heat_template_version: rocky description: > OpenStack Cinder Volume service configured with Puppet parameters: CinderEnableNfsBackend: default: false description: Whether to enable or not the NFS backend for Cinder type: boolean CinderEnableIscsiBackend: default: true description: Whether to enable or not the Iscsi backend for Cinder type: boolean CinderEnableRbdBackend: default: false description: Whether to enable or not the Rbd backend for Cinder type: boolean CinderISCSIAvailabilityZone: default: '' description: > The availability zone of the Iscsi Cinder backend. When set, it overrides the default CinderStorageAvailabilityZone. type: string CinderISCSIHelper: default: lioadm description: The iSCSI helper to use with cinder. type: string CinderISCSIProtocol: default: iscsi description: Whether to use TCP ('iscsi') or iSER RDMA ('iser') for iSCSI type: string CinderLVMLoopDeviceSize: default: 10280 description: The size of the loopback file used by the cinder LVM driver. type: number CinderNfsAvailabilityZone: default: '' description: > The availability zone of the NFS Cinder backend. When set, it overrides the default CinderStorageAvailabilityZone. type: string CinderNfsMountOptions: default: '' description: > Mount options for NFS mounts used by Cinder NFS backend. Effective when CinderEnableNfsBackend is true. type: string CinderNfsServers: default: '' description: > NFS servers used by Cinder NFS backend. Effective when CinderEnableNfsBackend is true. type: comma_delimited_list CinderNfsSnapshotSupport: default: true description: > Whether to enable support for snapshots in the NFS driver. Effective when CinderEnableNfsBackend is true. type: boolean CinderNasSecureFileOperations: default: false description: > Controls whether security enhanced NFS file operations are enabled. Valid values are 'auto', 'true' or 'false'. Effective when CinderEnableNfsBackend is true. type: string CinderNasSecureFilePermissions: default: false description: > Controls whether security enhanced NFS file permissions are enabled. Valid values are 'auto', 'true' or 'false'. Effective when CinderEnableNfsBackend is true. type: string CinderRbdAvailabilityZone: default: '' description: > The availability zone of the RBD Cinder backend. When set, it overrides the default CinderStorageAvailabilityZone. type: string CinderRbdPoolName: default: volumes type: string CinderRbdExtraPools: default: [] description: > List of extra Ceph pools for use with RBD backends for Cinder. An extra Cinder RBD backend driver is created for each pool in the list. This is in addition to the standard RBD backend driver associated with the CinderRbdPoolName. type: comma_delimited_list CephClusterFSID: type: string description: The Ceph cluster FSID. Must be a UUID. CephClusterName: type: string default: ceph description: The Ceph cluster name. constraints: - allowed_pattern: "[a-zA-Z0-9]+" description: > The Ceph cluster name must be at least 1 character and contain only letters and numbers. CephClientUserName: default: openstack type: string ServiceData: default: {} description: Dictionary packing service data type: json ServiceNetMap: default: {} description: Mapping of service_name -> network name. Typically set via parameter_defaults in the resource registry. This mapping overrides those in ServiceNetMapDefaults. type: json DefaultPasswords: default: {} type: json RoleName: default: '' description: Role name on which the service is applied type: string RoleParameters: default: {} description: Parameters specific to the role type: json EndpointMap: default: {} description: Mapping of service endpoint -> protocol. Typically set via parameter_defaults in the resource registry. type: json MonitoringSubscriptionCinderVolume: default: 'overcloud-cinder-volume' type: string CinderVolumeLoggingSource: type: json default: tag: openstack.cinder.volume path: /var/log/cinder/cinder-volume.log resources: CinderBase: type: ./cinder-base.yaml properties: ServiceData: {get_param: ServiceData} ServiceNetMap: {get_param: ServiceNetMap} DefaultPasswords: {get_param: DefaultPasswords} EndpointMap: {get_param: EndpointMap} RoleName: {get_param: RoleName} RoleParameters: {get_param: RoleParameters} outputs: role_data: description: Role data for the Cinder Volume role. value: service_name: cinder_volume monitoring_subscription: {get_param: MonitoringSubscriptionCinderVolume} config_settings: map_merge: - get_attr: [CinderBase, role_data, config_settings] - tripleo::profile::base::cinder::volume::cinder_enable_iscsi_backend: {get_param: CinderEnableIscsiBackend} tripleo::profile::base::cinder::volume::cinder_enable_nfs_backend: {get_param: CinderEnableNfsBackend} tripleo::profile::base::cinder::volume::cinder_enable_rbd_backend: {get_param: CinderEnableRbdBackend} tripleo::profile::base::cinder::volume::nfs::cinder_nfs_mount_options: {get_param: CinderNfsMountOptions} tripleo::profile::base::cinder::volume::nfs::cinder_nfs_servers: {get_param: CinderNfsServers} tripleo::profile::base::cinder::volume::nfs::cinder_nfs_snapshot_support: {get_param: CinderNfsSnapshotSupport} tripleo::profile::base::cinder::volume::nfs::cinder_nas_secure_file_operations: {get_param: CinderNasSecureFileOperations} tripleo::profile::base::cinder::volume::nfs::cinder_nas_secure_file_permissions: {get_param: CinderNasSecureFilePermissions} tripleo::profile::base::cinder::volume::iscsi::cinder_lvm_loop_device_size: {get_param: CinderLVMLoopDeviceSize} tripleo::profile::base::cinder::volume::iscsi::cinder_iscsi_helper: {get_param: CinderISCSIHelper} tripleo::profile::base::cinder::volume::iscsi::cinder_iscsi_protocol: {get_param: CinderISCSIProtocol} tripleo::profile::base::cinder::volume::rbd::cinder_rbd_ceph_conf: list_join: - '' - - '/etc/ceph/' - {get_param: CephClusterName} - '.conf' tripleo::profile::base::cinder::volume::rbd::cinder_rbd_pool_name: {get_param: CinderRbdPoolName} tripleo::profile::base::cinder::volume::rbd::cinder_rbd_extra_pools: {get_param: CinderRbdExtraPools} tripleo::profile::base::cinder::volume::rbd::cinder_rbd_secret_uuid: {get_param: CephClusterFSID} tripleo::profile::base::cinder::volume::rbd::cinder_rbd_user_name: {get_param: CephClientUserName} tripleo::cinder_volume::firewall_rules: '120 iscsi initiator': dport: 3260 # NOTE: bind IP is found in hiera replacing the network name with the local node IP # for the given network; replacement examples (eg. for internal_api): # internal_api -> IP # internal_api_uri -> [IP] # internal_api_subnet - > IP/CIDR tripleo::profile::base::cinder::volume::iscsi::cinder_iscsi_address: str_replace: template: "%{hiera('$NETWORK')}" params: $NETWORK: {get_param: [ServiceNetMap, CinderIscsiNetwork]} - if: - {equals : [{get_param: CinderISCSIAvailabilityZone}, '']} - {} - tripleo::profile::base::cinder::volume::iscsi::backend_availability_zone: {get_param: CinderISCSIAvailabilityZone} - if: - {equals : [{get_param: CinderNfsAvailabilityZone}, '']} - {} - tripleo::profile::base::cinder::volume::nfs::backend_availability_zone: {get_param: CinderNfsAvailabilityZone} - if: - {equals : [{get_param: CinderRbdAvailabilityZone}, '']} - {} - tripleo::profile::base::cinder::volume::rbd::backend_availability_zone: {get_param: CinderRbdAvailabilityZone} service_config_settings: fluentd: tripleo_fluentd_groups_cinder_volume: - cinder tripleo_fluentd_sources_cinder_volume: - {get_param: CinderVolumeLoggingSource} step_config: | include ::tripleo::profile::base::cinder::volume upgrade_tasks: []