcheck seboolean: name: virt_sandbox_use_netlink persistent: yes state: yes - name: install Instance HA recovery script when: instance_ha_enabled|bool block: - name: prepare Instance HA script directory file: path: /var/lib/nova/instanceha state: directory - name: install Instance HA script that runs nova-compute copy: content: {get_file: ../../scripts/check-run-nova-compute} dest: /var/lib/nova/instanceha/check-run-nova-compute mode: 0755 - name: Get list of instance HA compute nodes command: hiera -c /etc/puppet/hiera.yaml compute_instanceha_short_node_names register: iha_nodes - name: If instance HA is enabled on the node activate the evacuation completed check file: path=/var/lib/nova/instanceha/enabled state=touch when: iha_nodes.stdout|lower is search('"'+ansible_facts['hostname']|lower+'"') - name: Is irqbalance enabled set_fact: compute_irqbalance_disabled: {get_attr: [RoleParametersValue, value, compute_disable_irqbalance]} - name: disable irqbalance service on compute when: compute_irqbalance_disabled|bool service: name: irqbalance.service state: stopped enabled: no deploy_steps_tasks: - name: validate nova-compute container state podman_container_info: name: nova_compute register: nova_compute_infos failed_when: - nova_compute_infos.containers.0.Healthcheck.Status is defined - "'healthy' not in nova_compute_infos.containers.0.Healthcheck.Status" retries: 10 delay: 30 tags: - opendev-validation - opendev-validation-nova when: - container_cli == 'podman' - not container_healthcheck_disabled - step|int == 6 #FIXME: there is no step6 - name: manage PMEM namespaces for vPMEM include_role: name: tripleo_nvdimm vars: tripleo_nvdimm_pmem_namespaces: {get_attr: [RoleParametersValue, value, nova_pmem_namespaces]} when: - step|int == 1 - tripleo_nvdimm_pmem_namespaces != '' - name: enable/disable ksm when: - step|int == 1 block: - name: is KSM enabled set_fact: compute_ksm_enabled: {get_attr: [RoleParametersValue, value, compute_enable_ksm]} - name: disable KSM on compute when: not compute_ksm_enabled|bool block: - name: Check for ksm shell: systemctl is-active ksm.service || systemctl is-enabled ksm.service become: true failed_when: false register: ksm_service_check - name: disable KSM services service: name: "{{ item }}" state: stopped enabled: no with_items: - ksm.service - ksmtuned.service when: - ksm_service_check.rc is defined - ksm_service_check.rc == 0 register: ksmdisabled # When KSM is disabled, any memory pages that were shared prior to # deactivating KSM are still shared. To delete all of the PageKSM # in the system, we use: - name: delete PageKSM after disable ksm on compute command: echo 2 >/sys/kernel/mm/ksm/run when: - ksm_service_check.rc is defined - ksm_service_check.rc == 0 - ksmdisabled is changed - name: enable KSM on compute when: compute_ksm_enabled|bool block: # mschuppert: we can remove the CentOS/RHEL split here when CentOS8/ # RHEL8 is available and we have the same package name providing the # KSM services - name: make sure package providing ksmtuned is installed (CentOS7) package: name: qemu-kvm-common-ev state: present when: - ansible_facts['distribution'] == 'CentOS' - ansible_facts['distribution_major_version'] is version('7', '==') - name: make sure package providing ksmtuned is installed (RHEL7) package: name: qemu-kvm-common-rhev state: present when: - ansible_facts['distribution'] == 'RedHat' - ansible_facts['distribution_major_version'] is version('7', '==') - name: make sure package providing ksmtuned is installed (RHEL8 or CentOS8) package: name: qemu-kvm-common state: present when: - ansible_facts['distribution_major_version'] is version('8', '==') - name: enable ksmtunded service: name: "{{ item }}" state: started enabled: yes with_items: - ksm.service - ksmtuned.service external_post_deploy_tasks: {get_attr: [NovaComputeCommon, nova_compute_common_deploy_steps_tasks]} upgrade_tasks: - name: Remove openstack-nova-compute and python-nova package during upgrade package: name: - openstack-nova-compute - python-nova state: removed failed_when: false when: step|int == 2 update_tasks: - name: Remove openstack-nova-compute and python-nova package during upgrade package: name: - openstack-nova-compute - python-nova state: removed failed_when: false when: step|int == 2 scale_tasks: - when: - step|int == 1 - container_cli == 'podman' tags: down environment: OS_USERNAME: admin OS_USER_DOMAIN_NAME: "Default" OS_PROJECT_DOMAIN_NAME: "Default" OS_PROJECT_NAME: admin OS_PASSWORD: { get_param: AdminPassword } OS_AUTH_URL: { get_param: [EndpointMap, KeystoneV3Public, uri] } OS_IDENTITY_API_VERSION: 3 OS_AUTH_TYPE: password block: # Some tasks are running from the Undercloud which has # the OpenStack clients installed. - name: Get nova-compute service ID command: openstack compute service list --service nova-compute --column ID --column Host --format yaml register: nova_compute_service_result delegate_to: localhost check_mode: no changed_when: false - name: is additional Cell? set_fact: is_additional_cell: {get_param: NovaAdditionalCell} - name: Set fact for nova_compute services set_fact: nova_compute_service: "{{ nova_compute_service_result.stdout | from_yaml | selectattr('Host', 'match', ansible_facts['fqdn'] ~ '.*') | list }}" delegate_to: localhost check_mode: no - name: Check search output fail: msg: >- Found multiple `{{ ansible_facts['fqdn'] }}`, which is unexpected. This means that the FQDN of the selected device to disable is either wrong or is sharing a name with another host, which is also wrong. Please correct this issue before continuing. Nova service list return data can be found here -> {{ nova_compute_service }}. when: - (nova_compute_service | length) > 1 - name: Disable nova services when: - (nova_compute_service | length) == 1 block: - name: Disable nova-compute service command: openstack compute service set {{ nova_compute_service[0].Host }} nova-compute --disable delegate_to: localhost check_mode: no when: - not is_additional_cell|bool - name: Stop nova-compute container service: name: tripleo_nova_compute state: stopped enabled: no become: true - name: Delete nova-compute service command: openstack compute service delete {{ nova_compute_service[0].ID }} delegate_to: localhost check_mode: no